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import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.CauchyIntegral
import Nevanlinna.holomorphic_examples
theorem harmonic_meanValue
{f : }
(hf : ∀ z, HarmonicAt f z)
(R : )
(hR : R > 0) :
(∫ (x : ) in (0)..2 * Real.pi, f (circleMap 0 R x)) = 2 * Real.pi * f 0
:= by
obtain ⟨F, h₁F, h₂F⟩ := harmonic_is_realOfHolomorphic hf
have regF : Differentiable F := fun z ↦ HolomorphicAt.differentiableAt (h₁F z)
have : (∮ (z : ) in C(0, R), z⁻¹ • F z) = (2 * ↑Real.pi * Complex.I) • F 0 := by
let s : Set := ∅
let hs : s.Countable := Set.countable_empty
let _ : := 0
let hw : (0 : ) ∈ Metric.ball 0 R := Metric.mem_ball_self hR
let hc : ContinuousOn F (Metric.closedBall 0 R) := by
apply Continuous.continuousOn
exact regF.continuous
let hd : ∀ x ∈ Metric.ball 0 R \ s, DifferentiableAt F x := by
intro x _
exact regF x
let CIF := Complex.circleIntegral_sub_inv_smul_of_differentiable_on_off_countable hs hw hc hd
simp at CIF
unfold circleIntegral at this
simp_rw [deriv_circleMap] at this
have t₁ {θ : } : (circleMap 0 R θ * Complex.I) • (circleMap 0 R θ)⁻¹ • F (circleMap 0 R θ) = Complex.I • F (circleMap 0 R θ) := by
rw [← smul_assoc]
congr 1
nth_rw 1 [mul_comm]
rw [← mul_assoc]
apply inv_mul_cancel
apply circleMap_ne_center
exact Ne.symm (ne_of_lt hR)
simp_rw [t₁] at this
simp at this
have t₂ : Complex.reCLM (-Complex.I * (Complex.I * ∫ (x : ) in (0)..2 * Real.pi, F (circleMap 0 R x))) = Complex.reCLM (-Complex.I * (2 * ↑Real.pi * Complex.I * F 0)) := by
rw [this]
simp at t₂
have xx {z : } : (F z).re = f z := by
rw [← h₂F]
simp_rw [xx] at t₂
have x₁ {z : } : = Complex.reCLM z := by rfl
rw [x₁] at t₂
rw [← ContinuousLinearMap.intervalIntegral_comp_comm] at t₂
simp at t₂
simp_rw [xx] at t₂
exact t₂
-- IntervalIntegrable (fun x => F (circleMap 0 1 x)) MeasureTheory.volume 0 (2 * Real.pi)
apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
apply Continuous.comp
exact regF.continuous
exact continuous_circleMap 0 R