diff --git a/Nevanlinna/analyticOn_zeroSet.lean b/Nevanlinna/analyticOn_zeroSet.lean index 1e4f4ac..49e0bb1 100644 --- a/Nevanlinna/analyticOn_zeroSet.lean +++ b/Nevanlinna/analyticOn_zeroSet.lean @@ -380,14 +380,33 @@ theorem AnalyticOnCompact.eliminateZeros obtain ⟨g, h₁g, h₂g, h₃g⟩ := AnalyticOn.eliminateZeros (A := A) h₁f n hn use g use A + + have inter : ∀ (z : ℂ), f z = (∏ a ∈ A, (z - ↑a) ^ (h₁f (↑a) a.property).order.toNat) • g z := by + intro z + rw [h₃g z] + congr + funext a + congr + dsimp [n] + simp [a.2] + constructor · exact h₁g · constructor - · sorry - · intro z - rw [h₃g z] - congr - funext a - congr - dsimp [n] - simp [a.2] + · intro z h₁z + by_cases h₂z : ⟨z, h₁z⟩ ∈ ↑A.toSet + · exact h₂g ⟨z, h₁z⟩ h₂z + · have : f z ≠ 0 := by + by_contra C + have : ⟨z, h₁z⟩ ∈ ↑A₁ := by + dsimp [A₁, ι] + simp + exact C + have : ⟨z, h₁z⟩ ∈ ↑A.toSet := by + dsimp [A] + simp + exact this + tauto + rw [inter z] at this + exact right_ne_zero_of_smul this + · exact inter