diff --git a/Nevanlinna/holomorphic_primitive2.lean b/Nevanlinna/holomorphic_primitive2.lean index 2127ce3..b38262d 100644 --- a/Nevanlinna/holomorphic_primitive2.lean +++ b/Nevanlinna/holomorphic_primitive2.lean @@ -334,10 +334,10 @@ theorem primitive_additivity {E : Type u} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℂ E] [CompleteSpace E] (f : ℂ → E) (z₀ : ℂ) - (R : ℝ) - (hf : DifferentiableOn ℂ f (Metric.ball z₀ R)) + (rx ry : ℝ) + (hf : DifferentiableOn ℂ f (Metric.ball z₀.re rx ×ℂ Metric.ball z₀.im ry)) (z₁ : ℂ) - (hz₁ : z₁ ∈ Metric.ball z₀ R) + (hz₁ : z₁ ∈ (Metric.ball z₀.re rx ×ℂ Metric.ball z₀.im ry)) : ∀ z ∈ Metric.ball z₁ (R - dist z₁ z₀), (primitive z₀ f z) - (primitive z₁ f z) - (primitive z₀ f z₁) = 0 := by intro z hz @@ -345,19 +345,15 @@ theorem primitive_additivity have H : (Set.uIcc z₁.re z.re ×ℂ Set.uIcc z₀.im z₁.im) ⊆ Metric.ball z₀ R := by intro x hx - have a₀ : x.re ∈ Set.uIcc z₁.re z.re := by exact (Complex.mem_reProdIm.1 hx).1 - have a₁ : x.im ∈ Set.uIcc z₀.im z₁.im := by exact (Complex.mem_reProdIm.1 hx).2 - - - have A₀ : dist x.re z₀.re ≤ dist x.re z₁.re + dist z₁.re z₀.re := by apply dist_triangle - have A₁ : dist x.im z₀.im ≤ dist z₁.im z₀.im := by apply Real.dist_right_le_of_mem_uIcc - rwa [Set.uIcc_comm] + rw [Set.uIcc_comm] + exact (Complex.mem_reProdIm.1 hx).2 have A₂ : dist x.re z₁.re ≤ dist z.re z₁.re := by apply Real.dist_right_le_of_mem_uIcc - rwa [Set.uIcc_comm] + rw [Set.uIcc_comm] + exact (Complex.mem_reProdIm.1 hx).1 have A₃ : dist z.re z₁.re < R - dist z₁ z₀ := by have : ∀ x₀ x₁ : ℂ, dist x₀.re x₁.re ≤ dist x₀ x₁ := by @@ -372,8 +368,6 @@ theorem primitive_additivity simp - have B₀ : dist x z₀ ≤ dist x ⟨z₁.re, x.im⟩ + dist ⟨z₁.re, x.im⟩ z₀ := by apply dist_triangle - have B₁ : dist ⟨z₁.re, x.im⟩ z₀ ≤ dist z₁ z₀ := by rw [Complex.dist_eq_re_im] rw [Complex.dist_eq_re_im] @@ -474,6 +468,7 @@ theorem primitive_additivity intro w hw simp + sorry --apply integrability₂ f hf sorry --apply integrability₂ f hf