Update holomorphic.primitive.lean
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@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.TaylorSeries
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Integrals
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.DivergenceTheorem
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.IntervalIntegral
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Function.LocallyIntegrable
import Nevanlinna.cauchyRiemann
import Nevanlinna.partialDeriv
@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ theorem integral_divergence₅
(∫ (x : ℝ) in lowerLeft.re..upperRight.re, F ⟨x, lowerLeft.im⟩) + Complex.I • ∫ (x : ℝ) in lowerLeft.im..upperRight.im, F ⟨upperRight.re, x⟩ =
(∫ (x : ℝ) in lowerLeft.re..upperRight.re, F ⟨x, upperRight.im⟩) + Complex.I • ∫ (x : ℝ) in lowerLeft.im..upperRight.im, F ⟨lowerLeft.re, x⟩ := by
let h₁f : ContDiff ℝ 1 F := (hF.contDiff : ContDiff ℂ 1 F).restrict_scalars ℝ
let h₁f : ContDiff ℝ 1 F := (hF.contDiff : ContDiff ℂ 1 F).restrict_scalars ℝ
let h₁g : ContDiff ℝ 1 (-Complex.I • F) := by
have : -Complex.I • F = fun x ↦ -Complex.I • F x := by rfl
@ -151,30 +154,6 @@ theorem primitive_zeroAtBasepoint
theorem primitive_lem1
{E : Type u} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℂ E] [CompleteSpace E] [IsScalarTower ℝ ℂ E]
(v : E) :
HasDerivAt (primitive 0 (fun _ ↦ v)) v 0 := by
unfold primitive
have : (fun (z : ℂ) => z.re • v + Complex.I • z.im • v) = (fun (y : ℂ) => ((fun w ↦ w) y) • v) := by
funext z
rw [smul_comm]
rw [← smul_assoc]
have : z.re • v = (z.re : ℂ) • v := by exact rfl
rw [this, ← add_smul]
rw [this]
have hc : HasDerivAt (fun (w : ℂ) ↦ w) 1 0 := by
apply hasDerivAt_id'
nth_rewrite 2 [← (one_smul ℂ v)]
exact HasDerivAt.smul_const hc v
theorem primitive_fderivAtBasepointZero
{E : Type u} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℂ E] [CompleteSpace E]
(f : ℂ → E)
@ -380,12 +359,122 @@ theorem primitive_fderivAtBasepointZero
theorem primitive_translation
{E : Type u} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℂ E] [CompleteSpace E]
(f : ℂ → E)
(z₀ t : ℂ) :
primitive z₀ (f ∘ fun z ↦ (z - t)) = ((primitive (z₀ - t) f) ∘ fun z ↦ (z - t)) := by
funext z
unfold primitive
let g : ℝ → E := fun x ↦ f ( {re := x, im := z₀.im - t.im} )
have {x : ℝ} : f ({ re := x, im := z₀.im } - t) = g (1*x - t.re) := by
congr 1
apply Complex.ext <;> simp
conv =>
arg 1
intro x
rw [this]
rw [intervalIntegral.integral_comp_mul_sub g one_ne_zero (t.re)]
congr 1
let g : ℝ → E := fun x ↦ f ( {re := z.re - t.re, im := x} )
have {x : ℝ} : f ({ re := z.re, im := x} - t) = g (1*x - t.im) := by
congr 1
apply Complex.ext <;> simp
conv =>
arg 1
intro x
rw [this]
rw [intervalIntegral.integral_comp_mul_sub g one_ne_zero (t.im)]
theorem primitive_fderivAtBasepoint
{E : Type u} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℂ E] [CompleteSpace E]
{z₀ : ℂ}
(f : ℂ → E)
(hf : Continuous f) :
HasDerivAt (primitive z₀ f) (f z₀) z₀ := by
let g := f ∘ fun z ↦ z + z₀
have : Continuous g := by continuity
let A := primitive_fderivAtBasepointZero g this
simp at A
let B := primitive_translation g z₀ z₀
simp at B
have : (g ∘ fun z ↦ (z - z₀)) = f := by
funext z
dsimp [g]
rw [this] at B
rw [B]
have : f z₀ = (1 : ℂ) • (f z₀) := by
exact (MulAction.one_smul (f z₀)).symm
conv =>
arg 2
rw [this]
apply HasDerivAt.scomp
have : g 0 = f z₀ := by simp [g]
rw [← this]
exact A
apply HasDerivAt.sub_const
have : (fun (x : ℂ) ↦ x) = id := by
funext x
rw [this]
exact hasDerivAt_id z₀
theorem primitive_additivity
{E : Type u} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℂ E] [CompleteSpace E]
(f : ℂ → E)
(hf : Differentiable ℂ f)
(z₀ z₁ : ℂ) :
(primitive z₁ f) = (primitive z₀ f) - (fun z ↦ primitive z₀ f z₁) := by
primitive z₀ f = fun z ↦ (primitive z₁ f) z + (primitive z₀ f z₁) := by
funext z
unfold primitive
have : (∫ (x : ℝ) in z₀.re..z.re, f { re := x, im := z₀.im }) = (∫ (x : ℝ) in z₀.re..z₁.re, f { re := x, im := z₀.im }) + (∫ (x : ℝ) in z₁.re..z.re, f { re := x, im := z₀.im }) := by
rw [intervalIntegral.integral_add_adjacent_intervals]
apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
apply Continuous.comp
exact Differentiable.continuous hf
apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
apply Continuous.comp
exact Differentiable.continuous hf
rw [this]
have : (∫ (x : ℝ) in z₀.im..z.im, f { re := z.re, im := x }) = (∫ (x : ℝ) in z₀.im..z₁.im, f { re := z.re, im := x }) + (∫ (x : ℝ) in z₁.im..z.im, f { re := z.re, im := x }) := by
rw [intervalIntegral.integral_add_adjacent_intervals]
apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
apply Continuous.comp
exact Differentiable.continuous hf
apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
apply Continuous.comp
exact Differentiable.continuous hf
rw [this]
let A := integral_divergence₅ f hf ⟨z₁.re, z₀.im⟩ ⟨z.re, z₁.im⟩
simp at A
have {a b c d : E} : (b + a) + (c + d) = (a + c) + (b + d) := by
rw [this]
rw [A]
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