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2024-06-05 10:19:09 +02:00
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Basic
2024-06-06 14:45:29 +02:00
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.TaylorSeries
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.LineDeriv.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff.Defs
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Symmetric
import Mathlib.Analysis.RCLike.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Complex.LogDeriv
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Module
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Order
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Exponential
import Mathlib.Data.Fin.Tuple.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.InfiniteSum.Module
import Mathlib.Topology.Defs.Filter
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.RealVectorSpace
import Nevanlinna.cauchyRiemann
import Nevanlinna.laplace
import Nevanlinna.complexHarmonic
2024-06-05 10:19:09 +02:00
variable {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace E]
2024-06-06 14:45:29 +02:00
variable {F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace F] [CompleteSpace F]
2024-06-10 10:58:57 +02:00
variable {G : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup G] [NormedSpace G] [CompleteSpace G]
2024-06-05 10:19:09 +02:00
def HolomorphicAt (f : E → F) (x : E) : Prop :=
∃ s ∈ nhds x, ∀ z ∈ s, DifferentiableAt f z
theorem HolomorphicAt_iff
{f : E → F}
{x : E} :
HolomorphicAt f x ↔ ∃ s : Set E, IsOpen s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ (∀ z ∈ s, DifferentiableAt f z) := by
· intro hf
obtain ⟨t, h₁t, h₂t⟩ := hf
obtain ⟨s, h₁s, h₂s, h₃s⟩ := mem_nhds_iff.1 h₁t
use s
· assumption
· constructor
· assumption
· intro z hz
exact h₂t z (h₁s hz)
· intro hyp
obtain ⟨s, h₁s, h₂s, hf⟩ := hyp
use s
· apply (IsOpen.mem_nhds_iff h₁s).2 h₂s
· assumption
2024-06-06 14:45:29 +02:00
theorem HolomorphicAt_differentiableAt
{f : E → F}
{x : E} :
HolomorphicAt f x → DifferentiableAt f x := by
intro hf
obtain ⟨s, _, h₂s, h₃s⟩ := HolomorphicAt_iff.1 hf
exact h₃s x h₂s
theorem HolomorphicAt_isOpen
(f : E → F) :
2024-06-06 09:52:42 +02:00
IsOpen { x : E | HolomorphicAt f x } := by
2024-06-10 10:58:57 +02:00
2024-06-06 09:52:42 +02:00
rw [← subset_interior_iff_isOpen]
intro x hx
simp at hx
obtain ⟨s, h₁s, h₂s, h₃s⟩ := HolomorphicAt_iff.1 hx
use s
· simp
· exact h₁s
· intro x hx
use s
· exact IsOpen.mem_nhds h₁s hx
· exact h₃s
· exact h₂s
2024-06-06 14:45:29 +02:00
2024-06-10 10:58:57 +02:00
theorem HolomorphicAt_comp
{g : E → F}
{f : F → G}
{z : E}
(hf : HolomorphicAt f (g z))
(hg : HolomorphicAt g z) :
HolomorphicAt (f ∘ g) z := by
obtain ⟨UE, h₁UE, h₂UE⟩ := hg
obtain ⟨UF, h₁UF, h₂UF⟩ := hf
use UE ∩ g⁻¹' UF
· simp
· assumption
· apply ContinuousAt.preimage_mem_nhds
apply (h₂UE z (mem_of_mem_nhds h₁UE)).continuousAt
· intro x hx
apply DifferentiableAt.comp
apply h₂UF
exact hx.2
apply h₂UE
exact hx.1
2024-06-06 14:45:29 +02:00
theorem HolomorphicAt_contDiffAt
{f : → F}
{z : }
(hf : HolomorphicAt f z) :
ContDiffAt 2 f z := by
let t := {x | HolomorphicAt f x}
have ht : IsOpen t := HolomorphicAt_isOpen f
have hz : z ∈ t := by exact hf
-- ContDiffAt 2 f z
apply ContDiffOn.contDiffAt _ ((IsOpen.mem_nhds_iff ht).2 hz)
suffices h : ContDiffOn 2 f t from by
apply ContDiffOn.restrict_scalars h
apply DifferentiableOn.contDiffOn _ ht
intro w hw
apply DifferentiableAt.differentiableWithinAt
exact HolomorphicAt_differentiableAt hw
2024-06-05 12:03:05 +02:00
theorem CauchyRiemann'₅
2024-06-05 10:19:09 +02:00
{f : → F}
2024-06-05 12:03:05 +02:00
{z : }
(h : DifferentiableAt f z) :
partialDeriv Complex.I f z = Complex.I • partialDeriv 1 f z := by
2024-06-05 10:19:09 +02:00
unfold partialDeriv
conv =>
rw [DifferentiableAt.fderiv_restrictScalars h]
rw [← mul_one Complex.I]
rw [← smul_eq_mul]
rw [ContinuousLinearMap.map_smul_of_tower (fderiv f z) Complex.I 1]
conv =>
rw [DifferentiableAt.fderiv_restrictScalars h]
2024-06-05 12:03:05 +02:00
theorem CauchyRiemann'₆
{f : → F}
{z : }
(h : HolomorphicAt f z) :
partialDeriv Complex.I f =ᶠ[nhds z] Complex.I • partialDeriv 1 f := by
2024-06-05 10:19:09 +02:00
2024-06-05 12:03:05 +02:00
obtain ⟨s, h₁s, hz, h₂f⟩ := HolomorphicAt_iff.1 h
2024-06-05 10:19:09 +02:00
2024-06-05 12:03:05 +02:00
apply Filter.eventuallyEq_iff_exists_mem.2
use s
· exact IsOpen.mem_nhds h₁s hz
· intro w hw
apply CauchyRiemann'₅
exact h₂f w hw