This commit is contained in:
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.LineDeriv.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff.Defs
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Symmetric
import Mathlib.Analysis.RCLike.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Complex.LogDeriv
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Module
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Order
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Exponential
import Mathlib.Data.Fin.Tuple.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.RCLike.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.InfiniteSum.Module
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.RealVectorSpace
import Nevanlinna.cauchyRiemann
@ -254,13 +254,6 @@ theorem holomorphicOn_is_harmonicOn {f : ℂ → F₁} {s : Set ℂ} (hs : IsOpe
have f_is_real_C2 : ContDiffOn ℝ 2 f s :=
ContDiffOn.restrict_scalars ℝ (DifferentiableOn.contDiffOn h hs)
have fI_is_real_differentiable : DifferentiableOn ℝ (partialDeriv ℝ 1 f) s := by
intro z hz
apply DifferentiableAt.differentiableWithinAt
let ZZ := (f_is_real_C2 z hz).contDiffAt (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hz)
let AA := partialDeriv_contDiffAt ℝ ZZ 1
exact AA.differentiableAt (by rfl)
· -- f is two times real continuously differentiable
exact f_is_real_C2
@ -269,8 +262,6 @@ theorem holomorphicOn_is_harmonicOn {f : ℂ → F₁} {s : Set ℂ} (hs : IsOpe
unfold Complex.laplace
intro z hz
have : ∀ z ∈ s, partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f z = Complex.I • partialDeriv ℝ 1 f z := by
have : partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f =ᶠ[nhds z] Complex.I • partialDeriv ℝ 1 f := by
unfold Filter.EventuallyEq
unfold Filter.Eventually
@ -289,17 +280,33 @@ theorem holomorphicOn_is_harmonicOn {f : ℂ → F₁} {s : Set ℂ} (hs : IsOpe
rw [partialDeriv_eventuallyEq ℝ this Complex.I]
rw [partialDeriv_smul'₂]
rw [partialDeriv_comm f_is_real_C2 Complex.I 1]
rw [CauchyRiemann₄ h]
rw [partialDeriv_commOn hs f_is_real_C2 Complex.I 1 z hz]
have : Complex.I • partialDeriv ℝ 1 (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f) z = Complex.I • (partialDeriv ℝ 1 (partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f) z) := by
rw [this]
have : partialDeriv ℝ Complex.I f =ᶠ[nhds z] Complex.I • partialDeriv ℝ 1 f := by
unfold Filter.EventuallyEq
unfold Filter.Eventually
refine mem_nhds_iff.mpr ?_
use s
· intro x hx
apply CauchyRiemann₅
apply DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt h
exact IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hx
· constructor
· exact hs
· exact hz
rw [partialDeriv_eventuallyEq ℝ this 1]
rw [partialDeriv_smul'₂]
rw [← smul_assoc]
-- Subgoals coming from the application of 'this'
-- Differentiable ℝ (Real.partialDeriv 1 f)
exact fI_is_real_differentiable
-- Differentiable ℝ (Real.partialDeriv 1 f)
exact fI_is_real_differentiable
theorem re_of_holomorphic_is_harmonic {f : ℂ → ℂ} (h : Differentiable ℂ f) :
@ -367,11 +374,13 @@ theorem log_normSq_of_holomorphicOn_is_harmonicOn
rw [HarmonicOn_congr hs this]
apply harmonicOn_add_harmonicOn_is_harmonicOn
exact hs
apply harmonicOn_add_harmonicOn_is_harmonicOn hs
have : (fun x => Complex.log ((starRingEnd ℂ) (f x))) = (Complex.log ∘ ⇑(starRingEnd ℂ) ∘ f) := by
rw [this]
-- HarmonicOn (Complex.log ∘ ⇑(starRingEnd ℂ) ∘ f) s
have : ∀ z ∈ s, (Complex.log ∘ ⇑(starRingEnd ℂ) ∘ f) z = (Complex.conjCLE ∘ Complex.log ∘ f) z := by
intro z hz
unfold Function.comp
@ -383,9 +392,24 @@ theorem log_normSq_of_holomorphicOn_is_harmonicOn
rw [← harmonicOn_iff_comp_CLE_is_harmonicOn]
apply holomorphicOn_is_harmonicOn
intro z
exact hs
intro z hz
apply DifferentiableAt.differentiableWithinAt
apply DifferentiableAt.comp
exact Complex.differentiableAt_log (h₃ z)
exact Complex.differentiableAt_log (h₃ z hz)
apply DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt h₁ -- (h₁ z hz)
exact IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hz
exact hs
-- HarmonicOn (Complex.log ∘ ⇑(starRingEnd ℂ) ∘ f) s
apply holomorphicOn_is_harmonicOn hs
exact h₁ z
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Symmetric
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Defs.Filter
variable {𝕜 : Type*} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜]
@ -168,6 +170,23 @@ lemma partialDeriv_fderiv {f : E → F} (hf : ContDiff 𝕜 2 f) (z a b : E) :
· simp
lemma partialDeriv_fderivOn
{s : Set E}
{f : E → F}
(hs : IsOpen s)
(hf : ContDiffOn 𝕜 2 f s) (a b : E) :
∀ z ∈ s, fderiv 𝕜 (fderiv 𝕜 f) z b a = partialDeriv 𝕜 b (partialDeriv 𝕜 a f) z := by
intro z hz
unfold partialDeriv
rw [fderiv_clm_apply]
· simp
· convert DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt _ (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hz)
apply ContDiffOn.differentiableOn _ (Submonoid.oneLE.proof_2 ℕ∞)
exact ((contDiffOn_succ_iff_fderiv_of_isOpen hs).1 hf).2
· simp
theorem partialDeriv_eventuallyEq {f₁ f₂ : E → F} {x : E} (h : f₁ =ᶠ[nhds x] f₂) : ∀ v : E, partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₁ x = partialDeriv 𝕜 v f₂ x := by
unfold partialDeriv
rw [Filter.EventuallyEq.fderiv_eq h]
@ -268,3 +287,42 @@ theorem partialDeriv_comm
rw [← partialDeriv_fderiv ℝ h z v₂ v₁]
rw [derivSymm]
rw [partialDeriv_fderiv ℝ h z v₁ v₂]
theorem partialDeriv_commOn
{E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℝ E]
{F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace ℝ F]
{s : Set E}
{f : E → F}
(hs : IsOpen s)
(h : ContDiffOn ℝ 2 f s) :
∀ v₁ v₂ : E, ∀ z ∈ s, partialDeriv ℝ v₁ (partialDeriv ℝ v₂ f) z = partialDeriv ℝ v₂ (partialDeriv ℝ v₁ f) z := by
intro v₁ v₂ z hz
have derivSymm :
(fderiv ℝ (fun w => fderiv ℝ f w) z) v₁ v₂ = (fderiv ℝ (fun w => fderiv ℝ f w) z) v₂ v₁ := by
let f' := fderiv ℝ f
have h₀ : ∀ y ∈ s, HasFDerivAt f (f' y) y := by
intro y hy
apply DifferentiableAt.hasFDerivAt
apply DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt _ (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hy)
apply h.differentiableOn one_le_two
let f'' := (fderiv ℝ f' z)
have h₁ : HasFDerivAt f' f'' z := by
apply DifferentiableAt.hasFDerivAt
apply DifferentiableOn.differentiableAt _ (IsOpen.mem_nhds hs hz)
apply ContDiffOn.differentiableOn _ (Submonoid.oneLE.proof_2 ℕ∞)
exact ((contDiffOn_succ_iff_fderiv_of_isOpen hs).1 h).2
have h₀' : ∀ᶠ (y : E) in nhds z, HasFDerivAt f (f' y) y := by
apply eventually_nhds_iff.mpr
use s
exact second_derivative_symmetric_of_eventually h₀' h₁ v₁ v₂
rw [← partialDeriv_fderivOn ℝ hs h v₂ v₁ z hz]
rw [derivSymm]
rw [← partialDeriv_fderivOn ℝ hs h v₁ v₂ z hz]
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