278 lines
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278 lines
9.8 KiB
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Basic
import Nevanlinna.partialDeriv
variable {F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace ℝ F]
variable {G : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup G] [NormedSpace ℝ G]
noncomputable def Complex.laplace (f : ℂ → F) : ℂ → F :=
partialDeriv ℝ 1 (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f) + partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f)
notation "Δ" => Complex.laplace
theorem laplace_eventuallyEq {f₁ f₂ : ℂ → F} {x : ℂ} (h : f₁ =ᶠ[nhds x] f₂) : Δ f₁ x = Δ f₂ x := by
unfold Complex.laplace
rw [partialDeriv_eventuallyEq ℝ (partialDeriv_eventuallyEq' ℝ h 1) 1]
rw [partialDeriv_eventuallyEq ℝ (partialDeriv_eventuallyEq' ℝ h Complex.I) Complex.I]
theorem laplace_eventuallyEq' {f₁ f₂ : ℂ → F} {x : ℂ} (h : f₁ =ᶠ[nhds x] f₂) : Δ f₁ =ᶠ[nhds x] Δ f₂ := by
unfold Complex.laplace
apply Filter.EventuallyEq.add
exact partialDeriv_eventuallyEq' ℝ (partialDeriv_eventuallyEq' ℝ h 1) 1
exact partialDeriv_eventuallyEq' ℝ (partialDeriv_eventuallyEq' ℝ h Complex.I) Complex.I
theorem laplace_add
{f₁ f₂ : ℂ → F}
(h₁ : ContDiff ℝ 2 f₁)
(h₂ : ContDiff ℝ 2 f₂) :
Δ (f₁ + f₂) = (Δ f₁) + (Δ f₂) := by
unfold Complex.laplace
rw [partialDeriv_add₂]
rw [partialDeriv_add₂]
rw [partialDeriv_add₂]
rw [partialDeriv_add₂]
add_add_add_comm (partialDeriv ℝ 1 (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f₁))
(partialDeriv ℝ 1 (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f₂))
(partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f₁))
(partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f₂))
exact (partialDeriv_contDiff ℝ h₁ Complex.I).differentiable le_rfl
exact (partialDeriv_contDiff ℝ h₂ Complex.I).differentiable le_rfl
exact h₁.differentiable one_le_two
exact h₂.differentiable one_le_two
exact (partialDeriv_contDiff ℝ h₁ 1).differentiable le_rfl
exact (partialDeriv_contDiff ℝ h₂ 1).differentiable le_rfl
exact h₁.differentiable one_le_two
exact h₂.differentiable one_le_two
theorem laplace_add_ContDiffOn
{f₁ f₂ : ℂ → F}
{s : Set ℂ}
(hs : IsOpen s)
(h₁ : ContDiffOn ℝ 2 f₁ s)
(h₂ : ContDiffOn ℝ 2 f₂ s) :
∀ x ∈ s, Δ (f₁ + f₂) x = (Δ f₁) x + (Δ f₂) x := by
unfold Complex.laplace
intro x hx
have hf₁ : ∀ z ∈ s, DifferentiableAt ℝ f₁ z := by
intro z hz
convert DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt _ (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hz)
apply ContDiffOn.differentiableOn h₁ one_le_two
have hf₂ : ∀ z ∈ s, DifferentiableAt ℝ f₂ z := by
intro z hz
convert DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt _ (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hz)
apply ContDiffOn.differentiableOn h₂ one_le_two
have : partialDeriv ℝ 1 (f₁ + f₂) =ᶠ[nhds x] (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f₁) + (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f₂) := by
apply Filter.eventuallyEq_iff_exists_mem.2
use s
· exact IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hx
· intro z hz
apply partialDeriv_add₂_differentiableAt
exact hf₁ z hz
exact hf₂ z hz
rw [partialDeriv_eventuallyEq ℝ this]
have t₁ : DifferentiableAt ℝ (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f₁) x := by
let B₀ := (h₁ x hx).contDiffAt (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hx)
let A₀ := partialDeriv_contDiffAt ℝ B₀ 1
apply A₀.differentiableAt (Preorder.le_refl 1)
have t₂ : DifferentiableAt ℝ (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f₂) x := by
let B₀ := (h₂ x hx).contDiffAt (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hx)
let A₀ := partialDeriv_contDiffAt ℝ B₀ 1
exact A₀.differentiableAt (Preorder.le_refl 1)
rw [partialDeriv_add₂_differentiableAt ℝ t₁ t₂]
have : partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I (f₁ + f₂) =ᶠ[nhds x] (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f₁) + (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f₂) := by
apply Filter.eventuallyEq_iff_exists_mem.2
use s
· exact IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hx
· intro z hz
apply partialDeriv_add₂_differentiableAt
exact hf₁ z hz
exact hf₂ z hz
rw [partialDeriv_eventuallyEq ℝ this]
have t₃ : DifferentiableAt ℝ (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f₁) x := by
let B₀ := (h₁ x hx).contDiffAt (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hx)
let A₀ := partialDeriv_contDiffAt ℝ B₀ Complex.I
exact A₀.differentiableAt (Preorder.le_refl 1)
have t₄ : DifferentiableAt ℝ (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f₂) x := by
let B₀ := (h₂ x hx).contDiffAt (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hx)
let A₀ := partialDeriv_contDiffAt ℝ B₀ Complex.I
exact A₀.differentiableAt (Preorder.le_refl 1)
rw [partialDeriv_add₂_differentiableAt ℝ t₃ t₄]
-- I am super confused at this point because the tactic 'ring' does not work.
-- I do not understand why. So, I need to do things by hand.
rw [add_assoc]
rw [add_assoc]
rw [add_right_inj (partialDeriv ℝ 1 (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f₁) x)]
rw [add_comm]
rw [add_assoc]
rw [add_right_inj (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f₁) x)]
rw [add_comm]
theorem laplace_add_ContDiffAt
{f₁ f₂ : ℂ → F}
{x : ℂ}
(h₁ : ContDiffAt ℝ 2 f₁ x)
(h₂ : ContDiffAt ℝ 2 f₂ x) :
Δ (f₁ + f₂) x = (Δ f₁) x + (Δ f₂) x := by
unfold Complex.laplace
have h₁₁ : ContDiffAt ℝ 1 f₁ x := h₁.of_le one_le_two
have h₂₁ : ContDiffAt ℝ 1 f₂ x := h₂.of_le one_le_two
rw [partialDeriv_eventuallyEq ℝ (partialDeriv_add₂_contDiffAt ℝ h₁₁ h₂₁)]
rw [partialDeriv_add₂_differentiableAt]
-- I am super confused at this point because the tactic 'ring' does not work.
-- I do not understand why. So, I need to do things by hand.
rw [add_assoc]
rw [add_assoc]
rw [add_right_inj (partialDeriv ℝ 1 (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f₁) x)]
rw [add_comm]
rw [add_assoc]
rw [add_right_inj (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f₁) x)]
rw [add_comm]
apply fun v ↦ (partialDeriv_contDiffAt ℝ h₁ v).differentiableAt le_rfl
apply fun v ↦ (partialDeriv_contDiffAt ℝ h₂ v).differentiableAt le_rfl
theorem laplace_add_ContDiffAt'
{f₁ f₂ : ℂ → F}
{x : ℂ}
(h₁ : ContDiffAt ℝ 2 f₁ x)
(h₂ : ContDiffAt ℝ 2 f₂ x) :
Δ (f₁ + f₂) =ᶠ[nhds x] (Δ f₁) + (Δ f₂):= by
unfold Complex.laplace
rw [add_assoc]
nth_rw 5 [add_comm]
rw [add_assoc]
rw [← add_assoc]
have dualPDeriv : ∀ v : ℂ, partialDeriv ℝ v (partialDeriv ℝ v (f₁ + f₂)) =ᶠ[nhds x]
partialDeriv ℝ v (partialDeriv ℝ v f₁) + partialDeriv ℝ v (partialDeriv ℝ v f₂) := by
intro v
have h₁₁ : ContDiffAt ℝ 1 f₁ x := h₁.of_le one_le_two
have h₂₁ : ContDiffAt ℝ 1 f₂ x := h₂.of_le one_le_two
have t₁ : partialDeriv ℝ v (partialDeriv ℝ v (f₁ + f₂)) =ᶠ[nhds x] partialDeriv ℝ v (partialDeriv ℝ v f₁ + partialDeriv ℝ v f₂) := by
exact partialDeriv_eventuallyEq' ℝ (partialDeriv_add₂_contDiffAt ℝ h₁₁ h₂₁) v
have t₂ : partialDeriv ℝ v (partialDeriv ℝ v f₁ + partialDeriv ℝ v f₂) =ᶠ[nhds x] (partialDeriv ℝ v (partialDeriv ℝ v f₁)) + (partialDeriv ℝ v (partialDeriv ℝ v f₂)) := by
apply partialDeriv_add₂_contDiffAt ℝ
apply partialDeriv_contDiffAt
exact h₁
apply partialDeriv_contDiffAt
exact h₂
apply Filter.EventuallyEq.trans t₁ t₂
have eventuallyEq_add
{a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ : ℂ → F}
(h : a₁ =ᶠ[nhds x] b₁)
(h' : a₂ =ᶠ[nhds x] b₂) : (a₁ + a₂) =ᶠ[nhds x] (b₁ + b₂) := by
have {c₁ c₂ : ℂ → F} : (fun x => c₁ x + c₂ x) = c₁ + c₂ := by rfl
rw [← this, ← this]
exact Filter.EventuallyEq.add h h'
apply eventuallyEq_add
· exact dualPDeriv 1
· nth_rw 2 [add_comm]
exact dualPDeriv Complex.I
theorem laplace_smul {f : ℂ → F} : ∀ v : ℝ, Δ (v • f) = v • (Δ f) := by
intro v
unfold Complex.laplace
rw [partialDeriv_smul₂]
theorem laplace_compCLMAt
{f : ℂ → F}
{l : F →L[ℝ] G}
{x : ℂ}
(h : ContDiffAt ℝ 2 f x) :
Δ (l ∘ f) x = (l ∘ (Δ f)) x := by
obtain ⟨v, hv₁, hv₂, hv₃, hv₄⟩ : ∃ v ∈ nhds x, (IsOpen v) ∧ (x ∈ v) ∧ (ContDiffOn ℝ 2 f v) := by
obtain ⟨u, hu₁, hu₂⟩ : ∃ u ∈ nhds x, ContDiffOn ℝ 2 f u := by
apply ContDiffAt.contDiffOn h
obtain ⟨v, hv₁, hv₂, hv₃⟩ := mem_nhds_iff.1 hu₁
use v
· exact IsOpen.mem_nhds hv₂ hv₃
· constructor
exact hv₂
· exact hv₃
· exact ContDiffOn.congr_mono hu₂ (fun x => congrFun rfl) hv₁
have D : ∀ w : ℂ, partialDeriv ℝ w (l ∘ f) =ᶠ[nhds x] l ∘ partialDeriv ℝ w (f) := by
intro w
apply Filter.eventuallyEq_iff_exists_mem.2
use v
· exact IsOpen.mem_nhds hv₂ hv₃
· intro y hy
apply partialDeriv_compContLinAt
let V := ContDiffOn.differentiableOn hv₄ one_le_two
apply DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt V
apply IsOpen.mem_nhds
unfold Complex.laplace
rw [partialDeriv_eventuallyEq ℝ (D 1) 1]
rw [partialDeriv_compContLinAt]
rw [partialDeriv_eventuallyEq ℝ (D Complex.I) Complex.I]
rw [partialDeriv_compContLinAt]
-- DifferentiableAt ℝ (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f) x
apply ContDiffAt.differentiableAt (partialDeriv_contDiffAt ℝ (ContDiffOn.contDiffAt hv₄ hv₁) Complex.I) le_rfl
-- DifferentiableAt ℝ (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f) x
apply ContDiffAt.differentiableAt (partialDeriv_contDiffAt ℝ (ContDiffOn.contDiffAt hv₄ hv₁) 1) le_rfl
theorem laplace_compCLM
{f : ℂ → F}
{l : F →L[ℝ] G}
(h : ContDiff ℝ 2 f) :
Δ (l ∘ f) = l ∘ (Δ f) := by
funext z
exact laplace_compCLMAt h.contDiffAt
theorem laplace_compCLE {f : ℂ → F} {l : F ≃L[ℝ] G} :
Δ (l ∘ f) = l ∘ (Δ f) := by
unfold Complex.laplace
rw [partialDeriv_compCLE]