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Oproiu}, - DOI = {10.1142/S0129167X10006070}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X10006070}, -} - -@misc{DemaillyBook, - Author = {Demailly, Jean-Pierre}, - Month = {September}, - Note = {OpenContent Book, freely available from the author's web site, - \url{http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html}.}, - Title = {Complex {A}nalytic and {D}ifferential {G}eometry}, - Url = {http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html}, - Year = 2012, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html} -} - -@misc{DemaillyBook2012, - Author = {Demailly, Jean-Pierre}, - Month = {June}, - Note = {OpenContent Book, freely available from the author's web site, - \url{http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html}.}, - Title = {Complex {A}nalytic and {D}ifferential {G}eometry}, - Url = {http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html}, - Year = 2012, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html} -} - -@Unpublished{Deng, - Author = {Deng, Ya}, - Title = {Kobayashi hyperbolicity of moduli spaces of minimal projective manifolds of general type (with the appendix by {D}an {A}bramovich)}, - Note = {Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01666}{arXiv:1806.01666}}, - Year = 2018 - } - -@phdthesis{Deroin03, - Author = {Deroin, B.}, - School = {ENS Lyon}, - Title = {Laminations par variétés complexes}, - Year = 2003 -} - -@incollection{DethloffGrauert, - Author = {Dethloff, Gerd and Grauert, Hans}, - Booktitle = {Several {C}omplex {V}ariables {VII}}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_5}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_5}}, - Mrclass = {32C15 (32C20)}, - Mrnumber = 1326621, - Pages = {183--220}, - Publisher = {Springer, Berlin}, - Series = {Encyclopaedia Math. Sci.}, - Title = {Seminormal complex spaces}, - Volume = 74, - Year = 1994 -} - -@incollection {Dol82, - AUTHOR = {Dolgachev, Igor}, - TITLE = {Weighted projective varieties}, - BOOKTITLE = {Group actions and vector fields ({V}ancouver, {B}.{C}., 1981)}, - SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Math.}, - VOLUME = {956}, - PAGES = {34--71}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, - YEAR = {1982}, - MRCLASS = {14L32 (14A05 14B05)}, - MRNUMBER = {704986}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0101508}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0101508}}, - DOI = {10.1007/BFb0101508}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0101508}, -} - -@article{Donaldson85, - Author = {Donaldson, Simon K.}, - Coden = {PLMTAL}, - Doi = {10.1112/plms/s3-50.1.1}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series}, - Issn = {0024-6115}, - Journal = {Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)}, - Mrclass = {58E15 (14F99 53C05 57R99)}, - Mrnumber = {765366 (86h:58038)}, - Mrreviewer = {S. 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I, Math.}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {365--368}, - Title = {Structures de contact sur les variétes algébriques de - dimension 5}, - Volume = 327, - Year = 1998 -} - -@article{Dru99, - Author = {S.~Druel}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {429--435}, - Title = {{Structures de contact sur les variétés toriques}}, - Volume = 313, - Year = 1999 -} - -@article{Druel13a, - Author = {Druel, Stéphane}, - Journal = {Bull. London Math. Soc.}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {827--835}, - Title = {The {Z}ariski-{L}ipman conjecture for log canonical spaces}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1112/blms/bdu040}{DOI:10.1112/blms/bdu040}. Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.5910}{arXiv:1301.5910}}, - Volume = 46, - Year = 2014 -} - -@article{DuBois81, - Author = {Philippe {D}u~Bois}, - Coden = {BSMFAA}, - Fjournal = {Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France}, - Issn = {0037-9484}, - Journal = {Bull. Soc. Math. 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J. {\bf 81} (1995), no. 1}, - Pages = {i--vi and 1--250}, - Publisher = {Duke University Press}, - Title = {A celebration of {J}ohn {F}. {N}ash, {J}r}, - Year = 1996 -} - -@Book{Dur25, - author = {Dürer, Albrecht}, - ALTeditor = {}, - title = {Vnderweysung der messung / mit dem zirckel vnd richt scheyt / in {L}inien ebnen vnnd gantzen corporen / durch {A}lbrecht {D}uerer zuosamen getzogen / vnd zuo nutz allen kunstlieb habenden mit zuo gehoerigen figuren}, - publisher = {Hieronymum Formschneider}, - year = {1525}, - OPTkey = {}, - OPTvolume = {}, - OPTnumber = {}, - OPTseries = {}, - address = {Nürnberg}, - OPTedition = {}, - OPTmonth = {}, - note = {Available online at \href{http://digital.slub-dresden.de/id27778509X}{Sächsische Landesbibliothek — Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden}}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@misc{Duv06, - Author = {Duval, Julien}, - Month = {May}, - Note = {talk at {D}iederichs conference}, - Title = {On {B}rody's lemma}, - Year = 2006 -} - -@misc{E02, - Author = {Eckl, Thomas}, - Note = {Preprint math.AG/0202279. To appear in J. Alg. 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Publications - Mathématiques}, - Note = {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1960__4__5_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1960-4-5-0}}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.55}, - Mrnumber = {0217083 (36 \#177a)}, - Number = 4, - Pages = 228, - Title = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {I}. {L}e langage des - schémas}, - Year = 1960 -} - -@book{EGA1-Reedition, - Address = {Berlin-Heidelberg-New York}, - Author = {Dieudonné, Jean A. and Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Pages = {xx+466}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 166}, - Title = {Éléments de {G}éométrie {A}lgébrique. {I}.}, - Year = 1971 -} - -@article{EGA2, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.55}, - Mrnumber = {0217084 (36 \#177b)}, - Note = {Revised in collaboration with Jean - Dieudonné. \href{http://www.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1961__8_}{numdam.PMIHES_1961__8_}}, - Number = 8, - Pages = 222, - Title = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {II}. Étude globale - élémentaire de quelques classes de morphismes}, - Year = 1961 -} - -@article{EGA3-1, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.05}, - Mrnumber = {0163910 (29 \#1209)}, - Number = 11, - Pages = 167, - Title = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {III}. Étude cohomologique - des faisceaux cohérents. {I}}, - Year = 1961 -} - -@article {EGA4-2, - AUTHOR = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - TITLE = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {IV}. Étude locale des schémas et des morphismes de schémas. {II}}, - JOURNAL = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications Mathématiques}, - NUMBER = {24}, - NOTE = {Revised in collaboration with Jean Dieudonné. \href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1965__24__231_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1965-24-231-0}}, - YEAR = {1965}, - PAGES = {231}, - ISSN = {0073-8301}, - MRCLASS = {14.00}, - MRNUMBER = {0199181}, -MRREVIEWER = {H. Hironaka}, - URL = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1965__24__231_0}, -} - -@article{EGA4-3, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.55}, - Mrnumber = {MR0217086 (36 \#178)}, - Note = {Revised in collaboration with Jean - Dieudonné. \href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1966__28__5_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1966-28-5-0}}, - Number = 28, - Pages = 255, - Title = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {IV}. Étude locale des - schémas et des morphismes de schémas {III}}, - Year = 1966 -} - -@article{EGA4-4, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.55}, - Mrnumber = {0238860 (39 \#220)}, - Mrreviewer = {J. P. Murre}, - Note = {Revised in collaboration with Jean - Dieudonné. \href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1967__32__5_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1967-32-5-0}}, - Number = 32, - Pages = 361, - Title = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {IV}. Étude locale des - schémas et des morphismes de schémas {IV}}, - Year = 1967 -} - -@inproceedings{ES86, - Author = {J. Erdman-Snow}, - Booktitle = {Journées Complexes Nancy}, - Number = 10, - Series = {Revue de l'Institut Elie Cartan}, - Title = {On the Classification of Solv-Manifolds in Dimension 2 and 3}, - Year = 1986 -} - -@article{EV90, - Author = {Esnault, Hélène and Viehweg, Eckart}, - Coden = {CMPMAF}, - Fjournal = {Compositio Mathematica}, - Issn = {0010-437X}, - Journal = {Compositio Math.}, - Mrclass = {14H10 (11G35 14F10 14J25)}, - Mrnumber = {MR1078858 (91m:14038)}, - Mrreviewer = {Bruce Hunt}, - Note = {Algebraic geometry (Berlin, 1988)}, - Number = {1-2}, - Pages = {69--85}, - Title = {Effective bounds for semipositive sheaves and for the height - of points on curves over complex function fields}, - Volume = 76, - Year = 1990 -} - -@book {EV92, - AUTHOR = {Esnault, Hélène and Viehweg, Eckart}, - TITLE = {Lectures on vanishing theorems}, - SERIES = {DMV Seminar}, - VOLUME = 20, - PUBLISHER = {Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel}, - YEAR = 1992, - PAGES = {vi+164}, - ISBN = {3-7643-2822-3}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-0348-8600-0}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-0348-8600-0}}, - MRCLASS = {14F17 (14F40 32L10 32L20)}, - MRNUMBER = 1193913, - MRREVIEWER = {Marko Roczen}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-0348-8600-0}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-0348-8600-0}, -} - -@article{Eck04b, - Author = {Eckl, Thomas}, - Coden = {AIFUA7}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {32J25 (32C30)}, - Mrnumber = {MR2111016 (2006d:32027)}, - Mrreviewer = {Gordon Heier}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {887--938}, - Title = {Numerically trivial foliations}, - Volume = 54, - Year = 2004 -} - -@misc{Eck05b, - Author = {Eckl, Thomas}, - Month = {August}, - Note = {preprint math.AG/0508561}, - Title = {Seshadri constants via lelong numbers}, - Year = 2005 -} - -@article{Eckl08, - Author = {Eckl, Thomas}, - Doi = {10.1002/mana.200510664}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Nachrichten}, - Issn = {0025-584X}, - Journal = {Math. 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Pinkham}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {139--147}, - Title = {Singularités rationnelles et déformations}, - Volume = 47, - Year = 1978 -} - -@article{Elkik81, - Author = {Elkik, Renée}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14B05 (14J30)}, - Mrnumber = {621766 (83a:14003)}, - Mrreviewer = {G. Horrocks}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {1--6}, - Title = {Rationalité des singularités canoniques}, - Volume = 64, - Year = 1981 -} - -@book{Encyclopaedia-GeometryI, - Editor = {R.V.~Gamkrelidze}, - Number = 28, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences}, - Title = {Geometry I: basic ideas and concepts of differential geometry}, - Year = 1991 -} - -@incollection{Eno87, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Enoki, Ichiro}, - Booktitle = {Geometry and analysis on manifolds ({K}atata/{K}yoto, 1987)}, - Doi = {10.1007/BFb0083051}, - Mrclass = {32L10 (32J25 32L15)}, - Mrnumber = {961477 (90a:32039)}, - Mrreviewer = {Daniel Barlet}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0083051}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0083051}}, - Pages = {118--126}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Lecture Notes in Math.}, - Title = {Stability and negativity for tangent sheaves of minimal - {K}ähler spaces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0083051}, - Volume = 1339, - Year = 1988, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0083051} -} - -@article{ExtApplications, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Doi = {10.1515/crelle-2012-0097}, - Fjournal = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle's - Journal]}, - Issn = {0075-4102}, - Journal = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14F10}, - Mrnumber = 3281652, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1515/crelle-2012-0097}{DOI:10.1515/crelle-2012-0097}. Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.3243}{arXiv:1202.3243}.}, - Pages = {57--89}, - Title = {Reflexive differential forms on singular spaces. {G}eometry - and cohomology}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crelle-2012-0097}, - Volume = 697, - Year = 2014, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crelle-2012-0097} -} - -@article{F00, - Author = {Farkas, Gavril}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {14H10 (14D20 14H51)}, - Mrnumber = {MR1785575 (2001f:14048)}, - Mrreviewer = {Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {43--65}, - Title = {The geometry of the moduli space of curves of genus 23}, - Volume = 318, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{FF79, - Author = {G. Fischer and O. Forster}, - Journal = {J. reine angew. Mathematik}, - Pages = {88--93}, - Title = {{Ein Endlichkeitssatz für Hyperflächen auf kompakten komplexen - Räumen}}, - Volume = 306, - Year = 1979 -} - -@article{FG69, - Author = {Frisch, Jacques and Guenot, Jacques}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {32.50}, - Mrnumber = {0252683 (40 \#5901)}, - Mrreviewer = {Y.-T. Siu}, - Pages = {321--343}, - Title = {Prolongement de faisceaux analytiques cohérents}, - Volume = 7, - Year = 1969 -} - -@book{FGA, - Address = {Paris}, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Mrclass = {14.00}, - Mrnumber = {MR0146040 (26 \#3566)}, - Mrreviewer = {E. L. Griffin, Jr.}, - Pages = {ii+205}, - Publisher = {Secrétariat mathématique}, - Title = {Fondements de la géométrie algébrique. [{E}xtraits du - {S}éminaire {B}ourbaki, 1957--1962.]}, - Year = 1962 -} - -@book{FGIKN, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Fantechi, Barbara and Göttsche, Lothar and Illusie, Luc and - Kleiman, Steven L. and Nitsure, Nitin and Vistoli, Angelo}, - Isbn = {0-8218-3541-6}, - Mrclass = {14-06 (14A15 14D15 14F20)}, - Mrnumber = {MR2222646 (2007f:14001)}, - Mrreviewer = {Liam O'Carroll}, - Note = {Grothendieck's FGA explained}, - Pages = {x+339}, - Publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, - Series = {Mathematical Surveys and Monographs}, - Title = {Fundamental algebraic geometry}, - Volume = 123, - Year = 2005 -} - -@Unpublished{FL18, - author = {Floris, Enrica and Lazić, Vladimir}, - title = {On the B-Semiampleness Conjecture}, - note = {Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1808.00717}{arXiv:1808.00717}}, - month = {August}, - year = 2018 -} - -@incollection{FL81, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Fulton, William and Lazarsfeld, Robert}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry ({C}hicago, {I}ll., 1980)}, - Mrclass = {14-02 (14C99 14E25)}, - Mrnumber = {644817 (83i:14002)}, - Mrreviewer = {Knud L{\o}nsted}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0090889}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0090889}}, - Pages = {26--92}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Lecture Notes in Math.}, - Title = {Connectivity and its applications in algebraic geometry}, - Volume = 862, - Year = 1981 -} - -@article{FMP03, - Author = {Farkas, Gavril and Mustaţă, Mircea and Popa, Mihnea}, - Coden = {ASENAH}, - Fjournal = {Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. 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Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14H10 (14J28)}, - Mrnumber = {MR2123229}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {241--267}, - Title = {Effective divisors on {$\overline{\mathcal M}\sb g$}, curves - on {$K3$} surfaces, and the slope conjecture}, - Volume = 14, - Year = 2005 -} - -@misc{FP09, - Author = {Frantzen, Kristina and Peternell, Thomas}, - Note = {preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0910.4483}{arXiv:0910.4483}}, - Title = {On the {B}imeromorphic {G}eometry of {C}ompact {C}omplex - {C}ontact {T}hreefolds}, - Year = 2009 -} - -@article{FS01, - Author = {Forn{\ae}ss, John Erik and Sibony, Nessim}, - Fjournal = {Publicacions Matemàtiques}, - Issn = {0214-1493}, - Journal = {Publ. 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Greenberg}, - Pages = {xvi+216}, - Publisher = {W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York-Amsterdam}, - Title = {Invariant theory}, - Year = 1969 -} - -@article{Fr97, - Author = {Freitag, Paul}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Doi = {10.1007/s002080050109}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. 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Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/0911.2851}{arXiv:0911.2851}}, - Pages = {92--95}, - Title = {On maximal {A}lbanese dimensional varieties}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.3792/pjaa.89.92}, - Volume = 89, - Year = 2013, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.3792/pjaa.89.92} -} - -@incollection {Fujino14, - AUTHOR = {Fujino, Osamu}, - TITLE = {Notes on the weak positivity theorems}, - BOOKTITLE = {Algebraic varieties and automorphism groups}, - SERIES = {Adv. Stud. Pure Math.}, - VOLUME = {75}, - PAGES = {73--118}, - PUBLISHER = {Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo}, - YEAR = {2017}, - note = {Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1834v4}{arXiv:1406.1834v4}}, - MRCLASS = {14C20 (14D07 32S35)}, - MRNUMBER = {3793363}, -MRREVIEWER = {Halszka Tutaj-Gasi\'{n}ska}, -} - -@Unpublished{Fujino15, - author = {Fujino, Osamu}, - title = {On quasi-Albanese maps}, - note = {Unpublished preprint. 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A - Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics [Results in - Mathematics and Related Areas. 3rd Series. A Series of Modern - Surveys in Mathematics]}, - Title = {Intersection {T}heory}, - Volume = 2, - Year = 1998 -} - -@article{GAGA, - Author = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {53.3X}, - Mrnumber = {0082175 (18,511a)}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Cartan}, - Pages = {1--42}, - Title = {Géométrie algébrique et géométrie analytique}, - Volume = 6, - Year = {1955--1956} -} - -@book{GH, - Address = {New York}, - Author = {Griffiths, Phillip and Harris, Joseph}, - Isbn = {0-471-05059-8}, - Mrclass = {14-01}, - Mrnumber = {1288523 (95d:14001)}, - Note = {Reprint of the 1978 original}, - Pages = {xiv+813}, - Publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons Inc.}, - Series = {Wiley Classics Library}, - Title = {Principles of algebraic geometry}, - Year = 1994 -} - -@article {GHS03, - AUTHOR = {Graber, Tom and Harris, Joe and Starr, Jason}, - TITLE = {Families of rationally connected varieties}, - JOURNAL = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = {16}, - YEAR = {2003}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00402-2}{DOI:10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00402-2}}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {57--67}, - ISSN = {0894-0347}, - MRCLASS = {14M20 (14D05 14D22)}, - MRNUMBER = {1937199}, -MRREVIEWER = {Alexandr V. Pukhlikov}, - DOI = {10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00402-2}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00402-2}, -} - -@article{GKK08, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Journal = {Compositio~Math.}, - Month = {January}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X09004321}{DOI:10.1112/S0010437X09004321}. A slightly extended version is available as \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.3647}{arXiv:0808.3647}}, - Pages = {193--219}, - Title = {Extension theorems for differential forms, and {B}ogomolov-{S}ommese vanishing on log canonical varieties}, - Volume = 146, - Year = 2010 -} - -@article{GKKP11, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Kovács, Sándor J. and Peternell, Thomas}, - Journal = {Inst. {H}autes {É}tudes Sci.~{P}ubl.~{M}ath.}, - Month = {November}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s10240-011-0036-0}{DOI:10.1007/s10240-011-0036-0}. An extended version with additional graphics is available as \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.2913}{arXiv:1003.2913}}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {87--169}, - Title = {Differential forms on log canonical spaces}, - Volume = 114, - Year = 2011 -} - -@article {GKP13, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - TITLE = {Étale fundamental groups of {K}awamata log terminal spaces, flat sheaves, and quotients of abelian varieties}, - JOURNAL = {Duke Math. J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = 165, - YEAR = 2016, - NUMBER = 10, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-3450859}{DOI:10.1215/00127094-3450859}. Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.5718}{arXiv:1307.5718}}, - PAGES = {1965--2004}, - ISSN = {0012-7094}, - MRCLASS = {14J17 (14B05 14B25 14E30)}, - MRNUMBER = 3522654, - DOI = {10.1215/00127094-3450859}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-3450859}, -} - -@Article{GKP15, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - TITLE = {Movable curves and semistable sheaves}, - JOURNAL = {Int. Math. Res. Not.}, - FJOURNAL = {International Mathematics Research Notices}, - YEAR = 2016, - VOLUME = 2016, - NUMBER = 2, - PAGES = {536--570}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnv126}{DOI:10.1093/imrn/rnv126}. Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.4308}{arXiv:1408.4308}}, - DOI = {10.1093/imrn/rnv126}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnv126}, -} - -@incollection{GKP16, - Address = {Tokyo}, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Booktitle = {Minimal Models and Extremal Rays, Kyoto, 2011}, - Pages = {67--113}, - Publisher = {Mathematical Society of Japan}, - Series = {Adv. Stud. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Singular spaces with trivial canonical class}, - Volume = 70, - Year = 2016, - Note = {Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.5250}{arXiv:1110.5250}} -} - -@article{GKP22, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/jag/785}{DOI:10.1090/jag/785}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.08769}{arXiv:2006.08769}}, - Title = {Projective flatness over klt spaces and uniformisation of varieties with nef anti-canonical divisor}, - month = {March}, - Year = 2022, - Volume = 31, - Pages = {467--496} -} - -@Article{GKPT17, - author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas and Taji, Behrouz}, - title = {Nonabelian {H}odge theory for klt spaces and descent theorems for vector bundles}, - journal = {Compos. Math.}, - year = {2019}, - volume = {155}, - number = {2}, - pages = {289--323}, - note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X18007923}{DOI:10.1112/S0010437X18007923}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.08159}{arXiv:1711.08159}}, -} - -@article {GKPT19, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas and Taji, Behrouz}, - TITLE = {Harmonic metrics on {H}iggs sheaves and uniformization of varieties of general type}, - JOURNAL = {Math. Ann.}, - FJOURNAL = {Mathematische Annalen}, - VOLUME = {378}, - YEAR = {2020}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-019-01906-4}{DOI:10.1007/s00208-019-01906-4}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.01266}{arXiv:1804.01266}}, - NUMBER = {3-4}, - PAGES = {1061--1094}, - ISSN = {0025-5831}, - MRCLASS = {14E20 (14E30 32Q30 53C07)}, - MRNUMBER = {4163522}, - DOI = {10.1007/s00208-019-01906-4}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-019-01906-4}, -} - -@article {GKPT19b, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas and Taji, Behrouz}, - TITLE = {The {M}iyaoka-{Y}au inequality and uniformisation of canonical models}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annales Scientifiques de l'école Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.24033/asens.2414}{DOI:10.24033/asens.2414}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.08822}{arXiv:1511.08822}}, - VOLUME = {52}, - YEAR = {2019}, - NUMBER = {6}, - PAGES = {1487--1535}, - ISSN = {0012-9593}, - DOI = {10.24033/asens.2414}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.24033/asens.2414}, -} - -@InProceedings{GKT16, - author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Taji, Behrouz}, - title = {Uniformisation of higher-dimensional varieties}, - booktitle = {Algebraic Geometry: Salt Lake City 2015}, - year = 2018, - editor = {de Fernex, Tommaso and Hassett, Brendan and Mustaţă, Mircea - and Olsson, Martin and Popa, Mihnea and Thomas, Richard}, - volume = 1, - number = 97, - series = {Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics}, - pages = {277--308}, - organization = {American Mathematical Society}, - publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, - note = {Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1608.06644}{arXiv:1608.06644}} -} - -@book{GNPP88, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Guillén, F. and Navarro{\ }Aznar, V. and Pascual{\ }Gainza, - P. and Puerta, F.}, - Isbn = {3-540-50023-5}, - Mrclass = {14F20 (14F40 32G20 32L20)}, - Mrnumber = {MR972983 (90a:14024)}, - Mrreviewer = {Gerhard Pf{i}ster}, - Note = {Papers from the Seminar on Hodge-Deligne Theory held in Barcelona, 1982}, - Pages = {xii+192}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, - Title = {Hyperrésolutions cubiques et descente cohomologique}, - Volume = 1335, - Year = 1988 -} - -@article {GR70, - AUTHOR = {Grauert, Hans and Riemenschneider, Oswald}, - TITLE = {Verschwindungssätze für analytische {K}ohomologiegruppen auf komplexen {R}äumen}, - JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - VOLUME = 11, - YEAR = 1970, - PAGES = {263--292}, - ISSN = {0020-9910}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01403182}{DOI:10.1007/BF01403182}.}, - MRCLASS = {32C35 (32L10)}, - MRNUMBER = 0302938, - MRREVIEWER = {H. B. Laufer}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF01403182}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01403182}, -} - -@book{GR71, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Grauert, Hans and Remmert, Reinhold}, - Mrclass = {32B05 (13H05 13H10 13J05 13J15 32-02 32A05)}, - Mrnumber = {MR0316742 (47 \#5290)}, - Mrreviewer = {K. Wolffhardt}, - Note = {Unter Mitarbeit von O.~Riemenschneider, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 176}, - Pages = {ix+240}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Title = {Analytische {S}tellenalgebren}, - Year = 1971 -} - -@unpublished{GRT, - Author = {Daniel Greb and Julius Ross and Matei Toma}, - Month = {September}, - Note = {Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.7564}{arXiv:1409.7564}}, - Title = {Variation of {G}ieseker {M}oduli {S}paces via {Q}uiver {GIT}, - {I}}, - Year = 2014 -} - -@Article{GT13, - author = {Greb, Daniel and Toma, Matei}, - title = {Compact moduli spaces for slope-semistable sheaves}, - journal = {Algebr. Geom.}, - year = 2017, - volume = 4, - number = 1, - pages = {40--78}, - note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.14231/AG-2017-003}{DOI:10.14231/AG-2017-003}. 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J.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14D06 14D22)}, - Mrnumber = {2730371 (2011i:14060)}, - Mrreviewer = {Michael A. van Opstall}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2010-049}{DOI:10.1215/00127094-2010-049}, - Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.2054}{arXiv:0707.2054}}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {1--33}, - Title = {The structure of surfaces and threefolds mapping to the moduli - stack of canonically polarized varieties}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2010-049}, - Volume = 155, - Year = 2010, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2010-049} -} - -@article{KKL10, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Kousidis, Stavor and Lohmann, Daniel}, - Journal = {L'Enseignement Mathématique (2)}, - Note = {Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0905.2749}{arXiv:0905.2749}}, - Number = {3--4}, - Pages = {287--313}, - Title = {Deformations along subsheaves}, - Volume = 56, - Year = 2010 -} - -@book {KM98, - AUTHOR = {Kollár, János and Mori, Shigefumi}, - TITLE = {Birational geometry of algebraic varieties}, - SERIES = {Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 134, - NOTE = {With the collaboration of C.\ H.\ Clemens and A.\ Corti, - Translated from the 1998 Japanese - original. \href{https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511662560}{DOI:10.1017/CBO9780511662560}}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = 1998, - PAGES = {viii+254}, - ISBN = {0-521-63277-3}, - MRCLASS = {14E30}, - MRNUMBER = {1658959 (2000b:14018)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Mark Gross}, - DOI = {10.1017/CBO9780511662560}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511662560}, -} - -@incollection{KMM87, - Address = {Amsterdam}, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro and Matsuda, Katsumi and Matsuki, Kenji}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry, Sendai, 1985}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05 14J40)}, - Mrnumber = {946243 (89e:14015)}, - Mrreviewer = {David R. Morrison}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/doi:10.2969/aspm/01010283}{DOI:doi:10.2969/aspm/01010283}}, - Pages = {283--360}, - Publisher = {North-Holland}, - Series = {Adv. Stud. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Introduction to the minimal model problem}, - Volume = 10, - Year = 1987 -} - -@article{KMM92, - Author = {Kollár, János and Miyaoka, Yoichi and Mori, Shigefumi}, - Coden = {JDGEAS}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Differential Geometry}, - Issn = {0022-040X}, - Journal = {J. Differential Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14J45}, - Mrnumber = {1189503 (94g:14021)}, - Mrreviewer = {Yuri G. Prokhorov}, - Number = 3, - NOTE = {\href{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1214453188}{euclid.jdg/1214453188}.}, - Pages = {765--779}, - Title = {Rational connectedness and boundedness of {F}ano manifolds}, - Volume = 36, - Year = 1992, - URL = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1214453188}, -} - -@article{KMM92b, - Author = {Kollár, János and Miyaoka, Yoichi and Mori, Shigefumi}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05 14E35)}, - Mrnumber = {1158625 (93i:14014)}, - Mrreviewer = {Yuri G. Prokhorov}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {429--448}, - Title = {Rationally connected varieties}, - Volume = 1, - Year = 1992 -} - -@article{KMcK, - Author = {{\hbox{K}}eel, Seán and {\hbox{Mc}}Kernan, James}, - Coden = {MAMCAU}, - Fjournal = {Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0065-9266}, - Journal = {Mem. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14J26 (14B10 14E20 14E30)}, - Mrnumber = {99m:14068}, - Mrreviewer = {Alessio Corti}, - Number = 669, - Pages = {viii+153}, - Title = {Rational curves on quasi-projective surfaces}, - Volume = 140, - Year = 1999 -} - -@article {KO73, - AUTHOR = {Kobayashi, Shoshichi and Ochiai, Takushiro}, - TITLE = {Characterizations of complex projective spaces and hyperquadrics}, - JOURNAL = {J. Math. Kyoto Univ.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University}, - VOLUME = {13}, - YEAR = {1973}, - PAGES = {31--47}, - ISSN = {0023-608X}, - MRCLASS = {32C10}, - MRNUMBER = {316745}, -MRREVIEWER = {J. A. Morrow}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/kjm/1250523432}{DOI:10.1215/kjm/1250523432}}, - DOI = {10.1215/kjm/1250523432}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1215/kjm/1250523432}, -} - -@article{KP08, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Fjournal = {The Asian Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {1093-6106}, - Journal = {Asian J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14D15 (14M22)}, - Mrnumber = {2453561 (2010c:14006)}, - Mrreviewer = {Miguel González}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {365--389}, - Title = {A refinement of {S}tein factorization and deformations of - surjective morphisms}, - Volume = 12, - Year = 2008 -} - -@Unpublished{KP14, - author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - title = {Aspects of the geometry of varieties with canonical singularities. }, - note = {To appear in: Simons Symposia: Foliation Theory in Algebraic Geometry, Editors: Paolo Cascini, James McKernan and Jorge Vitório Pereira. Springer, New York, 2016. \href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24460-0}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-24460-0}. Available from \url{https://cplx.vm.uni-freiburg.de/storage/publications/14-simons.pdf}.}, - year = 2014 -} - -@article {KPS22, - AUTHOR = {Kebekus, Stefan and Pereira, Jorge V. and Smeets, Arne}, - TITLE = {Failure of the {B}rauer--{M}anin principle for a simply connected fourfold over a global function field, via orbifold {M}ordell}, - JOURNAL = {Duke Math. J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = 171, - YEAR = 2022, - NUMBER = 17, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2022-0045}{DOI:10.1215/00127094-2022-0045}. Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.5718}{arXiv:1307.5718}}, - PAGES = {3515--3591}, - ISSN = {0012-7094}, - MRCLASS = {14J17 (14B05 14B25 14E30)}, - DOI = {10.1215/00127094-2022-0045}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2022-0045}, -} - -@article{KPSW00, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas and Sommese, Andrew J. and Wiśniewski, Jarosław A.}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J40 (14E30 14J45 32J18 32Q57)}, - Mrnumber = {2002a:14047}, - Mrreviewer = {Sándor J Kovács}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {1--15}, - Title = {Projective contact manifolds}, - Volume = 142, - Year = 2000 -} - -@incollection{KS06, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and {Solá Conde}, Luis}, - Booktitle = {Global aspects of complex geometry}, - Mrclass = {14Jxx (14Hxx)}, - Mrnumber = 2264116, - Pages = {359--416}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Title = {Existence of rational curves on algebraic varieties, minimal - rational tangents, and applications}, - Year = 2006 -} - -@Article{KS18, - author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Schnell, Christian}, - title = {Extending holomorphic forms from the regular locus of a complex space to a resolution of singularities}, - Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - year = {2021}, - OPTkey = {}, - volume = {34}, - number = {2}, - pages = {315-–368}, - month = {April}, - note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/jams/962}{DOI:10.1090/jams/962}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.03644}{arXiv:1811.03644}}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@book{KS72, - Address = {Princeton, N.J.}, - Author = {Kumpera, Antonio and Spencer, Donald}, - Mrclass = {58H05}, - Mrnumber = {52 \#1805}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Goldschmidt}, - Note = {Annals of Mathematics Studies, No. 73}, - Pages = {xv+293}, - Publisher = {Princeton University Press}, - Title = {Lie equations. {V}ol. {I}: {G}eneral theory}, - Year = 1972 -} - -@article{KSS10, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J. and Schwede, Karl and Smith, Karen E.}, - Coden = {ADMTA4}, - Doi = {10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020}, - Fjournal = {Advances in Mathematics}, - Issn = {0001-8708}, - Journal = {Adv. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14Exx}, - Mrnumber = 2646306, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020}{DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020}}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {1618--1640}, - Title = {The canonical sheaf of {D}u {B}ois singularities}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020}, - Volume = 224, - Year = 2010, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020} -} - -@article{KST07, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Luis {Solá Conde} and Matei Toma}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {65--81}, - Title = {Rationally connected foliations after {Bogomolov} and {McQuillan}}, - Volume = 16, - Year = 2007 -} - -@article{KSW81, - Author = {Kalka, Morris and Shiffman, Bernard and Wong, Bun}, - Fjournal = {The Michigan Mathematical Journal}, - Issn = {0026-2285}, - Journal = {Michigan Math. J.}, - Mrclass = {32H99 (32F10)}, - Mrnumber = {83j:32029}, - Mrreviewer = {Marcus Wright}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {289--295}, - Title = {Finiteness and rigidity theorems for holomorphic mappings}, - Volume = 28, - Year = 1981 -} - -@article{KW88, - Author = {E. Kunz and R. Waldi}, - Journal = {Journ. reine und angew. Math.}, - Pages = {106--115}, - Title = {{Der Führer einer Gorensteinvarietät}}, - Volume = 388, - Year = 1988 -} - -@article{Kachi-Sato99, - Author = {Y. Kachi and E. Sato}, - Journal = {Illinois J. Math.}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {350-390}, - Title = {Polarized varieties whose points are joined by rational curves of small degrees}, - Volume = 43, - Year = 1999 -} - -@Article{Kanemitsu20, - author = {Kanemitsu, Akihiro}, - title = {}, - JOURNAL = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle's Journal]}, - year = {2020}, - OPTkey = {}, - OPTvolume = {}, - OPTnumber = {}, - OPTpages = {}, - OPTmonth = {}, - note = {Ahead of print. \href{https://doi.org/10.1515/crelle-2020-0043}{DOI:10.1515/crelle-2020-0043}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.12617}{arXiv:1912.12617}}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@article{Karras86, - Author = {Karras, Ulrich}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32C37 (32B30 32C36)}, - Mrnumber = {859337 (87k:32017)}, - Mrreviewer = {Alicia Dickenstein}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {673--682}, - Title = {Local cohomology along exceptional sets}, - Volume = 275, - Year = 1986 -} - -@article{Kaup65, - Author = {Kaup, Wilhelm}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32.32 (22.40)}, - Mrnumber = {0181761 (31 \#5988)}, - Mrreviewer = {Deane Montgomery}, - Pages = {72--92}, - Title = {Infinitesimale {T}ransformationsgruppen komplexer {R}äume}, - Volume = 160, - Year = 1965 -} - -@book{KaupKaup, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Kaup, Ludger and Kaup, Burchard}, - Isbn = {3-11-004150-2}, - Mrclass = {32-01}, - Mrnumber = {716497 (85k:32001)}, - Mrreviewer = {R. Michael Range}, - Note = {An introduction to the fundamental theory, With the assistance - of Gottfried Barthel, Translated from the German by Michael - Bridgland}, - Pages = {xv+349}, - Publisher = {Walter de Gruyter \& Co.}, - Series = {de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics}, - Title = {Holomorphic functions of several variables}, - Volume = 3, - Year = 1983 -} - -@article{Kaw82, - Author = {Y. Kawamata}, - Journal = {Math. Annalen}, - Pages = {43--46}, - Title = {{A Generalization of Kodaira-Ramanujam's Vanishing Theorem}}, - Volume = 261, - Year = 1982 -} - -@article{Kaw92, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Doi = {10.1007/BF02100604}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05 14E35)}, - Mrnumber = {1161091 (93f:14012)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jarosław A. Wiśniewski}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {229--246}, - Title = {Abundance theorem for minimal threefolds}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02100604}{DOI:10.1007/BF02100604}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02100604}, - Volume = 108, - Year = 1992, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02100604} -} - -@article {Kawa80, - AUTHOR = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - TITLE = {On {B}loch's conjecture}, - JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - VOLUME = {57}, - YEAR = {1980}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01389820}{DOI:10.1007/BF01389820}}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {97--100}, - ISSN = {0020-9910}, - MRCLASS = {32H99}, - MRNUMBER = {564186}, -MRREVIEWER = {Toshiyuki Maebashi}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF01389820}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01389820}, -} - -@article{Kawa88, - Author = {Y. Kawamata}, - Journal = {Ann.~ of Math. (2)}, - Pages = {93--163}, - Title = {Crepant blowing-up of 3-dimensional canonical singularities and its application to degeneration of surfaces}, - Volume = 127, - Year = 1988 -} - -@article{Kawamata08, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Coden = {KRMPBV}, - Doi = {10.2977/prims/1210167332}, - Fjournal = {Kyoto University. Research Institute for Mathematical - Sciences. Publications}, - Issn = {0034-5318}, - Journal = {Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05)}, - Mrnumber = {2426353 (2009d:14011)}, - Mrreviewer = {Andreas Höring}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2977/prims/1210167332}{DOI:10.2977/prims/1210167332}}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {419--423}, - Title = {Flops connect minimal models}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.2977/prims/1210167332}, - Volume = 44, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.2977/prims/1210167332} -} - -@article{Kawamata85, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Coden = {JRMAA8}, - Doi = {10.1515/crll.1985.363.1}, - Fjournal = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik}, - Issn = {0075-4102}, - Journal = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14J10 14J15)}, - Mrnumber = {814013 (87a:14013)}, - Mrreviewer = {Eckart Viehweg}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1985.363.1}{DOI:10.1515/crll.1985.363.1}}, - Pages = {1--46}, - Title = {Minimal models and the {K}odaira dimension of algebraic fiber - spaces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1985.363.1}, - Volume = 363, - Year = 1985, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1985.363.1} -} - -@article{Kawamata88, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Doi = {10.2307/1971417}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14B05 14E35 14J10 14J30)}, - Mrnumber = {924674 (89d:14023)}, - Mrreviewer = {I. Dolgachev}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {93--163}, - Title = {Crepant blowing-up of {$3$}-dimensional canonical - singularities and its application to degenerations of - surfaces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.2307/1971417}, - Volume = 127, - Year = 1988, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.2307/1971417} -} - -@article{Kawamata99, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Fjournal = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0894-0347}, - Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14B07 (14F17)}, - Mrnumber = {99g:14003}, - Mrreviewer = {Gerhard Pfister}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {85--92}, - Title = {Deformations of canonical singularities}, - Volume = 12, - Year = 1999 -} - -@misc{Keb04, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Note = {Partially based on notes of Ravi Vakil. In preparation.}, - Title = {Jets in Algebraic Geometry}, - Year = 2004 -} - -@incollection{Keb13a, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Booktitle = {Handbook of Moduli, in honour of David Mumford, Vol. II}, - Editor = {Farkas, Gavril and Morrison, Ian}, - Month = {March}, - Note = {ISBN 9781571462589. Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.4239}{arXiv:1107.4239}.}, - Pages = {71--114}, - Publisher = {International Press}, - Series = {Advanced Lectures in Mathematics}, - Title = {Differential forms on singular spaces, the minimal model - program, and hyperbolicity of moduli stacks}, - Volume = 25, - Year = 2013 -} - -@article{Kebekus00a, - Author = {S. Kebekus}, - Journal = {Nagoya Math. J.}, - Month = {March}, - Pages = {149--176}, - Title = {Relatively Minimal Quasihomogeneous Projective 3-Folds}, - Volume = 157, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{Kebekus00b, - Author = {S. Kebekus}, - Journal = {Nagoya Math. J.}, - Month = {March}, - Pages = {129--147}, - Title = {On the Classification of 3-dimensional $SL_2(\mathbb - C)$-varieties}, - Volume = 157, - Year = 2000 -} - -@inproceedings{Kebekus00c, - Address = {Saitama University, Urawa}, - Author = {S.~Kebekus}, - Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Saitama Mini-Conference for Algebraic - Geometry}, - Editor = {F.~Sakai}, - Title = {Bounds for Families of Singular Rational Curves}, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{Kebekus01, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Coden = {JRMAA8}, - Fjournal = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik}, - Issn = {0075-4102}, - Journal = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J45 (14C15 14E30 14J60 32J18)}, - Mrnumber = {2002h:14069}, - Mrreviewer = {Yuri G. Prokhorov}, - Pages = {167--177}, - Title = {Lines on contact manifolds}, - Volume = 539, - Year = 2001 -} - -@article{Kebekus02a, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14H10 14J99)}, - Mrnumber = {2003e:14011}, - Mrreviewer = {Yasuyuki Kachi}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {245--256}, - Title = {Families of singular rational curves}, - Volume = 11, - Year = 2002 -} - -@incollection{Kebekus02b, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Booktitle = {Complex geometry (Göttingen, 2000)}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-56202-0_10}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-56202-0\_10}}, - Mrclass = {14M20 (14J45)}, - Mrnumber = {2003j:14065}, - Mrreviewer = {Sándor J Kovács}, - Pages = {147--155}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Title = {Characterizing the projective space after {C}ho, {M}iyaoka and - {S}hepherd-{B}arron}, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{Kebekus02c, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Nachrichten}, - Issn = {0025-584X}, - Journal = {Math. Nachr.}, - Mrclass = {14D06 (14D20)}, - Mrnumber = {1916853 (2003f:14009)}, - Mrreviewer = {Miguel A. Barja}, - Pages = {119--131}, - Title = {Projective bundles of singular plane cubics}, - Volume = 242, - Year = 2002 -} - -@incollection{Kebekus04, - Author = {Stefan Kebekus}, - Booktitle = {Mathematisches Institut Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Seminars 2003/2004}, - Editor = {Y. Tschinkel}, - Pages = {157--166}, - Publisher = {Universitätsverlag der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen}, - Title = {Holomorphe {A}bbildungen auf {M}annigfaltigkeiten mit - nicht-negativer {K}odaira-{D}imension}, - Year = 2004 -} - -@article{Kebekus05, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Fjournal = {Compositio Mathematica}, - Issn = {0010-437X}, - Journal = {Compos. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J45 (14C05 53D10)}, - Mrnumber = {2099777 (2005i:14052)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jarosław A. Wiśniewski}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {227--252}, - Title = {Lines on complex contact manifolds. {II}}, - Volume = 141, - Year = 2005 -} - -@incollection {Kebekus20, - AUTHOR = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - TITLE = {Boundedness results for singular {F}ano varieties and applications to {C}remona groups (following {B}irkar and {P}rokhorov-{S}hramov)}, - NOTE = {Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2018/2019}, - JOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - FJOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - NUMBER = {422}, - YEAR = {2020}, - PAGES = {Exp. No. 1157, 253--290 (2020)}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.24033/ast.1129}{DOI:10.24033/ast.1129}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.04506}{arXiv:1812.04506}}, -} - -@article{Knighten, - Author = {Knighten, Carol M.}, - Fjournal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9947}, - Journal = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14F10}, - Mrnumber = {0323788 (48 \#2144)}, - Mrreviewer = {J. J. Etayo}, - Pages = {65--89}, - Title = {Differentials on quotients of algebraic varieties}, - Volume = 177, - Year = 1973 -} - -@incollection{Ko91, - Address = {Bethlehem, PA}, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Booktitle = {Surveys in differential geometry ({C}ambridge, {MA}, 1990)}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14E30 14J40)}, - Mrnumber = {1144527 (93b:14059)}, - Mrreviewer = {Bruce Hunt}, - Pages = {113--199}, - Publisher = {Lehigh Univ.}, - Title = {Flips, flops, minimal models, etc}, - Year = 1991 -} - -@article{KoMo92, - Author = {J. Kollár and S. Mori}, - Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Title = {Classification of three-dimensional flips}, - Volume = 5, - Year = 1992 -} - -@book{Kob87, - Address = {Princeton, NJ}, - Author = {Kobayashi, Shoshichi}, - Isbn = {0-691-08467-X}, - Mrclass = {53C55 (32-02 32L05 32L10 32L20)}, - Mrnumber = {909698 (89e:53100)}, - Mrreviewer = {Daniel M. Burns, Jr.}, - Note = {Kanô Memorial Lectures, 5}, - Pages = {xii+305}, - Publisher = {Iwanami Shoten and Princeton University Press}, - Series = {Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan}, - Title = {Differential geometry of complex vector bundles}, - Volume = 15, - Year = 1987 -} - -@book{KobayashiGrundlehren, - Author = {Kobayashi, Shoshichi}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5}, - Isbn = {3-540-63534-3}, - Mrclass = {32H20 (32H15 32H25 32H30)}, - Mrnumber = {1635983 (99m:32026)}, - Mrreviewer = {William A. Cherry}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5}}, - Pages = {xiv+471}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - Series = {Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental - Principles of Mathematical Sciences]}, - Title = {Hyperbolic {C}omplex {S}paces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5}, - Volume = 318, - Year = 1998, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5} -} - -@article{Kod66, - Author = {K. Kodaira}, - Journal = {Amer. Journ. Math.}, - Number = 88, - Pages = {694--699}, - Title = {On the Structure of Compact Analytic Surfaces III}, - Year = 1966 -} - -@book{Kodaira86, - Address = {New York}, - Author = {Kodaira, Kunihiko}, - Isbn = {0-387-96188-7}, - Mrclass = {32G05 (32-02)}, - Mrnumber = {815922 (87d:32040)}, - Mrreviewer = {James A. Carlson}, - Note = {Translated from the Japanese by Kazuo Akao, With an appendix - by Daisuke Fujiwara}, - Pages = {x+465}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental - Principles of Mathematical Sciences]}, - Title = {Complex manifolds and deformation of complex structures}, - Volume = 283, - Year = 1986 -} - -@unpublished{Kol11, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Month = {July}, - Note = {Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.2864}{arXiv:1107.2864}}, - Title = {New examples of terminal and log canonical singularities}, - Year = 2011 -} - -@unpublished{Kol12, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Month = {June}, - Title = {Deformations of elliptic {C}alabi--{Y}au manifolds}, - Year = 2012 -} - -@article{Kol86, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Doi = {10.2307/1971351}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. 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Pure Math.}, - Title = {Subadditivity of the {K}odaira dimension: f{i}bers of general - type}, - Volume = 10, - Year = 1987 -} - -@article{Kollar90, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Coden = {JDGEAS}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Differential Geometry}, - Issn = {0022-040X}, - Journal = {J. Differential Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14D22 (14H10 14J10)}, - Mrnumber = {1064874 (92e:14008)}, - Mrreviewer = {Autorreferat}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {235--268}, - Title = {Projectivity of complete moduli}, - Volume = 32, - Year = 1990 -} - -@article{Kollar93, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Doi = {10.1007/BF01244307}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. 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Pure Math.}, - Title = {Singularities of pairs}, - Volume = 62, - Year = 1997 -} - -@misc{Kovacs-Schwede09, - Author = {Sándor J Kovács and Karl Schwede}, - Mrnumber = {\href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0909.0993v1}{arXiv:0909.0993v1}}, - Note = {preprint}, - Title = {Hodge theory meets the minimal model program: a survey of log canonical and {{D}u~{B}ois} singularities}, - Year = 2009 -} - -@article{Kovacs00a, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14D22 (14J10)}, - Mrnumber = {1713524 (2000i:14017)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jean-Marc Drezet}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {165--174}, - Title = {Algebraic hyperbolicity of f{i}ne moduli spaces}, - Volume = 9, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{Kovacs00b, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {DUMJAO}, - Fjournal = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - Issn = {0012-7094}, - Journal = {Duke Math. 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Nollet}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {291--317}, - Title = {Logarithmic vanishing theorems and {A}rakelov-{P}arshin boundedness for singular varieties}, - Volume = 131, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{Kovacs03a, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {PAMYAR}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9939}, - Journal = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14F17)}, - Mrnumber = {1990623 (2004f:14047)}, - Mrreviewer = {Hiroyuki Terakawa}, - Number = 11, - Pages = {3353--3364 (electronic)}, - Title = {Vanishing theorems, boundedness and hyperbolicity over - higher-dimensional bases}, - Volume = 131, - Year = 2003 -} - -@article{Kovacs03b, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {COALDM}, - Fjournal = {Communications in Algebra}, - Issn = {0092-7872}, - Journal = {Comm. Algebra}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14D20)}, - Mrnumber = {2007392 (2004h:14038)}, - Mrreviewer = {Arvid Siqveland}, - Note = {Special issue in honor of Steven L. Kleiman}, - Number = 8, - Pages = {3983--3991}, - Title = {Viehweg's conjecture for families over {$\Bbb P\sp n$}}, - Volume = 31, - Year = 2003 -} - -@incollection{Kovacs03c, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Booktitle = {Higher dimensional varieties and rational points (Budapest, - 2001)}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14H10)}, - Mrnumber = {2011746 (2004j:14041)}, - Mrreviewer = {Valmecir A. Bayer}, - Pages = {133--167}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Bolyai Soc. Math. Stud.}, - Title = {Families of varieties of general type: the {S}hafarevich - conjecture and related problems}, - Volume = 12, - Year = 2003 -} - -@incollection{Kovacs06a, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Booktitle = {Proceedings of the AMS Summer Research Institute held at the - University of Washington, Seattle, WA, July 25--August 12, - 2005}, - Mrclass = {14-06}, - Note = {to appear}, - Publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, - Series = {Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics}, - Title = {Subvarieties of moduli stacks of canonically polarized - varieties}, - Year = 2006 -} - -@article{Kovacs96, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14J15)}, - Mrnumber = {1374712 (97c:14035)}, - Mrreviewer = {Marco Andreatta}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {369--385}, - Title = {Smooth families over rational and elliptic curves}, - Volume = 5, - Year = 1996 -} - -@article{Kovacs96e, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14J15)}, - Mrnumber = {1374712 (97c:14035)}, - Mrreviewer = {Marco Andreatta}, - Note = {Erratum: {J}.\ {A}lgebraic {G}eom.\ {\bf 6} (1997), no.\ 2, - 391}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {369--385}, - Title = {Smooth families over rational and elliptic curves}, - Volume = 5, - Year = 1996 -} - -@article{Kovacs97a, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {JRMAA8}, - Fjournal = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik}, - Issn = {0075-4102}, - Journal = {J. Reine Angew. 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Journ. of Maths.}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {419--437}, - Title = {Fano Manifolds, Contact Structures and Quaternionic Geometry}, - Volume = 6, - Year = 1995 -} - -@inproceedings{Leb97, - Address = {Santa Cruz}, - Author = {LeBrun, Claude}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic Geometry}, - Editor = {J.~Kollár et al}, - Pages = {361--385}, - Publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, - Series = {Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics}, - Title = {Twistors for tourists: A pocket guide for algebraic geometers}, - Volume = {62(2)}, - Year = 1995 -} - -@book{Lesc, - Address = {Boston}, - Author = {F. Lescure}, - Publisher = {Gaulthier-Villars}, - Series = {Bulletin del la societe mathematique de france}, - Title = {Compactifications Équivariantes par des Courbes}, - Volume = 26, - Year = 1987 -} - -@incollection{Lib78, - Author = {David Lieberman}, - Booktitle = {Fonctions de Plusieurs Variables Complexes III}, - Editor = {Francois Norguet}, - Number = 670, - Pages = {140--186}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Lecture Note in Mathematics}, - Title = {Compactness of the {C}how scheme: Applications to - Automorphisms and Deformations of Kähler Manifolds}, - Year = 1978 -} - -@article{LiedtkeFundamentalGroups, - Author = {Liedtke, Christian}, - Coden = {TAMTAM}, - Doi = {10.1090/S0002-9947-09-04941-1}, - Fjournal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9947}, - Journal = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14E20 (14J29)}, - Mrnumber = {2574891 (2011e:14029)}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {2167--2188}, - Title = {Fundamental groups of {G}alois closures of generic - projections}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-09-04941-1}, - Volume = 362, - Year = 2010, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-09-04941-1} -} - -@mastersthesis{Lohmann08, - Author = {Lohmann, Daniel}, - Note = {URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-27137, URL: - \href{http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/volltexte/2009/2713}{http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/volltexte/2009/2713}}, - School = {University of Cologne}, - Title = {Deformationen entlang integrabler {U}ntergarben des - {T}angentialbündels}, - Type = {Diploma thesis}, - Year = 2008 -} - -@article{Lojasiewicz64, - Author = {Lojasiewicz, S.}, - Journal = {Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa (3)}, - Mrclass = {32.25}, - Mrnumber = {0173265 (30 \#3478)}, - Mrreviewer = {S. S. Cairns}, - Pages = {449--474}, - Title = {Triangulation of semi-analytic sets}, - Volume = 18, - Year = 1964 -} - -@misc{Lu02, - Author = {Lu, Steven S.Y.}, - Month = {November}, - Note = {Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0211029v3}{arXiv:0211029v3}}, - Title = {A refined {K}odaira dimension and its canonical fibration}, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{Luetkebohmert, - Author = {Lütkebohmert, W.}, - Coden = {MSMHB2}, - Doi = {10.1007/BF03026540}, - Fjournal = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, - Issn = {0025-2611}, - Journal = {Manuscripta Math.}, - Mrclass = {14A15 (14N05)}, - Mrnumber = {1226600 (94h:14004)}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {95--111}, - Title = {On compactification of schemes}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03026540}, - Volume = 80, - Year = 1993, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03026540} -} - -@article{M01, - Author = {Mustaţă, Mircea}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14B05 (14M10 17B99)}, - Mrnumber = {1856396 (2002f:14005)}, - Mrreviewer = {Eugenii Shustin}, - Note = {With an appendix by David Eisenbud and Edward Frenkel}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {397--424}, - Title = {Jet schemes of locally complete intersection canonical - singularities}, - Volume = 145, - Year = 2001 -} - -@article{M02, - Author = {Mustaţă, Mircea}, - Fjournal = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0894-0347}, - Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14B05 (14B10 14E30)}, - Mrnumber = {1896234 (2003b:14005)}, - Mrreviewer = {Shihoko Ishii}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {599--615 (electronic)}, - Title = {Singularities of pairs via jet schemes}, - Volume = 15, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{M03, - Author = {Ein, Lawrence and Mustaţă, Mircea and Yasuda, Takehiko}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05 14E15 14N30)}, - Mrnumber = {2000468 (2004f:14028)}, - Mrreviewer = {Shihoko Ishii}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {519--535}, - Title = {Jet schemes, log discrepancies and inversion of adjunction}, - Volume = 153, - Year = 2003 -} - -@book{M86, - Author = {H. Matsumura}, - Publisher = {Cambridge Univ. Press}, - Title = {Commutative ring theory}, - Year = 1986 -} - -@phdthesis{MJ87, - Annote = {Kebekus: This paper contains a combinatiorial classification - of the (equivariant) compactifications of $SL_2/\Gamma$, where - $\Gamma$ is a discrete subgroup. It is said to be similar to - the combinatorics of torus embeddings --just more - complicated. I never read it.}, - Author = {L. Moser-Jauslin}, - Note = {Thèse No. 2259}, - School = {Université de Genève}, - Title = {Normal Embeddings of $SL_2/\Gamma$}, - Year = 1987 -} - -@article{MJ90, - Author = {L. Moser-Jauslin}, - Journal = {J. Algebra}, - Number = 132, - Pages = {384-405}, - Title = {{Smooth Embeddings of $SL(2)$ and $PGL(2)$}}, - Volume = 2, - Year = 1990 -} - -@article{MM86, - Author = {Miyaoka, Yoichi and Mori, Shigefumi}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14J40}, - Mrnumber = {847952 (87k:14046)}, - Mrreviewer = {C. A. M. Peters}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {65--69}, - Title = {A numerical criterion for uniruledness}, - Volume = 124, - Year = 1986 -} - -@article{MN63, - Author = {Y. Morimoto and T. Nagano}, - Journal = {J. Math. Soc. Japan}, - Pages = {289--300}, - Title = {On pseudo-conformal tZisformation of hypersurfaces}, - Volume = 15, - Year = 1963 -} - -@book{MP97, - Address = {Basel}, - Author = {Miyaoka, Yoichi and Peternell, Thomas}, - Isbn = {3-7643-5490-9}, - Mrclass = {14-02 (14Hxx 14Jxx)}, - Mrnumber = {1468476 (98g:14001)}, - Mrreviewer = {Mark Gross}, - Pages = {vi+217}, - Publisher = {Birkhäuser Verlag}, - Series = {DMV Seminar}, - Title = {Geometry of higher-dimensional algebraic varieties}, - Volume = 26, - Year = 1997 -} - -@article{MR0033093, - Author = {Chow, Wei-Liang}, - Fjournal = {American Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {0002-9327}, - Journal = {Amer. J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0033093 (11,389f)}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Cartan}, - Pages = {893--914}, - Title = {On compact complex analytic varieties}, - Volume = 71, - Year = 1949 -} - -@book{MR0039258, - Address = {Princeton, N. J.}, - Author = {Steenrod, Norman}, - Mrclass = {56.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0039258 (12,522b)}, - Mrreviewer = {S. Chern}, - Pages = {viii+224}, - Publisher = {Princeton University Press}, - Series = {Princeton Mathematical Series, vol. 14}, - Title = {The {T}opology of {F}ibre {B}undles}, - Year = 1951 -} - -@article {MR0057539, - AUTHOR = {Calabi, Eugenio and Eckmann, Beno}, - TITLE = {A class of compact, complex manifolds which are not algebraic}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - VOLUME = 58, - YEAR = 1953, - PAGES = {494--500}, - ISSN = {0003-486X}, - MRCLASS = {56.0X}, - MRNUMBER = 0057539, - MRREVIEWER = {S. Chern}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2307/1969750}{DOI:10.2307/1969750}}, -} - -@article{MR0063120, - Author = {Kodaira, K.}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United - States of America}, - Issn = {0027-8424}, - Journal = {Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.}, - Mrclass = {53.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0063120 (16,74b)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Dolbeault}, - Pages = {865--868}, - Title = {On cohomology groups of compact analytic varieties with - coefficients in some analytic faisceaux}, - Volume = 39, - Year = 1953 -} - -@article{MR0066010, - Author = {Cartan, Henri and Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - Journal = {C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris}, - Mrclass = {53.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0066010 (16,517e)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. E. Conner}, - Pages = {128--130}, - Title = {Un théorème de finitude concernant les variétés analytiques - compactes}, - Volume = 237, - Year = 1953 -} - -@article {MR0068872, - AUTHOR = {Baily, Walter L.}, - TITLE = {On the quotient of an analytic manifold by a group of analytic - homeomorphisms}, - JOURNAL = {Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.}, - FJOURNAL = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United - States of America}, - VOLUME = 40, - YEAR = 1954, - PAGES = {804--808}, - ISSN = {0027-8424}, - MRCLASS = {14.0X}, - MRNUMBER = {0068872 (16,953a)}, - MRREVIEWER = {P. Dolbeault}, -} - -@article{MR0068874, - Author = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0068874 (16,953c)}, - Mrreviewer = {C. Chevalley}, - Pages = {197--278}, - Title = {Faisceaux algébriques cohérents}, - Volume = 61, - Year = 1955 -} - -@article{MR0083045, - Author = {Stein, Karl}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {30.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0083045 (18,649c)}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Behnke}, - Pages = {63--93}, - Title = {Analytische {Z}erlegungen komplexer {R}äume}, - Volume = 132, - Year = 1956 -} - -@incollection{MR0084174, - Author = {Cartan, Henri}, - Title = {Quotient d'un espace analytique par un groupe d'automorphismes}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry and topology}, - Mrclass = {14.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0084174 (18,823b)}, - Mrreviewer = {W. L. Baily}, - Note = {A symposium in honor of S. Lefschetz, \href{https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400879915-007}{DOI:10.1515/9781400879915-007},}, - Pages = {90--102}, - Publisher = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J.}, - Year = {1957} -} - -@article{MR0095846, - Author = {Zariski, Oscar}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United - States of America}, - Issn = {0027-8424}, - Journal = {Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.}, - Mrclass = {14.00 (13.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0095846 (20 \#2344)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Abellanas}, - Pages = {791--796}, - Title = {On the purity of the branch locus of algebraic functions}, - Volume = 44, - Year = 1958 -} - -@article{MR0099450, - Author = {Cartan, Henri}, - Fjournal = {Journal d'Analyse Mathématique}, - Issn = {0021-7670}, - Journal = {J. Analyse Math.}, - Mrclass = {32.00}, - Mrnumber = {0099450 (20 \#5889)}, - Mrreviewer = {M. J. O. Strutt}, - Pages = {169--175}, - Title = {Fonctions automorphes et séries de {P}oincaré}, - Volume = 6, - Year = 1958 -} - -@article {MR0102537, - AUTHOR = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - TITLE = {Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique}, - JOURNAL = {Tôhoku Math. J. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {The Tohoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series}, - VOLUME = 9, - YEAR = 1957, - PAGES = {119--221}, - ISSN = {0040-8735}, - MRCLASS = {18.00}, - MRNUMBER = 0102537, -MRREVIEWER = {D. Buchsbaum}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2748/tmj/1178244839}{DOI:10.2748/tmj/1178244839}}, - DOI = {10.2748/tmj/1178244839}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2748/tmj/1178244839}, -} - -@article{MR0103285, - Author = {Grauert, Hans and Remmert, Reinhold}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32.00}, - Mrnumber = {0103285 (21 \#2063)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Lelong}, - Pages = {245--318}, - Title = {Komplexe {R}äume}, - Volume = 136, - Year = 1958 -} - -@article{MR0106930, - Author = {Nagata, Masayoshi}, - Fjournal = {Illinois Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {0019-2082}, - Journal = {Illinois J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {16.00 (14.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0106930 (21 \#5660)}, - Mrreviewer = {M. Auslander}, - Pages = {328--333}, - Title = {On the purity of branch loci in regular local rings}, - Volume = 3, - Year = 1959 -} - -@article {MR0111058, - AUTHOR = {Calabi, Eugenio and Vesentini, Edoardo}, - TITLE = {On compact, locally symmetric {K}ähler manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - VOLUME = 71, - YEAR = 1960, - PAGES = {472--507}, - ISSN = {0003-486X}, - MRCLASS = {57.00}, - MRNUMBER = 0111058, - MRREVIEWER = {L. Auslander}, -} - -@article{MR0148941, - Author = {Scheja, Günter}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32.27}, - Mrnumber = {0148941 (26 \#6437)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Lelong}, - Pages = {345--360}, - Title = {Riemannsche {H}ebbarkeitssätze für {C}ohomologieklassen}, - Volume = 144, - Year = 1961 -} - -@article{MR0150789, - Author = {Holmann, Harald}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32.47 (22.70)}, - Mrnumber = {0150789 (27 \#776)}, - Mrreviewer = {S. Hitotumatu}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01470762}{DOI:10.1007/BF01470762}}, - Pages = {327--360}, - Title = {Komplexe {R}äume mit komplexen {T}ransformationsgruppen}, - Volume = 150, - Year = 1963 -} - -@article{MR0153682, - Author = {Mumford, David}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.18 (14.55)}, - Mrnumber = {0153682 (27 \#3643)}, - Mrreviewer = {T. Matsusaka}, - Number = 9, - Pages = {5--22}, - Title = {The topology of normal singularities of an algebraic surface - and a criterion for simplicity}, - Year = 1961 -} - -@article {MR0154929, - AUTHOR = {Solomon, Louis}, - TITLE = {Invariants of finite reflection groups}, - JOURNAL = {Nagoya Math. J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Nagoya Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = 22, - YEAR = 1963, - PAGES = {57--64}, - ISSN = {0027-7630}, - MRCLASS = {20.75 (14.08)}, - MRNUMBER = {0154929 (27 \#4872)}, - MRREVIEWER = {R. Steinberg}, -} - -@article {MR0157971, - AUTHOR = {Manin, Juri I.}, - TITLE = {Rational points on algebraic curves over function fields}, - JOURNAL = {Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.}, - FJOURNAL = {Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya}, - VOLUME = 27, - YEAR = 1963, - PAGES = {1395--1440}, - ISSN = {0373-2436}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1142/9789812830517_0002}{DOI:10.1142/9789812830517\_0002}}, - MRCLASS = {14.40 (10.10)}, - MRNUMBER = 0157971, - MRREVIEWER = {S. Lang}, -} - -@article {MR0158415, - AUTHOR = {Vinberg, Ernest B. and Gindikin, Simon G. and - Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya I.}, - TITLE = {Classification and canonical realization of complex - homogeneous bounded domains}, - JOURNAL = {Trudy Moskov. Mat. Ob\v s\v c.}, - FJOURNAL = {Trudy Moskovskogo Matemati\v ceskogo Ob\v s\v cestva}, - VOLUME = 12, - YEAR = 1963, - PAGES = {359--388}, - ISSN = {0134-8663}, - MRCLASS = {22.70 (32.32)}, - MRNUMBER = 0158415, - MRREVIEWER = {A. Korányi}, -} - -@article{MR0186672, - Author = {Lipman, Joseph}, - Fjournal = {American Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {0002-9327}, - Journal = {Amer. J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.52}, - Mrnumber = {0186672 (32 \#4130)}, - Mrreviewer = {M. Nagata}, - Pages = {874--898}, - Title = {Free derivation modules on algebraic varieties}, - Volume = 87, - Year = 1965 -} - -@article{MR0190143, - Author = {{\v{S}}afarevi{\v{c}}, I. R. and Averbuh, B. G. and - Va{\u\i}nberg, Ju. R. and {\v{Z}}i{\v{z}}{\v{c}}enko, - A. B. and Manin, Ju. I. and Mo{\u\i}{\v{s}}ezon, B. G. and - Tjurina, G. N. and Tjurin, A. N.}, - Fjournal = {Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta imeni - V. A. Steklova}, - Issn = {0371-9685}, - Journal = {Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov.}, - Mrclass = {14.20}, - Mrnumber = {0190143 (32 \#7557)}, - Mrreviewer = {E. C. Dade}, - Pages = {1--215}, - Title = {Algebraic surfaces}, - Volume = 75, - Year = 1965 -} - -@article{MR0199191, - Author = {Artin, Michael}, - Fjournal = {American Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {0002-9327}, - Journal = {Amer. J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.18 (14.20)}, - Mrnumber = {0199191 (33 \#7340)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Du Val}, - Pages = {129--136}, - Title = {On isolated rational singularities of surfaces}, - Volume = 88, - Year = 1966 -} - -@book{MR0202713, - Author = {Hirzebruch, Friedrich}, - Mrclass = {14.00 (32.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0202713 (34 \#2573)}, - Mrreviewer = {M. F. Atiyah}, - Pages = {x+232}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York}, - Series = {Third enlarged edition. New appendix and translation from the - second German edition by R. L. E. Schwarzenberger, with an - additional section by A. Borel. Die Grundlehren der - Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 131}, - Title = {Topological methods in algebraic geometry}, - Year = 1966 -} - -@article {MR0204430, - AUTHOR = {Samuel, Pierre}, - TITLE = {Compléments à un article de {H}ans {G}rauert sur la conjecture - de {M}ordell}, - JOURNAL = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - NOTE = - {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1966__29__55_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1966-29-55-0}}, - NUMBER = 29, - YEAR = 1966, - PAGES = {55--62}, - ISSN = {0073-8301}, - MRCLASS = {14.49 (14.40)}, - MRNUMBER = 0204430, - MRREVIEWER = {J. V. Armitage}, - URL = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1966__29__55_0}, -} - -@article{MR0210944, - Author = {Prill, David}, - Fjournal = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - Issn = {0012-7094}, - Journal = {Duke Math. J.}, - Mrclass = {32.65 (10.23)}, - Mrnumber = {0210944 (35 \#1829)}, - Mrreviewer = {E. Brieskorn}, - Pages = {375--386}, - Title = {Local classification of quotients of complex manifolds by - discontinuous groups}, - Volume = 34, - Year = 1967 -} - -@article {MR0212214, - AUTHOR = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - TITLE = {Prolongement de faisceaux analytiques cohérents}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - FJOURNAL = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - VOLUME = 16, - YEAR = 1966, - NUMBER = {fasc. 1}, - PAGES = {363--374}, - ISSN = {0373-0956}, - MRCLASS = {32.50 (32.27)}, - MRNUMBER = 0212214, - MRREVIEWER = {B. Shiffman}, - URL = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=AIF_1966__16_1_363_0}, -} - -@article {MR0222087, - AUTHOR = {Grauert, Hans}, - TITLE = {Mordells {V}ermutung über rationale {P}unkte auf algebraischen - {K}urven und {F}unktionenkörper}, - JOURNAL = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - NOTE = - {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1965__25__131_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1965-25-131-0}}, - NUMBER = 25, - YEAR = 1965, - PAGES = {131--149}, - ISSN = {0073-8301}, - MRCLASS = {14.40 (10.00)}, - MRNUMBER = 0222087, - MRREVIEWER = {M. Miwa}, - URL = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1965__25__131_0}, -} - -@book {MR0222088, - AUTHOR = {Samuel, Pierre}, - TITLE = {Lectures on old and new results on algebraic curves}, - SERIES = {Notes by S. Anantharaman. Tata Institute of Fundamental - Research Lectures on Mathematics, No. 36}, - PUBLISHER = {Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay}, - NOTE = {Available on the internet at - \href{http://www.math.tifr.res.in/~publ/ln/index.html}{www.math.tifr.res.in/$\sim$publ/ln/index.html}}, - YEAR = 1966, - PAGES = {ii+127+iii}, - MRCLASS = {14.40 (10.00)}, - MRNUMBER = 0222088, - MRREVIEWER = {M. Miwa}, -} - -@article {MR0223368, - AUTHOR = {Shimura, Goro}, - TITLE = {Algebraic varieties without deformation and the {C}how - variety}, - JOURNAL = {J. Math. Soc. Japan}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan}, - VOLUME = 20, - YEAR = 1968, - PAGES = {336--341}, - ISSN = {0025-5645}, - MRCLASS = {14.20}, - MRNUMBER = 0223368, - MRREVIEWER = {S. Lubkin}, -} - -@book{MR0242802, - Author = {Atiyah, Michael F. and Macdonald, Ian G.}, - Mrclass = {13.00}, - Mrnumber = {0242802 (39 \#4129)}, - Mrreviewer = {J. A. Johnson}, - Pages = {ix+128}, - Publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass.-London-Don - Mills, Ont.}, - Title = {Introduction to commutative algebra}, - Year = 1969 -} - -@article{MR0245837, - Author = {Siu, Yum-tong}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {32.50}, - Mrnumber = {0245837 (39 \#7143)}, - Mrreviewer = {G. Trautmann}, - Pages = {108--143}, - Title = {Extending coherent analytic sheaves}, - Volume = 90, - Year = 1969 -} - -@book {MR0252690, - AUTHOR = {Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya I.}, - TITLE = {Automorphic functions and the geometry of classical domains}, - SERIES = {Translated from the Russian. Mathematics and Its Applications, - Vol. 8 }, - PUBLISHER = {Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York-London-Paris}, - YEAR = 1969, - PAGES = {viii+264}, - MRCLASS = {32.65}, - MRNUMBER = 0252690, -} - -@article{MR0257070, - Author = {Storch, Uwe}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {13.95 (32.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0257070 (41 \#1724)}, - Mrreviewer = {E. Brieskorn}, - Pages = {93--104}, - Title = {{ü}ber die {D}ivisorenklassengruppen normaler - komplexanalytischer {A}lgebren}, - Volume = 183, - Year = 1969 -} - -@book {MR0260758, - AUTHOR = {Raynaud, Michel}, - TITLE = {Faisceaux amples sur les schémas en groupes et les espaces homogènes}, - SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 119}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York}, - YEAR = {1970}, - PAGES = {ii+218}, - MRCLASS = {14.55}, - MRNUMBER = {0260758}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0059504}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0059504}}, -MRREVIEWER = {D. Gieseker}, -} - -@incollection {MR0261635, - AUTHOR = {Baum, Paul F. and Bott, Raoul}, - TITLE = {On the zeros of meromorphic vector-fields}, - BOOKTITLE = {Essays on {T}opology and {R}elated {T}opics ({M}émoires dédiés à {G}eorges de {R}ham)}, - PAGES = {29--47}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, New York}, - YEAR = {1970}, - MRCLASS = {57.60 (32.00)}, - MRNUMBER = {0261635}, -MRREVIEWER = {H. 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Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {International Journal of Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {3}, - YEAR = {1992}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X92000175}{DOI:10.1142/S0129167X92000175}}, - NUMBER = {3}, - PAGES = {401--413}, - ISSN = {0129-167X}, - MRCLASS = {32L07 (14J45 53C25)}, - MRNUMBER = {1163733}, -MRREVIEWER = {Jaros\l aw A. Wi\'{s}niewski}, - DOI = {10.1142/S0129167X92000175}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X92000175}, -} - -@article {MR1165352, - AUTHOR = {Semmes, Stephen}, - TITLE = {Complex {M}onge-{A}mpère and symplectic manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {Amer. J. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {American Journal of Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {114}, - YEAR = {1992}, - NUMBER = {3}, - PAGES = {495--550}, - ISSN = {0002-9327}, - MRCLASS = {32F07 (35J60 58F05)}, - MRNUMBER = {1165352}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2307/2374768}{DOI:10.2307/2374768}}, - DOI = {10.2307/2374768}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2307/2374768}, -} - -@article {MR1166957, - AUTHOR = {Borisov, Alexander A. and Borisov, Lev A.}, - TITLE = {Singular toric {F}ano varieties}, - JOURNAL = {Mat. Sb.}, - FJOURNAL = {Matematicheski\u{i} Sbornik}, - VOLUME = 183, - YEAR = 1992, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1070/SM1993v075n01ABEH003385}{DOI:10.1070/SM1993v075n01ABEH003385}}, - NUMBER = 2, - PAGES = {134--141}, - ISSN = {0368-8666}, - MRCLASS = {14J45 (14M25)}, - MRNUMBER = 1166957, - MRREVIEWER = {Yuri G. Prokhorov}, - DOI = {10.1070/SM1993v075n01ABEH003385}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1070/SM1993v075n01ABEH003385}, -} - -@book{MR1177168, - Author = {Katok, Svetlana}, - Isbn = {0-226-42582-7; 0-226-42583-5}, - Mrclass = {20H10 (30F35)}, - Mrnumber = {1177168 (93d:20088)}, - Mrreviewer = {I. Kra}, - Pages = {x+175}, - Publisher = {University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL}, - Series = {Chicago Lectures in Mathematics}, - Title = {Fuchsian groups}, - Year = 1992 -} - -@article{MR1179076, - Author = {Simpson, Carlos T.}, - Coden = {PMIHA6}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. 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Sommese}, - DOI = {10.1215/S0012-7094-93-07228-6}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1215/S0012-7094-93-07228-6}, -} - -@inproceedings {MR1291023, - AUTHOR = {Hartshorne, Robin}, - TITLE = {Generalized divisors on {G}orenstein schemes}, - BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of {C}onference on {A}lgebraic {G}eometry and {R}ing {T}heory in honor of {M}ichael {A}rtin, {P}art {III} ({A}ntwerp, 1992)}, - JOURNAL = {$K$-Theory}, - FJOURNAL = {$K$-Theory. An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Development, Application, and Influence of $K$-Theory in the Mathematical Sciences}, - VOLUME = {8}, - YEAR = {1994}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00960866}{DOI:10.1007/BF00960866}}, - NUMBER = {3}, - PAGES = {287--339}, - ISSN = {0920-3036}, - MRCLASS = {14C20 (14A15 14M06)}, - MRNUMBER = {1291023}, -MRREVIEWER = {G. Horrocks}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF00960866}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00960866}, -} - -@article {MR1295591, - AUTHOR = {Gray, Jeremy}, - TITLE = {On the history of the {R}iemann mapping theorem}, - JOURNAL = {Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Suppl.}, - FJOURNAL = {Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Serie II. - Supplemento}, - NUMBER = 34, - YEAR = 1994, - PAGES = {47--94}, - MRCLASS = {30C35 (01A55)}, - MRNUMBER = 1295591, - MRREVIEWER = {D. H. Hamilton}, -} - -@article{MR1298542, - Author = {Gurjar, Rajendra V. and Zhang, De-Qi}, - Fjournal = {The University of Tokyo. Journal of Mathematical Sciences}, - Issn = {1340-5705}, - Journal = {J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo}, - Mrclass = {14F35 (14E15 14J17)}, - Mrnumber = {1298542 (95m:14015)}, - Mrreviewer = {F. E. A. Johnson}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {137--180}, - Title = {{$\pi_1$} of smooth points of a log del {P}ezzo surface is - finite. {I}}, - Volume = 1, - Year = 1994 -} - -@article {MR1298994, - AUTHOR = {Alexeev, Valery}, - TITLE = {Boundedness and {$K^2$} for log surfaces}, - JOURNAL = {Internat. J. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {International Journal of Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 5, - YEAR = 1994, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X94000395}{DOI:10.1142/S0129167X94000395}}, - NUMBER = 6, - PAGES = {779--810}, - ISSN = {0129-167X}, - MRCLASS = {14J10 (14J25)}, - MRNUMBER = 1298994, - MRREVIEWER = {Mark Gross}, - DOI = {10.1142/S0129167X94000395}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X94000395}, -} - -@book{MR1304906, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Mumford, David and Fogarty, John and Kirwan, Frances}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5}, - Edition = {Third}, - Isbn = {3-540-56963-4}, - Mrclass = {14D25 (58E05 58F05)}, - Mrnumber = {1304906 (95m:14012)}, - Mrreviewer = {Yi Hu}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5}}, - Pages = {xiv+292}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (2) [Results - in Mathematics and Related Areas (2)]}, - Title = {Geometric invariant theory}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5}, - Volume = 34, - Year = 1994, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5} -} - -@article{MR1307297, - Author = {Simpson, Carlos T.}, - Coden = {PMIHA6}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Note = - {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1994__79__47_0}{numdam.PMIHES_1994__79__47_0}}, - Mrclass = {14D20 (14D22 14D25 14F05)}, - Mrnumber = {1307297 (96e:14012)}, - Mrreviewer = {Nitin Nitsure}, - Pages = {47--129}, - Title = {Moduli of representations of the fundamental group of a smooth - projective variety. {I}}, - Url = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1994__79__47_0}, - Volume = 79, - Year = 1994, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1994__79__47_0} -} - -@article{MR1320603, - Author = {Simpson, Carlos T.}, - Coden = {PMIHA6}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Note = - {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1994__80__5_0}{numdam.PMIHES_1994__80__5_0}}, - Mrclass = {14D20 (14D22 14F05 14F10)}, - Mrnumber = {1320603 (96e:14013)}, - Mrreviewer = {Nitin Nitsure}, - Pages = {5--79 (1995)}, - Title = {Moduli of representations of the fundamental group of a smooth - projective variety. {II}}, - Url = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1994__80__5_0}, - Volume = 80, - Year = 1994, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1994__80__5_0} -} - -@book {MR1324108, - AUTHOR = {Narasimhan, Raghavan}, - TITLE = {Several complex variables}, - SERIES = {Chicago Lectures in Mathematics}, - NOTE = {Reprint of the 1971 original}, - PUBLISHER = {University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL}, - YEAR = 1995, - PAGES = {x+174}, - ISBN = {0-226-56817-2}, - MRCLASS = {32-01}, - MRNUMBER = 1324108, -} - -@incollection {MR1326618, - AUTHOR = {Remmert, Reinhold}, - TITLE = {Local theory of complex spaces}, - BOOKTITLE = {Several complex variables, {VII}}, - SERIES = {Encyclopaedia Math. Sci.}, - VOLUME = {74}, - PAGES = {7--96}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, - YEAR = {1994}, - MRCLASS = {32C15 (32B05 32C20)}, - MRNUMBER = {1326618}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_2}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_2}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_2}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_2}} -} - -@incollection {MR1326619, - AUTHOR = {Peternell, Thomas and Remmert, Reinhold}, - TITLE = {Differential calculus, holomorphic maps and linear structures on complex spaces}, - BOOKTITLE = {Several complex variables, {VII}}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_8}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_8}}, - SERIES = {Encyclopaedia Math. Sci.}, - VOLUME = {74}, - PAGES = {97--144}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, - YEAR = {1994}, - MRCLASS = {32C35 (32C37 32L05)}, - MRNUMBER = {1326619}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_3}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_3}, -} - -@incollection {MR1326624, - AUTHOR = {Peternell, Thomas}, - TITLE = {Modifications}, - BOOKTITLE = {Several complex variables, {VII}}, - SERIES = {Encyclopaedia Math. Sci.}, - VOLUME = 74, - PAGES = {285--317}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, - YEAR = 1994, - MRCLASS = {32S45 (32J20)}, - MRNUMBER = 1326624, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_8}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_8}}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_8}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_8}, -} - -@incollection{MR1326625, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Campana, F. and Peternell, Th.}, - Booktitle = {Several complex variables, {VII}}, - Mrclass = {32G10 (32F10)}, - Mrnumber = 1326625, - Pages = {319--349}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Encyclopaedia Math. Sci.}, - Title = {Cycle spaces}, - Volume = 74, - Year = 1994 -} - -@book {MR1328834, - AUTHOR = {Shafarevich, Igor R.}, - TITLE = {Basic algebraic geometry. 2}, - EDITION = {Second}, - NOTE = {Schemes and complex manifolds, Translated from the 1988 Russian edition by Miles Reid. \href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-57956-1}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-57956-1}}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - YEAR = 1994, - PAGES = {xiv+269}, - ISBN = {3-540-57554-5}, - MRCLASS = {14-01}, - MRNUMBER = 1328834, -} - -@book {MR1334091, - AUTHOR = {Akhiezer, Dmitri N.}, - TITLE = {Lie group actions in complex analysis}, - SERIES = {Aspects of Mathematics, E27}, - PUBLISHER = {Friedr. Vieweg \& Sohn, Braunschweig}, - YEAR = {1995}, - PAGES = {viii+201}, - ISBN = {3-528-06420-X}, - MRCLASS = {32M05 (22-02 22E10 32M10)}, - MRNUMBER = {1334091}, -MRREVIEWER = {B. Gilligan}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-80267-5}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-322-80267-5}}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-322-80267-5}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-80267-5}, -} - -@book {MR1335917, - AUTHOR = {Hirzebruch, Friedrich}, - TITLE = {Topological methods in algebraic geometry}, - SERIES = {Classics in Mathematics}, - NOTE = {Translated from the German and Appendix One by R. L. E. - Schwarzenberger, With a preface to the third English edition - by the author and Schwarzenberger, Appendix Two by A. Borel, - Reprint of the 1978 edition}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - YEAR = 1995, - PAGES = {xii+234}, - ISBN = {3-540-58663-6}, - MRCLASS = {57-02 (01A75 14-02)}, - MRNUMBER = 1335917, -} - -@article {MR1340353, - AUTHOR = {Andreatta, Marco}, - TITLE = {Some remarks on the study of good contractions}, - JOURNAL = {Manuscripta Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, - VOLUME = 87, - YEAR = 1995, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02570480}{DOI:10.1007/BF02570480}.}, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {359--367}, - ISSN = {0025-2611}, - CODEN = {MSMHB2}, - MRCLASS = {14E30}, - MRNUMBER = {1340353 (96i:14017)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Mark Gross}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF02570480}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02570480}, -} - -@book {MR1341589, - AUTHOR = {Kollár, János}, - TITLE = {Shafarevich maps and automorphic forms}, - SERIES = {M. B. Porter Lectures}, - PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ}, - YEAR = 1995, - PAGES = {x+201}, - ISBN = {0-691-04381-7}, - MRCLASS = {14E20 (14J10 14J15 32J18 32N10)}, - MRNUMBER = {1341589 (96i:14016)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Kang Zuo}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400864195}{DOI:10.1515/9781400864195}}, - DOI = {10.1515/9781400864195}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400864195}, -} - -@article {MR1358040, - AUTHOR = {Barth, Wolf}, - TITLE = {Two projective surfaces with many nodes, admitting the symmetries of the icosahedron}, - JOURNAL = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - VOLUME = {5}, - YEAR = {1996}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {173--186}, - ISSN = {1056-3911}, - MRCLASS = {14J17 (14J25 14N05)}, - MRNUMBER = {1358040}, -MRREVIEWER = {Luciana Picco Botta}, -} - -@article {MR1384908, - AUTHOR = {Zuo, Kang}, - TITLE = {Kodaira dimension and {C}hern hyperbolicity of the {S}hafarevich maps for representations of {$\pi_1$} of compact {K}ähler manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle's Journal]}, - VOLUME = {472}, - YEAR = {1996}, - PAGES = {139--156}, - ISSN = {0075-4102}, - MRCLASS = {32J27 (14D07 32J25 58E20)}, - MRNUMBER = {1384908}, -MRREVIEWER = {Kimio Miyajima}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1996.472.139}{DOI:10.1515/crll.1996.472.139}}, - DOI = {10.1515/crll.1996.472.139}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1996.472.139}, -} - -@book {MR1393940, - AUTHOR = {Kobayashi, Shoshichi and Nomizu, Katsumi}, - TITLE = {Foundations of differential geometry. {V}ol. {I}}, - SERIES = {Wiley Classics Library}, - NOTE = {Reprint of the 1963 original}, - PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., New York}, - YEAR = 1996, - PAGES = {xii+329}, - ISBN = {0-471-15733-3}, - MRCLASS = {53-01}, - MRNUMBER = 1393940, -} - -@book {MR1393941, - AUTHOR = {Kobayashi, Shoshichi and Nomizu, Katsumi}, - TITLE = {Foundations of differential geometry. {V}ol. {II}}, - SERIES = {Wiley Classics Library}, - NOTE = {Reprint of the 1969 original}, - PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., New York}, - YEAR = 1996, - PAGES = {xvi+468}, - ISBN = {0-471-15732-5}, - MRCLASS = {53-01}, - MRNUMBER = 1393941, -} - -@book{MR1406314, - Address = {Cambridge}, - Author = {Beauville, Arnaud}, - Doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511623936}, - Edition = {Second}, - Isbn = {0-521-49510-5; 0-521-49842-2}, - Mrclass = {14Jxx (14-02)}, - Mrnumber = {1406314 (97e:14045)}, - Note = {Translated from the 1978 French original by R. Barlow, with assistance from N. I. Shepherd-Barron and M. Reid}, - Pages = {x+132}, - Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, - Series = {London Mathematical Society Student Texts}, - Title = {Complex algebraic surfaces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511623936}, - Volume = 34, - Year = 1996, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511623936} -} - -@article {MR1420223, - AUTHOR = {Shokurov, Vyacheslav V.}, - TITLE = {{$3$}-fold log models}, - NOTE = {Algebraic geometry, 4. \href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02362335}{DOI:10.1007/BF02362335}}, - JOURNAL = {J. Math. Sci.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of Mathematical Sciences}, - VOLUME = 81, - YEAR = 1996, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {2667--2699}, - ISSN = {1072-3374}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14E15 14E35)}, - MRNUMBER = 1420223, - MRREVIEWER = {Alessio Corti}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF02362335}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02362335}, -} - -@article {MR1421952, - AUTHOR = {Esnault, Hélène}, - TITLE = {Recent developments on characteristic classes of flat bundles - on complex algebraic manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {Jahresber. Deutsch. Math.-Verein.}, - FJOURNAL = {Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung}, - VOLUME = 98, - YEAR = 1996, - NUMBER = 4, - PAGES = {182--191}, - ISSN = {0012-0456}, - CODEN = {JDMVA7}, - MRCLASS = {14C25 (14F40 32J25 57R20)}, - MRNUMBER = 1421952, - MRREVIEWER = {I. Dolgachev}, -} - -@article {MR1422313, - AUTHOR = {Biquard, Olivier}, - TITLE = {Fibrés de {H}iggs et connexions intégrables: le cas logarithmique (diviseur lisse)}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. 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Popov}, - DOI = {10.1090/S0002-9939-98-04320-2}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-98-04320-2}, -} - -@incollection {MR1463187, - AUTHOR = {Peternell, Th. and Wilson, P. M. H.}, - TITLE = {Threefolds with extremal {C}hern classes}, - BOOKTITLE = {Higher-dimensional complex varieties ({T}rento, 1994)}, - PAGES = {357--378}, - PUBLISHER = {de Gruyter, Berlin}, - YEAR = {1996}, - MRCLASS = {14J30}, - MRNUMBER = {1463187}, -MRREVIEWER = {Ulf Persson}, -} - -@incollection{MR1463962, - Author = {Bando, Shigetoshi and Siu, Yum-Tong}, - Booktitle = {Geometry and analysis on complex manifolds}, - Mrclass = {32L07 (53C07)}, - Mrnumber = {1463962 (98e:32053)}, - Mrreviewer = {Daniel Huybrechts}, - Pages = {39--50}, - Publisher = {World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ}, - Title = {Stable sheaves and {E}instein-{H}ermitian metrics}, - Year = 1994 -} - -@article {MR1486992, - AUTHOR = {Jaffe, David B. and Ruberman, Daniel}, - TITLE = {A sextic surface cannot have {$66$} nodes}, - JOURNAL = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - VOLUME = {6}, - YEAR = {1997}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {151--168}, - ISSN = {1056-3911}, - MRCLASS = {14J17 (14N10 94B05)}, - MRNUMBER = {1486992}, -MRREVIEWER = {Susan J. Colley}, -} - -@article{MR1487238, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14D15 (14J40 32G05 32J18)}, - Mrnumber = {1487238 (98k:14009)}, - Mrreviewer = {Bruce Hunt}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {803--804}, - Title = {Erratum on: ``{U}nobstructed deformations. {A} remark on a - paper of {Z}. {R}an: `{D}eformations of manifolds with torsion - or negative canonical bundle'\,'' [{J}. {A}lgebraic {G}eom.\ - {\bf 1} (1992), no.\ 2, 183--190; {MR}1144434 (93e:14016)]}, - Volume = 6, - Year = 1997 -} - -@article {MR1489117, - AUTHOR = {Namikawa, Yoshinori}, - TITLE = {Smoothing {F}ano {$3$}-folds}, - JOURNAL = {J. 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Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {American Journal of Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {120}, - YEAR = {1998}, - NOTE = {URL \url{http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_journal_of_mathematics/v120/120.5kawamata.pdf}}, - NUMBER = {5}, - PAGES = {893--899}, - ISSN = {0002-9327}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14J10)}, - MRNUMBER = {1646046}, -MRREVIEWER = {Alessio Corti}, - URL = {http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_journal_of_mathematics/v120/120.5kawamata.pdf}, -} - -@incollection {MR1668579, - AUTHOR = {Iskovskih, Vasily A. and Prokhorov, Yuri G.}, - TITLE = {Fano varieties}, - BOOKTITLE = {Algebraic geometry, {V}}, - SERIES = {Encyclopaedia Math. 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Japan}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan}, - VOLUME = 51, - YEAR = 1999, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {643--654}, - ISSN = {0025-5645}, - CODEN = {NISUBC}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14E20 14J10)}, - MRNUMBER = 1691481, - MRREVIEWER = {Azniv Kasparian}, - DOI = {10.2969/jmsj/05130643}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2969/jmsj/05130643}, -} - -@incollection {MR1715587, - AUTHOR = {Nakayama, Noboru}, - TITLE = {Normalized tautological divisors of semi-stable vector bundles}, - NOTE = {Free resolutions of coordinate rings of projective varieties and related topics (Japanese) (Kyoto, 1998), available on the internet at \url{http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kyodo/kokyuroku/contents/1078.html}}, - JOURNAL = {S\={u}rikaisekikenky\={u}sho K\B{o}ky\={u}roku}, - FJOURNAL = {S\={u}rikaisekikenky\={u}sho K\B{o}ky\={u}roku}, - NUMBER = {1078}, - YEAR = {1999}, - PAGES = {167--173}, - MRCLASS = {14J60 (14C20)}, - MRNUMBER = {1715587}, -MRREVIEWER = {Atsushi Noma}, -} - -@book {MR1738433, - AUTHOR = {Zuo, Kang}, - TITLE = {Representations of fundamental groups of algebraic varieties}, - SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {1708}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - YEAR = {1999}, - PAGES = {viii+135}, - ISBN = {3-540-66312-6}, - MRCLASS = {14F35 (14E20 32J27 58E20)}, - MRNUMBER = {1738433}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0092569}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0092569}}, - DOI = {10.1007/BFb0092569}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0092569}, -} - -@book {MR1747010, - AUTHOR = {Morosawa, Shunsuke and Nishimura, Yasuichiro and Taniguchi, - Masahiko and Ueda, Tetsuo}, - TITLE = {Holomorphic dynamics}, - SERIES = {Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 66, - NOTE = {Translated from the 1995 Japanese original and revised by the - authors}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = 2000, - PAGES = {xii+338}, - ISBN = {0-521-66258-3}, - MRCLASS = {37Fxx (30D05 32H50 32U35)}, - MRNUMBER = 1747010, - MRREVIEWER = {Estela A. 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Prokhorov}, - URL = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.pja/1148393517}, -} - -@book {MR1777835, - AUTHOR = {Zheng, Fangyang}, - TITLE = {Complex differential geometry}, - SERIES = {AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 18, - PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI; International - Press, Boston, MA}, - YEAR = 2000, - PAGES = {xii+264}, - ISBN = {0-8218-2163-6}, - MRCLASS = {32Qxx (32-02 32J25 53C55 53C56)}, - MRNUMBER = 1777835, - MRREVIEWER = {Peng Lu}, -} - -@book{MR1787650, - Author = {Tian, Gang}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-3-0348-8389-4}, - Isbn = {3-7643-6194-8}, - Mrclass = {32Q20 (53C25 58E11)}, - Mrnumber = {1787650 (2001j:32024)}, - Mrreviewer = {Azniv Kasparian}, - Note = {Notes taken by Meike Akveld}, - Pages = {vi+101}, - Publisher = {Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel}, - Series = {Lectures in Mathematics ETH Zürich}, - Title = {Canonical metrics in {K}ähler geometry}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-0348-8389-4}, - Year = 2000, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-0348-8389-4} -} - -@book {MR1787733, - AUTHOR = {Joyce, Dominic D.}, - TITLE = {Compact manifolds with special holonomy}, - SERIES = {Oxford Mathematical Monographs}, - PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press, Oxford}, - YEAR = 2000, - PAGES = {xii+436}, - ISBN = {0-19-850601-5}, - MRCLASS = {53C29 (14J32 53-01 53-02 53C26 58J60 81T30)}, - MRNUMBER = 1787733, - MRREVIEWER = {Andrew Swann}, -} - -@article {MR1794169, - AUTHOR = {Shokurov, Vyacheslav V.}, - TITLE = {Complements on surfaces}, - NOTE = {Algebraic geometry, 10. \href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02984106}{DOI:10.1007/BF02984106}}, - JOURNAL = {J. 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Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 185, - YEAR = 2007, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0869}{DOI:10.1090/memo/0869}}, - NUMBER = 869, - PAGES = {xii+324}, - ISSN = {0065-9266}, - MRCLASS = {32S40 (14C30 53C07 53C43)}, - MRNUMBER = 2281877, - MRREVIEWER = {Carlos T. Simpson}, - DOI = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0869}{DOI:10.1090/memo/0869}}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0869}, -} - -@article {MR2283665, - AUTHOR = {Mochizuki, Takuro}, - TITLE = {Asymptotic behaviour of tame harmonic bundles and an - application to pure twistor {$D$}-modules. {II}}, - JOURNAL = {Mem. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 185, - YEAR = 2007, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0870}{DOI:10.1090/memo/0870}}, - NUMBER = 870, - PAGES = {xii+565}, - ISSN = {0065-9266}, - CODEN = {MAMCAU}, - MRCLASS = {32S40 (14C30 53C07 53C43)}, - MRNUMBER = 2283665, - MRREVIEWER = {Carlos T. Simpson}, - DOI = {10.1090/memo/0870}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0870}, -} - -@book{MR2290112, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Greuel, G.-M. and Lossen, C. and Shustin, E.}, - Isbn = {978-3-540-28380-5; 3-540-28380-3}, - Mrclass = {32Sxx (14B05)}, - Mrnumber = {2290112 (2008b:32013)}, - Mrreviewer = {Vasile Brînz{ă}nescu}, - Pages = {xii+471}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Springer Monographs in Mathematics}, - Title = {Introduction to singularities and deformations}, - Year = 2007 -} - -@article {MR2310103, - AUTHOR = {Mochizuki, Takuro}, - TITLE = {Kobayashi-{H}itchin correspondence for tame harmonic bundles - and an application}, - JOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - FJOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - NUMBER = 309, - YEAR = 2006, - PAGES = {viii+117}, - ISSN = {0303-1179}, - ISBN = {978-2-85629-226-6}, - MRCLASS = {32Q20 (14D07 14J60 32G20 53C07)}, - MRNUMBER = 2310103, - MRREVIEWER = {Julien Keller}, -} - -@article{MR2332355, - Author = {Hwang, Jun-Muk}, - Coden = {ASENAH}, - Doi = {10.1016/j.ansens.2006.12.001}, - Fjournal = {Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième - Série}, - Issn = {0012-9593}, - Journal = {Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4)}, - Mrclass = {32G99 (14D15 32J27)}, - Mrnumber = {2332355 (2008m:32028)}, - Mrreviewer = {Stefan Kebekus}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {179--189}, - Title = {Deformation of holomorphic maps onto the blow-up of the - projective plane}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ansens.2006.12.001}, - Volume = 40, - Year = 2007, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ansens.2006.12.001} -} - -@article{MR2336831, - Author = {Hwang, Jun-Muk}, - Coden = {AIFUA7}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {14J45 (32H02)}, - Mrnumber = {2336831 (2008g:14064)}, - Mrreviewer = {Andreas Höring}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {815--823}, - Title = {Deformation of holomorphic maps onto {F}ano manifolds of - second and fourth {B}etti numbers 1}, - Url = {http://aif.cedram.org/item?id=AIF_2007__57_3_815_0}, - Volume = 57, - Year = 2007, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://aif.cedram.org/item?id=AIF_2007__57_3_815_0} -} - -@article {MR2343296, - AUTHOR = {Bradlow, Steven B. and García-Prada, Oscar and Gothen, - Peter B.}, - TITLE = {What is{$\dots$} a {H}iggs bundle?}, - JOURNAL = {Notices Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Notices of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 54, - YEAR = 2007, - NUMBER = 8, - PAGES = {980--981}, - ISSN = {0002-9920}, - MRCLASS = {53C07 (14D21)}, - MRNUMBER = {2343296 (2008e:53035)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Graeme Wilkin}, -} - -@article{MR2344354, - Author = {Catanese, Fabrizio}, - Coden = {JDGEAS}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Differential Geometry}, - Issn = {0022-040X}, - Journal = {J. Differential Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14E99 (32G05 32J15)}, - Mrnumber = {2344354 (2008k:14038)}, - Mrreviewer = {Vasile Brînz{ă}nescu}, - Note = {With an appendix by Sönke - Rollenske. \href{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1185550815}{euclid.jdg/1185550815}}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {43--75}, - Title = {Q.{E}.{D}. for algebraic varieties}, - Url = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1185550815}, - Volume = 77, - Year = 2007, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1185550815} -} - -@book{MR2352762, - Address = {Oxford}, - Author = {{Corti et al.}, Alessio}, - Isbn = {978-0-19-857061-5}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14-06)}, - Mrnumber = {2352762 (2008j:14031)}, - Mrreviewer = {Michael A. van Opstall}, - Pages = {x+189}, - Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, - Series = {Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications}, - Title = {Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds}, - Volume = 35, - Year = 2007 -} - -@incollection {MR2359346, - AUTHOR = {Kollár, János}, - TITLE = {Kodaira's canonical bundle formula and adjunction}, - BOOKTITLE = {Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds}, - SERIES = {Oxford Lecture Ser. Math. Appl.}, - VOLUME = {35}, - PAGES = {134--162}, - PUBLISHER = {Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford}, - YEAR = {2007}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198570615.003.0008}{DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198570615.003.0008}}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14N30)}, - MRNUMBER = {2359346}, - DOI = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198570615.003.0008}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198570615.003.0008}, -} - -@book{MR2359489, - Author = {Wells, Jr., Raymond O.}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-0-387-73892-5}, - Edition = {Third}, - Isbn = {978-0-387-73891-8}, - Mrclass = {32-01 (58-01)}, - Mrnumber = {2359489 (2008g:32001)}, - Note = {With a new appendix by Oscar Garcia-Prada}, - Pages = {xiv+299}, - Publisher = {Springer, New York}, - Series = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics}, - Title = {Differential analysis on complex manifolds}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-73892-5}, - Volume = 65, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-73892-5} -} - -@article {MR2364074, - AUTHOR = {Bruzzo, Ugo and Gra{\~n}a Otero, Beatriz}, - TITLE = {Metrics on semistable and numerically effective {H}iggs - bundles}, - JOURNAL = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal f\"ur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle's - Journal]}, - VOLUME = 612, - YEAR = 2007, - PAGES = {59--79}, - ISSN = {0075-4102}, - CODEN = {JRMAA8}, - MRCLASS = {32L05 (32Q20)}, - MRNUMBER = 2364074, - MRREVIEWER = {Graeme Wilkin}, - DOI = {10.1515/CRELLE.2007.084}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1515/CRELLE.2007.084}, -} - -@article {MR2369185, - AUTHOR = {Biswas, Indranil and Gómez, Tomás L.}, - TITLE = {Connections and {H}iggs fields on a principal bundle}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Global Anal. Geom.}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry}, - VOLUME = {33}, - YEAR = {2008}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-007-9072-x}{DOI:10.1007/s10455-007-9072-x}}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {19--46}, - ISSN = {0232-704X}, - MRCLASS = {32L05 (14L10 53C07)}, - MRNUMBER = {2369185}, -MRREVIEWER = {Graeme Wilkin}, - DOI = {10.1007/s10455-007-9072-x}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-007-9072-x}, -} - -@article {MR2372739, - AUTHOR = {Wittenberg, Olivier}, - TITLE = {On {A}lbanese torsors and the elementary obstruction}, - JOURNAL = {Math. Ann.}, - FJOURNAL = {Mathematische Annalen}, - VOLUME = {340}, - YEAR = {2008}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-007-0170-7}{DOI:10.1007/s00208-007-0170-7}. Preprint \href{https://arXiv.org/abs/math/0611284}{arXiv:math/0611284}}, - NUMBER = {4}, - PAGES = {805--838}, - ISSN = {0025-5831}, - MRCLASS = {14C25 (14K05)}, - MRNUMBER = {2372739}, -MRREVIEWER = {Francisco J. Plaza Mart\'{\i}n}, - DOI = {10.1007/s00208-007-0170-7}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-007-0170-7}, -} - -@book {MR2377148, - AUTHOR = {Bryant, John and Sangwin, Chris}, - TITLE = {How round is your circle? Where engineering and mathematics meet.}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400837953.303}{DOI:10.1515/9781400837953.303}}, - PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ}, - YEAR = {2008}, - PAGES = {xxii+306}, - ISBN = {978-0-691-13118-4}, - MRCLASS = {00A06 (00A05 51M15 51M99 70-01 70Bxx)}, - MRNUMBER = {2377148}, -MRREVIEWER = {Andrew Edward Whelan}, -} - -@article{MR2383493, - Author = {Abe, Takuro and Yoshinaga, Masahiko}, - Coden = {PAMYAR}, - Doi = {10.1090/S0002-9939-08-09367-2}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9939}, - Journal = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14F05 (14J60)}, - Mrnumber = {2383493 (2009f:14029)}, - Mrreviewer = {Vasile Brînz{ă}nescu}, - Number = 6, - Pages = {1887--1891}, - Title = {Splitting criterion for reflexive sheaves}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-08-09367-2}, - Volume = 136, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-08-09367-2} -} - -@article{MR2399162, - Author = {Rollenske, Sönke}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Doi = {10.1007/s00208-007-0206-z}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {53C56 (55T99 58A14)}, - Mrnumber = {2399162 (2009c:53099)}, - Mrreviewer = {Sergio Console}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {623--628}, - Title = {The {F}rölicher spectral sequence can be arbitrarily non-degenerate}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-007-0206-z}, - Volume = 341, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-007-0206-z} -} - -@article{MR2400877, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Fjournal = {Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly}, - Issn = {1558-8599}, - Journal = {Pure Appl. Math. Q.}, - Mrclass = {14J80 (14J17 57N13)}, - Mrnumber = {2400877 (2009b:14086)}, - Mrreviewer = {Arnaud Beauville}, - Number = {2, part 1}, - Pages = {203--236}, - Title = {Is there a topological {B}ogomolov-{M}iyaoka-{Y}au inequality?}, - Volume = 4, - Year = 2008 -} - -@article{MR2429621, - Author = {Aprodu, Marian and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Coden = {MAZEAX}, - Doi = {10.1007/s00209-007-0282-5}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Zeitschrift}, - Issn = {0025-5874}, - Journal = {Math. Z.}, - Mrclass = {14E20 (14J45)}, - Mrnumber = {2429621 (2009m:14017)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jarosław A. Wiśniewski}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {431--449}, - Title = {Galois coverings and endomorphisms of projective varieties}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00209-007-0282-5}, - Volume = 260, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00209-007-0282-5} -} - -@article {MR2439607, - AUTHOR = {Araujo, Carolina and Druel, Stéphane and Kovács, Sándor J.}, - TITLE = {Cohomological characterizations of projective spaces and - hyperquadrics}, - JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - VOLUME = 174, - YEAR = 2008, - NUMBER = 2, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-008-0130-1}{DOI:10.1007/s00222-008-0130-1}}, - PAGES = {233--253}, - ISSN = {0020-9910}, - CODEN = {INVMBH}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14F10 14M20)}, - MRNUMBER = 2439607, - MRREVIEWER = {Andreas Höring}, - DOI = {10.1007/s00222-008-0130-1}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-008-0130-1}, -} - -@article{MR2443971, - Author = {Keum, Jong-Hae}, - Doi = {10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497}, - Fjournal = {Geometry \& Topology}, - Issn = {1465-3060}, - Journal = {Geom. Topol.}, - Mrclass = {14J29 (14E15)}, - Mrnumber = {2443971 (2009g:14042)}, - Mrreviewer = {Marco Andreatta}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {2497--2515}, - Title = {Quotients of fake projective planes}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497}{DOI: - 10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497}, - Volume = 12, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497} -} - -@article {MR2448282, - AUTHOR = {Prokhorov, Yuri G. and Shokurov, Vyacheslav V.}, - TITLE = {Towards the second main theorem on complements}, - JOURNAL = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - VOLUME = 18, - YEAR = 2009, - NUMBER = 1, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/S1056-3911-08-00498-0}{DOI:10.1090/S1056-3911-08-00498-0}}, - PAGES = {151--199}, - ISSN = {1056-3911}, - MRCLASS = {14C20 (14J45)}, - MRNUMBER = 2448282, - MRREVIEWER = {Alexandr V. Pukhlikov}, - DOI = {10.1090/S1056-3911-08-00498-0}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S1056-3911-08-00498-0}, -} - -@article{MR2449950, - Author = {Berndtsson, Bo and Păun, Mihai}, - Coden = {DUMJAO}, - Doi = {10.1215/00127094-2008-054}, - Fjournal = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - Issn = {0012-7094}, - Journal = {Duke Math. J.}, - Mrclass = {32L15 (14J40)}, - Mrnumber = {2449950 (2009k:32020)}, - Mrreviewer = {James McKernan}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {341--378}, - Title = {Bergman kernels and the pseudoeffectivity of relative - canonical bundles}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2008-054}{DOI: - 10.1215/00127094-2008-054}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2008-054}, - Volume = 145, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2008-054} -} - -@incollection{MR2483953, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry---{S}eattle 2005. {P}art 2}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14-02 14D20 14E30)}, - Mrnumber = {2483953 (2009m:14051)}, - Mrreviewer = {James McKernan}, - Pages = {711--743}, - Publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Series = {Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Young person's guide to moduli of higher dimensional - varieties}, - Volume = 80, - Year = 2009 -} - -@article{MR2497488, - Author = {Zhang, Yuguang}, - Coden = {PAMYAR}, - Doi = {10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9939}, - Journal = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {32Q20 (32L05 53C25 53C44)}, - Mrnumber = {2497488 (2010b:32036)}, - Mrreviewer = {Julien Keller}, - Number = 8, - Pages = {2749--2754}, - Title = {Miyaoka-{Y}au inequality for minimal projective manifolds of - general type}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4}{DOI: - 10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4}, - Volume = 137, - Year = 2009, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4} -} - -@inproceedings{MR2500573, - Author = {Włodarczyk, Jarosław}, - Booktitle = {Proceedings of {G}ökova {G}eometry-{T}opology {C}onference - 2008}, - Mrclass = {32S45 (32C25)}, - Mrnumber = {2500573 (2011e:32039)}, - Pages = {31--63}, - Publisher = {Gökova Geometry/Topology Conference (GGT), Gökova}, - Title = {Resolution of singularities of analytic spaces}, - Year = 2009 -} - -@article {MR2505296, - AUTHOR = {Eyssidieux, Philippe and Guedj, Vincent and Zeriahi, Ahmed}, - TITLE = {Singular {K}ähler-{E}instein metrics}, - JOURNAL = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 22, - YEAR = 2009, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {607--639}, - ISSN = {0894-0347}, - MRCLASS = {32Q20 (31C10 32J27 32Q25 32W20)}, - MRNUMBER = {2505296 (2010k:32031)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Zhou Zhang}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/S0894-0347-09-00629-8}{DOI:10.1090/S0894-0347-09-00629-8}}, - DOI = {10.1090/S0894-0347-09-00629-8}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0894-0347-09-00629-8}, -} - -@book{MR2514037, - Author = {Mumford, David}, - Isbn = {978-81-85931-86-9; 81-85931-86-0}, - Mrclass = {14Kxx}, - Mrnumber = {2514037 (2010e:14040)}, - Note = {With appendices by C. P. Ramanujam and Yuri Manin, Corrected - reprint of the second (1974) edition}, - Pages = {xii+263}, - Publisher = {Published for the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, - Bombay}, - Series = {Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Studies in Mathematics}, - Title = {Abelian varieties}, - Volume = 5, - Year = 2008 -} - -@book {MR2522486, - AUTHOR = {Goodman, Roe and Wallach, Nolan R.}, - TITLE = {Symmetry, representations, and invariants}, - SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 255, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Dordrecht}, - YEAR = 2009, - PAGES = {xx+716}, - ISBN = {978-0-387-79851-6}, - MRCLASS = {20G05 (14L35 17B10 20C30 20G20 22E46)}, - MRNUMBER = 2522486, - MRREVIEWER = {Vladimir V. Shchigolev}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79852-3}{DOI:10.1007/978-0-387-79852-3}.}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-0-387-79852-3}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79852-3}, -} - -@article {MR2538503, - AUTHOR = {Tosatti, Valentino}, - TITLE = {Limits of {C}alabi-{Y}au metrics when the {K}ähler class - degenerates}, - JOURNAL = {J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS)}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)}, - VOLUME = 11, - YEAR = 2009, - NUMBER = 4, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.4171/JEMS/165}{DOI:b10.4171/JEMS/165}. Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0710.4579}{arXiv:0710.4579}}, - PAGES = {755--776}, - ISSN = {1435-9855}, - MRCLASS = {32Q25 (32Q20 32W20)}, - MRNUMBER = {2538503 (2010j:32039)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Julien Keller}, - DOI = {10.4171/JEMS/165}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.4171/JEMS/165}, -} - -@book {MR2542964, - AUTHOR = {Lehrer, Gustav I. and Taylor, Donald E.}, - TITLE = {Unitary reflection groups}, - SERIES = {Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series}, - VOLUME = {20}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = {2009}, - PAGES = {viii+294}, - ISBN = {978-0-521-74989-3}, - MRCLASS = {20F55}, - MRNUMBER = {2542964}, -MRREVIEWER = {O. V. Shvartsman}, -} - -@article {MR2545454, - AUTHOR = {Biswas, Indranil}, - TITLE = {Semistability and restrictions of tangent bundle to curves}, - JOURNAL = {Geom. Dedicata}, - FJOURNAL = {Geometriae Dedicata}, - VOLUME = {142}, - YEAR = {2009}, - PAGES = {37--46}, - ISSN = {0046-5755}, - MRCLASS = {14F05 (32L10)}, - MRNUMBER = {2545454}, -MRREVIEWER = {Graeme Wilkin}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s10711-009-9356-3}{DOI:10.1007/s10711-009-9356-3}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/0901.4161}{arXiv:0901.4161}}, - DOI = {10.1007/s10711-009-9356-3}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10711-009-9356-3}, -} - -@article {MR2567402, - AUTHOR = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - TITLE = {A {M}inkowski-style bound for the orders of the finite - subgroups of the {C}remona group of rank 2 over an arbitrary - field}, - JOURNAL = {Mosc. Math. 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J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Michigan Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = {61}, - YEAR = {2012}, - NUMBER = {2}, - PAGES = {255--264}, - ISSN = {0026-2285}, - MRCLASS = {14C20 (14B05)}, - MRNUMBER = {2944479}, -MRREVIEWER = {Cícero Carvalho}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1307/mmj/1339011526}{DOI:10.1307/mmj/1339011526}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1009.3996}{arXiv:1009.3996}}, - DOI = {10.1307/mmj/1339011526}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1307/mmj/1339011526}, -} - -@article{MR2976311, - Author = {Jabbusch, Kelly and Kebekus, Stefan}, - Coden = {AIFUA7}, - Doi = {10.5802/aif.2673}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {14D22 (14D07)}, - Mrnumber = 2976311, - Number = 6, - Pages = {2277--2290 (2012)}, - Title = {Positive sheaves of differentials coming from coarse moduli - spaces}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.5802/aif.2673}{DOI:10.5802/aif.2673}. 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Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1106.1300}{arXiv:1106.1300}.}, - Pages = {1250122, 15}, - Title = {Semistability of restricted tangent bundles and a question of {I}. {B}iswas}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X12501224}, - Volume = 24, - Year = 2013, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X12501224} -} - -@article {MR3033631, - AUTHOR = {Araujo, Carolina and Druel, Stéphane}, - TITLE = {On {F}ano foliations}, - JOURNAL = {Adv. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Advances in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {238}, - YEAR = {2013}, - PAGES = {70--118}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2013.02.003}{DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2013.02.003}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1112.4512}{arXiv:1112.4512}}, - ISSN = {0001-8708}, - MRCLASS = {37F25 (14M22)}, - MRNUMBER = {3033631}, - DOI = {10.1016/j.aim.2013.02.003}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2013.02.003}, -} - -@article {MR3034294, - AUTHOR = {Hacon, Christopher D. and McKernan, James and Xu, Chenyang}, - TITLE = {On the birational automorphisms of varieties of general type}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - VOLUME = 177, - YEAR = 2013, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.4007/annals.2013.177.3.6}{DOI:10.4007/annals.2013.177.3.6}}, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {1077--1111}, - ISSN = {0003-486X}, - MRCLASS = {14E05}, - MRNUMBER = 3034294, - MRREVIEWER = {Alexandr V. 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Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - VOLUME = 192, - YEAR = 2013, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-012-0411-6}{DOI:10.1007/s00222-012-0411-6}.}, - NUMBER = 2, - PAGES = {257--286}, - ISSN = {0020-9910}, - MRCLASS = {22E10 (22E45 32M05 32P05 32Q55)}, - MRNUMBER = 3044124, - MRREVIEWER = {Takashi Umeno}, - DOI = {10.1007/s00222-012-0411-6}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-012-0411-6}, -} - -@book {MR3057950, - AUTHOR = {Kollár, János}, - TITLE = {Singularities of the minimal model program}, - SERIES = {Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 200, - NOTE = {With a collaboration of Sándor - Kovács. \href{https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139547895}{DOI:10.1017/CBO9781139547895}}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = 2013, - PAGES = {x+370}, - ISBN = {978-1-107-03534-8}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14B05)}, - MRNUMBER = 3057950, - MRREVIEWER = {Tommaso De Fernex}, - DOI = {10.1017/CBO9781139547895}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139547895}, -} - -@article {MR3077660, - AUTHOR = {Lohmann, Daniel}, - TITLE = {Families of canonically polarized manifolds over log {F}ano varieties}, - JOURNAL = {Compos. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Compositio Mathematica}, - VOLUME = {149}, - YEAR = {2013}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X1200053X}{DOI:10.1112/S0010437X1200053X}}, - NUMBER = {6}, - PAGES = {1019--1040}, - ISSN = {0010-437X}, - MRCLASS = {14J10 (14E30)}, - MRNUMBER = {3077660}, -MRREVIEWER = {Atsushi Moriwaki}, - DOI = {10.1112/S0010437X1200053X}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X1200053X}, -} - -@article{MR3084424, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Doi = {10.1016/j.aim.2013.06.013}, - Fjournal = {Advances in Mathematics}, - Issn = {0001-8708}, - Journal = {Adv. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J17 (14B05 14F10)}, - Mrnumber = 3084424, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2013.06.013}{DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2013.06.013}. 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J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = 162, - YEAR = 2013, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2381442}{DOI:10.1215/00127094-2381442}.}, - NUMBER = 14, - PAGES = {2797--2813}, - ISSN = {0012-7094}, - MRCLASS = {14F35 (14D07 14F10)}, - MRNUMBER = 3127814, - MRREVIEWER = {Alex Degtyarev}, - DOI = {10.1215/00127094-2381442}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2381442}, -} - -@article {MR3134683, - AUTHOR = {Campana, Frédéric and Guenancia, Henri and Păun, Mihai}, - TITLE = {Metrics with cone singularities along normal crossing divisors - and holomorphic tensor fields}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. 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Preprint - \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1307.1784}{arXiv:math/1307.1784}}, - NUMBER = 12, - PAGES = {2054--2072}, - ISSN = {0010-437X}, - MRCLASS = {14E07}, - MRNUMBER = 3292293, - MRREVIEWER = {Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros}, - DOI = {10.1112/S0010437X14007581}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X14007581}, -} - -@book {MR3307241, - AUTHOR = {Barlet, Daniel and Magnússon, Jón}, - TITLE = {Cycles analytiques complexes. {I}. {T}héorèmes de préparation - des cycles}, - SERIES = {Cours Spécialisés [Specialized Courses]}, - VOLUME = 22, - PUBLISHER = {Société Mathématique de France, Paris}, - YEAR = 2014, - PAGES = 525, - ISBN = {978-2-85629-792-6}, - MRCLASS = {32-02 (32C15 32C18 32C25 32C30)}, - MRNUMBER = 3307241, - MRREVIEWER = {Chia-Chi Tung}, -} - -@article{MR3314517, - Author = {Langer, Adrian}, - Doi = {10.1007/s00222-014-0534-z}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. 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Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1302.5016}{arXiv:1302.5016}}, - NUMBER = 2, - PAGES = {351--376}, - ISSN = {0010-437X}, - MRCLASS = {32Q15 (14D07 14E20 14F35 32Q30)}, - MRNUMBER = 3314830, -MRREVIEWER = {André Oliveira}, - DOI = {10.1112/S0010437X14007751}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X14007751}, -} - -@article {MR3319924, - AUTHOR = {Matsushita, Daisuke}, - TITLE = {On base manifolds of {L}agrangian fibrations}, - JOURNAL = {Sci. China Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Science China. 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Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Compositio Mathematica}, - VOLUME = {154}, - YEAR = {2018}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X18007042}{DOI:10.1112/S0010437X18007042}}, - NUMBER = {6}, - PAGES = {1131--1158}, - ISSN = {0010-437X}, - MRCLASS = {14J45 (14B05 14L24 32Q15)}, - MRNUMBER = {3797604}, -MRREVIEWER = {Giulio Codogni}, - DOI = {10.1112/S0010437X18007042}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X18007042}, -} - -@incollection {MR3821147, - AUTHOR = {Cantat, Serge}, - TITLE = {The {C}remona group}, - BOOKTITLE = {Algebraic geometry: {S}alt {L}ake {C}ity 2015}, - SERIES = {Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, - VOLUME = {97}, - PAGES = {101--142}, - PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. 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Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1704.01408}{arXiv:1704.01408}}, - PAGES = {2051--2124}, - ISSN = {1465-3060}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14J32 32J27)}, - MRNUMBER = {3988092}, - DOI = {10.2140/gt.2019.23.2051}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2140/gt.2019.23.2051}, -} - -@incollection {MR3996488, - AUTHOR = {Li, Chi and Tian, Gang}, - TITLE = {Orbifold regularity of weak {K}ähler-{E}instein metrics}, - BOOKTITLE = {Advances in complex geometry}, - SERIES = {Contemp. Math.}, - VOLUME = {735}, - PAGES = {169--178}, - PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI}, - YEAR = {2019}, - MRCLASS = {53C55 (14E15 32W20 53C25)}, - MRNUMBER = {3996488}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/conm/735/14825}{DOI:10.1090/conm/735/14825}}, - DOI = {10.1090/conm/735/14825}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/conm/735/14825}, -} - -@article {MR4093975, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel and Wong, Michael Lennox}, - TITLE = {Canonical complex extensions of {K}\"{a}hler manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {J. Lond. Math. Soc. 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Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.10740}{arXiv:1705.10740}}, - NUMBER = {4}, - PAGES = {1037--1070}, - ISSN = {0012-9593}, - MRCLASS = {14G05 (11G35)}, - MRNUMBER = {4157111}, - DOI = {10.24033/asens.243}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.24033/asens.243}, -} - -@book {MR4167468, - AUTHOR = {Cossart, Vincent and Jannsen, Uwe and Saito, Shuji}, - TITLE = {Desingularization: invariants and strategy---application to - dimension 2}, - SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {2270}, - NOTE = {With contributions by Bernd Schober. \href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52640-5}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-52640-5}}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, - YEAR = {[2020] \copyright 2020}, - PAGES = {viii+256}, - ISBN = {978-3-030-52640-5; 978-3-030-52639-9}, - MRCLASS = {14E15 (14-02)}, - MRNUMBER = {4167468}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-030-52640-5}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52640-5}, -} - -@article {MR4216591, - AUTHOR = {Gvirtz, Damián}, - TITLE = {Arithmetic surjectivity for zero-cycles}, - JOURNAL = {Math. 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Vitter, III}, - DOI = {10.2969/jmsj/03220325}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2969/jmsj/03220325}, -} - - -@article {MR577360, - AUTHOR = {Siu, Yum-Tong and Yau, Shing-Tung}, - TITLE = {Compact {K}ähler manifolds of positive bisectional curvature}, - JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - VOLUME = 59, - YEAR = 1980, - NUMBER = 2, - PAGES = {189--204}, - ISSN = {0020-9910}, - CODEN = {INVMBH}, - MRCLASS = {58E20 (53C55)}, - MRNUMBER = 577360, - MRREVIEWER = {John C. 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Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 274, - YEAR = 1982, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2307/1999498}{DOI:10.2307/1999498}}, - NUMBER = 1, - PAGES = {89--100}, - ISSN = {0002-9947}, - MRCLASS = {32L10 (32C35 32J20)}, - MRNUMBER = 670921, - MRREVIEWER = {M. Schneider}, - DOI = {10.2307/1999498}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2307/1999498}, -} - -@book {MR673560, - AUTHOR = {Ancona, Vincenzo and Tomassini, Giuseppe}, - TITLE = {Modifications analytiques}, - SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 943, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York}, - YEAR = 1982, - PAGES = {iv+120}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0095882}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0095882}}, - ISBN = {3-540-11570-6}, - MRCLASS = {32C45 (14E15)}, - MRNUMBER = {673560 (84g:32022)}, - MRREVIEWER = {H. Kerner}, -} - -@book {MR676809, - AUTHOR = {Friedlander, Eric M.}, - TITLE = {Étale homotopy of simplicial schemes}, - SERIES = {Annals of Mathematics Studies}, - VOLUME = 104, - PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.; University of - Tokyo Press, Tokyo}, - YEAR = 1982, - PAGES = {vii+190}, - ISBN = {0-691-08288-X; 0-691-08317-7}, - MRCLASS = {55P99 (14F35 55-02)}, - MRNUMBER = 676809, - MRREVIEWER = {V. P. Snaith}, -} - -@article{MR707162, - Author = {Friedman, Robert}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Doi = {10.2307/2006955}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {32G11 (14D20 14J28 32G13)}, - Mrnumber = {707162 (85g:32029)}, - Mrreviewer = {David R. 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Ann.}, - FJOURNAL = {Mathematische Annalen}, - VOLUME = 283, - YEAR = 1989, - NUMBER = 1, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01457500}{DOI:10.1007/BF01457500}}, - PAGES = {13--52}, - ISSN = {0025-5831}, - CODEN = {MAANA}, - MRCLASS = {32C15 (32F05 32G10 32H35)}, - MRNUMBER = 973802, - MRREVIEWER = {Siegmund Kosarew}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF01457500}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01457500}, -} - -@book {MR982494, - AUTHOR = {Reid, Miles}, - TITLE = {Undergraduate algebraic geometry}, - SERIES = {London Mathematical Society Student Texts}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139163699}{DOI:10.1017/CBO9781139163699}}, - VOLUME = {12}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = {1988}, - PAGES = {viii+129}, - ISBN = {0-521-35559-1; 0-521-35662-8}, - MRCLASS = {14-01 (00A05)}, - MRNUMBER = {982494}, -MRREVIEWER = {Marko Roczen}, - DOI = {10.1017/CBO9781139163699}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139163699}, -} - -@inproceedings{MU83, - Author = {S. 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Hartshorne}, - Note = {Correction: {\it Amer.\ J.\ Math.\/}, 91:851, 1969}, - Pages = {668--684}, - Title = {Two fundamental theorems on deformations of polarized - varieties}, - Volume = 86, - Year = 1964 -} - -@article{Mat-Mum64corr, - Author = {Matsusaka, T. and Mumford, D.}, - Journal = {Amer. J. 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Pure Math.}, - Title = {Deformations of a morphism along a foliation and applications}, - Volume = 46, - Year = 1987 -} - -@misc{Miy92, - Author = {Y.~Miyaoka}, - Note = {misc}, - Title = {Lecture at the university of Utah}, - Year = 1992 -} - -@incollection{Miyanishi-Tsunoda82, - Address = {Boston, MA}, - Author = {Miyanishi, Masayoshi and Tsunoda, Shuichiro}, - Booktitle = {Classification of algebraic and analytic manifolds (Katata, - 1982)}, - Mrclass = {14J10}, - Mrnumber = {728617 (86c:14030)}, - Mrreviewer = {Daniel Comenetz}, - Pages = {499--544}, - Publisher = {Birkhäuser Boston}, - Series = {Progr. Math.}, - Title = {The structure of open algebraic surfaces. {II}}, - Volume = 39, - Year = 1983 -} - -@article{Miyanishi-Tsunoda84, - Author = {Miyanishi, Masayoshi and Tsunoda, Shuichiro}, - Coden = {JJMAAK}, - Fjournal = {Japanese Journal of Mathematics. New Series}, - Issn = {0289-2316}, - Journal = {Japan. J. Math. 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Soc.}, - Pages = {179--192}, - Title = {On the rational solutions of the indeterminate equations of - the third and fourth degrees}, - Volume = 21, - Year = 1922 -} - -@article{Mori79, - Author = {Mori, Shigefumi}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14E05 (14M20)}, - Mrnumber = {81j:14010}, - Mrreviewer = {Luciana Picco Botta}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {593--606}, - Title = {Projective manifolds with ample tangent bundles}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2307/1971241}{DOI:10.2307/1971241}}, - Volume = 110, - Year = 1979 -} - -@article{Mori82, - Author = {Mori, Shigefumi}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. 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Differential Geom.", - pages = "233--269", - volume = 89, - number = 2, - year = 2011, - issn = "0022-040X", - note = "Appendix B by Mark - Gross. \href{http://projecteuclid.org/getRecord?id=euclid.jdg/1324477411}{euclid.jdg/1324477411}.", - url = "http://projecteuclid.org/getRecord?id=euclid.jdg/1324477411", - CODEN = "JDGEAS", - FJOURNAL = "Journal of Differential Geometry", - MRCLASS = "32Q25 (14J32 53C23)", - MRNUMBER = 2863918, - MRREVIEWER = "Michele Rossi" -} - -@article {RZ2, - AUTHOR = {Rong, Xiaochun and Zhang, Yuguang}, - TITLE = {Degenerations of {R}icci-flat {C}alabi-{Y}au manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {Commun. Contemp. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Communications in Contemporary Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 15, - YEAR = 2013, - NUMBER = 4, - PAGES = {1250057, 8}, - ISSN = {0219-1997}, - MRCLASS = {32Q25 (53C23)}, - MRNUMBER = 3073445, - DOI = {10.1142/S0219199712500575}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219199712500575}, -} - -@article{Ramanujam72, - Author = {Ramanujam, C. 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Brieskorn}, - Pages = {41--51}, - Title = {Remarks on the {K}odaira vanishing theorem}, - Volume = 36, - Year = 1972 -} - -@book{RedBook, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Mumford, David}, - Isbn = {3-540-50497-4}, - Mrclass = {14-01}, - Mrnumber = {971985 (89k:14001)}, - Mrreviewer = {Peter Nielsen}, - Pages = {vi+309}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, - Title = {The {R}ed {B}ook of {V}arieties and {S}chemes}, - Volume = 1358, - Year = 1988 -} - -@inproceedings{Reid78, - Address = {Tokyo}, - Author = {Reid, Miles}, - Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {A}lgebraic - {G}eometry ({K}yoto {U}niv., {K}yoto, 1977)}, - Mrclass = {14F05 (32J15)}, - Mrnumber = {578877 (82b:14014)}, - Mrreviewer = {Ulf Persson}, - Pages = {623--642}, - Publisher = {Kinokuniya Book Store}, - Title = {Bogomolov's theorem {$c_{1}^{2}łeq 4c_{2}$}}, - Year = 1978 -} - -@incollection{Reid79, - Address = {Alphen aan den Rijn}, - Author = {Reid, Miles}, - Booktitle = {Journées de {G}éometrie {A}lgébrique d'{A}ngers, {J}uillet - 1979/{A}lgebraic {G}eometry, {A}ngers, 1979}, - Mrclass = {14J30 (14B07 14J17)}, - Mrnumber = {605348 (82i:14025)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jayant M. Shah}, - Pages = {273--310}, - Publisher = {Sijthoff \& Noordhoff}, - Title = {Canonical {$3$}-folds}, - Year = 1980 -} - -@inproceedings{Reid83, - Author = {M. Reid}, - Booktitle = {Advanced studies in pure math.}, - Editor = {S. Iitaka and H. Morikawa}, - Pages = {131--180}, - Publisher = {Kinokuniya and North Holland}, - Title = {Minimal models of canonical 3-folds}, - Volume = 1, - Year = 1983 -} - -@unpublished{Reid83a, - Author = {Reid, Miles}, - Note = {Preprint, University of Warwick. Available from the author's home page at \url{http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/~miles/3folds/Ka.pdf}}, - Title = {Projective morphisms according to {K}awamata}, - Year = 1983 -} - -@incollection{Reid87, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Reid, Miles}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry, Bowdoin, 1985 (Brunswick, Maine, 1985)}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14B05 14E05 14J10)}, - Mrnumber = {927963 (89b:14016)}, - Mrreviewer = {Eckart Viehweg}, - Pages = {345--414}, - Publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Series = {Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Young person's guide to canonical singularities}, - Volume = 46, - Year = 1987 -} - -@article{Reid94, - Author = {M. Reid}, - Journal = {LANL-Preprint math.AG/9404002}, - Note = {Available on the world wide web at {\tt - http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/alg-geom/9404002}}, - Title = {Nonnormal del Pezzo surfaces}, - Year = 1994 -} - -@incollection {Rong, - AUTHOR = {Rong, Xiaochun}, - TITLE = {Convergence and collapsing theorems in {R}iemannian geometry}, - BOOKTITLE = {Handbook of geometric analysis, {N}o. 2}, - SERIES = {Adv. Lect. Math. (ALM)}, - VOLUME = 13, - PAGES = {193--299}, - PUBLISHER = {Int. Press, Somerville, MA}, - YEAR = 2010, - MRCLASS = {53C23 (53C20 53C21)}, - MRNUMBER = 2743443, - MRREVIEWER = {Yu Ding}, -} - -@article{Ros56, - Author = {Rosenlicht, Maxwell}, - Journal = {Amer. J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {53.3X}, - Mrnumber = {18,514a}, - Mrreviewer = {E. R. Kolchin}, - Pages = {401--443}, - Title = {Some basic theorems on algebraic groups}, - Volume = 78, - Year = 1956 -} - -@article{Rossi68, - Author = {Rossi, Hugo}, - Fjournal = {Rice University Studies}, - Issn = {0035-4996}, - Journal = {Rice Univ. Studies}, - Mrclass = {32.50}, - Mrnumber = {0244517 (39 \#5831)}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Hironaka}, - Number = 4, - Note = {Available on the internet at \url{https://scholarship.rice.edu/handle/1911/62964}}, - Pages = {63--73}, - Title = {Picard variety of an isolated singular point}, - Volume = 54, - Year = 1968 -} - -@Book{Russo05, - author = {Russo, Lucio}, - ALTeditor = {}, - title = {Die vergessene Revolution oder die Wiedergeburt des antiken Wissens}, - publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg}, - year = {2005}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-27707-2}{DOI:10.1007/3-540-27707-2}}, - OPTkey = {}, - OPTvolume = {}, - OPTnumber = {}, - OPTseries = {}, - OPTaddress = {}, - OPTedition = {}, - OPTmonth = {}, - OPTnote = {}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@article{SBW94, - Author = {Shepherd-Barron, Nicholas I. and Wilson, Pelham M.H.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14J30}, - Mrnumber = {1257323 (95h:14033)}, - Mrreviewer = {A. S. Tikhomirov}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {265--281}, - Title = {Singular threefolds with numerically trivial first and second - {C}hern classes}, - Volume = 3, - Year = 1994 -} - -@article{SCC_1958-1959__4__A10_0, - AUTHOR = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - TITLE = {Morphismes universels et variété d'{A}lbanese}, - JOURNAL = {Séminaire Claude Chevalley}, - PUBLISHER = {Secrétariat mathématique}, - NOTE = {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item/SCC_1958-1959__4__A10_0}{numdam.SCC-1958-1959-4-A10-0}}, - VOLUME = {4}, - YEAR = {1958-1959} -} - -@article{SCT09, - Author = {Solá Conde, Luis E. and Toma, Matei}, - Coden = {AIFUA7}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. 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Hofmann. \href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-57767-7}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-57767-7}} -} - -@Book{zbMATH07238313, - Author = {Siegfried {Bosch}}, - Title = {{Algebra}}, - Edition = {9th revised edition}, - ISBN = {978-3-662-61648-2/pbk; 978-3-662-61649-9/ebook}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-92812-6}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-92812-6}}, - Pages = {x + 491}, - Year = {2020}, - Publisher = {Berlin: Springer Spektrum}, - Language = {German}, - MSC2010 = {12-01 12Exx 12Fxx 20-01}, - Zbl = {1440.12001} -} - diff --git a/bibliography/skalpha.bst b/bibliography/skalpha.bst deleted file mode 100644 index d23e09d..0000000 --- a/bibliography/skalpha.bst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1452 +0,0 @@ -%%% ==================================================================== -%%% @BibTeX-style-file{ -%%% filename = "amsalpha.bst", -%%% version = "2.0", -%%% date = "2000/03/27", -%%% time = "13:49:36 EST", -%%% checksum = "00166 1404 4124 29978", -%%% author = "American Mathematical Society", -%%% address = "American Mathematical Society, -%%% Technical Support, -%%% Electronic Products and Services, -%%% P. 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This is produced by Robert -%%% Solovay's checksum utility.", -%%% } -%%% ==================================================================== - -% See the file btxbst.doc for extra documentation other than -% what is included here. And see btxhak.tex for a description -% of the BibTeX language and how to use it. - -% This defines the types of fields that can occur in a database entry -% for this particular bibliography style. Except for `language', -% this is the standard list from alpha.bst. - -%% Types of entries currently allowed in a BibTeX file: -%% -%% ARTICLE -- An article from a journal or magazine. -%% -%% BOOK -- A book with an explicit publisher. -%% -%% BOOKLET -- A work that is printed and bound, -%% but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution. -%% -%% CONFERENCE -- The same as INPROCEEDINGS, -%% included for Scribe compatibility. -%% -%% INBOOK -- A part of a book, -%% which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages. -%% -%% INCOLLECTION -- A part of a book having its own title. -%% -%% INPROCEEDINGS -- An article in a conference proceedings. -%% -%% MANUAL -- Technical documentation. -%% -%% MASTERSTHESIS -- A Master's thesis. -%% -%% MISC -- Use this type when nothing else fits. -%% -%% PHDTHESIS -- A PhD thesis. -%% -%% PROCEEDINGS -- The proceedings of a conference. -%% -%% TECHREPORT -- A report published by a school or other institution, -%% usually numbered within a series. -%% -%% UNPUBLISHED -- A document having an author and title, but not formally -%% published. - -ENTRY - { address - author - booktitle - chapter - edition - editor - eprint - howpublished - institution - journal - key - citekey - language - month - mrnumber - note - number - organization - pages - publisher - school - series - title - type - volume - year - longyear - } - {} - { label extra.label sort.label bysame } - -% Removed after.sentence, after.block---not needed. - -INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence } - -FUNCTION {init.state.consts} -{ #0 'before.all := - #1 'mid.sentence := -} - -% Scratch variables: - -STRINGS { s t } - -% Utility functions - -FUNCTION {shows} -{ duplicate$ ":::: `" swap$ * "'" * top$ -} - -FUNCTION {showstack} -{"STACK=====================================================================" -top$ -stack$ -"ENDSTACK==================================================================" -top$ -} - -FUNCTION {not} -{ { #0 } - { #1 } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {and} -{ 'skip$ - { pop$ #0 } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {or} -{ { pop$ #1 } - 'skip$ - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {field.or.null} -{ duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - 'skip$ - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {emphasize} -{ duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - { "\emph{" swap$ * "}" * } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {scize} -{ duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - { "{\sc " swap$ * "}" * } - if$ -} - -% n.dashify is used to make sure page ranges get the TeX code -% (two hyphens) for en-dashes. - -FUNCTION {n.dashify} -{ 't := - "" - { t empty$ not } - { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = - { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not - { "--" * - t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := - } - { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = } - { "-" * - t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := - } - while$ - } - if$ - } - { t #1 #1 substring$ * - t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := - } - if$ - } - while$ -} - -% tie.or.space.connect connects two items with a ~ if the -% second item is less than 3 letters long, otherwise it just puts an -% ordinary space. - -FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect} -{ duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < - { "~" } - { " " } - if$ - swap$ * * -} - -FUNCTION {add.space.if.necessary} -{ duplicate$ "" = - 'skip$ - { " " * } - if$ -} - -% either.or.check gives a warning if two mutually exclusive fields -% were used in the database. - -FUNCTION {either.or.check} -{ empty$ - 'pop$ - { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ } - if$ -} - -% output.nonnull is called by output. - -FUNCTION {output.nonnull} -% remove the top item from the stack because it's in the way. -{ 's := - output.state mid.sentence = -% If we're in mid-sentence, add a comma to the new top item and write it - { ", " * write$ } -% Otherwise, if we're at the beginning of a bibitem, - { output.state before.all = -% just write out the top item from the stack; - 'write$ -% and the last alternative is that we're at the end of the current -% bibitem, so we add a period to the top stack item and write it out. - { add.period$ " " * write$ } - if$ - mid.sentence 'output.state := - } - if$ -% Put the top item back on the stack that we removed earlier. - s -} - -FUNCTION {output.nonnull.c} -% remove the top item from the stack because it's in the way. -{ 's := - output.state mid.sentence = -% If we're in mid-sentence, add a comma to the new top item and write it - { ": " * write$ } -% Otherwise, if we're at the beginning of a bibitem, - { output.state before.all = -% just write out the top item from the stack; - 'write$ -% and the last alternative is that we're at the end of the current -% bibitem, so we add a period to the top stack item and write it out. - { add.period$ " " * write$ } - if$ - mid.sentence 'output.state := - } - if$ -% Put the top item back on the stack that we removed earlier. - s -} - -% Output checks to see if the stack top is empty; if not, it -% calls output.nonnull to write it out. - -FUNCTION {output} -{ duplicate$ empty$ - 'pop$ - 'output.nonnull - if$ -} - -% Standard warning message for a missing or empty field. For the user -% we call any such field `missing' without respect to the distinction -% made by BibTeX between missing and empty. - -FUNCTION {missing.warning} -{ "missing " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ } - -% Output.check is like output except that it gives a warning on-screen -% if the given field in the database entry is empty. t is the field -% name. - -FUNCTION {output.check} -{ 't := - duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ t missing.warning } - 'output.nonnull - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {output.c} -{ 't := - duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ t missing.warning } - 'output.nonnull.c - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {output.bibitem} -{ newline$ - "\bibitem[" write$ - label write$ - "]{" write$ - cite$ write$ - "}" write$ - newline$ -% This empty string is the first thing that will be written -% the next time write$ is called. Done this way because each -% item is saved on the stack until we find out what punctuation -% should be added after it. Therefore we need an empty first item. - "" - before.all 'output.state := -} - -FUNCTION {output.nonempty.mrnumber} -{ duplicate$ missing$ - { pop$ "" } - 'skip$ - if$ - duplicate$ empty$ - 'pop$ - { " {\sf\scriptsize " swap$ * "}" * write$ } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {fin.entry} -{ add.period$ - write$ - mrnumber output.nonempty.mrnumber - newline$ -} - -% Removed new.block, new.block.checka, new.block.checkb, new.sentence, -% new.sentence.checka, and new.sentence.checkb functions here, since they -% don't seem to be needed in the AMS style. Also moved some real -% basic functions like `and' and 'or' earlier in the file. - -INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames } - -% The extra section to write out a language field was added -% for AMSPLAIN.BST. Not present in plain.bst. - -FUNCTION {format.language} -{ language empty$ - { "" } - { " (" language * ")" * } - if$ -} - -% This version of format.names puts names in the format -% -% First von Last, Jr. -% -% (i.e., first name first, no abbreviating to initials). - -FUNCTION {format.names} -{ 's := - #1 'nameptr := - s num.names$ 'numnames := - numnames 'namesleft := - { namesleft #0 > } - { s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't := - nameptr #1 > - { namesleft #1 > - { ", " * t * } - { numnames #2 > - { "," * } - 'skip$ - if$ - t "others" = - { " et~al." * } - { " and " * t * } - if$ - } - if$ - } - 't - if$ - nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := - namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := - } - while$ -} - - -FUNCTION {format.authors} -{ author empty$ - { "" } - { author format.names scize } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.authors.bysame} -{ author empty$ - { "" } - { bysame "\bysame" = - { bysame } - { author format.names "a" change.case$ scize } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.editors} -{ editor empty$ - { "" } - { editor format.names "a" change.case$ scize - editor num.names$ #1 > - { " (eds.)" * } - { " (ed.)" * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.nonauthor.editors} -{ editor empty$ - { "" } - { editor format.names - editor num.names$ #1 > - { ", eds." * } - { ", ed." * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.title} -{ title empty$ - { "" } - { title "t" change.case$ emphasize } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.journal.vol.year} -{ journal empty$ - { "" "journal name" missing.warning } - { journal - volume empty$ - 'skip$ - { " \textbf{" * volume * "}" * } - if$ - year empty$ - { "year" missing.warning } - { " (" * year * ")" * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -% For formatting the issue number for a journal article. - -FUNCTION {format.number} -{ number empty$ - { "" } - { "no.~" number * } - if$ -} - -% For formatting miscellaneous dates - -FUNCTION {format.date} -{ year empty$ - { month empty$ - { "" } - { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ - month - } - if$ - } - { month empty$ - 'year - { month " " * year * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -%% The volume, series and number information is sort of tricky. -%% This code handles it as follows: -%% If the series is present, and the volume, but not the number, -%% then we do "\emph{Book title}, Series Name, vol. 000" -%% If the series is present, and the number, but not the volume, -%% then we do "\emph{Book title}, Series Name, no. 000" -%% If the series is present, and both number and volume, -%% then we do "\emph{Book title}, vol. XX, Series Name, no. 000" -%% Finally, if the series is absent, -%% then we do "\emph{Book title}, vol. XX" -%% or "\emph{Book title}, no. 000" -%% and if both volume and number are present, give a warning message. - -FUNCTION {format.bookvolume.series.number} -{ volume empty$ - { "" % Push the empty string as a placeholder in case everything else - % is empty too. - series empty$ - 'skip$ - { pop$ series } % if series is not empty put in stack - if$ - number empty$ - 'skip$ - { duplicate$ empty$ % if no preceding material, - 'skip$ % do nothing, otherwise - { ", " * } % add a comma and space to separate. - if$ - "no." number tie.or.space.connect * % add the number information - } - if$ - } -%% If the volume is NOT EMPTY: - { "vol." volume tie.or.space.connect % vol. XX - number empty$ - { series empty$ - 'skip$ - { series ", " * swap$ *} % Series Name, vol. XX - if$ - } - { series empty$ - { "can't use both volume and number if series info is missing" - warning$ - "in BibTeX entry type `" type$ * "'" * top$ - } - { ", " * series * ", no." * number tie.or.space.connect } - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ - -} % end of format.bookvolume.series.number - -%% format.inproc.title.where.editors is used by inproceedings entry types - -%% No case changing or emphasizing for the title. We want initial -%% caps, roman. -%% We add parentheses around the address (place where conference -%% was held). -%% Likewise we add parentheses around the editors' names. - -FUNCTION {format.inproc.title.address.editors} -{ booktitle empty$ - { "" } - { booktitle - address empty$ - 'skip$ - { add.space.if.necessary "(" * address * ")" * } - if$ - editor empty$ - 'skip$ - { add.space.if.necessary "(" * format.nonauthor.editors * ")" * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -%% format.incoll.title.editors is similar to format.inproc... but -%% omits the address. For collections that are not proceedings volumes. - -FUNCTION {format.incoll.title.editors} -{ booktitle empty$ - { "" } - { editor empty$ - { booktitle } - { booktitle - add.space.if.necessary "(" * format.nonauthor.editors * ")" * - } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.edition} -{ edition empty$ - { "" } - { output.state mid.sentence = - { edition "l" change.case$ " ed." * } - { edition "t" change.case$ " ed." * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -INTEGERS { multiresult } - -FUNCTION {multi.page.check} -{ 't := - #0 'multiresult := - { multiresult not - t empty$ not - and - } - { t #1 #1 substring$ - duplicate$ "-" = - swap$ duplicate$ "," = - swap$ "+" = - or or - { #1 'multiresult := } - { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } - if$ - } - while$ - multiresult -} - -FUNCTION {format.pages} -{ pages empty$ - { "" } - { pages n.dashify } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.book.pages} -{ pages empty$ - { "" } - { pages multi.page.check - { "pp.~" pages n.dashify * } - { "p.~" pages * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages} -{ chapter empty$ - 'format.book.pages - { type empty$ - { "ch.~" } - { type "l" change.case$ " " * } - if$ - chapter * - pages empty$ - 'skip$ - { ", " * format.book.pages * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {empty.misc.check} -{ author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$ - month empty$ year empty$ note empty$ - and and and and and - key empty$ not and - { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ } - 'skip$ - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.thesis.type} -{ type empty$ - 'skip$ - { pop$ - type "t" change.case$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.tr.number} -{ type empty$ - { "Tech. Report" } - 'type - if$ - number empty$ - { "t" change.case$ } - { number tie.or.space.connect } - if$ -} - -% The format.crossref functions haven't been paid much attention -% at the present time (June 1990) and could probably use some -% work. MJD - -FUNCTION {format.article.crossref} -{ key empty$ - { journal empty$ - { "need key or journal for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * - warning$ - "" - } - { "in " journal * } - if$ - } - { "in " key * } - if$ - " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * -} - -FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor} -{ editor #1 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ - editor num.names$ duplicate$ - #2 > - { pop$ " et~al." * } - { #2 < - 'skip$ - { editor #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = - { " et~al." * } - { " and " * editor #2 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ * } - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.book.crossref} -{ volume empty$ - { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$ - "in " - } - { "vol." volume tie.or.space.connect - " of " * - } - if$ - editor empty$ - editor field.or.null author field.or.null = - or - { key empty$ - { series empty$ - { "need editor, key, or series for " cite$ * " to crossref " * - crossref * warning$ - "" * - } - { series * } - if$ - } - { key * } - if$ - } - { format.crossref.editor * } - if$ - " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * -} - -FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref} -{ editor empty$ - editor field.or.null author field.or.null = - or - { key empty$ - { booktitle empty$ - { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " cite$ * " to crossref " * - crossref * warning$ - "" - } - { "in \emph{" booktitle * "}" * } - if$ - } - { "in " key * } - if$ - } - { "in " format.crossref.editor * } - if$ - " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * -} - -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - -% The main functions for each entry type. - -% journal, vol and year are formatted together because they are -% not separated by commas. - -FUNCTION {article} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - crossref missing$ - { format.journal.vol.year "journal, volume, and year" output.check - format.number output - format.pages "pages" output.check - } - { format.article.crossref output.nonnull - format.pages "pages" output.check - } - if$ - format.language * - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {book} -{ output.bibitem - author empty$ - { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } - { format.authors output.nonnull - crossref missing$ - { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - if$ - format.title "title" output.c - format.edition output - crossref missing$ - { format.bookvolume.series.number output - publisher "publisher" output.check - address output - } - { format.book.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - format.date "year" output.check - format.language * - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {booklet} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors output - format.title "title" output.c - howpublished output - address output - format.date output - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {inbook} -{ output.bibitem - author empty$ - { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } - { format.authors output.nonnull - crossref missing$ - { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - if$ - format.title "title" output.c - format.edition output - crossref missing$ - { format.bookvolume.series.number output - format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check - publisher "publisher" output.check - address output - } - { format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check - format.book.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - format.date "year" output.check - format.language * - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {incollection} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - crossref missing$ - { format.incoll.title.editors "booktitle" output.check - format.bookvolume.series.number output - publisher "publisher" output.check - address output - format.edition output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - note output - format.book.pages output - format.language * - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {inproceedings} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - crossref missing$ - { format.inproc.title.address.editors "booktitle" output.check - format.bookvolume.series.number output - organization output - publisher output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - note output - format.book.pages output - format.language * - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings } - -FUNCTION {manual} -{ output.bibitem - author empty$ - { organization empty$ - 'skip$ - { organization output.nonnull - address output - } - if$ - } - { format.authors output.nonnull } - if$ - format.title "title" output.c - author empty$ - { organization empty$ - { address output } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - { organization output - address output - } - if$ - format.edition output - format.date output - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {mastersthesis} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - "Master's thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull - school "school" output.check - address output - format.date "year" output.check - note output - format.book.pages output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {misc} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - note "note" output.check - format.date output - fin.entry -} - - -FUNCTION {phdthesis} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - "Ph.D. thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull - school "school" output.check - address output - format.date "year" output.check - note output - format.book.pages output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {proceedings} -{ output.bibitem - editor empty$ - { organization output } - { format.editors output.nonnull } - if$ - format.title "title" output.c - format.bookvolume.series.number output - address empty$ - { editor empty$ - 'skip$ - { organization output } - if$ - publisher output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { address output.nonnull - editor empty$ - 'skip$ - { organization output } - if$ - publisher output - format.date "year" output.check - } - if$ - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {techreport} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - format.tr.number output.nonnull - institution "institution" output.check - address output - format.date "year" output.check - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {unpublished} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - note "note" output.check - format.date output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {default.type} { misc } - -MACRO {jan} {"January"} - -MACRO {feb} {"February"} - -MACRO {mar} {"March"} - -MACRO {apr} {"April"} - -MACRO {may} {"May"} - -MACRO {jun} {"June"} - -MACRO {jul} {"July"} - -MACRO {aug} {"August"} - -MACRO {sep} {"September"} - -MACRO {oct} {"October"} - -MACRO {nov} {"November"} - -MACRO {dec} {"December"} - -READ - -FUNCTION {sortify} -{ purify$ - "l" change.case$ -} - -INTEGERS { len } - -FUNCTION {chop.word} -{ 's := - 'len := - s #1 len substring$ = - { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ } - 's - if$ -} - -INTEGERS { et.al.char.used } - -FUNCTION {initialize.et.al.char.used} -{ #0 'et.al.char.used := -} - -EXECUTE {initialize.et.al.char.used} - -FUNCTION {format.lab.names} -{ 's := - s num.names$ 'numnames := - numnames #1 > - { numnames #4 > - { #3 'namesleft := } - { numnames 'namesleft := } - if$ - #1 'nameptr := - "" - { namesleft #0 > } - { nameptr numnames = - { s nameptr "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = - { "{\etalchar{+}}" * - #1 'et.al.char.used := - } - { s nameptr "{v{}}{l{}}" format.name$ * } - if$ - } - { s nameptr "{v{}}{l{}}" format.name$ * } - if$ - nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := - namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := - } - while$ - numnames #4 > - { "{\etalchar{+}}" * - #1 'et.al.char.used := - } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - { s #1 "{v{}}{l{}}" format.name$ - duplicate$ text.length$ #2 < - { pop$ s #1 "{ll}" format.name$ #3 text.prefix$ } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.key.label} -{ author empty$ - { key empty$ - { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } - { key #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { author format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label} -{ author empty$ - { editor empty$ - { key empty$ - { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } - { key #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { editor format.lab.names } - if$ - } - { author format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.key.organization.label} -{ author empty$ - { key empty$ - { organization empty$ - { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { key #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { author format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {editor.key.organization.label} -{ editor empty$ - { key empty$ - { organization empty$ - { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { key #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { editor format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {calc.label} -{ type$ "book" = - type$ "inbook" = - or - 'author.editor.key.label - { type$ "proceedings" = - 'editor.key.organization.label - { type$ "manual" = - 'author.key.organization.label - 'author.key.label - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ - duplicate$ - longyear field.or.null purify$ #-1 #2 substring$ - * - year field.or.null purify$ #-1 #2 substring$ - * - 'label := - year field.or.null purify$ #-1 #4 substring$ - * - sortify 'sort.label := -} - -FUNCTION {sort.format.names} -{ 's := - #1 'nameptr := - "" - s num.names$ 'numnames := - numnames 'namesleft := - { namesleft #0 > } - { nameptr #1 > - { " " * } - 'skip$ - if$ - s nameptr "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{ ff{ }}{ jj{ }}" format.name$ 't := - nameptr numnames = t "others" = and - { "et al" * } - { t sortify * } - if$ - nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := - namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := - } - while$ -} - -FUNCTION {sort.format.title} -{ 't := - "A " #2 - "An " #3 - "The " #4 t chop.word - chop.word - chop.word - sortify - #1 global.max$ substring$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.sort} -{ author empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need author or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { author sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.editor.sort} -{ author empty$ - { editor empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need author, editor, or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { editor sort.format.names } - if$ - } - { author sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.organization.sort} -{ author empty$ - { organization empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need author, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify } - if$ - } - { author sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {editor.organization.sort} -{ editor empty$ - { organization empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need editor, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify } - if$ - } - { editor sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {presort} -{ - sort.label - calc.label - " " - * - type$ "book" = - type$ "inbook" = - or - 'author.editor.sort - { type$ "proceedings" = - 'editor.organization.sort - { type$ "manual" = - 'author.organization.sort - 'author.sort - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ - * - " " - * - year field.or.null sortify - * - " " - * - title field.or.null - sort.format.title - * - #1 entry.max$ substring$ - 'sort.key$ := -} - -ITERATE {presort} - -SORT - -STRINGS { - longest.label last.sort.label next.extra prev.author this.author -} - -INTEGERS { longest.label.width last.extra.num } - -FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label} -{ "" 'longest.label := - #0 int.to.chr$ 'last.sort.label := - "" 'next.extra := - #0 'longest.label.width := - #0 'last.extra.num := - "abcxyz" 'prev.author := - "" 'this.author := -} - -FUNCTION {forward.pass} -{ last.sort.label sort.label = - { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num := - last.extra.num int.to.chr$ 'extra.label := - } - { "a" chr.to.int$ 'last.extra.num := - "" 'extra.label := - sort.label 'last.sort.label := - } - if$ - author empty$ { editor empty$ { "" } 'editor if$ } 'author if$ - 'this.author := - this.author prev.author = - { "\bysame" 'bysame := } - { "" 'bysame := - this.author "" = - { "abcxyz" } - 'this.author - if$ - 'prev.author := - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {reverse.pass} -{ next.extra "b" = - { "a" 'extra.label := } - 'skip$ - if$ - label extra.label * 'label := - label width$ longest.label.width > - { label 'longest.label := - label width$ 'longest.label.width := - } - 'skip$ - if$ - extra.label 'next.extra := -} - -EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label} - -ITERATE {forward.pass} - -REVERSE {reverse.pass} - -FUNCTION {begin.bib} -{ et.al.char.used - { "\newcommand{\etalchar}[1]{$^{#1}$}" write$ newline$ } - 'skip$ - if$ - preamble$ empty$ - 'skip$ - { preamble$ write$ newline$ } - if$ - "\providecommand{\bysame}{\leavevmode\hbox to3em{\hrulefill}\thinspace}" - write$ newline$ - "\providecommand{\MR}{\relax\ifhmode\unskip\space\fi MR}" - write$ newline$ - "% \MRhref is called by the amsart/book/proc definition of \MR." - write$ newline$ - "\providecommand{\MRhref}[2]{%" - write$ newline$ - " \href{http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=#1}{#2}" - write$ newline$ - "}" - write$ newline$ - "\providecommand{\href}[2]{#2}" - write$ newline$ - "\begin{thebibliography}{" longest.label * "}" * - write$ newline$ -} - -EXECUTE {begin.bib} - -EXECUTE {init.state.consts} - -ITERATE {call.type$} - -FUNCTION {end.bib} -{ newline$ - "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$ -} - -EXECUTE {end.bib} -%% \CharacterTable -%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z -%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z -%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 -%% Exclamation \! 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