import Nevanlinna.analyticAt structure Divisor where toFun : ℂ → ℤ discreteSupport : DiscreteTopology ( toFun) instance : CoeFun Divisor (fun _ ↦ ℂ → ℤ) where coe := Divisor.toFun attribute [coe] Divisor.toFun noncomputable def Divisor.deg (D : Divisor) : ℤ := ∑ᶠ z, D z noncomputable def Divisor.n_trunk (D : Divisor) : ℤ → ℝ → ℤ := fun k r ↦ ∑ᶠ z ∈ Metric.ball 0 r, min k (D z) noncomputable def Divisor.n (D : Divisor) : ℝ → ℤ := fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z ∈ Metric.ball 0 r, D z noncomputable def Divisor.N_trunk (D : Divisor) : ℤ → ℝ → ℝ := fun k r ↦ ∫ (t : ℝ) in (1)..r, (D.n_trunk k t) / t theorem Divisor.compactSupport (D : Divisor) {U : Set ℂ} (h₁U : IsCompact U) (h₂U : D ⊆ U) : Set.Finite ( D) := by sorry noncomputable def AnalyticOn.zeroDivisor {f : ℂ → ℂ} {U : Set ℂ} (hf : AnalyticOn ℂ f U) : Divisor where toFun := by intro z if hz : z ∈ U then exact ((hf z hz).order.toNat : ℤ) else exact 0 discreteSupport := by simp_rw [← singletons_open_iff_discrete] simp_rw [Metric.isOpen_singleton_iff] simp -- simp only [dite_eq_ite, gt_iff_lt, Subtype.forall, Function.mem_support, ne_eq, ite_eq_else, Classical.not_imp, not_or,] intro a ha ⟨h₁a, h₂a⟩ obtain ⟨g, h₁g, h₂g, h₃g⟩ := (AnalyticAt.order_neq_top_iff (hf a ha)).1 h₂a rw [Metric.eventually_nhds_iff_ball] at h₃g have : ∃ ε > 0, ∀ y ∈ Metric.ball (↑a) ε, g y ≠ 0 := by have h₄g : ContinuousAt g a := AnalyticAt.continuousAt h₁g have : {0}ᶜ ∈ nhds (g a) := by exact compl_singleton_mem_nhds_iff.mpr h₂g let F := h₄g.preimage_mem_nhds this rw [Metric.mem_nhds_iff] at F obtain ⟨ε, h₁ε, h₂ε⟩ := F use ε constructor; exact h₁ε intro y hy let G := h₂ε hy simp at G exact G obtain ⟨ε₁, h₁ε₁⟩ := this obtain ⟨ε₂, h₁ε₂, h₂ε₂⟩ := h₃g use min ε₁ ε₂ constructor · have : 0 < min ε₁ ε₂ := by rw [lt_min_iff] exact And.imp_right (fun _ => h₁ε₂) h₁ε₁ exact this intro y hy ⟨h₁y, h₂y⟩ h₃ have h'₂y : ↑y ∈ Metric.ball (↑a) ε₂ := by simp calc dist y a _ < min ε₁ ε₂ := by assumption _ ≤ ε₂ := by exact min_le_right ε₁ ε₂ have h₃y : ↑y ∈ Metric.ball (↑a) ε₁ := by simp calc dist y a _ < min ε₁ ε₂ := by assumption _ ≤ ε₁ := by exact min_le_left ε₁ ε₂ have F := h₂ε₂ y h'₂y have : f y = 0 := by rw [AnalyticAt.order_eq_zero_iff (hf y hy)] at h₁y tauto rw [this] at F simp at F have : g y ≠ 0 := by exact h₁ε₁.2 y h₃y simp [this] at F rw [sub_eq_zero] at F tauto theorem AnalyticOn.support_of_zeroDivisor {f : ℂ → ℂ} {U : Set ℂ} (hf : AnalyticOn ℂ f U) : hf.zeroDivisor ⊆ U := by intro z contrapose intro hz dsimp [AnalyticOn.zeroDivisor] simp tauto theorem AnalyticOn.support_of_zeroDivisor₂ {f : ℂ → ℂ} {U : Set ℂ} (hf : AnalyticOn ℂ f U) : hf.zeroDivisor ⊆ f⁻¹' {0} := by intro z hz dsimp [AnalyticOn.zeroDivisor] at hz have t₀ := hf.support_of_zeroDivisor hz simp [hf.support_of_zeroDivisor hz] at hz let A := hz.1 let C := (hf z t₀).order_eq_zero_iff simp rw [C] at A tauto