This commit is contained in:
Stefan Kebekus 2024-12-20 11:30:06 +01:00
parent 93006a2a7e
commit 22d2eae3f6
2 changed files with 73 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -30,27 +30,28 @@ noncomputable def MeromorphicOn.N_zero
{f : } {f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f ) : (hf : MeromorphicOn f ) :
:= :=
fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z, (max 0 ((hf.restrict r).divisor z)) * log (r * ‖z‖⁻¹) fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z, (max 0 ((hf.restrict |r|).divisor z)) * log (r * ‖z‖⁻¹)
noncomputable def MeromorphicOn.N_infty noncomputable def MeromorphicOn.N_infty
{f : } {f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f ) : (hf : MeromorphicOn f ) :
:= :=
fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z, (max 0 (-((hf.restrict r).divisor z))) * log (r * ‖z‖⁻¹) fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z, (max 0 (-((hf.restrict |r|).divisor z))) * log (r * ‖z‖⁻¹)
theorem Nevanlinna_counting₀ theorem Nevanlinna_counting₀
{f : } {f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f ) : (hf : MeromorphicOn f ) :
hf.inv.N_infty = hf.N_zero := by hf.inv.N_infty = hf.N_zero := by
funext r funext r
unfold MeromorphicOn.N_zero MeromorphicOn.N_infty unfold MeromorphicOn.N_zero MeromorphicOn.N_infty
let A := (hf.restrict r).divisor.finiteSupport (isCompact_closedBall 0 r) let A := (hf.restrict |r|).divisor.finiteSupport (isCompact_closedBall 0 |r|)
repeat repeat
rw [finsum_eq_sum_of_support_subset (s := A.toFinset)] rw [finsum_eq_sum_of_support_subset (s := A.toFinset)]
apply Finset.sum_congr rfl apply Finset.sum_congr rfl
intro x hx intro x hx
congr congr
rw [hf.restrict_inv r] let B := hf.restrict_inv |r|
rw [MeromorphicOn.divisor_inv] rw [MeromorphicOn.divisor_inv]
simp simp
-- --
@ -67,9 +68,8 @@ theorem Nevanlinna_counting₀
contrapose contrapose
simp simp
intro hx h₁x intro hx h₁x
rw [hf.restrict_inv r] at h₁x
have hh : MeromorphicOn f (Metric.closedBall 0 r) := hf.restrict r rw [MeromorphicOn.divisor_inv (hf.restrict |r|)] at h₁x
rw [hh.divisor_inv] at h₁x
simp at h₁x simp at h₁x
rw [hx] at h₁x rw [hx] at h₁x
tauto tauto
@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ theorem Nevanlinna_counting₀
theorem Nevanlinna_counting theorem Nevanlinna_counting
{f : } {f : }
(hf : MeromorphicOn f ) : (hf : MeromorphicOn f ) :
hf.N_zero - hf.N_infty = fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z, ((hf.restrict r).divisor z) * log (r * ‖z‖⁻¹) := by hf.N_zero - hf.N_infty = fun r ↦ ∑ᶠ z, ((hf.restrict |r|).divisor z) * log (r * ‖z‖⁻¹) := by
funext r funext r
simp only [Pi.sub_apply] simp only [Pi.sub_apply]
unfold MeromorphicOn.N_zero MeromorphicOn.N_infty unfold MeromorphicOn.N_zero MeromorphicOn.N_infty
let A := (hf.restrict r).divisor.finiteSupport (isCompact_closedBall 0 r) let A := (hf.restrict |r|).divisor.finiteSupport (isCompact_closedBall 0 |r|)
repeat repeat
rw [finsum_eq_sum_of_support_subset (s := A.toFinset)] rw [finsum_eq_sum_of_support_subset (s := A.toFinset)]
rw [← Finset.sum_sub_distrib] rw [← Finset.sum_sub_distrib]
@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ theorem Nevanlinna_counting
congr congr
funext x funext x
congr congr
by_cases h : 0 ≤ (hf.restrict r).divisor x by_cases h : 0 ≤ (hf.restrict |r|).divisor x
· simp [h] · simp [h]
· have h' : 0 ≤ -((hf.restrict r).divisor x) := by · have h' : 0 ≤ -((hf.restrict |r|).divisor x) := by
simp at h simp at h
apply Int.le_neg_of_le_neg apply Int.le_neg_of_le_neg
simp simp
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ theorem Nevanlinna_firstMain₁
(h₁f : MeromorphicOn f ) (h₁f : MeromorphicOn f )
(h₂f : StronglyMeromorphicAt f 0) (h₂f : StronglyMeromorphicAt f 0)
(h₃f : f 0 ≠ 0) : (h₃f : f 0 ≠ 0) :
(fun r ↦ log ‖f 0‖) + h₁f.inv.T_infty = h₁f.T_infty := by (fun _ ↦ log ‖f 0‖) + h₁f.inv.T_infty = h₁f.T_infty := by
rw [add_eq_of_eq_sub] rw [add_eq_of_eq_sub]
unfold MeromorphicOn.T_infty unfold MeromorphicOn.T_infty
@ -170,10 +170,55 @@ theorem Nevanlinna_firstMain₁
simp simp
rw [← Nevanlinna_proximity h₁f] rw [← Nevanlinna_proximity h₁f]
have hr : 0 < r := by sorry by_cases h₁r : r = 0
rw [h₁r]
have : π⁻¹ * 2⁻¹ * (2 * π * log (Complex.abs (f 0))) = (π⁻¹ * (2⁻¹ * 2) * π) * log (Complex.abs (f 0)) := by
rw [this]
clear this
simp [pi_ne_zero]
by_cases hr : 0 < r
let A := jensen hr f (h₁f.restrict r) h₂f h₃f
simp at A
rw [A]
clear A
have {A B : } : -A + B = B - A := by ring
rw [this]
have : |r| = r := by
rw [← abs_of_pos hr]
rw [this]
-- case 0 < -r
have h₂r : 0 < -r := by
simp [h₁r, hr]
by_contra hCon
-- Assume ¬(r < 0), which means r >= 0
push_neg at hCon
-- Now h is r ≥ 0, so we split into cases
rcases lt_or_eq_of_le hCon with h|h
· tauto
· tauto
let A := jensen h₂r f (h₁f.restrict (-r)) h₂f h₃f
simp at A
rw [A]
clear A
have {A B : } : -A + B = B - A := by ring
rw [this]
congr 1
congr 1
let A := integrabl_congr_negRadius (f := (fun z ↦ log (Complex.abs (f z)))) (r := r)
rw [A]
have : |r| = -r := by
rw [← abs_of_pos h₂r]
rw [this]
let A := jensen
theorem Nevanlinna_firstMain₂ theorem Nevanlinna_firstMain₂
{f : } {f : }
@ -181,4 +226,5 @@ theorem Nevanlinna_firstMain₂
{r : } {r : }
(h₁f : MeromorphicOn f ) : (h₁f : MeromorphicOn f ) :
|(h₁f.T_infty r) - ((h₁f.sub (MeromorphicOn.const a)).T_infty r)| ≤ logpos ‖a‖ + log 2 := by |(h₁f.T_infty r) - ((h₁f.sub (MeromorphicOn.const a)).T_infty r)| ≤ logpos ‖a‖ + log 2 := by
sorry sorry

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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ theorem jensen₀
by_contra hCon by_contra hCon
rw [← hCon] at hx rw [← hCon] at hx
simp at hx simp at hx
rw [← StronglyMeromorphicAt.order_eq_zero_iff] at h₂z rw [← (h₁f z h₁z).order_eq_zero_iff] at h₂z
unfold MeromorphicOn.divisor at hx unfold MeromorphicOn.divisor at hx
simp [h₁z] at hx simp [h₁z] at hx
tauto tauto
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ theorem jensen₀
by_contra hCon by_contra hCon
rw [← hCon] at hx rw [← hCon] at hx
simp at hx simp at hx
rw [← StronglyMeromorphicAt.order_eq_zero_iff] at h₂z rw [← (h₁f z h₁z).order_eq_zero_iff] at h₂z
unfold MeromorphicOn.divisor at hx unfold MeromorphicOn.divisor at hx
simp [h₁z] at hx simp [h₁z] at hx
tauto tauto
@ -198,62 +198,28 @@ theorem jensen₀
-- log (Complex.abs (circleMap 0 1 x - ↑i))) MeasureTheory.volume 0 (2 * π) -- log (Complex.abs (circleMap 0 1 x - ↑i))) MeasureTheory.volume 0 (2 * π)
intro i _ intro i _
apply IntervalIntegrable.const_mul apply IntervalIntegrable.const_mul
--simp at this apply intervalIntegrable_logAbs_circleMap_sub_const
by_cases h₂i : ‖i‖ = R linarith
-- case pos --
--exact int'₂ h₂i
-- case neg -- case neg
apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
apply continuous_iff_continuousAt.2 apply continuous_iff_continuousAt.2
intro x intro x
have : (fun x => log (Complex.abs (circleMap 0 R x - ↑i))) = log ∘ Complex.abs ∘ (fun x ↦ circleMap 0 R x - ↑i) := have : (fun x => log (Complex.abs ( F (circleMap 0 R x)))) = log ∘ Complex.abs ∘ F ∘ circleMap 0 R :=
rfl rfl
rw [this] rw [this]
apply ContinuousAt.comp apply ContinuousAt.comp
apply Real.continuousAt_log apply Real.continuousAt_log
simp simp
let A := h₃F ⟨(circleMap 0 R x), circleMap_mem_closedBall 0 (le_of_lt hR) x⟩
by_contra ha' exact A
conv at h₂i =>
arg 1
rw [← ha']
rw [Complex.norm_eq_abs]
rw [abs_circleMap_zero R x]
-- --
apply ContinuousAt.comp apply ContinuousAt.comp
apply Complex.continuous_abs.continuousAt apply Complex.continuous_abs.continuousAt
-- IntervalIntegrable (fun x => log (Complex.abs (F (circleMap 0 1 x)))) MeasureTheory.volume 0 (2 * π)
apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
apply continuous_iff_continuousAt.2
intro x
have : (fun x => log (Complex.abs (F (circleMap 0 R x)))) = log ∘ Complex.abs ∘ F ∘ (fun x ↦ circleMap 0 R x) :=
rw [this]
apply ContinuousAt.comp apply ContinuousAt.comp
apply Real.continuousAt_log let A := h₂F (circleMap 0 R x) (circleMap_mem_closedBall 0 (le_of_lt hR) x)
simp apply A.continuousAt
have : (circleMap 0 R x) ∈ (Metric.closedBall 0 R) := by exact (continuous_circleMap 0 R).continuousAt
rw [abs_le]
simp [hR]
exact le_of_lt hR
exact h₃F ⟨(circleMap 0 R x), this⟩
-- ContinuousAt (⇑Complex.abs ∘ F ∘ fun x => circleMap 0 1 x) x
apply ContinuousAt.comp
apply Complex.continuous_abs.continuousAt
apply ContinuousAt.comp
apply DifferentiableAt.continuousAt (𝕜 := )
apply AnalyticAt.differentiableAt
apply h₂F (circleMap 0 R x)
simp; rw [abs_le]; simp [hR]; exact le_of_lt hR
-- ContinuousAt (fun x => circleMap 0 1 x) x
apply Continuous.continuousAt
apply continuous_circleMap
-- IntervalIntegrable (fun x => ∑ᶠ (s : ), ↑(↑⋯.divisor s) * log (Complex.abs (circleMap 0 1 x - s))) MeasureTheory.volume 0 (2 * π) -- IntervalIntegrable (fun x => ∑ᶠ (s : ), ↑(↑⋯.divisor s) * log (Complex.abs (circleMap 0 1 x - s))) MeasureTheory.volume 0 (2 * π)
--simp? at h₁G --simp? at h₁G
have h₁G' {z : } : ( fun s => (h₁f.meromorphicOn.divisor s) * log (Complex.abs (z - s))) ⊆ ↑h₃f.toFinset := by have h₁G' {z : } : ( fun s => (h₁f.meromorphicOn.divisor s) * log (Complex.abs (z - s))) ⊆ ↑h₃f.toFinset := by
@ -273,9 +239,8 @@ theorem jensen₀
by_cases h₂i : ‖i‖ = R by_cases h₂i : ‖i‖ = R
-- case pos -- case pos
--exact int'₂ h₂i --exact int'₂ h₂i
sorry apply intervalIntegrable_logAbs_circleMap_sub_const (Ne.symm (ne_of_lt hR))
-- case neg -- case neg
--have : i.1 ∈ Metric.ball (0 : ) 1 := by sorry
apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
apply continuous_iff_continuousAt.2 apply continuous_iff_continuousAt.2
intro x intro x