Update holomorphic_primitive2.lean

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Stefan Kebekus 2024-08-02 14:47:39 +02:00
parent 103fd5fb0f
commit c376bd3c46

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@ -393,31 +393,10 @@ theorem primitive_additivity
unfold primitive
have integrability₁
(a₁ a₂ b : ) :
IntervalIntegrable (fun x => f { re := x, im := b }) MeasureTheory.volume a₁ a₂ := by
apply ContinuousOn.intervalIntegrable
apply ContinuousOn.comp
exact hf.continuousOn
have : ((fun x => { re := x, im := b }) : ) = (fun x => Complex.ofRealCLM x + { re := 0, im := b }) := by
funext x
apply Complex.ext
rw [Complex.add_re]
rw [Complex.add_im]
apply Continuous.continuousOn
rw [this]
intro w hw
rw [Complex.dist_eq_re_im]
have : (∫ (x : ) in z₀.re..z.re, f { re := x, im := z₀.im }) = (∫ (x : ) in z₀.re..z₁.re, f { re := x, im := z₀.im }) + (∫ (x : ) in z₁.re..z.re, f { re := x, im := z₀.im }) := by
rw [intervalIntegral.integral_add_adjacent_intervals]
-- IntervalIntegrable (fun x => f { re := x, im := z₀.im }) MeasureTheory.volume z₀.re z₁.re
apply ContinuousOn.intervalIntegrable
apply ContinuousOn.comp
@ -432,18 +411,71 @@ theorem primitive_additivity
apply Continuous.continuousOn
rw [this]
-- Remains: Set.MapsTo (fun x => { re := x, im := z₀.im }) (Set.uIcc z₀.re z₁.re) (Metric.ball z₀ R)
-- -- Remains: Set.MapsTo (fun x => { re := x, im := z₀.im }) (Set.uIcc z₀.re z₁.re) (Metric.ball z₀ R)
intro w hw
simp_rw [Complex.dist_of_im_eq]
calc dist w z₀.re
_ ≤ dist z₁.re z₀.re := by apply Real.dist_right_le_of_mem_uIcc; rwa [Set.uIcc_comm] at hw
_ ≤ dist z₁ z₀ := by sorry
_ < R := by simp at hz₁; assumption
-- IntervalIntegrable (fun x => f { re := x, im := z₀.im }) MeasureTheory.volume z₁.re z.re
apply ContinuousOn.intervalIntegrable
apply ContinuousOn.comp
exact hf.continuousOn
have {b : } : ((fun x => { re := x, im := b }) : ) = (fun x => Complex.ofRealCLM x + { re := 0, im := b }) := by
funext x
apply Complex.ext
rw [Complex.add_re]
rw [Complex.add_im]
apply Continuous.continuousOn
rw [this]
-- -- Remains: Set.MapsTo (fun x => { re := x, im := z₀.im }) (Set.uIcc z₁.re z.re) (Metric.ball z₀ R)
intro w hw
simp_rw [Complex.dist_of_im_eq]
calc dist w z₀.re
_ ≤ dist w z₁.re + dist z₁.re z₀.re := by exact dist_triangle w z₁.re z₀.re
_ ≤ dist z₁.re z.re + dist z₁.re z₀.re := by
apply add_le_add_right
apply Real.dist_le_of_mem_uIcc hw
_ ≤ dist z₁ z + dist z₁ z₀ := by
_ < (R - dist z₁ z₀) + dist z₁ z₀ := by
apply add_lt_add_right
simp at hz
rwa [dist_comm]
_ = R := by simp
rw [this]
have : (∫ (x : ) in z₀.im..z.im, f { re := z.re, im := x }) = (∫ (x : ) in z₀.im..z₁.im, f { re := z.re, im := x }) + (∫ (x : ) in z₁.im..z.im, f { re := z.re, im := x }) := by
rw [intervalIntegral.integral_add_adjacent_intervals]
-- IntervalIntegrable (fun x => f { re := z.re, im := x }) MeasureTheory.volume z₀.im z₁.im
apply ContinuousOn.intervalIntegrable
apply ContinuousOn.comp
exact hf.continuousOn
apply Continuous.continuousOn
have {b : }: (Complex.mk b) = (fun x => Complex.I • Complex.ofRealCLM x + { re := b, im := 0 }) := by
funext x
apply Complex.ext
rw [Complex.add_re]
rw [this]
apply Continuous.add
-- Set.MapsTo (Complex.mk z.re) (Set.uIcc z₀.im z₁.im) (Metric.ball z₀ R)
intro w hw
sorry --apply integrability₁ f hf
sorry --apply integrability₁ f hf
rw [this]
have : (∫ (x : ) in z₀.im..z.im, f { re := z.re, im := x }) = (∫ (x : ) in z₀.im..z₁.im, f { re := z.re, im := x }) + (∫ (x : ) in z₁.im..z.im, f { re := z.re, im := x }) := by
rw [intervalIntegral.integral_add_adjacent_intervals]
sorry --apply integrability₂ f hf
sorry --apply integrability₂ f hf
rw [this]
@ -451,22 +483,16 @@ theorem primitive_additivity
have {a b c d e f g h : E} : (a + b) + (c + d) - (e + f) - (g + h) = b + (a - g) - e - f + d - h + (c) := by
rw [this]
have H : DifferentiableOn f (Set.uIcc z₁.re z.re × Set.uIcc z₀.im z₁.im) := by
have H' : DifferentiableOn f (Set.uIcc z₁.re z.re × Set.uIcc z₀.im z₁.im) := by
apply DifferentiableOn.mono hf
intro x hx
let A₀ : dist x.re z₀.re ≤ dist x.re z₁.re + dist z₁.re z₀.re := by apply dist_triangle
let A₁ : dist x.im z₀.im ≤ dist z₁.im z₀.im := by sorry
exact H hx
let A := Complex.integral_boundary_rect_eq_zero_of_differentiableOn f ⟨z₁.re, z₀.im⟩ ⟨z.re, z₁.im⟩ H
let A := Complex.integral_boundary_rect_eq_zero_of_differentiableOn f ⟨z₁.re, z₀.im⟩ ⟨z.re, z₁.im⟩ H'
have {x : } {w : } : ↑x + w.im * Complex.I = { re := x, im := w.im } := by
apply Complex.ext
· simp