import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Basic import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.LineDeriv.Basic import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.ExpDeriv import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Deriv import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff.Basic import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.Deriv.Linear import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Conformal import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.Conformal.NormedSpace import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.RealDeriv /RealDeriv.lean -- Harmonic functions on the plane variable {f : ℂ → ℂ} {e' : ℂ} {z : ℝ} {h : HasDerivAt f e' z} example : 1 = 0 := by let XX := HasDerivAt.real_of_complex h sorry noncomputable def lax (f : ℂ → ℝ) (z : ℂ) : ℝ := iteratedFDeriv ℝ 1 f z ![Complex.I] example : lax (fun z ↦ = fun z ↦ 1 := by unfold lax simp funext x let XX := HasDerivAt.real_of_complex sorry noncomputable def laplace (f : ℂ → ℝ) (z : ℂ) : ℝ := iteratedFDeriv ℝ 2 f z ![1, 1] + iteratedFDeriv ℝ 2 f z ![Complex.I, Complex.I] example : laplace (fun z ↦ = fun z ↦ 0 := by unfold laplace rw [iteratedFDeriv_succ_eq_comp_left] rw [iteratedFDeriv_succ_eq_comp_left] rw [iteratedFDeriv_zero_eq_comp] simp have : Fin.tail ![Complex.I, Complex.I] = ![Complex.I] := by rfl rw [this] rw [deriv_comp] simp simp conv => lhs intro x arg 1 intro t rw [deriv_add] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp rfl example : laplace' (fun z ↦ (z*z).re) = fun z ↦ 0 := by unfold laplace' lineDeriv simp conv => lhs intro x simp arg 1 arg 1 intro t rw [deriv_sub] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp rw [deriv_mul] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp rw [deriv_add] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp conv => lhs intro x arg 1 rw [deriv_add] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_add] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp rw [one_add_one_eq_two] conv => lhs intro x arg 2 conv => arg 1 intro t rw [deriv_sub] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_mul] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp rw [deriv_mul] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp rw [deriv_add] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_add] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp conv => lhs intro x rw [deriv_add] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_add] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp group open Complex ContinuousLinearMap open scoped ComplexConjugate variable {z : ℂ} {f : ℂ → ℂ} #check deriv_comp_const_add theorem DifferentiableAt_conformalAt (h : DifferentiableAt ℂ f z) : ConformalAt f z := by let XX := (h.hasFDerivAt.restrictScalars ℝ).fderiv let f₁ := fun x ↦ lineDeriv ℝ f x 1 let f₂ := fun x ↦ lineDeriv ℝ f x Complex.I have t₁ : deriv (fun (t : ℂ) => f (z + t)) 0 = deriv f z := by rw [deriv_comp_const_add] simp simp exact h have t'₁ : deriv (fun (t : ℝ) => f (z + ↑t)) 0 = deriv f z := by sorry have : f₁ z = deriv f z := by dsimp [f₁] unfold lineDeriv simp exact t'₁ have : f₂ z = deriv f z := by dsimp [f₂] unfold lineDeriv simp exact t'₁ /- simp at f₂ rw [conformalAt_iff_isConformalMap_fderiv, (h.hasFDerivAt.restrictScalars ℝ).fderiv] apply isConformalMap_complex_linear simpa only [Ne, ext_ring_iff] -/ example : laplace' (fun z ↦ (Complex.exp z).re) = fun z ↦ 0 := by let f := fun z ↦ (Complex.exp z).re let f₁ := fun x ↦ lineDeriv ℝ f x 1 let fz := fun x ↦ deriv f example : laplace' (fun z ↦ (Complex.exp z).re) = fun z ↦ 0 := by unfold laplace' lineDeriv simp conv => lhs arg 1 intro x arg 1 intro t arg 1 intro t₁ rw [Complex.exp_add] rw [Complex.exp_add] conv => lhs arg 1 intro x arg 1 intro t simp conv => rhs arg 1 intro x₁ rw [Complex.exp_re] simp rw [Real.deriv_exp] simp conv => lhs arg 1 intro x simp rhs arg 1 intro x rw [Complex.exp_re] conv => lhs lhs intro x rhs lhs intro x₁ simp simp conv => lhs rhs intro x lhs intro t arg 1 intro t₁ rw [Complex.exp_add] rw [Complex.exp_add] simp rw [Complex.exp_re] rw [Complex.exp_im] simp conv => lhs rhs intro x lhs intro t simp rw [deriv_sub] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_mul] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_mul] <;> tactic => try fun_prop simp -- oops conv => lhs rw [Complex.exp_add] rw [deriv_mul] <;> tactic => try fun_prop sorry rw [deriv_add] <;> tactic => try fun_prop sorry noncomputable def laplace : (ℂ → ℝ) → (ℂ → ℝ) := by intro f let F : ℝ × ℝ → ℝ := fun x ↦ f (x.1 + x.2 * Complex.I) let e₁ : ℝ × ℝ := ⟨1, 0⟩ let e₂ : ℝ × ℝ := ⟨0, 1⟩ let F₁ := fun x ↦ lineDeriv ℝ F x e₁ let F₁₁ := fun x ↦ lineDeriv ℝ F₁ x e₁ let F₂ := fun x ↦ lineDeriv ℝ F x e₂ let F₂₂ := fun x ↦ lineDeriv ℝ F₂ x e₂ exact fun x ↦ F₁₁ ⟨x.1, x.2⟩ + F₂₂ ⟨x.1, x.2⟩ example : ∀ z₀ : ℂ, laplace (fun z ↦ (z*z).re) z₀ = 0 := by intro z₀ unfold laplace dsimp [lineDeriv] simp conv => lhs lhs arg 1 intro t rw [deriv_sub] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_mul] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_const_add] simp ring_nf conv => lhs rhs arg 1 intro t rw [deriv_sub] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_const] rw [deriv_mul] <;> tactic => try fun_prop rw [deriv_const_add] simp ring_nf rw [deriv_const_add, deriv_sub] <;> try fun_prop simp example : ∀ z₀ : ℂ, laplace (fun z ↦ (Complex.exp z).re) z₀ = 0 := by intro z₀ unfold laplace dsimp [lineDeriv] simp sorry example : deriv (fun (t : ℝ) ↦ 2 + t) = fun (t : ℝ) ↦ 1 := by -- in my experience with the library, more results are stated about -- `HasDerivAt` than about equality of `deriv` rw [deriv_eq] intro x -- I guessed the name `HasDerivAt.add`, which didn't work, but the -- autocomplete dropdown showed `add_const` and `const_add` too apply HasDerivAt.const_add -- I assumed this was in the library, and `apply?` found it exact hasDerivAt_id' x example : laplace (fun z ↦ (Complex.exp z).re) = 0 := by have : (fun z => (Complex.exp z).re) = (fun z => Real.exp * Real.cos := by funext z rw [Complex.exp_re] rw [this] unfold laplace simp have F₁ : (fun (x : ℝ × ℝ) => lineDeriv ℝ (fun (t : ℝ × ℝ) => Real.exp t.1 * Real.cos t.2) x ⟨1, 0⟩) = ((fun (x : ℝ × ℝ) => (Real.exp x.1 * Real.cos x.2))) := by funext x dsimp [lineDeriv] simp left have t₁ : (fun x_1 => Real.exp (x.1 + x_1)) = (fun x_1 => Real.exp x.1 * Real.exp x_1) := by funext t exact Real.exp_add x.1 t rw [t₁] simp have F₂ : (fun (x : ℝ × ℝ) => lineDeriv ℝ (fun (t : ℝ × ℝ) => Real.exp t.1 * Real.sin t.2) x ⟨0, 1⟩) = ((fun (x : ℝ × ℝ) => (Real.exp x.1 * Real.cos x.2))) := by funext x dsimp [lineDeriv] simp have t₁ : (fun t => Real.sin (x.2 + t)) = (Real.sin ∘ (fun t => x.2 + t)) := by rfl rw [t₁] rw [deriv.comp] simp have : deriv (fun (t : ℝ) ↦ 2 + t) = fun (t : ℝ) ↦ 1 := by simp [deriv.add] sorry rw [this] simp · exact Real.differentiableAt_sin · -- DifferentiableAt ℝ (fun t => x.2 + t) 0 sorry rw [this] sorry have : deriv (fun x_1 => Real.exp (x_1 + x_1)) 0 = 2 := by simp group rw [this] simp have : deriv (fun t => Real.cos (x.2 + t * y.2)) = (fun t => -y.2 * Real.sin (x.2 + t * y.2)) := by funext t₀ have t₁ : (fun t => Real.cos (x.2 + t * y.2)) = (Real.cos ∘ (fun t => x.2 + t * y.2)) := by rfl rw [t₁] rw [deriv.comp] simp · group · exact Real.differentiableAt_cos · simp simp simp sorry let XX := fderiv ℝ (fun (x : ℝ × ℝ) => Real.exp x.1 * Real.cos x.2) simp at XX have : fderiv ℝ fun x => Real.exp x.1 * Real.cos x.2 = 0 := by sorry funext z simp funext let ZZ := Complex.exp_re z sorry