From c7991708438363b3d55e9db83d0dbcfa7cb15901 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stefan Kebekus Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 10:40:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] working --- Nevanlinna/holomorphic_primitive2.lean | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/Nevanlinna/holomorphic_primitive2.lean b/Nevanlinna/holomorphic_primitive2.lean index 3df5fbd..fae6a2f 100644 --- a/Nevanlinna/holomorphic_primitive2.lean +++ b/Nevanlinna/holomorphic_primitive2.lean @@ -515,15 +515,44 @@ theorem primitive_additivity' : primitive z₀ f =ᶠ[nhds z₁] fun z ↦ (primitive z₁ f z) + (primitive z₀ f z₁) := by - let ε := R - dist z₀ z₁ + let d := fun ε ↦ √((z₁.re - z₀.re + ε) ^ 2 + (z₁.im - z₀.im + ε) ^ 2) + have h₀d : Continuous d := by continuity + have h₁d : ∀ ε, 0 ≤ d ε := fun ε ↦ Real.sqrt_nonneg ((z₁.re - z₀.re + ε) ^ 2 + (z₁.im - z₀.im + ε) ^ 2) - have hε : 0 < ε := by - dsimp [ε] - simp - exact Metric.mem_ball'.mp hz₁ + obtain ⟨ε, h₀ε, h₁ε⟩ : ∃ ε > 0, d ε < R := by + let Omega := d⁻¹' Metric.ball 0 R - let rx := dist z₀.re z₁.re + ε/(2 : ℝ) - let ry := dist z₀.im z₁.im + ε/(2 : ℝ) + have lem₀Ω : IsOpen Omega := IsOpen.preimage h₀d Metric.isOpen_ball + have lem₁Ω : 0 ∈ Omega := by + dsimp [Omega, d]; simp + rw [← Complex.dist_eq_re_im]; simp + exact hz₁ + obtain ⟨ε, h₁ε, h₂ε⟩ := Metric.isOpen_iff.1 lem₀Ω 0 lem₁Ω + have h'₁ε : 0 < ε := by exact h₁ε + + let ε' := (2 : ℝ)⁻¹ * ε + + have h₀ε' : ε' ∈ Omega := by + apply h₂ε + dsimp [ε']; simp + have : |ε| = ε := by apply abs_of_pos h₁ε + rw [this] + apply (inv_mul_lt_iff zero_lt_two).mpr + linarith + have h₁ε' : 0 < ε' := by + apply Real.mul_pos _ h₁ε + apply inv_pos.mpr + exact zero_lt_two + + use ε' + + constructor + · exact h₁ε' + · dsimp [Omega] at h₀ε'; simp at h₀ε' + rwa [abs_of_nonneg (h₁d ε')] at h₀ε' + + let rx := dist z₁.re z₀.re + ε + let ry := dist z₁.im z₀.im + ε have h'ry : 0 < ry := by dsimp [ry] @@ -535,13 +564,26 @@ theorem primitive_additivity' apply hf.mono intro x hx simp - sorry + rw [Complex.dist_eq_re_im] + + have : dist z₀.re < rx := hx.1 + have : dist z₀.im < ry := hx.2 + + have t₀ : √(( - z₀.re) ^ 2 + ( - z₀.im) ^ 2) < √( rx ^ 2 + ry ^ 2) := by + sorry + have t₁ : √( rx ^ 2 + ry ^ 2) = d ε := by + sorry + + calc √(( - z₀.re) ^ 2 + ( - z₀.im) ^ 2) + _ < √( rx ^ 2 + ry ^ 2) := by exact t₀ + _ = d ε := by exact t₁ + _ < R := by exact h₁ε have h'z₁ : z₁ ∈ (Metric.ball z₀.re rx ×ℂ Metric.ball z₀.im ry) := by dsimp [rx, ry] constructor - · rw [dist_comm]; simp; exact hε - · rw [dist_comm]; simp; exact hε + · simp; exact h₀ε + · simp; exact h₀ε obtain ⟨εx, hεx, εy, hεy, hε⟩ := primitive_additivity h'f h'ry h'z₁