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Stefan Kebekus 2024-07-19 14:38:48 +02:00
parent 28adc27616
commit e91c315a85
3 changed files with 227 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -58,3 +58,24 @@ Goresky
Schottky Schottky
Calabi Calabi
Yau Yau

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@ -116,14 +119,14 @@ insight into the singular setting, which remains open to date.
\paragraph{Non-compact Setting} \paragraph{Non-compact Setting}
In the non-compact setting, geometers study Lagrangian fibrations in the Geometers study Lagrangian fibrations over non-compact bases in the framework of
framework of the ``$P=W$ conjecture,'' which MaulikShen and the ``$P=W$ conjecture,'' which Maulik--Shen and Hausel--Mellit--Minets--Schiffmann
HauselMellitMinetsSchiffmann have recently proved \cite{arXiv:2209.02568, have recently proved \cite{arXiv:2209.02568, arXiv:2209.05429}. In the same
arXiv:2209.05429}. In the same setting, ShenYin discovered a remarkable setting, ShenYin discovered a remarkable symmetry of certain pushforward
symmetry of certain pushforward sheaves and conjectured that more general sheaves and conjectured that more general symmetries exist. Schnell has recently
symmetries exist. Schnell has recently established these conjectures in established these conjectures in \cite{arXiv:2303.05364} and also proved two
\cite{arXiv:2303.05364} and also proved two conjectures of MaulikShenYin on conjectures of MaulikShenYin on the behavior of certain perverse sheaves near
the behavior of certain perverse sheaves near singular fibers. singular fibers.
\subsubsection{Singer--Hopf conjecture and fundamental groups of Kähler manifolds} \subsubsection{Singer--Hopf conjecture and fundamental groups of Kähler manifolds}
@ -147,57 +150,78 @@ group theory with experts on Hodge theory and to explore further potential
applications of the methods from one field to problems in the other. applications of the methods from one field to problems in the other.
\subsection{Canonical metrics and Kobayashi hyperbolicity} \subsection{Canonical Metrics and Hyperbolicity}
\subsubsection{Kähler-Einstein metrics with conic singularities and their limits} \subsubsection{Kähler--Einstein Metrics with Conic Singularities and Their Limits}
In the proof of Donaldson-Tian-Yau conjecture -around 2015-, the Kähler-Einstein In the proof of the Donaldson--Tian--Yau conjecture, which Chen--Donaldson--Sun
metrics with conic singularities along a smooth divisor are playing a key role. gave in a series of papers around 2015, Kähler--Einstein metrics with conic
Since then, they have become an object of study in its own right. For example, singularities along a smooth divisor emerged to play a vital role. Since then,
we currently dispose of results which are completely analog to Yaus celebrated these metrics have become an object of study in their own right. The work of
solution of Calabi conjecture in conic setting, by the work of S. Brendle, S. Brendle, Donaldson, Guenancia, Rubinstein, and many others provides a complete
Donaldson, H. Guenancia, Y. Rubinstein, among many others. package of results that generalize Yau's celebrated solution of the Calabi
conjecture to the conic setting. Today, many exciting recent developments in
this field gravitate around the following general question.
An important number of the exciting recent developments in this field are \begin{q}
gravitating around the following general question: \emph{let $X$ be a projective Let $X$ be a projective manifold, and let $D\subset $ be a non-singular
manifold, and let $D\subset $ be a non-singular divisor. We assume that for each divisor. Assume that for every sufficiently small angle $0< \beta << 1$,
angle $0< \beta<< 1$ small enough, there exists a unique KE metric there exists a unique Kähler--Einstein metric $\omega_\beta$ with conic
$\omega_\beta$ with conic singularities of angle $2\pi\beta$ along $D$, i.e. singularities of angle $2\pi\beta$ along $D$. In other words, assume that
$$Ricci_{\omega_\beta}= \lambda \omega_{\beta}+ (1-\beta)[D],$$ \[
where $\lambda$ is equal to -1 or 1. Can one extract a limit of $(\omega_\beta)$ Ricci_{\omega_\beta}= \lambda \cdot \omega_{\beta}+ (1-\beta)\cdot [D],
as $\beta\to 0$, eventually after rescaling}? \quad
\text{where } \lambda \in \{ \pm 1\}.
Is there a meaningful limit of $\omega_\beta$ as $\beta\to 0$, perhaps after
The series of articles by Biquard-Guenancia —2022 and 2024-- settle many Starting with \cite{zbMATH07615186}, a series of articles by Biquard--Guenancia
interesting and technically challenging particular casses of this question: settles many relevant (and technically challenging!) particular cases of this
toroidal compactifications of ball quotients -in which the limit mentioned above question.
is the hyperbolic metric- and the case of a Fano manifold together with a \begin{itemize}
divisor $D$ proportional to the anticanonical class -the limit of the rescaled \item If $(X,D)$ is the toroidal compactification of a ball quotient, then the
metric is the Tian-Yau metric. limit of the metric exists and equals the hyperbolic metric.
On the other hand, there has been increasing interest in the understanding of \item If $X$ is Fano and $D$ is a divisor whose class is proportional to the
Kähler-Einstein metrics on singular spaces. Perhaps one of the first result in anticanonical class, then the limit of the rescaled metric exists and equals
this direction is due to S. Kobayashi (construction of orbifold Kähler-Einstein the Tian--Yau metric.
metrics), while a definitive existence result for a large class of singularities \end{itemize}
was obtained by Eyssidieux-Guedj-Zeriahi by combining Yau's technique with S. More work is ongoing, and we expect to report on substantial progress by the
Kolodziej's $\mathcal C^0$ estimates. Recently Li-Tian-Wang extended time our workshop takes place.
Chen-Donaldson-Suns solution of the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture to general
$\mathbb Q$-Fano varieties. Thus, we now have several sources/motivations for
studying singular Kähler-Einstein metrics on normal varieties.
For applications it is desirable to have control of the geometry of these
metrics near the singularities, but so far little is known in general. The \subsubsection{Kähler--Einstein Metrics on Singular Spaces}
continuity of their potential has only been established very recently (beginning
of 2024) by Y.-W- Luke and Y.-J. Choi. Beyond that, the main progress in this Motivated by progress in the Minimal Model Program, there has been increasing
direction is due to Hein-Sun, who showed that near a large class of smoothable interest in Kähler--Einstein metrics on singular spaces. While one of the first
isolated singularities that are locally isomorphic to a Calabi-Yau cone, the results in this direction dates back to the early 1970s when Kobayashi
singular Calabi-Yau metric must be asymptotic in a strong sense to the constructed orbifold Kähler--Einstein metrics, a definitive existence result for
Calabi-Yau cone metric. Recently an analogous result was shown by Datar-Fu-Song a relevant class of singularities was obtained by Eyssidieux--Guedj--Zeriahi
in the case of isolated log canonical singularities using the bounded geometry about 15 years ago in \cite{zbMATH05859416}, by combining Yau's technique with
method, and precise asymptotics were obtained shortly after by Fu-Hein-Jiang. Kolodziej's $\mathcal C^0$ estimates. Much more recently, Li--Tian--Wang
Important contributions in direct connection with these topics are due to S.-K. extended Chen-Donaldson-Sun's solution of the Yau--Tian--Donaldson conjecture to
Chiu,T. Delcroix, H.-J. Hein, C. Li, Y. Li, S. Sun, G. Székelyhidi, V. Tosatti general $\mathbb Q$-Fano varieties \cite{zbMATH07382001, zbMATH07597119}.
and K. Zhang.
For most applications, it is essential to control the geometry of these metrics
near the singularities. Despite the problem's obvious importance, little is
known so far. The continuity of the metric's potential has been established
quite recently in the preprint \cite{arXiv:2401.03935} of Cho--Choi. Beyond
that, the main progress in this direction is due to Hein--Sun
\cite{zbMATH06827885}, who showed that near a large class of smoothable isolated
singularities that are locally isomorphic to a Calabi-Yau cone, the singular
Calabi-Yau metric must be asymptotic in a strong sense to the Calabi-Yau cone
metric. Using the bounded geometry method, Datar--Fu--Song recently showed an
analogous result in the case of isolated log canonical singularities
\cite{zbMATH07669617}. FuHeinJiang obtained precise asymptotics shortly
after, \cite{zbMATH07782497}. Essential contributions directly connected to
these topics are due to Chiu, Delcroix, Hein, C.~Li, Y.~Li, Sun, Székelyhidi,
Tosatti, and Zhang.
{\color{red}\textbf --- DO NOT READ ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ---}
\subsubsection{Complex hyperbolicity} \subsubsection{Complex hyperbolicity}

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@ -1,3 +1,132 @@
Author = {Fu, Xin and Hein, Hans-Joachim and Jiang, Xumin},
Title = {Asymptotics of {K{\"a}hler}-{Einstein} metrics on complex hyperbolic cusps},
FJournal = {Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations},
Journal = {Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ.},
ISSN = {0944-2669},
Volume = {63},
Number = {1},
Pages = {34},
Note = {Id/No 6},
Year = {2024},
Language = {English},
DOI = {10.1007/s00526-023-02613-4},
Keywords = {32Q20,35J96,53C55},
zbMATH = {7782497},
Zbl = {1535.32023}
Author = {Datar, Ved and Fu, Xin and Song, Jian},
Title = {K{\"a}hler-{Einstein} metrics near an isolated log-canonical singularity},
FJournal = {Journal f{\"u}r die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik},
Journal = {J. Reine Angew. Math.},
ISSN = {0075-4102},
Volume = {797},
Pages = {79--116},
Year = {2023},
Language = {English},
DOI = {10.1515/crelle-2022-0095},
Keywords = {83C75,53C21,32Q20,03C80,35B35,83C30},
zbMATH = {7669617},
Zbl = {1521.83164}
Author = {Hein, Hans-Joachim and Sun, Song},
Title = {Calabi-{Yau} manifolds with isolated conical singularities},
FJournal = {Publications Math{\'e}matiques},
Journal = {Publ. Math., Inst. Hautes {\'E}tud. Sci.},
ISSN = {0073-8301},
Volume = {126},
Pages = {73--130},
Year = {2017},
Language = {English},
DOI = {10.1007/s10240-017-0092-1},
Keywords = {32Q25,32Q20,14J32},
URL = {},
zbMATH = {6827885},
Zbl = {1397.32009}
title={Continuity of solutions to complex Monge-Amp\`{e}re equations on compact K\"{a}hler spaces},
author={Ye-Won Luke Cho and Young-Jun Choi},
Author = {Li, Chi and Tian, Gang and Wang, Feng},
Title = {The uniform version of {Yau}-{Tian}-{Donaldson} conjecture for singular {Fano} varieties},
FJournal = {Peking Mathematical Journal},
Journal = {Peking Math. J.},
ISSN = {2096-6075},
Volume = {5},
Number = {2},
Pages = {383--426},
Year = {2022},
Language = {English},
DOI = {10.1007/s42543-021-00039-5},
Keywords = {32Q20,32Q26,14J45},
zbMATH = {7597119},
Zbl = {1504.32068}
Author = {Li, Chi and Tian, Gang and Wang, Feng},
Title = {On the {Yau}-{Tian}-{Donaldson} conjecture for singular {Fano} varieties},
FJournal = {Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics},
Journal = {Commun. Pure Appl. Math.},
ISSN = {0010-3640},
Volume = {74},
Number = {8},
Pages = {1748--1800},
Year = {2021},
Language = {English},
DOI = {10.1002/cpa.21936},
Keywords = {32Q20,14J45,53C55},
zbMATH = {7382001},
Zbl = {1484.32041}
Author = {Eyssidieux, Philippe and Guedj, Vincent and Zeriahi, Ahmed},
Title = {Singular {K{\"a}hler}-{Einstein} metrics},
FJournal = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society},
Journal = {J. Am. Math. Soc.},
ISSN = {0894-0347},
Volume = {22},
Number = {3},
Pages = {607--639},
Year = {2009},
Language = {English},
DOI = {10.1090/S0894-0347-09-00629-8},
Keywords = {32W20,32Q20,32J27,14J17},
zbMATH = {5859416},
Zbl = {1215.32017}
Author = {Biquard, Olivier and Guenancia, Henri},
Title = {Degenerating {K{\"a}hler}-{Einstein} cones, locally symmetric cusps, and the {Tian}-{Yau} metric},
FJournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae},
Journal = {Invent. Math.},
ISSN = {0020-9910},
Volume = {230},
Number = {3},
Pages = {1101--1163},
Year = {2022},
Language = {English},
DOI = {10.1007/s00222-022-01138-5},
Keywords = {32Q20,53C55,35J99},
zbMATH = {7615186},
Zbl = {1510.32057}
@Article{zbMATH07790946, @Article{zbMATH07790946,
Author = {Llosa Isenrich, Claudio and Py, Pierre}, Author = {Llosa Isenrich, Claudio and Py, Pierre},
Title = {Subgroups of hyperbolic groups, finiteness properties and complex hyperbolic lattices}, Title = {Subgroups of hyperbolic groups, finiteness properties and complex hyperbolic lattices},