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2024-04-23 10:03:36 +02:00
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.CauchyIntegral
2024-04-23 09:18:45 +02:00
2024-04-23 10:03:36 +02:00
#check DiffContOnCl.circleIntegral_sub_inv_smul
2024-04-23 10:56:52 +02:00
open Real
2024-04-23 10:03:36 +02:00
theorem CauchyIntegralFormula :
{R : } -- Radius of the ball
{w : } -- Point in the interior of the ball
{f : }, -- Holomorphic function
DiffContOnCl f (Metric.ball 0 R)
→ w ∈ Metric.ball 0 R
2024-04-23 10:56:52 +02:00
→ (∮ (z : ) in C(0, R), (z - w)⁻¹ • f z) = (2 * π * Complex.I) • f w := by
2024-04-23 10:03:36 +02:00
exact DiffContOnCl.circleIntegral_sub_inv_smul
#check CauchyIntegralFormula
2024-04-23 10:56:52 +02:00
#check HasDerivAt.continuousAt
#check Real.log
#check Complex.log
#check Complex.exp
theorem SimpleCauchyFormula :
{R : } -- Radius of the ball
{w : } -- Point in the interior of the ball
{f : }, -- Holomorphic function
Differentiable f
→ w ∈ Metric.ball 0 R
→ (∮ (z : ) in C(0, R), (z - w)⁻¹ • f z) = (2 * Real.pi * Complex.I) • f w := by
intro R w f fHyp
apply DiffContOnCl.circleIntegral_sub_inv_smul
· exact Differentiable.differentiableOn fHyp
· suffices Continuous f from by
exact Continuous.continuousOn this
rw [continuous_iff_continuousAt]
intro x
exact DifferentiableAt.continuousAt (fHyp x)
theorem JensenFormula₂ :
{R : } -- Radius of the ball
{w : } -- Point in the interior of the ball
{f : }, -- Holomorphic function
Differentiable f
→ ∀ z ∈ Metric.ball 0 R, f z ≠ 0
→ (∮ (z : ) in C(0, R), Complex.log ‖f z‖ ) = 2 * π * R * log ‖f 0‖ := by