105 lines
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105 lines
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\def \geraden {1}
\def \laenger {0.2}
\def \markierungen {0.05}
\def \skala {5}
\def \groese{0.02}
\def \beschriftungD{1}
\def \eins {}%{(1)}
\def \zwei {}%{(2)}
\def \drei {}%{(3)}
\def \vier {}%{(4)}
% \colorlet{farbe1}{green}
% \colorlet{farbe2}{orange}
% \colorlet{farbe3}{gray}
% \colorlet{farbe4}{red}
% \colorlet{farbe5}{blue}
\coordinate (X1) at (-\geraden-\laenger,0);
\coordinate (X2) at (+\geraden+\laenger,0);
\coordinate (Y1) at (0,-\geraden-\laenger);
\coordinate (Y2) at (0,+\geraden+\laenger);
% \node at(0,\geraden+0.5)[]{Regelmäßiges Fünfeck};
%% Geraden
\draw[farbe1] (X1)--(X2)node[right]{\eins};
\draw[farbe1] (Y1)--(Y2)node[above]{\eins};
%% großer Kreis
\coordinate (HilfeKreisGross) at (0, \geraden);
\node (KreisGross) [draw, circle through = (HilfeKreisGross)] at (intersection of X1--X2 and Y1--Y2){};
%% Kleiner Kreis mit Beschriftung des Zentrums
\coordinate (A) at (0,0.5*\geraden);
\coordinate (B) at (-0.25*\geraden,0);
\draw[farbe2] (-0.25*\geraden,-1*\markierungen)node[below]{$\frac{\geraden}{4}$} -- (-0.25*\geraden, \markierungen)node[above]{\zwei};
\draw[farbe2] (\markierungen,0.5*\geraden)node[right]{$\frac{\geraden}{2}$} -- (-1*\markierungen,0.5*\geraden)node[left]{\zwei};
\coordinate (HilfeKreisKlein) at (0,0.5*\geraden);
\node (KreisKlein) at (B) [draw, circle through = (HilfeKreisKlein),color = farbe3] {};
\node (BeschriftungKreisKlein) [farbe3, below right] at (intersection of Y2--Y1 and KreisKlein){\drei};
%% Hilfspunkte für Eckpunkte
\coordinate (1) at (KreisKlein.east);
\coordinate (2) at ([yshift = 1*\geraden cm]1);
\coordinate (3) at ([yshift = -1*\geraden cm]1);
\coordinate (4) at (KreisKlein.west);
\coordinate (5) at ([yshift = 1*\geraden cm]4);
\coordinate (6) at ([yshift = -1*\geraden cm]4);
%% rechte Hilfslinie
\draw[farbe4] (2)--(3);
%% linke Hilfslinie
\draw[farbe4] (5)--(6);
\coordinate (Ecke 1) at (KreisGross.east);
\coordinate (Ecke 5) at (intersection of 1--2 and KreisGross);
\coordinate (Ecke 2) at (intersection of 1--3 and KreisGross);
\coordinate (Ecke 4) at (intersection of 4--5 and KreisGross);
\coordinate (Ecke 3) at (intersection of 4--6 and KreisGross);
%% Beschriftung d
\draw[<->] ($(Ecke 5)+(\beschriftungD,0)$)--($(Ecke 2)+(\beschriftungD,0)$)node[midway, right]{$d$};
\foreach \Y in {Ecke 2,Ecke 5}{
\draw[dashed, opacity = 0.9, lightgray] (\Y)--($(\Y)+(\beschriftungD,0)$);
%% Beschriftung a
\coordinate (HilfeA) at ($(Ecke 2)!2*\laenger!90:(Ecke 3)$);
\coordinate (HilfeA2) at ($(Ecke 3)!2*\laenger!270:(Ecke 2)$);
\draw[<->] (HilfeA) -- (HilfeA2) node[midway, sloped, below]{$a$};
\draw[dashed, opacity = 0.9, lightgray] (Ecke 2) -- (HilfeA);
\draw[dashed, opacity = 0.9, lightgray] (Ecke 3) -- (HilfeA2);
%% Kleines 5-Eck
% Endpunkte der Verlängerungen der beiden Kanten
\coordinate (HHED) at ($(Ecke 3)!\geraden!180:(Ecke 2)$);
\coordinate (HHEV) at ($(Ecke 4)!\geraden!180:(Ecke 5)$);
% Zeichnen des Großen 5-Ecks
\foreach \X in {Ecke 1, Ecke 2, Ecke 3, Ecke 4, Ecke 5}{
\fill[farbe5] (\X) circle (\groese)node[above right]{\vier};
\draw[farbe5] (Ecke 1)--(Ecke 2)--(Ecke 3)--(Ecke 4)--(Ecke 5)--(Ecke 1);
\coordinate (HEF) at (Ecke 4);
\coordinate (HEZ) at (Ecke 3);
\coordinate (HEDUVO) at (-1.5,1);
\coordinate (HEDUVU) at (-1.5,-1);
\coordinate (HED) at (intersection of HEDUVO-- HEDUVU and HHED--Ecke 3);
\coordinate (HEV) at (intersection of HEDUVU-- HEDUVO and HHEV--Ecke 4);
\node[circle through = (HEV)] (HHEE) at (HEF){};
\coordinate (HEE) at (intersection of X1--X2 and HHEE);
\draw[kleinzwei] (HEE)--(HEZ)--(HED)--(HEV)--(HEF)--cycle;
\foreach \X in {HEE, HEZ, HED, HEV, HEF}{
\fill[kleinzwei] (\X) circle (0.8*\groese);