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import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Symmetric
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Defs.Filter
variable {𝕜 : Type*} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜]
variable {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E]
variable {F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F]
variable {G : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup G] [NormedSpace 𝕜 G]
variable (𝕜)
noncomputable def partialDeriv : E → (E → F) → (E → F) :=
fun v ↦ (fun f ↦ (fun w ↦ fderiv 𝕜 f w v))
theorem partialDeriv_eventuallyEq'
{f₁ f₂ : E → F}
{x : E}
(h : f₁ =ᶠ[nhds x] f₂) :
∀ v : E, partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₁ =ᶠ[nhds x] partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₂ := by
unfold partialDeriv
intro v
apply Filter.EventuallyEq.comp₂
exact Filter.EventuallyEq.fderiv h
theorem partialDeriv_eventuallyEq
{f₁ f₂ : E → F}
{x : E}
(h : f₁ =ᶠ[nhds x] f₂) :
∀ v : E, partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₁ x = partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₂ x := by
unfold partialDeriv
rw [Filter.EventuallyEq.fderiv_eq h]
exact fun v => rfl
theorem partialDeriv_smul₁
{f : E → F}
{a : 𝕜}
{v : E} :
partialDeriv 𝕜 (a • v) f = a • partialDeriv 𝕜 v f := by
unfold partialDeriv
conv =>
intro w
rw [map_smul]
funext w
theorem partialDeriv_add₁ {f : E → F} {v₁ v₂ : E} : partialDeriv 𝕜 (v₁ + v₂) f = (partialDeriv 𝕜 v₁ f) + (partialDeriv 𝕜 v₂ f) := by
unfold partialDeriv
conv =>
intro w
rw [map_add]
funext w
theorem partialDeriv_smul₂ {f : E → F} {a : 𝕜} {v : E} : partialDeriv 𝕜 v (a • f) = a • partialDeriv 𝕜 v f := by
unfold partialDeriv
funext w
have : a • f = fun y ↦ a • f y := by rfl
rw [this]
by_cases ha : a = 0
· rw [ha]
· by_cases hf : DifferentiableAt 𝕜 f w
· rw [fderiv_const_smul hf]
· have : ¬DifferentiableAt 𝕜 (fun y => a • f y) w := by
by_contra contra
let ZZ := DifferentiableAt.const_smul contra a⁻¹
have : (fun y => a⁻¹ • a • f y) = f := by
funext i
rw [← smul_assoc, smul_eq_mul, mul_comm, mul_inv_cancel₀ ha]
rw [this] at ZZ
exact hf ZZ
rw [fderiv_zero_of_not_differentiableAt hf]
rw [fderiv_zero_of_not_differentiableAt this]
theorem partialDeriv_add₂ {f₁ f₂ : E → F} (h₁ : Differentiable 𝕜 f₁) (h₂ : Differentiable 𝕜 f₂) : ∀ v : E, partialDeriv 𝕜 v (f₁ + f₂) = (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₁) + (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₂) := by
unfold partialDeriv
intro v
have : f₁ + f₂ = fun y ↦ f₁ y + f₂ y := by rfl
rw [this]
conv =>
intro w
rw [fderiv_add (h₁ w) (h₂ w)]
funext w
theorem partialDeriv_add₂_differentiableAt
{f₁ f₂ : E → F}
{v : E}
{x : E}
(h₁ : DifferentiableAt 𝕜 f₁ x)
(h₂ : DifferentiableAt 𝕜 f₂ x) :
partialDeriv 𝕜 v (f₁ + f₂) x = (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₁) x + (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₂) x := by
unfold partialDeriv
have : f₁ + f₂ = fun y ↦ f₁ y + f₂ y := by rfl
rw [this]
rw [fderiv_add h₁ h₂]
theorem partialDeriv_add₂_contDiffAt
{f₁ f₂ : E → F}
{v : E}
{x : E}
(h₁ : ContDiffAt 𝕜 1 f₁ x)
(h₂ : ContDiffAt 𝕜 1 f₂ x) :
partialDeriv 𝕜 v (f₁ + f₂) =ᶠ[nhds x] (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₁) + (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₂) := by
obtain ⟨f₁', u₁, hu₁, _, hf₁'⟩ := contDiffAt_one_iff.1 h₁
obtain ⟨f₂', u₂, hu₂, _, hf₂'⟩ := contDiffAt_one_iff.1 h₂
apply Filter.eventuallyEq_iff_exists_mem.2
use u₁ ∩ u₂
· exact Filter.inter_mem hu₁ hu₂
· intro x hx
apply partialDeriv_add₂_differentiableAt 𝕜
exact (hf₁' x (Set.mem_of_mem_inter_left hx)).differentiableAt
exact (hf₂' x (Set.mem_of_mem_inter_right hx)).differentiableAt
theorem partialDeriv_sub₂ {f₁ f₂ : E → F} (h₁ : Differentiable 𝕜 f₁) (h₂ : Differentiable 𝕜 f₂) : ∀ v : E, partialDeriv 𝕜 v (f₁ - f₂) = (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₁) - (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₂) := by
unfold partialDeriv
intro v
have : f₁ - f₂ = fun y ↦ f₁ y - f₂ y := by rfl
rw [this]
conv =>
intro w
rw [fderiv_sub (h₁ w) (h₂ w)]
funext w
theorem partialDeriv_sub₂_differentiableAt
{f₁ f₂ : E → F}
{v : E}
{x : E}
(h₁ : DifferentiableAt 𝕜 f₁ x)
(h₂ : DifferentiableAt 𝕜 f₂ x) :
partialDeriv 𝕜 v (f₁ - f₂) x = (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₁) x - (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₂) x := by
unfold partialDeriv
have : f₁ - f₂ = fun y ↦ f₁ y - f₂ y := by rfl
rw [this]
rw [fderiv_sub h₁ h₂]
theorem partialDeriv_sub₂_contDiffAt
{f₁ f₂ : E → F}
{v : E}
{x : E}
(h₁ : ContDiffAt 𝕜 1 f₁ x)
(h₂ : ContDiffAt 𝕜 1 f₂ x) :
partialDeriv 𝕜 v (f₁ - f₂) =ᶠ[nhds x] (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₁) - (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₂) := by
obtain ⟨f₁', u₁, hu₁, _, hf₁'⟩ := contDiffAt_one_iff.1 h₁
obtain ⟨f₂', u₂, hu₂, _, hf₂'⟩ := contDiffAt_one_iff.1 h₂
apply Filter.eventuallyEq_iff_exists_mem.2
use u₁ ∩ u₂
· exact Filter.inter_mem hu₁ hu₂
· intro x hx
apply partialDeriv_sub₂_differentiableAt 𝕜
exact (hf₁' x (Set.mem_of_mem_inter_left hx)).differentiableAt
exact (hf₂' x (Set.mem_of_mem_inter_right hx)).differentiableAt
theorem partialDeriv_compContLin
{f : E → F}
{l : F →L[𝕜] G}
{v : E}
(h : Differentiable 𝕜 f) :
partialDeriv 𝕜 v (l ∘ f) = l ∘ partialDeriv 𝕜 v f := by
unfold partialDeriv
conv =>
intro w
rw [fderiv_comp w (ContinuousLinearMap.differentiableAt l) (h w)]
theorem partialDeriv_compContLinAt {f : E → F} {l : F →L[𝕜] G} {v : E} {x : E} (h : DifferentiableAt 𝕜 f x) : (partialDeriv 𝕜 v (l ∘ f)) x = (l ∘ partialDeriv 𝕜 v f) x:= by
unfold partialDeriv
rw [fderiv_comp x (ContinuousLinearMap.differentiableAt l) h]
theorem partialDeriv_compCLE {f : E → F} {l : F ≃L[𝕜] G} {v : E} : partialDeriv 𝕜 v (l ∘ f) = l ∘ partialDeriv 𝕜 v f := by
funext x
by_cases hyp : DifferentiableAt 𝕜 f x
· let lCLM : F →L[𝕜] G := l
suffices shyp : partialDeriv 𝕜 v (lCLM ∘ f) x = (lCLM ∘ partialDeriv 𝕜 v f) x from by tauto
apply partialDeriv_compContLinAt
exact hyp
· unfold partialDeriv
rw [fderiv_zero_of_not_differentiableAt]
rw [fderiv_zero_of_not_differentiableAt]
exact hyp
rw [ContinuousLinearEquiv.comp_differentiableAt_iff]
exact hyp
theorem partialDeriv_contDiff {n : } {f : E → F} (h : ContDiff 𝕜 (n + 1) f) : ∀ v : E, ContDiff 𝕜 n (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f) := by
unfold partialDeriv
intro v
let A := (contDiff_succ_iff_fderiv.1 h).right
simp at A
have : (fun w => (fderiv 𝕜 f w) v) = (fun f => f v) ∘ (fun w => (fderiv 𝕜 f w)) := by
rw [this]
refine ContDiff.comp ?hg A
refine ContDiff.of_succ ?hg.h
refine ContDiff.clm_apply ?hg.h.hf ?hg.h.hg
exact contDiff_id
exact contDiff_const
theorem partialDeriv_contDiffAt
{n : }
{f : E → F}
{x : E}
(h : ContDiffAt 𝕜 (n + 1) f x) :
∀ v : E, ContDiffAt 𝕜 n (partialDeriv 𝕜 v f) x := by
unfold partialDeriv
intro v
let eval_at_v : (E →L[𝕜] F) →L[𝕜] F :=
toFun := fun l ↦ l v
map_add' := by simp
map_smul' := by simp
have : (fun w => (fderiv 𝕜 f w) v) = eval_at_v ∘ (fun w => (fderiv 𝕜 f w)) := by
rw [this]
apply ContDiffAt.continuousLinearMap_comp
-- ContDiffAt 𝕜 (↑n) (fun w => fderiv 𝕜 f w) x
apply ContDiffAt.fderiv_right h
lemma partialDeriv_fderiv {f : E → F} (hf : ContDiff 𝕜 2 f) (z a b : E) :
fderiv 𝕜 (fderiv 𝕜 f) z b a = partialDeriv 𝕜 b (partialDeriv 𝕜 a f) z := by
unfold partialDeriv
rw [fderiv_clm_apply]
· simp
· exact (contDiff_succ_iff_fderiv.1 hf).2.differentiable le_rfl z
· simp
lemma partialDeriv_fderivOn
{s : Set E}
{f : E → F}
(hs : IsOpen s)
(hf : ContDiffOn 𝕜 2 f s) (a b : E) :
∀ z ∈ s, fderiv 𝕜 (fderiv 𝕜 f) z b a = partialDeriv 𝕜 b (partialDeriv 𝕜 a f) z := by
intro z hz
unfold partialDeriv
rw [fderiv_clm_apply]
· simp
· convert DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt _ (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hz)
apply ContDiffOn.differentiableOn _ (Preorder.le_refl 1)
exact ((contDiffOn_succ_iff_fderiv_of_isOpen hs).1 hf).2
· simp
lemma partialDeriv_fderivAt
{z : E}
{f : E → F}
(hf : ContDiffAt 𝕜 2 f z)
(a b : E) :
fderiv 𝕜 (fderiv 𝕜 f) z b a = partialDeriv 𝕜 b (partialDeriv 𝕜 a f) z := by
unfold partialDeriv
rw [fderiv_clm_apply]
-- DifferentiableAt 𝕜 (fun w => fderiv 𝕜 f w) z
obtain ⟨f', ⟨u, h₁u, h₂u⟩, hf' ⟩ := contDiffAt_succ_iff_hasFDerivAt.1 hf
have t₁ : (fun w ↦ fderiv 𝕜 f w) =ᶠ[nhds z] f' := by
apply Filter.eventuallyEq_iff_exists_mem.2
use u
· exact h₁u
· intro x hx
exact HasFDerivAt.fderiv (h₂u x hx)
rw [Filter.EventuallyEq.differentiableAt_iff t₁]
exact hf'.differentiableAt le_rfl
-- DifferentiableAt 𝕜 (fun w => a) z
exact differentiableAt_const a
section restrictScalars
theorem partialDeriv_smul'₂
(𝕜 : Type*) [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜]
{𝕜' : Type*} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜'] [NormedAlgebra 𝕜 𝕜']
{E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E]
{F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F] [NormedSpace 𝕜' F]
[IsScalarTower 𝕜 𝕜' F]
{f : E → F} {a : 𝕜'} {v : E} :
partialDeriv 𝕜 v (a • f) = a • partialDeriv 𝕜 v f := by
funext w
by_cases ha : a = 0
· unfold partialDeriv
have : a • f = fun y ↦ a • f y := by rfl
rw [this, ha]
· -- Now a is not zero. We present scalar multiplication with a as a continuous linear equivalence.
let smulCLM : F ≃L[𝕜] F :=
toFun := fun x ↦ a • x
map_add' := fun x y => DistribSMul.smul_add a x y
map_smul' := fun m x => (smul_comm (( 𝕜) m) a x).symm
invFun := fun x ↦ a⁻¹ • x
left_inv := by
intro x
rw [← smul_assoc, smul_eq_mul, mul_comm, mul_inv_cancel₀ ha, one_smul]
right_inv := by
intro x
rw [← smul_assoc, smul_eq_mul, mul_inv_cancel₀ ha, one_smul]
continuous_toFun := continuous_const_smul a
continuous_invFun := continuous_const_smul a⁻¹
have : a • f = smulCLM ∘ f := by tauto
rw [this]
rw [partialDeriv_compCLE]
theorem partialDeriv_restrictScalars
(𝕜 : Type*) [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜]
{𝕜' : Type*} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜'] [NormedAlgebra 𝕜 𝕜']
{E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E] [NormedSpace 𝕜' E]
[IsScalarTower 𝕜 𝕜' E]
{F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F] [NormedSpace 𝕜' F]
[IsScalarTower 𝕜 𝕜' F]
{f : E → F} {v : E} :
Differentiable 𝕜' f → partialDeriv 𝕜 v f = partialDeriv 𝕜' v f := by
intro hf
unfold partialDeriv
funext x
rw [(hf x).fderiv_restrictScalars 𝕜]
theorem partialDeriv_comm
{E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace E]
{F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace F]
{f : E → F} (h : ContDiff 2 f) :
∀ v₁ v₂ : E, partialDeriv v₁ (partialDeriv v₂ f) = partialDeriv v₂ (partialDeriv v₁ f) := by
intro v₁ v₂
funext z
have derivSymm :
(fderiv (fun w => fderiv f w) z) v₁ v₂ = (fderiv (fun w => fderiv f w) z) v₂ v₁ := by
let f' := fderiv f
have h₀ : ∀ y, HasFDerivAt f (f' y) y := by
intro y
exact DifferentiableAt.hasFDerivAt ((h.differentiable one_le_two) y)
let f'' := (fderiv f' z)
have h₁ : HasFDerivAt f' f'' z := by
apply DifferentiableAt.hasFDerivAt
apply (contDiff_succ_iff_fderiv.1 h).right.differentiable (Preorder.le_refl 1)
apply second_derivative_symmetric h₀ h₁ v₁ v₂
rw [← partialDeriv_fderiv h z v₂ v₁]
rw [derivSymm]
rw [partialDeriv_fderiv h z v₁ v₂]
theorem partialDeriv_commOn
{E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace E]
{F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace F]
{s : Set E}
{f : E → F}
(hs : IsOpen s)
(h : ContDiffOn 2 f s) :
∀ v₁ v₂ : E, ∀ z ∈ s, partialDeriv v₁ (partialDeriv v₂ f) z = partialDeriv v₂ (partialDeriv v₁ f) z := by
intro v₁ v₂ z hz
have derivSymm :
(fderiv (fun w => fderiv f w) z) v₁ v₂ = (fderiv (fun w => fderiv f w) z) v₂ v₁ := by
let f' := fderiv f
have h₀1 : ∀ y ∈ s, HasFDerivAt f (f' y) y := by
intro y hy
apply DifferentiableAt.hasFDerivAt
apply DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt _ (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hy)
apply h.differentiableOn one_le_two
let f'' := (fderiv f' z)
have h₁ : HasFDerivAt f' f'' z := by
apply DifferentiableAt.hasFDerivAt
apply DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt _ (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hz)
apply ContDiffOn.differentiableOn _ (Preorder.le_refl 1)
exact ((contDiffOn_succ_iff_fderiv_of_isOpen hs).1 h).2
have h₀' : ∀ᶠ (y : E) in nhds z, HasFDerivAt f (f' y) y := by
apply eventually_nhds_iff.mpr
use s
exact second_derivative_symmetric_of_eventually h₀' h₁ v₁ v₂
rw [← partialDeriv_fderivOn hs h v₂ v₁ z hz]
rw [derivSymm]
rw [← partialDeriv_fderivOn hs h v₁ v₂ z hz]
theorem partialDeriv_commAt
{E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace E]
{F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace F]
{z : E}
{f : E → F}
(h : ContDiffAt 2 f z) :
∀ v₁ v₂ : E, partialDeriv v₁ (partialDeriv v₂ f) z = partialDeriv v₂ (partialDeriv v₁ f) z := by
obtain ⟨u, hu₁, hu₂⟩ := h.contDiffOn le_rfl
obtain ⟨v, hv₁, hv₂, hv₃⟩ := mem_nhds_iff.1 hu₁
intro v₁ v₂
exact partialDeriv_commOn hv₂ (hu₂.mono hv₁) v₁ v₂ z hv₃