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import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.CircleIntegral
import Nevanlinna.divisor
import Nevanlinna.meromorphicOn_divisor
import Nevanlinna.meromorphicOn_integrability
import Nevanlinna.stronglyMeromorphicOn
import Nevanlinna.stronglyMeromorphic_JensenFormula
open Real
-- Lang p. 164
theorem MeromorphicOn.restrict
{f : }
(h₁f : MeromorphicOn f )
(r : ) :
MeromorphicOn f (Metric.closedBall 0 r) := by
exact fun x a => h₁f x trivial
theorem MeromorphicOn.restrict_inv
{f : }
(h₁f : MeromorphicOn f )
(r : ) :
h₁f.inv.restrict r = (h₁f.restrict r).inv := by
funext x
noncomputable def MeromorphicOn.N_zero
{f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f ) :
fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z, (max 0 ((hf.restrict |r|).divisor z)) * log (r * ‖z‖⁻¹)
noncomputable def MeromorphicOn.N_infty
{f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f ) :
fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z, (max 0 (-((hf.restrict |r|).divisor z))) * log (r * ‖z‖⁻¹)
theorem Nevanlinna_counting₁₁
{f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f )
(a : ) :
(hf.add (MeromorphicOn.const a)).N_infty = hf.N_infty := by
funext r
unfold MeromorphicOn.N_infty
let A := (hf.restrict |r|).divisor.finiteSupport (isCompact_closedBall 0 |r|)
rw [finsum_eq_sum_of_support_subset (s := A.toFinset)]
apply Finset.sum_congr rfl
intro x hx; simp at hx
congr 2
by_cases h : 0 ≤ (hf.restrict |r|).divisor x
· simp [h]
let A := (hf.restrict |r|).divisor_add_const₁ a h
exact A
· simp at h
have h' : 0 ≤ -((hf.restrict |r|).divisor x) := by
apply Int.le_neg_of_le_neg
exact Int.le_of_lt h
simp [h']
clear h'
have A := (hf.restrict |r|).divisor_add_const₂ a h
have A' : 0 ≤ -((MeromorphicOn.add (MeromorphicOn.restrict hf |r|) (MeromorphicOn.const a)).divisor x) := by
apply Int.le_neg_of_le_neg
exact Int.le_of_lt A
simp [A']
clear A A'
exact (hf.restrict |r|).divisor_add_const₃ a h
intro x
intro hx
rw [hx]
intro x
intro hx
have : 0 ≤ (hf.restrict |r|).divisor x := by
rw [hx]
have G := (hf.restrict |r|).divisor_add_const₁ a this
clear this
simp [G]
theorem Nevanlinna_counting'₁₁
{f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f )
(a : ) :
(hf.sub (MeromorphicOn.const a)).N_infty = hf.N_infty := by
have : (f - fun x => a) = (f + fun x => -a) := by
funext x
simp; ring
have : (hf.sub (MeromorphicOn.const a)).N_infty = (hf.add (MeromorphicOn.const (-a))).N_infty := by
rw [this]
exact Nevanlinna_counting₁₁ hf (-a)
theorem Nevanlinna_counting₀
{f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f ) :
hf.inv.N_infty = hf.N_zero := by
funext r
unfold MeromorphicOn.N_zero MeromorphicOn.N_infty
let A := (hf.restrict |r|).divisor.finiteSupport (isCompact_closedBall 0 |r|)
rw [finsum_eq_sum_of_support_subset (s := A.toFinset)]
apply Finset.sum_congr rfl
intro x hx
let B := hf.restrict_inv |r|
rw [MeromorphicOn.divisor_inv]
exact fun x a => hf x trivial
intro x
intro hx
rw [hx]
intro x
intro hx h₁x
rw [MeromorphicOn.divisor_inv (hf.restrict |r|)] at h₁x
simp at h₁x
rw [hx] at h₁x
theorem Nevanlinna_counting
{f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f ) :
hf.N_zero - hf.N_infty = fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z, ((hf.restrict |r|).divisor z) * log (r * ‖z‖⁻¹) := by
funext r
simp only [Pi.sub_apply]
unfold MeromorphicOn.N_zero MeromorphicOn.N_infty
let A := (hf.restrict |r|).divisor.finiteSupport (isCompact_closedBall 0 |r|)
rw [finsum_eq_sum_of_support_subset (s := A.toFinset)]
rw [← Finset.sum_sub_distrib]
simp_rw [← sub_mul]
funext x
by_cases h : 0 ≤ (hf.restrict |r|).divisor x
· simp [h]
· have h' : 0 ≤ -((hf.restrict |r|).divisor x) := by
simp at h
apply Int.le_neg_of_le_neg
exact Int.le_of_lt h
simp at h
simp [h']
intro x
intro hx
rw [hx]
noncomputable def MeromorphicOn.m_infty
{f : }
(_ : MeromorphicOn f ) :
fun r ↦ (2 * π)⁻¹ * ∫ x in (0)..(2 * π), logpos ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖
theorem Nevanlinna_proximity
{f : }
{r : }
(h₁f : MeromorphicOn f ) :
(2 * π)⁻¹ * ∫ x in (0)..(2 * π), log ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ = (h₁f.m_infty r) - (h₁f.inv.m_infty r) := by
unfold MeromorphicOn.m_infty
rw [← mul_sub]; congr
rw [← intervalIntegral.integral_sub]; congr
funext x
simp_rw [loglogpos]; congr
exact Eq.symm (IsAbsoluteValue.abv_inv Norm.norm (f (circleMap 0 r x)))
apply MeromorphicOn.integrable_logpos_abs_f
intro z hx
exact h₁f z trivial
apply MeromorphicOn.integrable_logpos_abs_f
exact MeromorphicOn.inv_iff.mpr fun x a => h₁f x trivial
noncomputable def MeromorphicOn.T_infty
{f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f ) :
hf.m_infty + hf.N_infty
theorem Nevanlinna_firstMain₁
{f : }
(h₁f : MeromorphicOn f )
(h₂f : StronglyMeromorphicAt f 0)
(h₃f : f 0 ≠ 0) :
(fun _ ↦ log ‖f 0‖) + h₁f.inv.T_infty = h₁f.T_infty := by
rw [add_eq_of_eq_sub]
unfold MeromorphicOn.T_infty
have {A B C D : } : A + B - (C + D) = A - C - (D - B) := by
rw [this]
clear this
rw [Nevanlinna_counting₀ h₁f]
rw [Nevanlinna_counting h₁f]
funext r
rw [← Nevanlinna_proximity h₁f]
by_cases h₁r : r = 0
rw [h₁r]
have : π⁻¹ * 2⁻¹ * (2 * π * log (Complex.abs (f 0))) = (π⁻¹ * (2⁻¹ * 2) * π) * log (Complex.abs (f 0)) := by
rw [this]
clear this
simp [pi_ne_zero]
by_cases hr : 0 < r
let A := jensen hr f (h₁f.restrict r) h₂f h₃f
simp at A
rw [A]
clear A
have {A B : } : -A + B = B - A := by ring
rw [this]
have : |r| = r := by
rw [← abs_of_pos hr]
rw [this]
-- case 0 < -r
have h₂r : 0 < -r := by
simp [h₁r, hr]
by_contra hCon
-- Assume ¬(r < 0), which means r >= 0
push_neg at hCon
-- Now h is r ≥ 0, so we split into cases
rcases lt_or_eq_of_le hCon with h|h
· tauto
· tauto
let A := jensen h₂r f (h₁f.restrict (-r)) h₂f h₃f
simp at A
rw [A]
clear A
have {A B : } : -A + B = B - A := by ring
rw [this]
congr 1
congr 1
let A := integrabl_congr_negRadius (f := (fun z ↦ log (Complex.abs (f z)))) (r := r)
rw [A]
have : |r| = -r := by
rw [← abs_of_pos h₂r]
rw [this]
theorem Nevanlinna_firstMain₂
{f : }
{a : }
{r : }
(h₁f : MeromorphicOn f ) :
|(h₁f.T_infty r) - ((h₁f.sub (MeromorphicOn.const a)).T_infty r)| ≤ logpos ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
-- See Lang, p. 168
have : (h₁f.T_infty r) - ((h₁f.sub (MeromorphicOn.const a)).T_infty r) = (h₁f.m_infty r) - ((h₁f.sub (MeromorphicOn.const a)).m_infty r) := by
unfold MeromorphicOn.T_infty
rw [Nevanlinna_counting'₁₁ h₁f a]
rw [this]
clear this
unfold MeromorphicOn.m_infty
rw [←mul_sub]
rw [←intervalIntegral.integral_sub]
let g := f - (fun _ ↦ a)
have t₀₀ (x : ) : log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ ≤ log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖ + log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
unfold g
simp only [Pi.sub_apply]
calc log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖
_ = log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x) + a‖ := by
unfold g
_ ≤ log⁺ (‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖ + ‖a‖) := by
apply monoOn_logpos
refine Set.mem_Ici.mpr ?_
apply norm_nonneg
refine Set.mem_Ici.mpr ?_
apply add_nonneg
apply norm_nonneg
apply norm_nonneg
apply norm_add_le
_ ≤ log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖ + log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
apply logpos_add_le_add_logpos_add_log2
have t₁₀ (x : ) : log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ - log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖ ≤ log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
rw [sub_le_iff_le_add]
nth_rw 1 [add_comm]
rw [←add_assoc]
apply t₀₀ x
clear t₀₀
have t₀₁ (x : ) : log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖ ≤ log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ + log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
unfold g
simp only [Pi.sub_apply]
calc log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖
_ = log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x) - a‖ := by
unfold g
_ ≤ log⁺ (‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ + ‖a‖) := by
apply monoOn_logpos
refine Set.mem_Ici.mpr ?_
apply norm_nonneg
refine Set.mem_Ici.mpr ?_
apply add_nonneg
apply norm_nonneg
apply norm_nonneg
apply norm_sub_le
_ ≤ log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ + log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
apply logpos_add_le_add_logpos_add_log2
have t₁₁ (x : ) : log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖ - log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ ≤ log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
rw [sub_le_iff_le_add]
nth_rw 1 [add_comm]
rw [←add_assoc]
apply t₀₁ x
clear t₀₁
have t₂ {x : } : ‖log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ - log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖‖ ≤ log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
by_cases h : 0 ≤ log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ - log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖
· rw [norm_of_nonneg h]
exact t₁₀ x
· rw [norm_of_nonpos (by linarith)]
rw [neg_sub]
exact t₁₁ x
clear t₁₀ t₁₁
have : ‖∫ (x : ) in (0)..(2 * π), log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ - log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖‖ ≤ (log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2) * |2 * π - 0| := by
apply intervalIntegral.norm_integral_le_of_norm_le_const
intro x hx
exact t₂
clear t₂
simp only [norm_eq_abs, sub_zero] at this
rw [abs_mul]
calc |(2 * π)⁻¹| * |∫ (x : ) in (0)..(2 * π), log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ - log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖|
_ = |(2 * π)⁻¹| * ‖∫ (x : ) in (0)..(2 * π), log⁺ ‖f (circleMap 0 r x)‖ - log⁺ ‖g (circleMap 0 r x)‖‖ := by
_ ≤ |(2 * π)⁻¹| * ((log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2) * |2 * π|) := by
_ = log⁺ ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
simp [pi_ne_zero]
apply MeromorphicOn.integrable_logpos_abs_f
exact fun x a => h₁f x trivial
apply MeromorphicOn.integrable_logpos_abs_f
apply MeromorphicOn.sub
exact fun x a => h₁f x trivial
apply MeromorphicOn.const a