diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1e2a35 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[submodule "bibliography"] + path = bibliography + url = git@git.cplx.vm.uni-freiburg.de:kebekus/bibliography.git +[submodule "tex"] + path = tex + url = git@git.cplx.vm.uni-freiburg.de:kebekus/tex.git diff --git a/.vscode/ltex.dictionary.de-DE.txt b/.vscode/ltex.dictionary.de-DE.txt index 36836c9..38e8b91 100644 --- a/.vscode/ltex.dictionary.de-DE.txt +++ b/.vscode/ltex.dictionary.de-DE.txt @@ -63,3 +63,67 @@ Teilbarkeitseigenschaften kgV faktoriellen Geodät +Quotientenkörper +Quotientenkörpers +Irreduzibilitätskriterien +Irreduzibilitätskriterium +Teilbarkeitsbetrachtungen +Teilerpolynome +Lodovico +Lagrangia +Interpolationsformel +Schönemann +Driesen +Friedebergischer +reduzibel +Einsetzungskomposition +Substitutionsmorphismus +Konstruierbarkeitsfragen +konjungierte +konstruierbare +Konstruierbarkeitsfrage +transzendent +Rechtsideale +Sorau +Dedekind +nicht-faktoriellen +Hauptideale +Erzeugendensysteme +Gödelschen +Erzeugendensystems +Erzeugendensystem +Teiler- +Hauptidealen +Faktorialität +Quotientenvektoraumes +Quotientenvektorräumen +Quotientenvektorräume +Quotientenring +Repräsentantensystems +Homomorphiesatzes +Homomorphiesatz +Quotientenabbildung +Urbildmenge +Primideale +Primideals +Primideal +Summenideal +Teilerfremdheit +Funktionenkörper +Kodierungstheorie +Substitutionsabbildung +Steinitz +Laurahütte +nicht-Kanonizität +Zerfällungskörpern +inseparable +Teilbarkeitsrelationen +Frobenius-Morphismus +Frobenius-Endomorphismus +Einselements +separabel +inseparabel +Separabilität +Substitutionsmorphismen +Separabilitätsgrad +inseparablen diff --git a/.vscode/ltex.hiddenFalsePositives.de-DE.txt b/.vscode/ltex.hiddenFalsePositives.de-DE.txt index b9b07c3..7d46580 100644 --- a/.vscode/ltex.hiddenFalsePositives.de-DE.txt +++ b/.vscode/ltex.hiddenFalsePositives.de-DE.txt @@ -24,3 +24,32 @@ {"rule":"DE_SENTENCE_WHITESPACE","sentence":"^\\QVorlesung 6\\E$"} {"rule":"UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START","sentence":"^\\QggT und kgV.\\E$"} {"rule":"GERMAN_WORD_REPEAT_BEGINNING_RULE","sentence":"^\\QEs ist \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q genau dann, wenn für alle \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q gilt, dass \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ist.\\E$"} +{"rule":"KLEINSCHREIBUNG_KEIN_NAME","sentence":"^\\QWenn Sie bei mir die Vorlesung „Lineare Algebra“ gehört haben, dann wird Ihnen die folgende Definition sehr vertraut vorkommen.\\E$"} +{"rule":"DE_CASE","sentence":"^\\Q[Anwenden eines Ringhomomorphismus auf die Koeffizienten:] Ist \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ein Ringhomomorphismus, dann ist auch \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ein Ringmorphismus.\\E$"} +{"rule":"DE_CASE","sentence":"^\\QSetze \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q [Substitutionsmorphismus] Es sei ein Element \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q gegeben.\\E$"} +{"rule":"DE_CASE","sentence":"^\\Q[Anwenden eines Ringhomomorphismus auf die Koeffizienten] Ist \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ein Ringhomomorphismus, dann ist auch \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ein Ringmorphismus.\\E$"} +{"rule":"KLEINSCHREIBUNG_KEIN_NAME","sentence":"^\\QIch verzichte deshalb im Folgenden sehr oft auf Beweise und behaupte, dass „alles genau so geht, wie in der Linearen Algebra“.\\E$"} +{"rule":"KLEINSCHREIBUNG_KEIN_NAME","sentence":"^\\QStellen Sie sicher, dass sie sich noch ausreichend gut an die Vorlesung „Lineare Algebra“ erinnern.\\E$"} +{"rule":"KLEINSCHREIBUNG_KEIN_NAME","sentence":"^\\QGenau wie die Quotientenvektorräume der Linearen Algebra sind Restklassenringe durch folgende universelle Eigenschaft definiert.\\E$"} +{"rule":"DE_SUBJECT_VERB_AGREEMENT","sentence":"^\\QEin Restklassenring oder Quotientenring ist ein kommutativer Ring \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q mit Eins zusammen mit einem Ringmorphismus \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q, sodass \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ist und so, dass die folgende universelle Eigenschaft gilt: ist \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ein weiterer Ringmorphismus mit \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q, dann gibt es genau einen Ringmorphismus \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q, sodass das folgende Diagramm kommutiert, \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q.\\E$"} +{"rule":"KLEINSCHREIBUNG_KEIN_NAME","sentence":"^\\QErinnerung an die Lineare Algebra: Quotient nach Äquivalenzrelation = \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q = Menge der Äquivalenzklassen\\E$"} +{"rule":"KLEINSCHREIBUNG_KEIN_NAME","sentence":"^\\QDer folgende Satz folgt wie in der Linearen Algebra aus der universellen Eigenschaft.\\E$"} +{"rule":"DE_CASE","sentence":"^\\Q[Wie sieht der Kern von \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q aus?] Ein Polynom \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ist offenbar genau dann im von \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q Kern, wenn \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ist.\\E$"} +{"rule":"KLEINSCHREIBUNG_KEIN_NAME","sentence":"^\\QFür den Ring \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q haben wir die Antwort in der Vorlesung „Lineare Algebra“ kennengelernt.\\E$"} +{"rule":"DE_CASE","sentence":"^\\QDer Chinesische Restsatz.\\E$"} +{"rule":"DE_CASE","sentence":"^\\QDer Chinesische Restsatz ist langweilig, darf aber in keiner Vorlesung fehlen und kommt auch in den allermeisten Klausuren und Prüfungen vor.\\E$"} +{"rule":"DE_CASE","sentence":"^\\QWenn \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q sind, dann ist diese notwendige Bedingung automatisch erfüllt, und der Chinesische Restsatz sagt, dass das Gleichungssystem dann auch lösbar ist.\\E$"} +{"rule":"GERMAN_SPELLER_RULE","sentence":"^\\QDann ist der kanonische Ringhomomorphismus \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\QAdd.\\E$"} +{"rule":"GERMAN_SPELLER_RULE","sentence":"^\\Qund Mult.\\E$"} +{"rule":"GERMAN_WORD_REPEAT_BEGINNING_RULE","sentence":"^\\QDer Körper der algebraischen Zahlen, \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ist ein algebraischer Abschluss \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q.\\E$"} +{"rule":"PLURAL_APOSTROPH","sentence":"^\\QIn einem normalen Jahr würde mithilfe von Zorn's Lemma zeigen, dass diese naive Idee tatsächlich trägt.\\E$"} +{"rule":"PLURAL_APOSTROPH","sentence":"^\\QZorn's Lemma = eine Variante des Auswahlaxioms\\E$"} +{"rule":"DOPPELTE_SATZZEICHEN","sentence":"^\\QWorum geht es in diesem Teil der Vorlesung?.\\E$"} +{"rule":"GERMAN_SPELLER_RULE","sentence":"^\\QEin wichtiges Problem der Algebra(klausur/prüfung) ist es, zu einem gegebenen Körper \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q und zu einem gegebenen Polynom \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q den Zerfällungskörper zu bestimmen.\\E$"} +{"rule":"GERMAN_SPELLER_RULE","sentence":"^\\QWir erhalten also einen Gruppenmorphismus \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q-isomorphismen \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\QPermutationen der Menge \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q.\\E$"} +{"rule":"GERMAN_SPELLER_RULE","sentence":"^\\QWenn alles 100%ig korrekt sein sollte, müsste ich an dieser könnte den Polynomring ausführlich mithilfe einer universellen Eigenschaft definieren.\\E$"} +{"rule":"GERMAN_SPELLER_RULE","sentence":"^\\QWenn alles 100%ig korrekt sein sollte, müsste ich an dieser Stelle den Polynomring ausführlich mithilfe einer universellen Eigenschaft definieren.\\E$"} +{"rule":"GERMAN_SPELLER_RULE","sentence":"^\\QDie Sätze klären auch noch einmal, warum SAGE eckige Klammern verwendet und den Körper „\\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q adjungiert \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q“ mit QQ[sqrt(5)] bezeichnet.\\E$"} +{"rule":"KOMMA_ZWISCHEN_HAUPT_UND_NEBENSATZ","sentence":"^\\QFür beliebige Körpererweiterungen \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q und beliebige Teilmengen \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q ist die Äquivalenz \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q alle \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q sind algebraisch ganz falsch.\\E$"} +{"rule":"DOPPELTES_AUSRUFEZEICHEN","sentence":"^\\QFalsch!!\\E$"} +{"rule":"DE_CASE","sentence":"^\\QDann ist \\E(?:Dummy|Ina|Jimmy-)[0-9]+\\Q Ist mir zu langweilig.\\E$"} diff --git a/06.tex b/06.tex index 85ad969..d107ff8 100644 --- a/06.tex +++ b/06.tex @@ -30,20 +30,20 @@ Quotientenkörper. Integritätsring an. \end{obs} -Die folgende Definition klärt ganz präzise, was wir mit einem ``möglichst -kleinen Körper, der $R$ enthält'' eigentlich genau meinen. Wenn Sie bei mir die -Vorlesung ``Lineare Algebra'' gehört haben, dann wird Ihnen die folgende +Die folgende Definition klärt ganz präzise, was wir mit einem „möglichst kleinen +Körper, der $R$ enthält“ eigentlich genau meinen. Wenn Sie bei mir die +Vorlesung „Lineare Algebra“ gehört haben, dann wird Ihnen die folgende Definition sehr vertraut vorkommen. Falls nicht, ist jetzt die perfekte -Gelegenheit, alles über ``universelle Eigenschaften'' zu lernen. +Gelegenheit, alles über „universelle Eigenschaften“ zu lernen. \begin{definition}[Quotientenkörper] Sei $R$ ein Integritätsring. Ein \emph{Quotientenkörper von - $R$}\index{Quotientenkörper} ist ein Körper $K$ zusammen mit einem - injektiven Ringhomomorphismus $ι : R → K$, sodass folgende universelle - Eigenschaft gilt: Ist $j : R → L$ ein weiterer injektiver Ringhomomorphismus - von $R$ in einem Körper $L$, dann existiert genau ein Ringhomomorphismus - $h:K→ L$, sodass $j=h◦ i$ ist. Mit anderen Worten, es existiert genau ein - Ringhomomorphismus, sodass das folgende Diagramm kommutiert, + $R$}\index{Quotientenkörper} ist ein Körper $K$ zusammen mit einem injektiven + Ringhomomorphismus $ι : R → K$, sodass folgende universelle Eigenschaft gilt: + Ist $j : R → L$ ein weiterer injektiver Ringhomomorphismus von $R$ in einem + Körper $L$, dann existiert genau ein Ringhomomorphismus $h:K→ L$, sodass $j=h◦ + i$ ist. Mit anderen Worten, es existiert genau ein Ringhomomorphismus, sodass + das folgende Diagramm kommutiert, \[ \begin{tikzcd} R \ar[r, hook, "ι"] \ar[d, equals] & K \ar[d, "∃ ! h"] \\ @@ -93,15 +93,15 @@ Quotientenkörpers. Den folgenden Beweis sollten Sie genau verstehen! \end{proof} Der Witz ist, dass die Abbildung $h$ aus Satz~\ref{satz:edvq} eindeutig gegeben -ist. Die Aussage ``es existiert eine eindeutiger Morphismus'' ist eine viel -bessere Aussage als ``es existiert irgendein Morphismus (dessen Konstruktion -vielleicht von irgendwelchen Wahlen abhängt, die ich treffen muss)''. Das ist -super-wichtig! Man sagt, ``Quotientenkörper sind eindeutig bis auf kanonische -Isomorphie''. +ist. Die Aussage „es existiert eine eindeutiger Morphismus“ ist eine viel +bessere Aussage als „es existiert irgendein Morphismus (dessen Konstruktion +vielleicht von irgendwelchen Wahlen abhängt, die ich treffen muss)“. Das ist +super-wichtig! Man sagt, „Quotientenkörper sind eindeutig bis auf kanonische +Isomorphie“. \begin{notation} Obwohl Quotientenkörper nur bis auf kanonische Isomorphie eindeutig sind, - spricht man oft von ``dem'' Quotientenkörper. Die Notation $Q(R)$ ist üblich. + spricht man oft von „dem“ Quotientenkörper. Die Notation $Q(R)$ ist üblich. \end{notation} \begin{satz}[Existenz von Quotientenkörpern] diff --git a/07.tex b/07.tex index ac8dd9a..993ba24 100644 --- a/07.tex +++ b/07.tex @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ ist. Für Polynome $f ∈ ℚ[x]$ werden wir die Frage nach der Irreduzibilität vollständig beantworten. Wir erinnern uns daran, wie die Frage nach der -Konstruierbarkeit der ``Verdoppelung des Würfels'' mit der Frage zusammenhing, -ob das Polynom $x³-2 ∈ ℚ[x]$ irreduzibel ist. +Konstruierbarkeit der „Verdoppelung des Würfels“ mit der Frage zusammenhing, ob +das Polynom $x³-2 ∈ ℚ[x]$ irreduzibel ist. \begin{beobachtung} Im Ring $ℤ[x]$ sind Teilbarkeitsfragen oft durch Teilbarkeitsbetrachtungen der @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ob das Polynom $x³-2 ∈ ℚ[x]$ irreduzibel ist. Das folgende Irreduzibilitätskriterium von Gauß\index{Irreduzibilitätskriterium von Gauß} zeigt, dass $x³-2$ dann auch irreduzibel in $ℚ[x]$ ist! -\begin{satz}[Irreduzibilitätskriterium von Gauß]\label{satz:Irreduzibilitaetssatz_Gaus} +\begin{satz}[Irreduzibilitätskriterium von Gauß]\label{satz:Irreduzibilitaetssatz_Gaus}% Es sei $R$ ein faktorieller Ring, es sei $K=Q(R)$ sein Quotientenkörper und es sei ein Polynom $f ∈ R[x]$ von positivem Grad gegeben. Wenn $f$ in $R[x]$ irreduzibel ist, dann ist $f$ auch in $K[x]$ irreduzibel. @@ -49,18 +49,18 @@ Das folgende Irreduzibilitätskriterium von Gauß\index{Irreduzibilitätskriteri Als Vorbereitung zum Beweis zeigen wir erst einmal das folgende Lemma. Das Lemma zeigt auch, wie natürlich das Kriterium von Gauß ist. -\begin{lemma}\label{Lemma_zu_Irreduzibilitaetssatz} - Sei $R$ ein faktorieller Ring, es sei $K = Q(R)$ der Quotientenkörper und - $g ∈ K[x] ∖ \{0\}$ sei ein Polynom. Dann existiert ein $a∈ K∖ \{0\}$, sodass - $a· g$ in $R[x]$ ist und sodass der $\ggT$ der Koeffizienten von $a· g$ gleich - $1$ ist. +\begin{lemma}\label{Lemma_zu_Irreduzibilitaetssatz}% + Sei $R$ ein faktorieller Ring, es sei $K = Q(R)$ der Quotientenkörper und $g ∈ + K[x] ∖ \{0\}$ sei ein Polynom. Dann existiert ein $a∈ K∖ \{0\}$, sodass $a· + g$ in $R[x]$ ist und sodass der $\ggT$ der Koeffizienten von $a· g$ gleich $1$ + ist. \end{lemma} \begin{bemerkung} Wir hatten nur den $\ggT$ für zwei Elemente definiert, die Definition geht - genau so für mehr als zwei Elemente. Für Polynome - $a_0 + a_1·x + ⋯ + a_m·x^m ∈ R[x]$ ist die Bedingung $\ggT(a_0, …, a_m) = 1$ - notwendig, aber nicht hinreichend für die Irreduzibilität. + genau so für mehr als zwei Elemente. Für Polynome $a_0 + a_1·x + ⋯ + a_m·x^m + ∈ R[x]$ ist die Bedingung $\ggT(a_0, …, a_m) = 1$ notwendig, aber nicht + hinreichend für die Irreduzibilität. \end{bemerkung} \begin{proof}[Beweis von Lemma~\ref{Lemma_zu_Irreduzibilitaetssatz}] @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ in endlich vielen Rechenschritten entscheiden ($→$Klausur). Ein Verfahren sol jetzt ganz kurz skizziert werden. Den folgenden Satz kennen Sie vielleicht aus den Anfängervorlesungen. -\begin{erinnerung}[Lagrangesche Interpolationsformel\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph-Louis_Lagrange}{Joseph-Louis de Lagrange} (* 25. Januar 1736 in Turin als Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia; † 10. April 1813 in Paris) war ein italienischer Mathematiker und Astronom.}\index{Lagrangesche Interpolationsformel}] +\begin{erinnerung}[Lagrangesche Interpolationsformel\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph-Louis_Lagrange}{Joseph-Louis de Lagrange} (* 25.~Januar 1736 in Turin als Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia; † 10.~April 1813 in Paris) war ein italienischer Mathematiker und Astronom.}\index{Lagrangesche Interpolationsformel}]% Es sei $K$ ein Körper\footnote{Wir denken an $K = ℚ$.}, es sei $f(x) ∈ K[x]$ ein Polynom vom Grad $≤ n$ und es seien $a_1, …, a_{n+1}∈ K$ paarweise verschiedene Elemente. Dann ist $f$ durch seine Werte $f(a_1), …, f(a_{n+1})$ @@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ Frage nach der Irreduzibilität zwar beantworten, allerdings sind die nötigen Rechnungen ziemlich aufwändig (besonders bei Zeitdruck in einer Klausur!). Das folgende Kriterium von Theodor Schönemann\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Sch\%C3\%B6nemann}{Theodor - Schönemann} (* 4. April 1812 in Driesen, Friedebergischer Kreis; † - 16. Januar 1868 in Brandenburg an der Havel) war ein deutscher Mathematiker.}, -das in der Literatur durchgehend falsch mit ``Eisenstein-Kriterium'' +Schönemann} (* 4.~April 1812 in Driesen, Friedebergischer Kreis; † 16.~Januar +1868 in Brandenburg an der Havel) war ein deutscher Mathematiker.}, das in der +Literatur durchgehend falsch mit „Eisenstein-Kriterium“ bezeichnet\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gotthold_Eisenstein}{Ferdinand - Gotthold Max Eisenstein} (* 16. April 1823 in Berlin; † 11. Oktober 1852 - ebenda) war ein deutscher Mathematiker, der hauptsächlich in der Zahlentheorie - und über elliptische Funktionen arbeitete.} wird, ist oft viel schneller. Es -ist so wichtig, dass es dazu sogar +Gotthold Max Eisenstein} (* 16.~April 1823 in Berlin; † 11.~Oktober 1852 ebenda) +war ein deutscher Mathematiker, der hauptsächlich in der Zahlentheorie und über +elliptische Funktionen arbeitete.} wird, ist oft viel schneller. Es ist so +wichtig, dass es dazu sogar \href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eisensteinkriterium}{eine eigene Seite auf - Wikipedia} gibt\index{Eisenstein-Kriterium}. +Wikipedia} gibt\index{Eisenstein-Kriterium}. \begin{satz}[Eisenstein Kriterium]\label{Satz_Eisenstein_Kriterium} Es sei $R$ ein faktorieller Ring und es sei @@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ ist so wichtig, dass es dazu sogar \begin{equation*} x_1^m+g(x_2, …, x_n) ∈ R[x_1, …, x_n] \end{equation*} - über einem faktoriellen Ring $R$ ist sicher dann irreduzibel, wenn $g(x_2, …, x_n) ∈ R[x_2, …, x_n]$ - irreduzibel ist. + über einem faktoriellen Ring $R$ ist sicher dann irreduzibel, wenn $g(x_2, …, + x_n) ∈ R[x_2, …, x_n]$ irreduzibel ist. \end{bsp} @@ -201,10 +201,10 @@ einen Ringmorphismus zu betrachten und folgendes Lemma anzuwenden. jetzt $\varphi(f) ∈ S$ irreduzibel ist, dann ist auch $f∈ R[x]$ irreduzibel. \end{lem} \begin{proof} - Angenommen, $f$ wäre reduzibel. Dann können wir schreiben $f = g·h$, wobei $g$ - und $h$ jeweils keine Einheiten in $R[x]$ sind. Weil der größte gemeinsame - Teiler der Koeffizienten gleich $1$ ist, müssen $g$ und $h$ jeweils positiven - Grad haben. Die Gleichung + Angenommen, $f$ wäre reduzibel. Dann können wir schreiben $f = g·h$, wobei + $g$ und $h$ jeweils keine Einheiten in $R[x]$ sind. Weil der größte + gemeinsame Teiler der Koeffizienten gleich $1$ ist, müssen $g$ und $h$ jeweils + positiven Grad haben. Die Gleichung \begin{equation*} \varphi(f) = \varphi(g)·\varphi(h) \end{equation*} @@ -214,20 +214,20 @@ einen Ringmorphismus zu betrachten und folgendes Lemma anzuwenden. Ringmorphismen, die man in der Praxis brauchen kann, entstehen oft auf die folgenden Weisen. \begin{description} -\item[Anwenden eines Ringhomomorphismus auf die Koeffizienten:] Ist +\item[Anwenden eines Ringhomomorphismus auf die Koeffizienten] Ist $\varphi : R → S$ ein Ringhomomorphismus, dann ist auch \begin{equation*} Φ: R[x] → S[x], \quad \sum a_{ν} x^ν ↦ \sum\varphi(a_{ν})x^ν \end{equation*} ein Ringmorphismus. -\item[Einsetzungskomposition:]\index{Einsetzungskomposition} Es sei eine +\item[Einsetzungskomposition]\index{Einsetzungskomposition} Es sei eine Abbildung $\varphi : R → S$ und es sei ein Element $t ∈ S$ gegeben. Setze \begin{equation*} Φ : R[x] → S, \quad \sum a_{ν} x^ν ↦ \sum\varphi(a_{ν})t^ν \end{equation*} -\item[Substitutionsmorphismus:]\index{Substitutionsmorphismus} Es sei ein +\item[Substitutionsmorphismus]\index{Substitutionsmorphismus} Es sei ein Element $a∈ R$ gegeben. Dann betrachte die Abbildung \begin{equation*} Φ : R[x] → R[x], \quad \sum a_{ν} x^ν ↦ \sum a_{ν}(x-a)^ν. diff --git a/08.tex b/08.tex index 9b50a7c..f17a1ad 100644 --- a/08.tex +++ b/08.tex @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ Debatte war. Der nächste Satz stellt die Verbindung zwischen Körpertheorie und Konstruierbarkeit her. Die Formulierung des Satzes verwendet den Begriff -``konjugierte Menge''. Dabei ist ``konjugiert'' wie immer nur eine bombastische -Formulierung für ``an der reellen Achse gespiegelt''. +„konjugierte Menge“. Dabei ist „konjugiert“ wie immer nur eine bombastische +Formulierung für „an der reellen Achse gespiegelt“. \begin{notation}[Konjungierte Menge] Es sei $M ⊂ ℂ$ eine Menge. Dann betrachte die Menge @@ -29,14 +29,13 @@ Formulierung für ``an der reellen Achse gespiegelt''. \begin{rem} Im Fall, wo die Menge $M$ die Elemente $0$ und $1$ enthält, kann man die Spiegelung an der reellen Achse mit Zirkel und Lineal konstruieren. Damit ist - klar, dass $\overline{M} ⊂ \Kons(M)$ ist. Es ist in diesem Fall auch - klar, dass $i ∈ \Kons(M)$ ist. + klar, dass $\overline{M} ⊂ \Kons(M)$ ist. Es ist in diesem Fall auch klar, + dass $i ∈ \Kons(M)$ ist. \end{rem} -\begin{satz}[Hausaufgabe Blatt 2, Aufgabe 3]\label{Satz_von_Seite_69} - Es sei $\{0,1 \} ⊂ M ⊂ ℂ$ und es sei $z ∈ \Kons(M)$. Sei weiter - $K = ℚ(M ∪ \overline{M})$. Dann existiert eine Zahl $k ∈ ℕ$, sodass die - Gleichheit +\begin{satz}[Hausaufgabe Blatt 2, Aufgabe 3]\label{Satz_von_Seite_69}% + Es sei $\{0,1 \} ⊂ M ⊂ ℂ$ und es sei $z ∈ \Kons(M)$. Sei weiter $K = ℚ(M ∪ + \overline{M})$. Dann existiert eine Zahl $k ∈ ℕ$, sodass die Gleichheit \begin{equation*} [K(z) : K] = 2^k \end{equation*} @@ -47,9 +46,8 @@ Formulierung für ``an der reellen Achse gespiegelt''. \section{Verdopplung des Würfels} -Das klassische Konstruktionsproblem ``Verdopplung des Würfels'' ist mit Zirkel -und Lineal nicht möglich, denn mit $M := \{0,1\}$ ist -$ℚ = ℚ(M ∪ \overline{M})$ und +Das klassische Konstruktionsproblem „Verdopplung des Würfels“ ist mit Zirkel und +Lineal nicht möglich, denn mit $M := \{0,1\}$ ist $ℚ = ℚ(M ∪ \overline{M})$ und \[ [ℚ(\sqrt[3]{2}): ℚ ] = 3, \] @@ -62,11 +60,11 @@ $\sqrt[3]{2}$ ist. Bevor wir die Frage nach der Dreiteilung des Winkel abschließend beantworten, beweise ich zuerst ein Satz, der auch später noch von Interesse sein wird. -\begin{satz}\label{Satz_Vor_Dreiteilung_Zirkel_Lineal} +\begin{satz}\label{Satz_Vor_Dreiteilung_Zirkel_Lineal}% Es sei $L/K$ eine Körpererweiterung und es sei $a ∈ L$ ein über $K$ transzendentes Element. Dann ist $K(a)$ isomorph zum Körper der gebrochen-rationalen Funktionen\footnote{Siehe Beispiel~\ref{bsp:2-3-3} im - Falle $K = ℝ$.} über $K$ in einer Variablen. Mit anderen Worten: + Falle $K = ℝ$.} über $K$ in einer Variablen. Mit anderen Worten: \begin{equation*} K(a) ≅ K(x) = Q(K[x]) \end{equation*} @@ -77,11 +75,11 @@ beweise ich zuerst ein Satz, der auch später noch von Interesse sein wird. Damit lässt sich die Konstruierbarkeitsfrage ganz gut beantworten. -\begin{satz}\label{Satz_Dreiteilung_Zirkel_Lineal} +\begin{satz}\label{Satz_Dreiteilung_Zirkel_Lineal}% Gegeben sei eine reelle Zahl $\varphi ∈ (0, 2·π)$. Falls $e^{i\varphi}$ - transzendent ist, dann ist - $e^{(\varphi i)/3} \not ∈ \Kons(\{0,1, e^{\varphi i}\})$. Die Dreiteilung des - Winkels $\varphi$ ist also mit Zirkel und Lineal nicht möglich. + transzendent ist, dann ist $e^{(\varphi i)/3} \not ∈ \Kons(\{0,1, e^{\varphi + i}\})$. Die Dreiteilung des Winkels $\varphi$ ist also mit Zirkel und Lineal + nicht möglich. \end{satz} \begin{proof} \video{9-3} @@ -93,14 +91,14 @@ Damit lässt sich die Konstruierbarkeitsfrage ganz gut beantworten. Konstruktionsverfahren für die Dreiteilung des Winkels. \end{bemerkung} \begin{proof} - Wenn $z=e^{i\varphi}$ algebraisch über $ℚ$ ist, dann ist auch - $\overline{z} = e^{-i\varphi}$ algebraisch über $ℚ$, denn $z$ und - $\overline{z}$ haben beide dasselbe Minimalpolynom. Also ist auch der Realteil + Wenn $z=e^{i\varphi}$ algebraisch über $ℚ$ ist, dann ist auch $\overline{z} = + e^{-i\varphi}$ algebraisch über $ℚ$, denn $z$ und $\overline{z}$ haben beide + dasselbe Minimalpolynom. Also ist auch der Realteil \begin{equation*} \operatorname{Re}(z) =\frac12(z+\overline{z}) \end{equation*} - algebraisch über $ℚ$. Das zeigt, dass die Menge $\varphi∈ (0,2π)$, für - die $e^{i\varphi}$ transzendent ist, in $(0,2π)$ dicht ist. + algebraisch über $ℚ$. Das zeigt, dass die Menge $\varphi∈ (0,2π)$, für die + $e^{i\varphi}$ transzendent ist, in $(0,2π)$ dicht ist. \end{proof} diff --git a/09.tex b/09.tex index c45f841..5164761 100644 --- a/09.tex +++ b/09.tex @@ -4,25 +4,20 @@ \chapter{Ideale} \label{chapt:09} -Für dieses Kapitel haben wir Ihnen Beispiele auf unserem -\href{https://sage.cplx.vm.uni-freiburg.de/share/}{Sage/CoCalc-Server} -bereitgestellt. - - \section{Wohin geht die Reise} Ich hatte schon am Ende des letzten Abschnittes geschrieben: um die Frage nach der Konstruierbarkeit des regelmäßigen $n$-Ecks vollständig entscheiden zu können, müssen wir die Symmetrien von Körpererweiterungen verstehen … und -vielleicht irgendwann auch definieren, was mit ``Symmetrie einer -Körpererweiterung'' gemeint sein soll. All das wird voraussetzen, dass wir +vielleicht irgendwann auch definieren, was mit „Symmetrie einer +Körpererweiterung“ gemeint sein soll. All das wird voraussetzen, dass wir Körpererweiterungen besser beschreiben. Die Idee ist die: gegeben eine einfache, algebraische Erweiterung $K(α)/K$ vom Grad $n$, dann wissen wir schon, dass wir alle Elemente des Oberkörpers $K(α)$ als Linearkombinationen der Form \[ k_0 + k_1·α + k_2·α² + ⋯ k_{n-1}·α^{n-1} \] -schreiben könne, wobei die $k_{•}$ geeignete Elemente des kleineren Körpers $K$ +schreiben könne, wobei die $k_•$ geeignete Elemente des kleineren Körpers $K$ sind. Diese Einsicht ist natürlich extrem hilfreich --- wir kennen das von den komplexen Zahlen, die sich alle in der Form $k_0 + k_1·\sqrt{-1}$ schreiben lassen. Der Sachverhalt lässt sich auch anders formulieren: Der @@ -36,16 +31,16 @@ liegt es dann nahe, den Körper $K(α)$ als Quotient zu beschreiben, K(α) = \factor{K[x]}{\ker φ}. \end{equation} Diese Beschreibung\footnote{\label{foot:sage}Hatten Sie sich gewundert, warum - SAGE eckige Klammern verwendet und den Körper ``$ℚ$ adjungiert $\sqrt{5}$'' - mit \texttt{QQ[sqrt(5)]} bezeichnet? Der Grund ist, das runde Klammern in der - Programmiersprache Python schon eine andere Bedeutung haben. - Gleichung~\eqref{eq:xx} zeigt aber, dass eckige Klammer in dieser Situation - ganz sinnvoll sind.} wird sehr hilfreich sein, denn wir kommen mit dem -vertrauten Polynomring $K[X]$ besser klar als mit dem etwas unheimlichen Körper -$K(α)$. Um alles korrekt zu definieren, müssen wir uns aber erst noch einmal -überlegen, was für eine Art von Objekt $\ker φ$ nun tatsächlich ist, und was -``Quotient'' genau bedeuten soll. Ich nehme die Antwort gleich vorweg: Die -Menge $\ker φ$ ist das typische Beispiel eines ``Ideals im Ring $K[x]$''. +SAGE eckige Klammern verwendet und den Körper „$ℚ$ adjungiert $\sqrt{5}$“ mit +\texttt{QQ[sqrt(5)]} bezeichnet? Der Grund ist, das runde Klammern in der +Programmiersprache Python schon eine andere Bedeutung haben. +Gleichung~\eqref{eq:xx} zeigt aber, dass eckige Klammer in dieser Situation ganz +sinnvoll sind.} wird sehr hilfreich sein, denn wir kommen mit dem vertrauten +Polynomring $K[X]$ besser klar als mit dem etwas unheimlichen Körper $K(α)$. Um +alles korrekt zu definieren, müssen wir uns aber erst noch einmal überlegen, was +für eine Art von Objekt $\ker φ$ nun tatsächlich ist, und was „Quotient“ genau +bedeuten soll. Ich nehme die Antwort gleich vorweg: Die Menge $\ker φ$ ist das +typische Beispiel eines „Ideals im Ring $K[x]$“. \section{Elementare Definitionen} @@ -68,30 +63,30 @@ Die technisch korrekte Definition eines Ideals ist jetzt die folgende. man in der Definition $r·a$ oder $a·r$ schreibt, definiert man ein Links- oder Rechtsideal\index{Linksideal}\index{Rechtsideal}. Ideale, die sowohl Links- als auch Rechtsideale sind, heißen beidseitige Ideale\index{beidseitiges - Ideal}. In kommutativen Ringen, für die wir uns hier interessieren, fallen + Ideal}. In kommutativen Ringen, für die wir uns hier interessieren, fallen diese Begriffe zusammen. \end{bemerkung} \begin{bemerkung} Der Name \emph{Ideal} geht auf Kummer\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Eduard_Kummer}{Ernst - Eduard Kummer} (* 29. Januar 1810 in Sorau, Niederlausitz; † 14. Mai 1893 - in Berlin) war ein deutscher Mathematiker und Hochschullehrer, der sich vor - allem mit Zahlentheorie, Analysis und Geometrie befasste.} und + Eduard Kummer} (* 29.~Januar 1810 in Sorau, Niederlausitz; † 14.~Mai 1893 in + Berlin) war ein deutscher Mathematiker und Hochschullehrer, der sich vor allem + mit Zahlentheorie, Analysis und Geometrie befasste.} und Dedekind\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Dedekind}{Julius - Wilhelm Richard Dedekind} (* 6. Oktober 1831 in Braunschweig; † - 12. Februar 1916 ebenda) war ein deutscher Mathematiker.} zurück. Kummer - hatte bei der Untersuchung der Teilbarkeit in gewissen nicht-faktoriellen - Ringen wie $ℤ[\sqrt{-5}]$ gewisse \emph{ideale Zahlen} eingeführt. Dedekind - hat dann den Idealbegriff geprägt. + Wilhelm Richard Dedekind} (* 6.~Oktober 1831 in Braunschweig; † 12.~Februar + 1916 ebenda) war ein deutscher Mathematiker.} zurück. Kummer hatte bei der + Untersuchung der Teilbarkeit in gewissen nicht-faktoriellen Ringen wie + $ℤ[\sqrt{-5}]$ gewisse \emph{ideale Zahlen} eingeführt. Dedekind hat dann den + Idealbegriff geprägt. \end{bemerkung} \begin{bsp}[Triviale Ideale] In jedem kommutativen Ring $R$ sind $I= \{0\}$ und $I=R$ trivialerweise Ideale. Wenn $R$ ein Körper ist, dann sind das auch die einzigen Ideale. Grund: wenn $R$ ein Körper und $I ⊂ R$ ein Ideal ist und $a ∈ I∖ \{0\}$, dann - ist auch jedes andere Körperelement in $I$. Sei nämlich irgendein Element - $r ∈ R$ gegeben. Nach Definition~\ref{def:ideal} ist + ist auch jedes andere Körperelement in $I$. Sei nämlich irgendein Element $r + ∈ R$ gegeben. Nach Definition~\ref{def:ideal} ist \[ r = (r·a^{-1})·a ∈ I. \] @@ -120,7 +115,7 @@ Die technisch korrekte Definition eines Ideals ist jetzt die folgende. Sie ein Programm, um mit diesen Kurven zu spielen. Sie können das Programm auch \href{https://cplx.vm.uni-freiburg.de/storage/software/ellipticcurve/wasm/ellipticcurve.html}{direkt - im Browser laufen lassen}. Abbildung Public Domain aus + im Browser laufen lassen}. Abbildung Public Domain aus \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crunode#/media/File:Cubic_with_double_point.svg}{Wikipedia}. \caption{Knotenkurve} \label{fig:node} @@ -153,10 +148,10 @@ Die technisch korrekte Definition eines Ideals ist jetzt die folgende. V= \{ \vec{x} ∈ K^n \::\: f_1(\vec{x}) = ⋯ = f_n(\vec{x})=0 \} \] wobei $f_i ∈ K[x_1, …, x_n]$ irgendwelche Polynome sind. Man nennt ein - solches $V$ manchmal \emph{algebraische Varietät}\index{algebraische Varietät}. - Abbildung~\ref{fig:node} zeigt ein Beispiel. Im Internet finden Sie - \href{https://imaginary.org/gallery/surfer-gallery-by-bianca-violet}{hier} und - \href{https://imaginary.org/gallery/oliver-labs}{hier} noch weitere schöne + solches $V$ manchmal \emph{algebraische Varietät}\index{algebraische + Varietät}. Abbildung~\ref{fig:node} zeigt ein Beispiel. Im Internet finden + Sie \href{https://imaginary.org/gallery/surfer-gallery-by-bianca-violet}{hier} + und \href{https://imaginary.org/gallery/oliver-labs}{hier} noch weitere schöne Beispiele. Definiere dann das Ideal @@ -170,7 +165,7 @@ Die technisch korrekte Definition eines Ideals ist jetzt die folgende. In der \emph{Algebraischen Geometrie}, dem Gebiet auf dem ich und meine Mitarbeiter arbeiten, geht es darum, geometrische Räume mithilfe von algebraischen Objekten wie etwa Idealen zu beschreiben. Tatsächlich lässt sich -ein fast vollständiges Wörterbuch ``Algebra $\leftrightarrow$ Geometrie'' +ein fast vollständiges Wörterbuch „Algebra $\leftrightarrow$ Geometrie“ aufstellen. @@ -179,8 +174,8 @@ aufstellen. \sideremark{Vorlesung 10}Es gibt noch eine andere, ganz wichtige Klasse von Beispielen, die wir in ähnlicher Form schon aus der linearen Algebra kennen. Gegeben einen $K$-Vektorraum $V$ und eine beliebige Teilmenge $M ⊂ V$, so -betrachteten wir in der linearen Algebra den ``von $M$ erzeugten -Untervektorraum'' und bezeichneten diesen Raum mit $\langle M \rangle_K$ oder +betrachteten wir in der linearen Algebra den „von $M$ erzeugten Untervektorraum“ +und bezeichneten diesen Raum mit $\langle M \rangle_K$ oder $\operatorname{Span}(M)$. Per Definition gilt: Ein Vektor $\vec{v} ∈ V$ liegt genau dann in $\langle M \rangle_K$, wenn $\vec{v}$ sich als Linearkombination der Elemente von $M$ schreiben lässt. Wenn die Menge $M$ unendlich ist, was @@ -226,22 +221,22 @@ Ideale sind die, die mithilfe eines einzigen Erzeugers definiert werden können. Dann gilt offensichtlich \begin{align*} (a_1) ⊂ (a_2) & ⇔ a_2| a_1 \\ - (a_1) = (a_2)& ⇔ a_1 \sim a_2 + (a_1) = (a_2)& ⇔ a_1 \sim a_2. \end{align*} Die Hauptideale in $R$ entsprechen also eindeutig Klassen von zueinander assoziierten Elementen. \end{beobachtung} \begin{warnung} - Im Gegensatz zu Vektorräumen gibt es für Ideale keinen ``Basisaustauschsatz'', + Im Gegensatz zu Vektorräumen gibt es für Ideale keinen „Basisaustauschsatz“, denn zum Beweis des Basisaustauschsatzes ist es absolut notwendig zu dividieren! Es ist nicht immer richtig, dass zwei minimale Erzeugendensysteme eines Ideals, \[ I = (a_1, …, a_n) = (b_1, …, b_m), \] - immer gleiche Mächtigkeit haben. Falls sie vorhatten, die ``Dimension'' eines - Ideals zu definieren -- nice try! + immer gleiche Mächtigkeit haben. Falls sie vorhatten, die „Dimension“ eines + Ideals zu definieren -- \foreignlanguage{english}{Nice try}! \end{warnung} Ein Ideal ist in der Praxis nur dann handhabbar, wenn ich eine möglichst @@ -345,35 +340,33 @@ Satz sollte ihnen bekannt vorkommen. Angenommen, es gäbe eine nicht-leere Menge $M$ von Idealen aus $R$ ohne maximales Element. Dann gibt es zu jedem $I_0∈ M$ ein $I_1∈ M$ mit $I_0\subsetneqq I_1$, genau so mit $I_2,I_3,\dots$. Wir erhalten einen - Widerspruch zur Annahme, dass der ``Teilerkettensatz für Ideale'' gilt. + Widerspruch zur Annahme, dass der „Teilerkettensatz für Ideale“ gilt. - \item[\ref{Satz_Ideale_aequiv_3}$⇒$\ref{Satz_Ideale_aequiv_1}] Sei - $I⊂ R$ ein Ideal und $M$ die Menge aller Ideale $J⊂ R$, die endlich erzeugt - und in $I$ enthalten sind. Dann ist $M$ nicht leer, denn $(0) ∈ M$. Also - gibt es per Annahme ein maximales Element $J∈ M$. Nach Annahme ist $J$ - endlich erzeugt, also $J = (a_1, …, a_n)$ und wir müssen zeigen, dass - $J = I$ ist. Wenn es aber ein $b ∈ I∖J$ gäbe, dann wäre - $(a_1, …, a_n,b) ∈ M$ ein Ideal, das $J$ enthält. Ein Widerspruch zur - Annahme. \qedhere + \item[\ref{Satz_Ideale_aequiv_3}$⇒$\ref{Satz_Ideale_aequiv_1}] Sei $I⊂ R$ ein + Ideal und $M$ die Menge aller Ideale $J⊂ R$, die endlich erzeugt und in $I$ + enthalten sind. Dann ist $M$ nicht leer, denn $(0) ∈ M$. Also gibt es per + Annahme ein maximales Element $J∈ M$. Nach Annahme ist $J$ endlich erzeugt, + also $J = (a_1, …, a_n)$ und wir müssen zeigen, dass $J = I$ ist. Wenn es + aber ein $b ∈ I∖J$ gäbe, dann wäre $(a_1, …, a_n,b) ∈ M$ ein Ideal, das $J$ + enthält. Ein Widerspruch zur Annahme. \qedhere \end{description} \end{proof} Der folgende Satz von David Hilbert\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hilbert}{David - Hilbert} (* 23. Januar 1862 in Königsberg; † 14. Februar 1943 in - Göttingen) war ein deutscher Mathematiker. Er gilt als einer der - bedeutendsten Mathematiker der Neuzeit. Viele seiner Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet - der Mathematik und mathematischen Physik begründeten eigenständige - Forschungsgebiete. Mit seinen Vorschlägen begründete er die bis heute - bedeutsame formalistische Auffassung von den Grundlagen der Mathematik und - veranlasste eine kritische Analyse der Begriffsdefinitionen der Mathematik und - des mathematischen Beweises. Diese Analysen führten zum Gödelschen - Unvollständigkeitssatz, der unter anderem zeigt, dass das Hilbertprogramm, die - von ihm angestrebte vollständige Axiomatisierung der Mathematik, nicht - gänzlich erfüllt werden kann. Hilberts programmatische Rede auf dem - internationalen Mathematikerkongress in Paris im Jahre 1900, in der er eine - Liste von 23 mathematischen Problemen vorstellte, beeinflusste die - mathematische Forschung des 20. Jahrhunderts nachhaltig.} ähnelt formell dem +Hilbert} (* 23.~Januar 1862 in Königsberg; † 14.~Februar 1943 in Göttingen) war +ein deutscher Mathematiker. Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Mathematiker +der Neuzeit. Viele seiner Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Mathematik und +mathematischen Physik begründeten eigenständige Forschungsgebiete. Mit seinen +Vorschlägen begründete er die bis heute bedeutsame formalistische Auffassung von +den Grundlagen der Mathematik und veranlasste eine kritische Analyse der +Begriffsdefinitionen der Mathematik und des mathematischen Beweises. Diese +Analysen führten zum Gödelschen Unvollständigkeitssatz, der unter anderem zeigt, +dass das Hilbertprogramm, die von ihm angestrebte vollständige Axiomatisierung +der Mathematik, nicht gänzlich erfüllt werden kann. Hilberts programmatische +Rede auf dem internationalen Mathematikerkongress in Paris im Jahre 1900, in der +er eine Liste von 23 mathematischen Problemen vorstellte, beeinflusste die +mathematische Forschung des 20. Jahrhunderts nachhaltig.} ähnelt formell dem Satz~\ref{Satz_Satz_von_Gauss} von Gauß und ist mindestens genauso wichtig. Historisch war der Satz ein Meilenstein. Hilbert's Beweis erregte auch deshalb großes Aufsehen, weil die Existenz eines endlichen Erzeugendensystems mithilfe diff --git a/10.tex b/10.tex index 63cac00..0da10a8 100644 --- a/10.tex +++ b/10.tex @@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ Ich hatte am Anfang von Kapitel~\ref{chapt:09} schon gesagt, warum wir uns für Ideale interessieren: Wir wollen --ähnlich wie bei der Konstruktion des Quotientenvektoraumes in der Linearen Algebra-- einen Quotienten von Ringen konstruieren. Ich weiß aus Erfahrung, dass viele Studierende ihre Probleme mit -``Quotientenvektorräumen'' haben und nutze an dieser Stelle normalerweise die +„Quotientenvektorräumen“ haben und nutze an dieser Stelle normalerweise die Gelegenheit, um mit der Konstruktion des Restklassenringes die Begriffe und Beweistechniken noch einmal zu wiederholen. In diesem Semester geht das nicht, denn das Semester ist deutlich kürzer als in normalen Jahren. Ich verzichte -deshalb im Folgenden sehr oft auf Beweise und behaupte, dass ``alles genau so -geht, wie in der Linearen Algebra''. +deshalb im Folgenden sehr oft auf Beweise und behaupte, dass „alles genau so +geht, wie in der Linearen Algebra“. \begin{warnung} - Stellen Sie sicher, dass sie sich noch ausreichend gut an die VL ``Lineare - Algebra'' erinnern. Beweisen Sie zur Probe einige Aussagen selbst -- solche - Sachen werden gern in Klausuren und mündlichen Prüfungen gefragt. + Stellen Sie sicher, dass sie sich noch ausreichend gut an die Vorlesung + „Lineare Algebra“ erinnern. Beweisen Sie zur Probe einige Aussagen selbst -- + solche Sachen werden gern in Klausuren und mündlichen Prüfungen gefragt. \end{warnung} @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ durch folgende universelle Eigenschaft definiert. Wie üblich folgt aus der universellen Eigenschaft, dass Restklassenringen (wenn Sie denn existieren) eindeutig sind bis auf eine eindeutige Isomorphie. Man -spricht deswegen oft nicht ganz richtig von ``dem'' Restklassenring und -bezeichnet ``den'' Restklassenring mit $R/I$. +spricht deswegen oft nicht ganz richtig von „dem“ Restklassenring und bezeichnet +„den“ Restklassenring mit $R/I$. \section{Konstruktion von Restklassenringen} @@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ universellen Eigenschaft -- mit einer Ausnahme: Existenz. Wir beweisen die Existenz wie immer nicht abstrakt, sondern indem wir eine konkrete Konstruktion eines Restklassenringes angeben. -\begin{defn}[Kongruenz modulo Ideal]\label{def:kmi} +\begin{defn}[Kongruenz modulo Ideal]\label{def:kmi}% Es sei $R$ ein kommutativer Ring mit Eins und es sei $I ⊂ R$ ein Ideal. Zwei Elemente $a,b∈ R$ heißen \emph{kongruent modulo $I$}\index{Kongruenz modulo - Ideal}, wenn $a-b ∈ I$ ist. In diesem Fall ist die Schreibweise - $a \equiv b \:\:(\operatorname{mod} I)$ üblich. + Ideal}, wenn $a-b ∈ I$ ist. In diesem Fall ist die Schreibweise $a \equiv b + \:\:(\operatorname{mod} I)$ üblich. \end{defn} -\begin{lem}\label{lem:10-1-2} +\begin{lem}\label{lem:10-1-2}% In der Situation von Definition~\ref{def:kmi} gilt: Kongruenz modulo $I$ ist eine Äquivalenzrelation auf $R$. Für ein gegebenes Element $a ∈ R$ ist die - die Äquivalenzklasse eines gegebenen Elementes $a ∈ R$ ist + Äquivalenzklasse eines gegebenen Elementes $a ∈ R$ ist \begin{equation*} a+I = \{ a+b \::\: b∈ I \} \eqno\qed \end{equation*} @@ -82,22 +82,21 @@ eines Restklassenringes angeben. \end{notation} \begin{bsp} - Der Name ``Restklasse'' kommt von folgendem Beispiel. Sei $R = ℤ$, sei - $m ∈ ℕ$ eine Zahl, und sei $I = (m)$. Dann ist - $a \equiv b \:\:(\operatorname{mod} I)$ genau dann, wenn $a$ und $b$ bei der - Division durch $m$ denselben Rest haben. Die Kongruenz modulo $(m)$ zerlegt - $ℤ$ also genau in die Restklassen + Der Name „Restklasse“ kommt von folgendem Beispiel. Sei $R = ℤ$, sei $m ∈ ℕ$ + eine Zahl, und sei $I = (m)$. Dann ist $a \equiv b \:\:(\operatorname{mod} + I)$ genau dann, wenn $a$ und $b$ bei der Division durch $m$ denselben Rest + haben. Die Kongruenz modulo $(m)$ zerlegt $ℤ$ also genau in die Restklassen \begin{equation*} 0 + (m), 1+(m), 2+(m), …, m-1+(m). \end{equation*} \end{bsp} -\begin{satz}[Existenz von Restklassenringen]\label{satz:exvrklr} +\begin{satz}[Existenz von Restklassenringen]\label{satz:exvrklr}% Sei $R$ ein kommutativer Ring mit Eins und es sei $I⊂ R$ ein Ideal. Die - Äquivalenzrelation ``Kongruenz modulo $I$'' werde mit $\sim$ bezeichnet. Dann + Äquivalenzrelation „Kongruenz modulo $I$“ werde mit $\sim$ bezeichnet. Dann sind die folgenden Verknüpfungen es auf dem Quotienten\footnote{Erinnerung an - die Lineare Algebra: Quotient nach Äquivalenzrelation = $R/\sim$ = Menge der - Äquivalenzklassen} $S := R/\sim$ wohldefiniert: + die Lineare Algebra: Quotient nach Äquivalenzrelation = $R/\sim$ = Menge der + Äquivalenzklassen} $S := R/\sim$ wohldefiniert: \[ \begin{matrix} + : & S ⨯ S & → & S \\ @@ -129,8 +128,8 @@ diese Art und Weise direkt beschreiben. \begin{equation*} \bigl(g_1+(f)\bigr)· \bigl(g_2+(f)\bigr) = h + (f) \end{equation*} - wobei $h$ der Rest von $g_1· g_2$ bei der Division durch $f$ ist. Ist - $\deg f ≥ 1$, dann ist die Abbildung + wobei $h$ der Rest von $g_1· g_2$ bei der Division durch $f$ ist. Ist $\deg f + ≥ 1$, dann ist die Abbildung \begin{equation*} K → \factor{K[x]}{(f)}, \quad λ ↦ λ+(f) \end{equation*} @@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ diese Art und Weise direkt beschreiben. Der folgende Satz folgt wie in der Linearen Algebra aus der universellen Eigenschaft. -\begin{prop}[Homomorphiesatz für Ringe]\label{Korollar_Homomorphiesatz} +\begin{prop}[Homomorphiesatz für Ringe]\label{Korollar_Homomorphiesatz}% Es sei $R$ ein kommutativer Ring mit Eins, und es sei $ψ : R → S$ ein surjektiver Ringmorphismus. Dann ist die induzierte Abbildung \begin{equation*} @@ -181,18 +180,18 @@ zum Restklassenring $K[x]/(f)$ ist. \section{Ideale oben und unten} Neben dem Homomorphiesatz für Ringe gelten noch einige andere Sätze, die wir aus -der linearen Algebra kennen (``Kürzen'' von Untervektorräumen). Um diese Sätze -korrekt zu formulieren, müssen wir erst verstehen, wie ``Ideale in $R$'' und -``Ideale in $R/I$'' zusammenhängen. Der folgende Satz formuliert den -Zusammenhang nicht nur für die Quotientenabbildung $φ : R → R/I$, sondern für -beliebige Ringmorphismen. Kurz gesagt gilt: Urbilder von Idealen sind immer -Ideale. Bilder von Idealen sind zumindest dann Ideale, wenn der Morphismus -surjektiv ist --- dies ist zum Beispiel bei der Quotientenabbildung der Fall. +der linearen Algebra kennen („Kürzen“ von Untervektorräumen). Um diese Sätze +korrekt zu formulieren, müssen wir erst verstehen, wie „Ideale in $R$“ und +„Ideale in $R/I$“ zusammenhängen. Der folgende Satz formuliert den Zusammenhang +nicht nur für die Quotientenabbildung $φ : R → R/I$, sondern für beliebige +Ringmorphismen. Kurz gesagt gilt: Urbilder von Idealen sind immer Ideale. +Bilder von Idealen sind zumindest dann Ideale, wenn der Morphismus surjektiv ist +--- dies ist zum Beispiel bei der Quotientenabbildung der Fall. \begin{satz}[Urbilder von Idealen] - Es sei $\varphi : R → S$ ein Morphismus von kommutativen Ringen mit Eins. - Wenn $I⊂ S$ ein Ideal ist, dann ist die Urbildmenge $\varphi^{-1}(I)$ ein - Ideal in $R$. Ist $\varphi$ zusätzlich surjektiv, dann ist die Zuordnung + Es sei $\varphi : R → S$ ein Morphismus von kommutativen Ringen mit Eins. Wenn + $I⊂ S$ ein Ideal ist, dann ist die Urbildmenge $\varphi^{-1}(I)$ ein Ideal in + $R$. Ist $\varphi$ zusätzlich surjektiv, dann ist die Zuordnung \begin{equation*} \begin{matrix} \{\text{Ideale in }S \} & → & \{ \text{Ideale $J$ in $R$ mit $\ker ψ ⊆ J$}\} \\ @@ -260,10 +259,10 @@ Formulierung verwendet Notation~\ref{not:xx}. Die Diskussion in Abschnitt~\ref{sec:10-3} wirft die Frage auf, wann ein Restklassenring der Form $K[x]/(f)$ eigentlich ein Körper ist. Etwas bescheidener: Wann ist ein Restklassenring $R/I$ nullteilerfrei? Für den Ring -$ℤ$ haben wir die Antwort in der Vorlesung ``Lineare Algebra'' kennengelernt. -Der Ring $ℤ/(m)$ ist genau dann nullteilerfrei, wenn er ein Körper ist, und dies -ist genau dann der Fall, wenn $m$ eine Primzahl ist. Also müssen wir statt -``Primzahl'' jetzt den Begriff des ``Primideals'' einführen. +$ℤ$ haben wir die Antwort in der Vorlesung „Lineare Algebra“ kennengelernt. Der +Ring $ℤ/(m)$ ist genau dann nullteilerfrei, wenn er ein Körper ist, und dies ist +genau dann der Fall, wenn $m$ eine Primzahl ist. Also müssen wir statt +„Primzahl“ jetzt den Begriff des „Primideals“ einführen. \begin{defn}[Primideal] Es sei $R$ ein kommutativer Ring mit Eins. Ein Ideal $I ⊂ R$ heißt @@ -355,7 +354,7 @@ lösbar ist. \end{definition} \begin{bemerkung} - Was hat diese Definition mit ``Teilerfremdheit'' zu tun? Schauen Sie sich den + Was hat diese Definition mit „Teilerfremdheit“ zu tun? Schauen Sie sich den Euklidischen Algorithmus aus Beispiel~\vref{bsp:5-6-7} noch einmal an. In der Situation des Beispiels~\ref{bsp:5-6-7} sind zwei Elemente $f$ und $g$ gegeben. Wenn $f$ und $g$ teilerfremd sind, ist $\ggT(f,g)=1$. Der @@ -364,12 +363,12 @@ lösbar ist. dass $(f) + (g)$ der gesamte Ring ist. \end{bemerkung} -\begin{satz}[Chinesischer Restsatz]\label{Satz_Chinesischer_Restsatz} +\begin{satz}[Chinesischer Restsatz]\label{Satz_Chinesischer_Restsatz}% \index{Chinesischer Restsatz}Es sei $R$ ein kommutativer Ring mit Eins und es seien $I_1, …, I_n ⊂ R$ paarweise teilerfremde Ideale. Dann ist der kanonische Ringhomomorphismus \begin{equation*} - α : R → \underbrace{\factor{R}{I_1}⨯⋯⨯\factor{R}{I_n}}_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{1}{\text{Add. und Mult.}}{\text{komponentenweise}}}, \quad a ↦ \Bigl( a+I_1, …, a+ I_n \Bigr) + α : R → \underbrace{\factor{R}{I_1}⨯⋯⨯\factor{R}{I_n}}_{\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{1}{\text{Add.~und Mult.}}{\text{komponentenweise}}}, \quad a ↦ \Bigl( a+I_1, …, a+ I_n \Bigr) \end{equation*} surjektiv und es ist $\ker α = I_1 ∩ ⋯ ∩ I_n$. \end{satz} diff --git a/12.tex b/12.tex index d44e04f..533fc59 100644 --- a/12.tex +++ b/12.tex @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ \section{Worum geht es in diesem Teil der Vorlesung?} -Wir sind immer noch an ``Symmetrien vor Körpererweiterungen'' interessiert, aber +Wir sind immer noch an „Symmetrien vor Körpererweiterungen“ interessiert, aber ich habe ihnen bislang nicht erklärt, was ich damit meine. Das einfachste Beispiel ist vielleicht die Körpererweiterung $ℂ/ℝ$. In diesem Fall ist die -relevante ``Symmetrie'' die komplexe Konjugation, also die Spiegelung der +relevante „Symmetrie“ die komplexe Konjugation, also die Spiegelung der komplexen Ebene an der reellen Gerade. Die komplexe Konjugation ist ein Körpermorphismus $ℂ → ℂ$ (sogar ein Isomorphismus) mit der interessanten Eigenschaft, dass die reellen Zahlen genau diejenigen Punkte der komplexen Ebene @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ und $ℝ$ vom höheren Standpunkt aus verstehen. Warum ist die Erweiterung $ℂ so wichtig? Wenn ich statt $ℝ$ einen anderen Körper betrachte (zum Beispiel $𝔽_p(X)$), welcher Körper würde dann die Rolle von $ℂ$ spielen? -Die Antwort kommt aus der Vorlesung ``Analysis'' oder ``Funktionentheorie''. -Dort beweist man mit analytischen Methoden, dass jedes Polynom $f ∈ ℝ[x]$ eine +Die Antwort kommt aus der Vorlesung „Analysis“ oder „Funktionentheorie“. Dort +beweist man mit analytischen Methoden, dass jedes Polynom $f ∈ ℝ[x]$ eine komplexe Nullstelle besitzt -- und auch jedes komplexe Polynom $f ∈ ℝ[x]$ besitzt eine komplexe Nullstelle. Das führt dazu, dass jedes Polynom in $ℂ[x]$ -als Produkt von linearen Polynome geschrieben werden kann. Man sagt: ``die -komplexen Zahlen sind algebraisch abgeschlossen''. Wir werden später sehen, was +als Produkt von linearen Polynome geschrieben werden kann. Man sagt: „Die +komplexen Zahlen sind algebraisch abgeschlossen.“. Wir werden später sehen, was diese Eigenschaft mit Symmetrie zu tun hat. \begin{frage} @@ -45,10 +45,7 @@ Oberkörper hat. Der Beweis von Satz~\ref{satz:12-1-2} ist eine große Tautologie, verwirrt Studentinnen und Studenten oft. Ich diskutiere vor dem Beweis deshalb erst noch -ein kleines Beispiel. Auf unserem -\href{https://sage.cplx.vm.uni-freiburg.de/share/}{Sage/CoCalc-Server} habe ich -Ihnen ein weiteres, ganz konkretes Beispiel bereitgestellt. - +ein kleines Beispiel. \begin{erkl} Das Polynom $x²+1 ∈ ℝ[x]$ hat keine Nullstelle in $ℝ$, aber es hat eine Nullstelle in $ℂ$, nämlich die Zahl $i$; wir wissen natürlich auch noch, dass @@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ wirklich sein soll. $f ∈ \overline{K}[x]$ ein nicht-konstantes Polynom. Weil $L$ algebraisch abgeschlossen ist, hat $f$ eine Nullstelle in $a∈ L$. Das Element $a$ ist logischerweise algebraisch über $\overline{K}$ und deshalb wegen - Korollar~\vref{kor:TdA} (``Transitivität der Algebraizität'') auch algebraisch + Korollar~\vref{kor:TdA} („Transitivität der Algebraizität“) auch algebraisch über $K$. Also ist $a∈\overline{K}$. \end{bsp} @@ -156,12 +153,12 @@ anzuwenden und so sicherzustellen, dass jedes Polynom eine Nullstelle hat. Das ist aber nicht so einfach: denn wenn ich den Körper durch Hinzunahme von Polynomen größer mache, gibt es neue Polynome, die ebenfalls Nullstellen haben müssen. In einem normalen Jahr würde mithilfe von Zorn's Lemma\footnote{Zorn's - Lemma = eine Variante des Auswahlaxioms} zeigen, dass diese naive Idee +Lemma = eine Variante des Auswahlaxioms} zeigen, dass diese naive Idee tatsächlich trägt. Weil das Semester in diesem Jahr deutlich kürzer ist, muss an dieser Stelle auf einen Beweis verzichten. Der folgende Satz ist als Satz von Steinitz\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Steinitz}{Ernst - Steinitz} (* 13. Juni 1871 in Laurahütte, Oberschlesien; † 29. September - 1928 in Kiel) war ein deutscher Mathematiker.} bekannt. +Steinitz} (* 13.~Juni 1871 in Laurahütte, Oberschlesien; † 29.~September 1928 in +Kiel) war ein deutscher Mathematiker.} bekannt. \begin{satz}[Existenz des Algebraischen Abschluss]\label{Satz_von_Steinitz} Jeder Körper besitzt einen algebraischen Abschluss. \qed @@ -173,7 +170,7 @@ von Steinitz\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Steinitz}{Ernst Als Nächstes müssen wir diskutieren, inwieweit ein algebraischer Abschluss eindeutig ist. Wie immer folgt die Eindeutigkeit aus einer universellen Eigenschaft. Den folgenden Begriff hatten wir oben schon informell unter dem -Schlagwort ``Symmetrien einer Körpererweiterung'' diskutiert. +Schlagwort „Symmetrien einer Körpererweiterung“ diskutiert. \begin{definition}[$K$-Morphismus] Es seien $R$ und $S$ Oberringe desselben Unterringes $K$. Ein Ringmorphismus @@ -215,7 +212,7 @@ werde ich den Satz aus Zeitgründen nicht beweisen. Als Konsequenz der universellen Eigenschaft erhalten wir die Eindeutigkeit des algebraischen Abschlusses bis auf nicht-kanonische Isomorphie. Obwohl die Isomorphie nicht kanonisch ist, spricht man in der Literatur häufig nicht ganz -korrekt von ``dem'' Quotientenkörper. +korrekt von „dem“ algebraischen Abschluss. \begin{kor}[Eindeutigkeit des alg.~Abschluss bis auf nicht-kanonische Isomorphie]\label{cor:edaa} Es sei $K$ ein Körper und es seien $\overline{K}_1$ und $\overline{K}_2$ zwei @@ -234,7 +231,7 @@ korrekt von ``dem'' Quotientenkörper. Ich wiederhole noch einmal: Die nicht-Eindeutigkeit der Abbildung $\varphi$ aus Satz~\ref{Satz_K_Morphismus_Fortsetzung} und nicht-Kanonizität der Abbildung aus Korollar~\ref{cor:edaa} sind der Grund dafür, warum die Diskussion von -``Symmetrie'' überhaupt sinnvoll ist. Das ist ganz anders als bei dem +„Symmetrie“ überhaupt sinnvoll ist. Das ist ganz anders als bei dem Quotientenkörper! diff --git a/13.tex b/13.tex index f2bf86d..e384103 100644 --- a/13.tex +++ b/13.tex @@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ \chapter{Zerfällungskörper} -Ich habe im vorhergehenden Kapitel immer wieder von ``Symmetrie'' gesprochen und +Ich habe im vorhergehenden Kapitel immer wieder von „Symmetrie“ gesprochen und dabei als Beispiel immer nur die Konjugationsabbildung der komplexen Zahlen diskutiert. Das ist ein bisschen dünn. Wir brauchen mehr Beispiele! Tatsächlich liefert fast jedes Polynom ein interessantes Beispiel, den Zerfällungskörper. Was das ist, erkläre ich jetzt. -\begin{defn}[Zerfällungskörper]\label{def:zerf} +\begin{defn}[Zerfällungskörper]\label{def:zerf}% Es sei $K$ ein Körper und es sei $f ∈ K[x]$ ein nicht-konstantes Polynom. Ein Oberkörper $L/K$ heißt \emph{Zerfällungskörper von - $f$}\index{Zerfällungskörper}, falls Folgendes gilt. + $f$}\index{Zerfällungskörper}, falls Folgendes gilt. \begin{itemize} \item Das Polynom $f ∈ L[x]$ zerfällt in Linearfaktoren. Mit anderen Worten: es gibt Elemente $a, a_1, …, a_n ∈ L$, sodass die Gleichheit @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Zerfällungskörper. Was das ist, erkläre ich jetzt. \begin{bemerkung} Die Elemente $a_1, …, a_n$ aus Definition~\ref{def:zerf} sind genau die - Nullstellen des Polynomes $f ∈ L[x]$. Insbesondere sind die Elemente + Nullstellen des Polynoms $f ∈ L[x]$. Insbesondere sind die Elemente $a_1, …, a_n$ eindeutig bis auf Vertauschung. \end{bemerkung} @@ -53,16 +53,16 @@ schon beim algebraischen Abschluss wird deshalb häufig von ``dem'' Zerfällungskörper gesprochen. \begin{bemerkung}[Kochrezept: Zerfällungskörper] - Es sei $K$ ein Körper und es sei $f ∈ K[x]$ ein nicht-konstantes Polynom. - Wenn ein algebraischer abgeschlossener Oberkörper $L/K$ gegeben ist, dann - zeigt der Beweis von Satz~\ref{satz:13-0-3} wie man an einen Zerfällungskörper - kommt. Man muss für das Polynom $f ∈ L[x]$ ``lediglich'' die Nullstellen - $a_1, …, a_n$ bestimmen und kann dann den Körper $K(a_1, …, a_n)$ nehmen. + Es sei $K$ ein Körper und es sei $f ∈ K[x]$ ein nicht-konstantes Polynom. Wenn + ein algebraischer abgeschlossener Oberkörper $L/K$ gegeben ist, dann zeigt der + Beweis von Satz~\ref{satz:13-0-3} wie man an einen Zerfällungskörper kommt. + Man muss für das Polynom $f ∈ L[x]$ „lediglich“ die Nullstellen $a_1, …, a_n$ + bestimmen und kann dann den Körper $K(a_1, …, a_n)$ nehmen. \end{bemerkung} Ein wichtiges Problem der Algebra(klausur/prüfung) ist es, zu einem gegebenen Körper $K$ und zu einem gegebenen Polynom $f ∈ K[x]$ den Zerfällungskörper zu -bestimmen. Dabei ist mit ``bestimmen'' meistens gemeint, dass man den +bestimmen. Dabei ist mit „bestimmen“ meistens gemeint, dass man den Erweiterungsgrad des Zerfällungskörpers bestimmen und ein möglichst kleinen Satz von möglichst einfachen Erzeugern angeben soll. Meistens ist in diesen Beispielen $K = ℚ$, sodass man einen Zerfällungskörper als Teilmenge der @@ -87,11 +87,10 @@ komplexen Zahlen konstruieren wird. \[ [L : ℚ] ≤ 3! = 6, \] - ist, aber wie groß ist der Grad wirklich? Wir überlegen, dass - $[ℚ \bigl(\sqrt[3]{2} \bigr) : ℚ ] = 3$. Also gilt $3| [L:Q]$ und man - muss lediglich prüfen, ob $L = ℚ(\sqrt[3]{2})$ ist. Das ist aber nicht der - Fall, denn $ℚ(\sqrt[3]{2}) ⊂ ℝ$ aber $ξ \not∈ ℝ$. Also ist - $[L:ℚ] =6$. + ist, aber wie groß ist der Grad wirklich? Wir überlegen, dass $[ℚ + \bigl(\sqrt[3]{2} \bigr) : ℚ ] = 3$. Also gilt $3| [L:Q]$ und man muss + lediglich prüfen, ob $L = ℚ(\sqrt[3]{2})$ ist. Das ist aber nicht der Fall, + denn $ℚ(\sqrt[3]{2}) ⊂ ℝ$ aber $ξ \not∈ ℝ$. Also ist $[L:ℚ] =6$. \end{bsp} @@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ komplexen Zahlen konstruieren wird. \label{sec:13-1} \sideremark{Vorlesung 14}Ich komme zu meinem Lieblingsthema zurück. Jetzt kann -ich endlich erklären, was es mit meinem ständigen Reden von ``Symmetrien'' auf +ich endlich erklären, was es mit meinem ständigen Reden von „Symmetrien“ auf sich hat. \begin{situation}\label{sit:gal} @@ -141,13 +140,13 @@ das wohl am besten in Termen endlicher Gruppen beantwortet werden sollte. Wenn ich jetzt einen $K$-Morphismus $\varphi: L → L$ habe, dann ist \begin{align*} \varphi(ℓ) & = \sum \varphi(β_{i_1,…,i_n})·\varphi(a_1)^{i_1}⋯ \varphi(a_n)^{i_n} \\ - & = \sum β_{i_1,…,i_n}·\varphi(a_1)^{i_1}⋯ \varphi(a_n)^{i_n}. && \text{$\varphi$ ist $K$-Morphismus und $β_• ∈ K$} + & = \sum β_{i_1,…,i_n}·\varphi(a_1)^{i_1}⋯ \varphi(a_n)^{i_n}. && \text{$\varphi$ ist $K$-Morphismus und $β_• ∈ K$.} \end{align*} Wir erkennen: Der $K$-Morphismus $\varphi: L → L$ ist eindeutig dadurch - festgelegt, wohin er die endlich vielen Elemente $a_1$, …, $a_n$ abbildet! - Die Abbildung \eqref{eq:jtzrtt} ist also injektiv, und wir können die - ``Symmetriegruppe'' von $L/K$, also die Gruppe der $K$-Isomorphismen von $L$ - als Untergruppe einer endlichen Permutationsgruppe auffassen. + festgelegt, wohin er die endlich vielen Elemente $a_1$, …, $a_n$ abbildet! Die + Abbildung \eqref{eq:jtzrtt} ist also injektiv, und wir können die + „Symmetriegruppe“ von $L/K$, also die Gruppe der $K$-Isomorphismen von $L$ als + Untergruppe einer endlichen Permutationsgruppe auffassen. \end{beobachtung} @@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ ein wenig Sprache. vielen) Variablen $(x_λ)_{λ∈ Λ}$. \end{notation} -Wenn alles 100\%ig korrekt sein sollte, müsste ich an dieser könnte den +Wenn alles 100\%ig korrekt sein sollte, müsste ich an dieser Stelle den Polynomring ausführlich mithilfe einer universellen Eigenschaft definieren. Ich finde das aber arg formell und hoffe, Sie verzeihen mir, wenn ich das jetzt einfach mal nicht mache. Der einzig wichtige Punkt ist, dass Polynome immer @@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ immer nur endlich viele Variablen auf. \end{beobachtung} -\subsection{Ringadjunktion vs Körperadjunktion} +\subsection{Ringadjunktion vs.~Körperadjunktion} Gegeben eine Körpererweiterung $L/K$ und eine Teilmenge $(a_λ)_{λ∈Λ}$ von $L$, dann kann ich den Unterring $K\bigl[(a_λ)_{λ∈Λ}\bigr]$ und den Unterkörper @@ -207,9 +206,9 @@ $K\bigl( (a_λ)_{λ∈Λ} \bigr)$ vergleichen. Offenbar gilt immer ⊆ L. \] Die folgenden Sätze klären, wann Gleichheit herrscht. Die Sätze klären auch -noch einmal, warum SAGE eckige Klammern verwendet und den Körper ``$ℚ$ -adjungiert $\sqrt{5}$'' mit \texttt{QQ[sqrt(5)]} bezeichnet. Schauen Sie sich -vielleicht auch noch einmal Fußnote~\vref{foot:sage} an. +noch einmal, warum SAGE eckige Klammern verwendet und den Körper „$ℚ$ adjungiert +$\sqrt{5}$“ mit \texttt{QQ[sqrt(5)]} bezeichnet. Schauen Sie sich vielleicht +auch noch einmal Fußnote~\vref{foot:sage} an. \begin{satz}[Ringadjunktion vs Körperadjunktion] Es sei $L/K$ eine Körpererweiterung und es sei $(a_λ)_{λ∈Λ}$ eine Teilmenge diff --git a/14.tex b/14.tex index ea4381a..e92534c 100644 --- a/14.tex +++ b/14.tex @@ -132,23 +132,23 @@ bestimmen. Was war noch einmal die Ordnung? \end{beobachtung} -\section{Der Frobenius Morphismus} +\section{Der Frobenius-Morphismus} Über Körpern und Ringen der Charakteristik $p > 0$ gibt es einen ganz unglaublichen Körpermorphismus, den wir noch nicht kennen: den Frobenius-Morphismus\footnote{\href{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_Georg_Frobenius}{Ferdinand - Georg Frobenius}, genannt Georg, (* 26. Oktober 1849 in Berlin; † 3. - August 1917 in Charlottenburg, heute ein Ortsteil von Berlin) war ein - deutscher Mathematiker. Er war seit 1892 Professor an der Universität Berlin - und setzte dort hohe Maßstäbe für Prüfungen durch.}. Der Morphismus ist -eigentlich ganz einfach, es handelt sich um die Abbildung $r ↦ r^p$. Das -unglaubliche ist, dass diese Abbildung \textbf{linear} ist!! +Georg Frobenius}, genannt Georg, (* 26.~Oktober 1849 in Berlin; † 3.~August 1917 +in Charlottenburg, heute ein Ortsteil von Berlin) war ein deutscher +Mathematiker. Er war seit 1892 Professor an der Universität Berlin und setzte +dort hohe Maßstäbe für Prüfungen durch.}. Der Morphismus ist eigentlich ganz +einfach, es handelt sich um die Abbildung $r ↦ r^p$. Das unglaubliche ist, dass +diese Abbildung \textbf{linear} ist! \begin{defn}[Charakeristik eines Ringes] Es sei $R$ ein kommutativer Ring mit Eins. Die \emph{Charakteristik}\index{Charakteristik!eines Ringes} von $R$ ist die kleinste natürliche Zahl $n ∈ ℕ^+$, sodass die $n$-fache Summe des - Einselementes gleich dem Nullelement wird, also + Einselements gleich dem Nullelement wird, also \[ \underbrace{1 + 1 + ⋯ + 1}_{n ⨯} =0. \] @@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ unglaubliche ist, dass diese Abbildung \textbf{linear} ist!! \begin{notation} In der Situation von Satz~\ref{DefSatz_Frobenius-Endomorphismus} ist die - Bildmenge $F(R) ⊂ R$ natürlich ein Unterring. Dieser wird als ``Menge der - $p$-Potenzen'' bezeichnet und oft mit dem Symbol $R^p ⊆ R$ notiert. + Bildmenge $F(R) ⊂ R$ natürlich ein Unterring. Dieser wird als „Menge der + $p$-Potenzen“ bezeichnet und oft mit dem Symbol $R^p ⊆ R$ notiert. \end{notation} \begin{beobachtung} @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ unglaubliche ist, dass diese Abbildung \textbf{linear} ist!! \section{Separable und inseparable Polynome} Ich hatte oben gefragt, ob ein irreduzibles Polynom mehrfache Nullstellen haben -kann. Die ehrliche Antwort lautet: ``vielleicht'' und begründet die folgende +kann. Die ehrliche Antwort lautet: „vielleicht“ und begründet die folgende Definition. \begin{defn}[Separable und inseparable Polynome] @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ werden. \begin{bsp} Sei $K = 𝔽_p(t) = Q\bigl( 𝔽_p[t] \bigr)$. Nach dem - Satz~\vref{Satz_Eisenstein_Kriterium} (``Eisenstein-Kriterium'') ist + Satz~\vref{Satz_Eisenstein_Kriterium} („Eisenstein-Kriterium“) ist \begin{equation*} f = x^p-t ∈ K[x] \end{equation*} @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ Erweiterungen kennen. Die gesamte Diskussion baut auf folgendem Lemma auf. $σ : K(a) → L$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} - Ich erinnere an die Beobachtungen~\ref{beob:p1} und \vref{beob:p2}: jeder + Ich erinnere an die Beobachtungen~\ref{beob:p1} und \vref{beob:p2}: Jeder potenzielle $K$-Morphismus $σ$ bildet $a$ auf eine der $m$ Nullstellen von $f$ an, und ist durch dieses Bild eindeutig festgelegt. Jetzt müssen wir lediglich noch zeigen, dass jede dieser $m$ verschiedenen Möglichkeiten @@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ Erweiterungen kennen. Die gesamte Diskussion baut auf folgendem Lemma auf. Mit diesen Vorbereitungen können wir separable Abbildungen in präziser Art durch die Anzahl von $K$-Morphismen charakterisieren. Als Konsequenz erhalten wir -eine Reihe von Sätzen, die wir für den Begriff der ``algebraischen -Körpererweiterung'' in ganz ähnlicher Form schon kennen. +eine Reihe von Sätzen, die wir für den Begriff der „algebraischen +Körpererweiterung“ in ganz ähnlicher Form schon kennen. \begin{satz}\label{Satz_11_10} Es sei $L/K$ eine endliche (also insbesondere: algebraische) Körpererweiterung @@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ Körpererweiterung'' in ganz ähnlicher Form schon kennen. \subsection{Der separable Abschluss} -Erinnern Sie sich an den ``algebraischen Abschluss einer Körpers in einem -Oberkörper'', den wir in Satz~\vref{satzdef:aaieO} eingeführt haben? Auch +Erinnern Sie sich an den „algebraischen Abschluss eines Körpers in einem +Oberkörper“, den wir in Satz~\vref{satzdef:aaieO} eingeführt haben? Auch dieser Satz und diese Definition lässt sich fast wortgleich in unseren Kontext übertragen. diff --git a/AlgebraZahlentheorie.tex b/AlgebraZahlentheorie.tex index 77f7949..48b75fd 100644 --- a/AlgebraZahlentheorie.tex +++ b/AlgebraZahlentheorie.tex @@ -183,5 +183,5 @@ Dieser Text ist unter der Lizenz \bibstyle{alpha} \bibliographystyle{alpha} -\bibliography{bibliography/general} +\bibliography{bibliography/math} \end{document} diff --git a/bibliography b/bibliography new file mode 160000 index 0000000..a43a026 --- /dev/null +++ b/bibliography @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit a43a02648009f06cfce65ebcd47c4ca5fee1291c diff --git a/bibliography/general.bib b/bibliography/general.bib deleted file mode 100644 index fd901fa..0000000 --- a/bibliography/general.bib +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15744 +0,0 @@ -@MISC {285155, - TITLE = {Volume of {$-K_X$} for a weighted projective variety}, - AUTHOR = {Jason Starr}, - HOWPUBLISHED = {MathOverflow}, - NOTE = {\href{https://mathoverflow.net/q/285155}{mathoverflow.net/q/285155 (version: 2017-11-03)}}, - year = {2017} -} - -@MISC {363432, - TITLE = {Complex structures on Hermitian symmetric space}, - AUTHOR = {Bryant, Robert}, - HOWPUBLISHED = {MathOverflow}, - NOTE = {\href{https://mathoverflow.net/q/363432}{https://mathoverflow.net/q/363432 (version: 2020-06-18)}}, - year = {2020} -} - -@article{A57, - Author = {A. 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Pure Math.}, - Title = {Characterizations of projective space and applications to complex symplectic manifolds}, - Volume = 35, - Year = 2002 -} - -@book {CMSP, - AUTHOR = {Carlson, James and Müller-Stach, Stefan and Peters, Chris}, - TITLE = {Period mappings and period domains}, - SERIES = {Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 85, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = 2003, - PAGES = {xvi+430}, - ISBN = {0-521-81466-9}, - MRCLASS = {32G20 (14C30)}, - MRNUMBER = {2012297 (2005a:32014)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Gregory J. Pearlstein}, -} - -@misc{COP09, - Author = {Catanese, Fabrizio and Oguiso, Keiji and Peternell, Thomas}, - Note = {misc preprint}, - Title = {On volume preserving complex structures on real tori}, - Year = 2009 -} - -@article{CP11, - Author = {Campana, Frédéric and Peternell, Thomas}, - Coden = {BSMFAA}, - Fjournal = {Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France}, - Issn = {0037-9484}, - Journal = {Bull. Soc. Math. France}, - Mrclass = {14J40 (32Q26, 32J27, 14E30)}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {41--74}, - Title = {Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal - cover of a projective manifold}, - Volume = 139, - Year = 2011 -} - -@article {CP14, - AUTHOR = {Campana, Frédéric and Păun, Mihai}, - TITLE = {Positivity properties of the bundle of logarithmic tensors on compact {K}ähler manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {Compos. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Compositio Mathematica}, - VOLUME = {152}, - YEAR = {2016}, - NUMBER = {11}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X16007442}{DOI:10.1112/S0010437X16007442}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1407.3431}{arXiv:1407.3431}.}, - PAGES = {2350--2370}, - ISSN = {0010-437X}, - MRCLASS = {32Q05 (32Q10 32Q15 32Q20 32U05 32U15)}, - MRNUMBER = {3577897}, -MRREVIEWER = {Cezar Joi\c{t}a}, - DOI = {10.1112/S0010437X16007442}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X16007442}, -} - -@article {CP15, - AUTHOR = {Campana, Frédéric and Păun, Mihai}, - TITLE = {Orbifold generic semi-positivity: an application to families of canonically polarized manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - FJOURNAL = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - VOLUME = 65, - YEAR = 2015, - NUMBER = 2, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.5802/aif.2945}{DOI:10.5802/aif.2945}. Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.3169}{arXiv:1303.3169}}, - PAGES = {835--861}, - ISSN = {0373-0956}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14C20 32J25)}, - MRNUMBER = 3449168, - MRREVIEWER = {Artie Prendergast-Smith}, - URL = {http://aif.cedram.org/item?id=AIF_2015__65_2_835_0}, -} - -@article{CP91, - Author = {Campana, Frédéric and Peternell, Thomas}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {14J30 (14E20)}, - Mrnumber = {91m:14061}, - Mrreviewer = {I. Dolgachev}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {169--187}, - Title = {Projective manifolds whose tangent bundles are numerically effective}, - Volume = 289, - Year = 1991 -} - -@article{CP93, - Author = {Campana, Frédéric and Peternell, Thomas}, - Coden = {MSMHB2}, - Fjournal = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, - Issn = {0025-2611}, - Journal = {Manuscripta Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J35 (14F05 14J45)}, - Mrnumber = {94e:14052}, - Mrreviewer = {Michal Szurek}, - Number = {3-4}, - Pages = {225--238}, - Title = {{$4$}-folds with numerically effective tangent bundles and second {B}etti numbers greater than one}, - Volume = 79, - Year = 1993 -} - -@article{CP94, - Author = {Campana, Frédéric and Peternell, Thomas}, - Fjournal = {Communications in Analysis and Geometry}, - Issn = {1019-8385}, - Journal = {Comm. Anal. Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14J45 (32J17 32L25)}, - Mrnumber = {MR1312685 (96b:14052)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jarosław A. Wiśniewski}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {173--201}, - Title = {Rigidity theorems for primitive {F}ano {$3$}-folds}, - Volume = 2, - Year = 1994 -} - -@article{CP98, - Author = {Campana, Frédéric and Peternell, Thomas}, - Coden = {MSMHB2}, - Fjournal = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, - Issn = {0025-2611}, - Journal = {Manuscripta Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J60 (14J30 14M20)}, - Mrnumber = {MR1642626 (99g:14051)}, - Mrreviewer = {Massimiliano Mella}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {59--74}, - Title = {Rational curves and ampleness properties of the tangent bundle - of algebraic varieties}, - Volume = 97, - Year = 1998 -} - -@misc{CPP01, - Author = {F.~Campana and T.~Peternell and A.~Pukhlikov}, - Note = {LANL-Preprint math.AG/0110017}, - Title = {Generalized Tsen theorem and rationally connected Fano fibrations}, - Year = 2001 -} - -@article{CS95, - Author = {Cho, Koji and Sato, Ei-ichi}, - Coden = {JMKYAZ}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University}, - Issn = {0023-608X}, - Journal = {J. 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Kyoto Univ.}, - Mrclass = {14J60 (14J45)}, - Mrnumber = {MR1317270 (96g:14033)}, - Mrreviewer = {Vasile Brînz{ă}nescu}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {1--33}, - Title = {Smooth projective varieties with the ample vector bundle - {$\bigwedge\sp 2T\sb X$} in any characteristic}, - Volume = 35, - Year = 1995 -} - -@incollection{CTCetraro, - AUTHOR = {Colliot-Thélène, Jean-Louis}, - TITLE = {Variétés presque rationnelles, leurs points rationnels et leurs dégénérescences}, - BOOKTITLE = {Arithmetic geometry}, - SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Math.}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15945-9_1}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-15945-9$\_$1}}, - VOLUME = {2009}, - PAGES = {1--44}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, - YEAR = {2011}, - MRCLASS = {11G25 (11G35 14G05)}, - MRNUMBER = {2757627}, -MRREVIEWER = {Nguy\cftil{e}n Quôc Tháng}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-15945-9_1}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15945-9_1}, -} - -@article {CTPS, - AUTHOR = {Colliot-Thélène, Jean-Louis and Pál, Ambrus and Skorobogatov, Alexei N.}, - TITLE = {Pathologies of the {B}rauer-{M}anin obstruction}, - JOURNAL = {Math. 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Available on the internet at \href{https://wwwf.imperial.ac.uk/~anskor/brauer.pdf}{\sf https://wwwf.imperial.ac.uk/$\sim$anskor/brauer.pdf}}, - month = {January}, - year = 2021, -} - -@misc{CW03, - Author = {Solá Conde, Luis Edoardo and Wiśniewski, Jarosław A.}, - Month = {April}, - Note = {Preprint}, - Title = {On manifolds whose tangent bundle is big and 1-ample}, - Year = 2003 -} - -@article{Ca95, - Author = {Campana, Frédéric}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. 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Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {14E05 (14D06 14J40 32Q57 35Q15)}, - Mrnumber = {MR2097416 (2006c:14013)}, - Mrreviewer = {Dan Abramovich}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {499--630}, - Title = {Orbifolds, special varieties and classification theory}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.5802/aif.2027}{DOI:10.5802/aif.2027}}, - Volume = 54, - Year = 2004 -} - -@article {Cam05, - AUTHOR = {Campana, Frédéric}, - TITLE = {Fibres multiples sur les surfaces: aspects geométriques, - hyperboliques et arithmétiques}, - JOURNAL = {Manuscripta Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, - VOLUME = 117, - YEAR = 2005, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00229-005-0570-5}{DOI:10.1007/s00229-005-0570-5}. 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Differential Geom.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of Differential Geometry}, - VOLUME = 28, - YEAR = 1988, - NOTE = - {\href{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1214442469}{euclid.jdg/1214442469}}, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {361--382}, - ISSN = {0022-040X}, - CODEN = {JDGEAS}, - MRCLASS = {58E20 (32L99 53C10)}, - MRNUMBER = 965220, - MRREVIEWER = {John C. Wood}, - URL = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1214442469}, -} - -@book{CoxLittleSchenck, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Cox, David A. and Little, John B. and Schenck, Henry K.}, - Isbn = {978-0-8218-4819-7}, - Mrclass = {14M25}, - Mrnumber = 2810322, - Pages = {xxiv+841}, - Publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, - Series = {Graduate Studies in Mathematics}, - Title = {Toric varieties}, - Volume = 124, - Year = 2011 -} - -@Unpublished{DG17, - author = {Druel, Stéphane and Guenancia, Henri}, - title = {A decomposition theorem for smoothable varieties with trivial canonical class}, - note = {Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1704.01800}{arXiv:1704.01800}}, - month = {April}, - year = 2017 -} - -@Unpublished{DGP20, - author = {Druel, Stéphane and Guenancia, Henri and Păun, Mihai}, - title = {A decomposition theorem for $\mathbb{Q}$-{F}ano {K}ähler-{E}instein varieties}, - note = {Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.05352}{arXiv:2008.05352}}, - OPTkey = {}, - month = {August}, - year = {2020}, - OPTannote = {} -} - - -@article{DHP08, - Author = {Demailly, Jean-Pierre and Hwang, Jun-Muk and Peternell, - Thomas}, - Doi = {10.1007/s12220-008-9017-z}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Geometric Analysis}, - Issn = {1050-6926}, - Journal = {J. 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Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.2609}{arXiv:1206.2609}}, - NUMBER = 1, - PAGES = {63--106}, - ISSN = {0001-5962}, - MRCLASS = {53C55 (32Q20 53C23)}, - MRNUMBER = 3261011, - MRREVIEWER = {Valentino Tosatti}, - DOI = {10.1007/s11511-014-0116-3}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11511-014-0116-3}, -} - -@article{DW82, - Author = {Dedekind, R. and Weber, H.}, - Journal = {Crelle J. Reine Angew. Math}, - Pages = {181-290}, - Title = {Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen einer Veränderlichen}, - Volume = 92, - Year = 1882 -} - -@PhdThesis{Daniel15, - author = {Jeremy Daniel}, - title = {Variations de structures de Hodge lacées et fibrés harmoniques}, - school = {Université Paris VII and Université Pierre et Marie Curie}, - year = 2015 -} - -@article{Danilov78, - Author = {Danilov, V. I.}, - Fjournal = {Akademiya Nauk SSSR i Moskovskoe Matematicheskoe - Obshchestvo. Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk}, - Issn = {0042-1316}, - Journal = {Uspekhi Mat. 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Oproiu}, - DOI = {10.1142/S0129167X10006070}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X10006070}, -} - -@misc{DemaillyBook, - Author = {Demailly, Jean-Pierre}, - Month = {September}, - Note = {OpenContent Book, freely available from the author's web site, - \url{http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html}.}, - Title = {Complex {A}nalytic and {D}ifferential {G}eometry}, - Url = {http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html}, - Year = 2012, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html} -} - -@misc{DemaillyBook2012, - Author = {Demailly, Jean-Pierre}, - Month = {June}, - Note = {OpenContent Book, freely available from the author's web site, - \url{http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html}.}, - Title = {Complex {A}nalytic and {D}ifferential {G}eometry}, - Url = {http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html}, - Year = 2012, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html} -} - -@Unpublished{Deng, - Author = {Deng, Ya}, - Title = {Kobayashi hyperbolicity of moduli spaces of minimal projective manifolds of general type (with the appendix by {D}an {A}bramovich)}, - Note = {Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01666}{arXiv:1806.01666}}, - Year = 2018 - } - -@phdthesis{Deroin03, - Author = {Deroin, B.}, - School = {ENS Lyon}, - Title = {Laminations par variétés complexes}, - Year = 2003 -} - -@incollection{DethloffGrauert, - Author = {Dethloff, Gerd and Grauert, Hans}, - Booktitle = {Several {C}omplex {V}ariables {VII}}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_5}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_5}}, - Mrclass = {32C15 (32C20)}, - Mrnumber = 1326621, - Pages = {183--220}, - Publisher = {Springer, Berlin}, - Series = {Encyclopaedia Math. Sci.}, - Title = {Seminormal complex spaces}, - Volume = 74, - Year = 1994 -} - -@incollection {Dol82, - AUTHOR = {Dolgachev, Igor}, - TITLE = {Weighted projective varieties}, - BOOKTITLE = {Group actions and vector fields ({V}ancouver, {B}.{C}., 1981)}, - SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Math.}, - VOLUME = {956}, - PAGES = {34--71}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, - YEAR = {1982}, - MRCLASS = {14L32 (14A05 14B05)}, - MRNUMBER = {704986}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0101508}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0101508}}, - DOI = {10.1007/BFb0101508}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0101508}, -} - -@article{Donaldson85, - Author = {Donaldson, Simon K.}, - Coden = {PLMTAL}, - Doi = {10.1112/plms/s3-50.1.1}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series}, - Issn = {0024-6115}, - Journal = {Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)}, - Mrclass = {58E15 (14F99 53C05 57R99)}, - Mrnumber = {765366 (86h:58038)}, - Mrreviewer = {S. 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I, Math.}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {365--368}, - Title = {Structures de contact sur les variétes algébriques de - dimension 5}, - Volume = 327, - Year = 1998 -} - -@article{Dru99, - Author = {S.~Druel}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {429--435}, - Title = {{Structures de contact sur les variétés toriques}}, - Volume = 313, - Year = 1999 -} - -@article{Druel13a, - Author = {Druel, Stéphane}, - Journal = {Bull. London Math. Soc.}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {827--835}, - Title = {The {Z}ariski-{L}ipman conjecture for log canonical spaces}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1112/blms/bdu040}{DOI:10.1112/blms/bdu040}. Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.5910}{arXiv:1301.5910}}, - Volume = 46, - Year = 2014 -} - -@article{DuBois81, - Author = {Philippe {D}u~Bois}, - Coden = {BSMFAA}, - Fjournal = {Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France}, - Issn = {0037-9484}, - Journal = {Bull. Soc. Math. 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J. {\bf 81} (1995), no. 1}, - Pages = {i--vi and 1--250}, - Publisher = {Duke University Press}, - Title = {A celebration of {J}ohn {F}. {N}ash, {J}r}, - Year = 1996 -} - -@Book{Dur25, - author = {Dürer, Albrecht}, - ALTeditor = {}, - title = {Vnderweysung der messung / mit dem zirckel vnd richt scheyt / in {L}inien ebnen vnnd gantzen corporen / durch {A}lbrecht {D}uerer zuosamen getzogen / vnd zuo nutz allen kunstlieb habenden mit zuo gehoerigen figuren}, - publisher = {Hieronymum Formschneider}, - year = {1525}, - OPTkey = {}, - OPTvolume = {}, - OPTnumber = {}, - OPTseries = {}, - address = {Nürnberg}, - OPTedition = {}, - OPTmonth = {}, - note = {Available online at \href{http://digital.slub-dresden.de/id27778509X}{Sächsische Landesbibliothek — Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden}}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@misc{Duv06, - Author = {Duval, Julien}, - Month = {May}, - Note = {talk at {D}iederichs conference}, - Title = {On {B}rody's lemma}, - Year = 2006 -} - -@misc{E02, - Author = {Eckl, Thomas}, - Note = {Preprint math.AG/0202279. To appear in J. Alg. 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Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.55}, - Mrnumber = {0217084 (36 \#177b)}, - Note = {Revised in collaboration with Jean - Dieudonné. \href{http://www.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1961__8_}{numdam.PMIHES_1961__8_}}, - Number = 8, - Pages = 222, - Title = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {II}. Étude globale - élémentaire de quelques classes de morphismes}, - Year = 1961 -} - -@article{EGA3-1, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.05}, - Mrnumber = {0163910 (29 \#1209)}, - Number = 11, - Pages = 167, - Title = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {III}. Étude cohomologique - des faisceaux cohérents. {I}}, - Year = 1961 -} - -@article {EGA4-2, - AUTHOR = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - TITLE = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {IV}. Étude locale des schémas et des morphismes de schémas. {II}}, - JOURNAL = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications Mathématiques}, - NUMBER = {24}, - NOTE = {Revised in collaboration with Jean Dieudonné. \href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1965__24__231_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1965-24-231-0}}, - YEAR = {1965}, - PAGES = {231}, - ISSN = {0073-8301}, - MRCLASS = {14.00}, - MRNUMBER = {0199181}, -MRREVIEWER = {H. Hironaka}, - URL = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1965__24__231_0}, -} - -@article{EGA4-3, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.55}, - Mrnumber = {MR0217086 (36 \#178)}, - Note = {Revised in collaboration with Jean - Dieudonné. \href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1966__28__5_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1966-28-5-0}}, - Number = 28, - Pages = 255, - Title = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {IV}. Étude locale des - schémas et des morphismes de schémas {III}}, - Year = 1966 -} - -@article{EGA4-4, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.55}, - Mrnumber = {0238860 (39 \#220)}, - Mrreviewer = {J. P. Murre}, - Note = {Revised in collaboration with Jean - Dieudonné. \href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1967__32__5_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1967-32-5-0}}, - Number = 32, - Pages = 361, - Title = {Éléments de géométrie algébrique. {IV}. Étude locale des - schémas et des morphismes de schémas {IV}}, - Year = 1967 -} - -@inproceedings{ES86, - Author = {J. Erdman-Snow}, - Booktitle = {Journées Complexes Nancy}, - Number = 10, - Series = {Revue de l'Institut Elie Cartan}, - Title = {On the Classification of Solv-Manifolds in Dimension 2 and 3}, - Year = 1986 -} - -@article{EV90, - Author = {Esnault, Hélène and Viehweg, Eckart}, - Coden = {CMPMAF}, - Fjournal = {Compositio Mathematica}, - Issn = {0010-437X}, - Journal = {Compositio Math.}, - Mrclass = {14H10 (11G35 14F10 14J25)}, - Mrnumber = {MR1078858 (91m:14038)}, - Mrreviewer = {Bruce Hunt}, - Note = {Algebraic geometry (Berlin, 1988)}, - Number = {1-2}, - Pages = {69--85}, - Title = {Effective bounds for semipositive sheaves and for the height - of points on curves over complex function fields}, - Volume = 76, - Year = 1990 -} - -@book {EV92, - AUTHOR = {Esnault, Hélène and Viehweg, Eckart}, - TITLE = {Lectures on vanishing theorems}, - SERIES = {DMV Seminar}, - VOLUME = 20, - PUBLISHER = {Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel}, - YEAR = 1992, - PAGES = {vi+164}, - ISBN = {3-7643-2822-3}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-0348-8600-0}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-0348-8600-0}}, - MRCLASS = {14F17 (14F40 32L10 32L20)}, - MRNUMBER = 1193913, - MRREVIEWER = {Marko Roczen}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-0348-8600-0}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-0348-8600-0}, -} - -@article{Eck04b, - Author = {Eckl, Thomas}, - Coden = {AIFUA7}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {32J25 (32C30)}, - Mrnumber = {MR2111016 (2006d:32027)}, - Mrreviewer = {Gordon Heier}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {887--938}, - Title = {Numerically trivial foliations}, - Volume = 54, - Year = 2004 -} - -@misc{Eck05b, - Author = {Eckl, Thomas}, - Month = {August}, - Note = {preprint math.AG/0508561}, - Title = {Seshadri constants via lelong numbers}, - Year = 2005 -} - -@article{Eckl08, - Author = {Eckl, Thomas}, - Doi = {10.1002/mana.200510664}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Nachrichten}, - Issn = {0025-584X}, - Journal = {Math. 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Pinkham}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {139--147}, - Title = {Singularités rationnelles et déformations}, - Volume = 47, - Year = 1978 -} - -@article{Elkik81, - Author = {Elkik, Renée}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14B05 (14J30)}, - Mrnumber = {621766 (83a:14003)}, - Mrreviewer = {G. Horrocks}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {1--6}, - Title = {Rationalité des singularités canoniques}, - Volume = 64, - Year = 1981 -} - -@book{Encyclopaedia-GeometryI, - Editor = {R.V.~Gamkrelidze}, - Number = 28, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences}, - Title = {Geometry I: basic ideas and concepts of differential geometry}, - Year = 1991 -} - -@incollection{Eno87, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Enoki, Ichiro}, - Booktitle = {Geometry and analysis on manifolds ({K}atata/{K}yoto, 1987)}, - Doi = {10.1007/BFb0083051}, - Mrclass = {32L10 (32J25 32L15)}, - Mrnumber = {961477 (90a:32039)}, - Mrreviewer = {Daniel Barlet}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0083051}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0083051}}, - Pages = {118--126}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Lecture Notes in Math.}, - Title = {Stability and negativity for tangent sheaves of minimal - {K}ähler spaces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0083051}, - Volume = 1339, - Year = 1988, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0083051} -} - -@article{ExtApplications, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Doi = {10.1515/crelle-2012-0097}, - Fjournal = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 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Forster}, - Journal = {J. reine angew. Mathematik}, - Pages = {88--93}, - Title = {{Ein Endlichkeitssatz für Hyperflächen auf kompakten komplexen - Räumen}}, - Volume = 306, - Year = 1979 -} - -@article{FG69, - Author = {Frisch, Jacques and Guenot, Jacques}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {32.50}, - Mrnumber = {0252683 (40 \#5901)}, - Mrreviewer = {Y.-T. Siu}, - Pages = {321--343}, - Title = {Prolongement de faisceaux analytiques cohérents}, - Volume = 7, - Year = 1969 -} - -@book{FGA, - Address = {Paris}, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - Mrclass = {14.00}, - Mrnumber = {MR0146040 (26 \#3566)}, - Mrreviewer = {E. L. Griffin, Jr.}, - Pages = {ii+205}, - Publisher = {Secrétariat mathématique}, - Title = {Fondements de la géométrie algébrique. [{E}xtraits du - {S}éminaire {B}ourbaki, 1957--1962.]}, - Year = 1962 -} - -@book{FGIKN, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Fantechi, Barbara and Göttsche, Lothar and Illusie, Luc and - Kleiman, Steven L. and Nitsure, Nitin and Vistoli, Angelo}, - Isbn = {0-8218-3541-6}, - Mrclass = {14-06 (14A15 14D15 14F20)}, - Mrnumber = {MR2222646 (2007f:14001)}, - Mrreviewer = {Liam O'Carroll}, - Note = {Grothendieck's FGA explained}, - Pages = {x+339}, - Publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, - Series = {Mathematical Surveys and Monographs}, - Title = {Fundamental algebraic geometry}, - Volume = 123, - Year = 2005 -} - -@Unpublished{FL18, - author = {Floris, Enrica and Lazić, Vladimir}, - title = {On the B-Semiampleness Conjecture}, - note = {Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1808.00717}{arXiv:1808.00717}}, - month = {August}, - year = 2018 -} - -@incollection{FL81, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Fulton, William and Lazarsfeld, Robert}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry ({C}hicago, {I}ll., 1980)}, - Mrclass = {14-02 (14C99 14E25)}, - Mrnumber = {644817 (83i:14002)}, - Mrreviewer = {Knud L{\o}nsted}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0090889}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0090889}}, - Pages = {26--92}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Lecture Notes in Math.}, - Title = {Connectivity and its applications in algebraic geometry}, - Volume = 862, - Year = 1981 -} - -@article{FMP03, - Author = {Farkas, Gavril and Mustaţă, Mircea and Popa, Mihnea}, - Coden = {ASENAH}, - Fjournal = {Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série}, - Issn = {0012-9593}, - Journal = {Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4)}, - Mrclass = {14H10 (13D02 14H60)}, - Mrnumber = {MR2013926 (2005b:14051)}, - Mrreviewer = {Arnaud Beauville}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {553--581}, - Title = {Divisors on {${\mathcal M}\sb {g,g+1}$} and the minimal - resolution conjecture for points on canonical curves}, - Volume = 36, - Year = 2003 -} - -@article{FP05, - Author = {Farkas, Gavril and Popa, Mihnea}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14H10 (14J28)}, - Mrnumber = {MR2123229}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {241--267}, - Title = {Effective divisors on {$\overline{\mathcal M}\sb g$}, curves - on {$K3$} surfaces, and the slope conjecture}, - Volume = 14, - Year = 2005 -} - -@misc{FP09, - Author = {Frantzen, Kristina and Peternell, Thomas}, - Note = {preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0910.4483}{arXiv:0910.4483}}, - Title = {On the {B}imeromorphic {G}eometry of {C}ompact {C}omplex - {C}ontact {T}hreefolds}, - Year = 2009 -} - -@article{FS01, - Author = {Forn{\ae}ss, John Erik and Sibony, Nessim}, - Fjournal = {Publicacions Matemàtiques}, - Issn = {0214-1493}, - Journal = {Publ. 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Greenberg}, - Pages = {xvi+216}, - Publisher = {W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York-Amsterdam}, - Title = {Invariant theory}, - Year = 1969 -} - -@article{Fr97, - Author = {Freitag, Paul}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Doi = {10.1007/s002080050109}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. 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A - Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics [Results in - Mathematics and Related Areas. 3rd Series. A Series of Modern - Surveys in Mathematics]}, - Title = {Intersection {T}heory}, - Volume = 2, - Year = 1998 -} - -@article{GAGA, - Author = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {53.3X}, - Mrnumber = {0082175 (18,511a)}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Cartan}, - Pages = {1--42}, - Title = {Géométrie algébrique et géométrie analytique}, - Volume = 6, - Year = {1955--1956} -} - -@book{GH, - Address = {New York}, - Author = {Griffiths, Phillip and Harris, Joseph}, - Isbn = {0-471-05059-8}, - Mrclass = {14-01}, - Mrnumber = {1288523 (95d:14001)}, - Note = {Reprint of the 1978 original}, - Pages = {xiv+813}, - Publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons Inc.}, - Series = {Wiley Classics Library}, - Title = {Principles of algebraic geometry}, - Year = 1994 -} - -@article {GHS03, - AUTHOR = {Graber, Tom and Harris, Joe and Starr, Jason}, - TITLE = {Families of rationally connected varieties}, - JOURNAL = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = {16}, - YEAR = {2003}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00402-2}{DOI:10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00402-2}}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {57--67}, - ISSN = {0894-0347}, - MRCLASS = {14M20 (14D05 14D22)}, - MRNUMBER = {1937199}, -MRREVIEWER = {Alexandr V. Pukhlikov}, - DOI = {10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00402-2}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0894-0347-02-00402-2}, -} - -@article{GKK08, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Journal = {Compositio~Math.}, - Month = {January}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X09004321}{DOI:10.1112/S0010437X09004321}. A slightly extended version is available as \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.3647}{arXiv:0808.3647}}, - Pages = {193--219}, - Title = {Extension theorems for differential forms, and {B}ogomolov-{S}ommese vanishing on log canonical varieties}, - Volume = 146, - Year = 2010 -} - -@article{GKKP11, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Kovács, Sándor J. and Peternell, Thomas}, - Journal = {Inst. {H}autes {É}tudes Sci.~{P}ubl.~{M}ath.}, - Month = {November}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s10240-011-0036-0}{DOI:10.1007/s10240-011-0036-0}. An extended version with additional graphics is available as \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.2913}{arXiv:1003.2913}}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {87--169}, - Title = {Differential forms on log canonical spaces}, - Volume = 114, - Year = 2011 -} - -@article {GKP13, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - TITLE = {Étale fundamental groups of {K}awamata log terminal spaces, flat sheaves, and quotients of abelian varieties}, - JOURNAL = {Duke Math. J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = 165, - YEAR = 2016, - NUMBER = 10, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-3450859}{DOI:10.1215/00127094-3450859}. Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.5718}{arXiv:1307.5718}}, - PAGES = {1965--2004}, - ISSN = {0012-7094}, - MRCLASS = {14J17 (14B05 14B25 14E30)}, - MRNUMBER = 3522654, - DOI = {10.1215/00127094-3450859}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-3450859}, -} - -@Article{GKP15, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - TITLE = {Movable curves and semistable sheaves}, - JOURNAL = {Int. Math. Res. Not.}, - FJOURNAL = {International Mathematics Research Notices}, - YEAR = 2016, - VOLUME = 2016, - NUMBER = 2, - PAGES = {536--570}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnv126}{DOI:10.1093/imrn/rnv126}. Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.4308}{arXiv:1408.4308}}, - DOI = {10.1093/imrn/rnv126}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnv126}, -} - -@incollection{GKP16, - Address = {Tokyo}, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Booktitle = {Minimal Models and Extremal Rays, Kyoto, 2011}, - Pages = {67--113}, - Publisher = {Mathematical Society of Japan}, - Series = {Adv. Stud. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Singular spaces with trivial canonical class}, - Volume = 70, - Year = 2016, - Note = {Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.5250}{arXiv:1110.5250}} -} - -@article{GKP22, - Author = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/jag/785}{DOI:10.1090/jag/785}. 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Ann.}, - FJOURNAL = {Mathematische Annalen}, - VOLUME = {378}, - YEAR = {2020}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-019-01906-4}{DOI:10.1007/s00208-019-01906-4}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.01266}{arXiv:1804.01266}}, - NUMBER = {3-4}, - PAGES = {1061--1094}, - ISSN = {0025-5831}, - MRCLASS = {14E20 (14E30 32Q30 53C07)}, - MRNUMBER = {4163522}, - DOI = {10.1007/s00208-019-01906-4}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-019-01906-4}, -} - -@article {GKPT19b, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas and Taji, Behrouz}, - TITLE = {The {M}iyaoka-{Y}au inequality and uniformisation of canonical models}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annales Scientifiques de l'école Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.24033/asens.2414}{DOI:10.24033/asens.2414}. 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Ann.}, - FJOURNAL = {Mathematische Annalen}, - VOLUME = 232, - YEAR = 1978, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01351428}{DOI:10.1007/BF01351428}}, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {239--245}, - ISSN = {0025-5831}, - MRCLASS = {32J25}, - MRNUMBER = 0481129, - MRREVIEWER = {H. Cartan}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF01351428}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01351428}, -} - -@article{K66, - Author = {Kleiman, Steven L.}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14.55 (14.10)}, - Mrnumber = {0206009 (34 \#5834)}, - Mrreviewer = {J. W. Gray}, - Pages = {293--344}, - Title = {Toward a numerical theory of ampleness}, - Volume = 84, - Year = 1966 -} - -@book{K85, - Author = {H. Kraft}, - Edition = {2., durchges. Aufl.}, - Publisher = {Vieweg}, - Series = {Aspekte der Mathematik}, - Title = {Geometrische Methoden in der Invariantentheorie}, - Volume = {D1}, - Year = 1985 -} - -@book {K96, - AUTHOR = {Kollár, János}, - TITLE = {Rational curves on algebraic varieties}, - SERIES = {Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge. A - Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics [Results in - Mathematics and Related Areas. 3rd Series. A Series of Modern - Surveys in Mathematics]}, - VOLUME = 32, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - YEAR = 1996, - PAGES = {viii+320}, - ISBN = {3-540-60168-6}, - MRCLASS = {14-02 (14C05 14E05 14F17 14J45)}, - MRNUMBER = 1440180, - MRREVIEWER = {Yuri G. Prokhorov}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-03276-3}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-03276-3}}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-03276-3}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-03276-3}, -} - -@article{K98a, - Author = {S. Kebekus}, - Journal = {Doc. Math. J. DMV}, - Note = {Available on the internet at {\tt - http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/documenta}}, - Pages = {15--26}, - Title = {Simple Models of Quasihomogeneous Projective 3-folds}, - Volume = 3, - Year = 1998 -} - -@article{KK04, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {AIFUA7}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {14H10 (14H45 14J45)}, - Mrnumber = {2069121 (2005d:14039)}, - Mrreviewer = {James McKernan}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {53--79}, - Title = {Are rational curves determined by tangent vectors?}, - Volume = 54, - Year = 2004 -} - -@article{KK08, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J10}, - Mrnumber = 2393082, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-008-0128-8}{DOI:10.1007/s00222-008-0128-8}. Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.2054}{arXiv:0707.2054}}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {657--682}, - Title = {Families of canonically polarized varieties over surfaces}, - Volume = 172, - Year = 2008 -} - -@article{KK08b, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {ADMTA4}, - Fjournal = {Advances in Mathematics}, - Issn = {0001-8708}, - Journal = {Adv. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14E30)}, - Mrnumber = {2414316 (2009d:14042)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jarosław A. Wiśniewski}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2008.01.005}{DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2008.01.005}}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {649--652}, - Title = {Families of varieties of general type over compact bases}, - Volume = 218, - Year = 2008 -} - -@article{KK10, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {DUMJAO}, - Doi = {10.1215/00127094-2010-049}, - Fjournal = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - Issn = {0012-7094}, - Journal = {Duke Math. J.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14D06 14D22)}, - Mrnumber = {2730371 (2011i:14060)}, - Mrreviewer = {Michael A. van Opstall}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2010-049}{DOI:10.1215/00127094-2010-049}, - Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.2054}{arXiv:0707.2054}}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {1--33}, - Title = {The structure of surfaces and threefolds mapping to the moduli - stack of canonically polarized varieties}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2010-049}, - Volume = 155, - Year = 2010, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2010-049} -} - -@article{KKL10, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Kousidis, Stavor and Lohmann, Daniel}, - Journal = {L'Enseignement Mathématique (2)}, - Note = {Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0905.2749}{arXiv:0905.2749}}, - Number = {3--4}, - Pages = {287--313}, - Title = {Deformations along subsheaves}, - Volume = 56, - Year = 2010 -} - -@book {KM98, - AUTHOR = {Kollár, János and Mori, Shigefumi}, - TITLE = {Birational geometry of algebraic varieties}, - SERIES = {Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 134, - NOTE = {With the collaboration of C.\ H.\ Clemens and A.\ Corti, - Translated from the 1998 Japanese - original. \href{https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511662560}{DOI:10.1017/CBO9780511662560}}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = 1998, - PAGES = {viii+254}, - ISBN = {0-521-63277-3}, - MRCLASS = {14E30}, - MRNUMBER = {1658959 (2000b:14018)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Mark Gross}, - DOI = {10.1017/CBO9780511662560}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511662560}, -} - -@incollection{KMM87, - Address = {Amsterdam}, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro and Matsuda, Katsumi and Matsuki, Kenji}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry, Sendai, 1985}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05 14J40)}, - Mrnumber = {946243 (89e:14015)}, - Mrreviewer = {David R. Morrison}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/doi:10.2969/aspm/01010283}{DOI:doi:10.2969/aspm/01010283}}, - Pages = {283--360}, - Publisher = {North-Holland}, - Series = {Adv. Stud. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Introduction to the minimal model problem}, - Volume = 10, - Year = 1987 -} - -@article{KMM92, - Author = {Kollár, János and Miyaoka, Yoichi and Mori, Shigefumi}, - Coden = {JDGEAS}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Differential Geometry}, - Issn = {0022-040X}, - Journal = {J. Differential Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14J45}, - Mrnumber = {1189503 (94g:14021)}, - Mrreviewer = {Yuri G. Prokhorov}, - Number = 3, - NOTE = {\href{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1214453188}{euclid.jdg/1214453188}.}, - Pages = {765--779}, - Title = {Rational connectedness and boundedness of {F}ano manifolds}, - Volume = 36, - Year = 1992, - URL = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1214453188}, -} - -@article{KMM92b, - Author = {Kollár, János and Miyaoka, Yoichi and Mori, Shigefumi}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05 14E35)}, - Mrnumber = {1158625 (93i:14014)}, - Mrreviewer = {Yuri G. Prokhorov}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {429--448}, - Title = {Rationally connected varieties}, - Volume = 1, - Year = 1992 -} - -@article{KMcK, - Author = {{\hbox{K}}eel, Seán and {\hbox{Mc}}Kernan, James}, - Coden = {MAMCAU}, - Fjournal = {Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0065-9266}, - Journal = {Mem. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14J26 (14B10 14E20 14E30)}, - Mrnumber = {99m:14068}, - Mrreviewer = {Alessio Corti}, - Number = 669, - Pages = {viii+153}, - Title = {Rational curves on quasi-projective surfaces}, - Volume = 140, - Year = 1999 -} - -@article {KO73, - AUTHOR = {Kobayashi, Shoshichi and Ochiai, Takushiro}, - TITLE = {Characterizations of complex projective spaces and hyperquadrics}, - JOURNAL = {J. Math. Kyoto Univ.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University}, - VOLUME = {13}, - YEAR = {1973}, - PAGES = {31--47}, - ISSN = {0023-608X}, - MRCLASS = {32C10}, - MRNUMBER = {316745}, -MRREVIEWER = {J. A. Morrow}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/kjm/1250523432}{DOI:10.1215/kjm/1250523432}}, - DOI = {10.1215/kjm/1250523432}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1215/kjm/1250523432}, -} - -@article{KP08, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Fjournal = {The Asian Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {1093-6106}, - Journal = {Asian J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14D15 (14M22)}, - Mrnumber = {2453561 (2010c:14006)}, - Mrreviewer = {Miguel González}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {365--389}, - Title = {A refinement of {S}tein factorization and deformations of - surjective morphisms}, - Volume = 12, - Year = 2008 -} - -@Unpublished{KP14, - author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - title = {Aspects of the geometry of varieties with canonical singularities. }, - note = {To appear in: Simons Symposia: Foliation Theory in Algebraic Geometry, Editors: Paolo Cascini, James McKernan and Jorge Vitório Pereira. Springer, New York, 2016. \href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24460-0}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-24460-0}. Available from \url{https://cplx.vm.uni-freiburg.de/storage/publications/14-simons.pdf}.}, - year = 2014 -} - -@article {KPS22, - AUTHOR = {Kebekus, Stefan and Pereira, Jorge V. and Smeets, Arne}, - TITLE = {Failure of the {B}rauer--{M}anin principle for a simply connected fourfold over a global function field, via orbifold {M}ordell}, - JOURNAL = {Duke Math. J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = 171, - YEAR = 2022, - NUMBER = 17, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2022-0045}{DOI:10.1215/00127094-2022-0045}. Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.5718}{arXiv:1307.5718}}, - PAGES = {3515--3591}, - ISSN = {0012-7094}, - MRCLASS = {14J17 (14B05 14B25 14E30)}, - DOI = {10.1215/00127094-2022-0045}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2022-0045}, -} - -@article{KPSW00, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas and Sommese, Andrew J. and Wiśniewski, Jarosław A.}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J40 (14E30 14J45 32J18 32Q57)}, - Mrnumber = {2002a:14047}, - Mrreviewer = {Sándor J Kovács}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {1--15}, - Title = {Projective contact manifolds}, - Volume = 142, - Year = 2000 -} - -@incollection{KS06, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and {Solá Conde}, Luis}, - Booktitle = {Global aspects of complex geometry}, - Mrclass = {14Jxx (14Hxx)}, - Mrnumber = 2264116, - Pages = {359--416}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Title = {Existence of rational curves on algebraic varieties, minimal - rational tangents, and applications}, - Year = 2006 -} - -@Article{KS18, - author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Schnell, Christian}, - title = {Extending holomorphic forms from the regular locus of a complex space to a resolution of singularities}, - Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - year = {2021}, - OPTkey = {}, - volume = {34}, - number = {2}, - pages = {315-–368}, - month = {April}, - note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/jams/962}{DOI:10.1090/jams/962}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.03644}{arXiv:1811.03644}}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@book{KS72, - Address = {Princeton, N.J.}, - Author = {Kumpera, Antonio and Spencer, Donald}, - Mrclass = {58H05}, - Mrnumber = {52 \#1805}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Goldschmidt}, - Note = {Annals of Mathematics Studies, No. 73}, - Pages = {xv+293}, - Publisher = {Princeton University Press}, - Title = {Lie equations. {V}ol. {I}: {G}eneral theory}, - Year = 1972 -} - -@article{KSS10, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J. and Schwede, Karl and Smith, Karen E.}, - Coden = {ADMTA4}, - Doi = {10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020}, - Fjournal = {Advances in Mathematics}, - Issn = {0001-8708}, - Journal = {Adv. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14Exx}, - Mrnumber = 2646306, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020}{DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020}}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {1618--1640}, - Title = {The canonical sheaf of {D}u {B}ois singularities}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020}, - Volume = 224, - Year = 2010, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2010.01.020} -} - -@article{KST07, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan and Luis {Solá Conde} and Matei Toma}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {65--81}, - Title = {Rationally connected foliations after {Bogomolov} and {McQuillan}}, - Volume = 16, - Year = 2007 -} - -@article{KSW81, - Author = {Kalka, Morris and Shiffman, Bernard and Wong, Bun}, - Fjournal = {The Michigan Mathematical Journal}, - Issn = {0026-2285}, - Journal = {Michigan Math. J.}, - Mrclass = {32H99 (32F10)}, - Mrnumber = {83j:32029}, - Mrreviewer = {Marcus Wright}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {289--295}, - Title = {Finiteness and rigidity theorems for holomorphic mappings}, - Volume = 28, - Year = 1981 -} - -@article{KW88, - Author = {E. Kunz and R. Waldi}, - Journal = {Journ. reine und angew. Math.}, - Pages = {106--115}, - Title = {{Der Führer einer Gorensteinvarietät}}, - Volume = 388, - Year = 1988 -} - -@article{Kachi-Sato99, - Author = {Y. Kachi and E. Sato}, - Journal = {Illinois J. Math.}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {350-390}, - Title = {Polarized varieties whose points are joined by rational curves of small degrees}, - Volume = 43, - Year = 1999 -} - -@Article{Kanemitsu20, - author = {Kanemitsu, Akihiro}, - title = {}, - JOURNAL = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle's Journal]}, - year = {2020}, - OPTkey = {}, - OPTvolume = {}, - OPTnumber = {}, - OPTpages = {}, - OPTmonth = {}, - note = {Ahead of print. \href{https://doi.org/10.1515/crelle-2020-0043}{DOI:10.1515/crelle-2020-0043}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.12617}{arXiv:1912.12617}}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@article{Karras86, - Author = {Karras, Ulrich}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32C37 (32B30 32C36)}, - Mrnumber = {859337 (87k:32017)}, - Mrreviewer = {Alicia Dickenstein}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {673--682}, - Title = {Local cohomology along exceptional sets}, - Volume = 275, - Year = 1986 -} - -@article{Kaup65, - Author = {Kaup, Wilhelm}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32.32 (22.40)}, - Mrnumber = {0181761 (31 \#5988)}, - Mrreviewer = {Deane Montgomery}, - Pages = {72--92}, - Title = {Infinitesimale {T}ransformationsgruppen komplexer {R}äume}, - Volume = 160, - Year = 1965 -} - -@book{KaupKaup, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Kaup, Ludger and Kaup, Burchard}, - Isbn = {3-11-004150-2}, - Mrclass = {32-01}, - Mrnumber = {716497 (85k:32001)}, - Mrreviewer = {R. Michael Range}, - Note = {An introduction to the fundamental theory, With the assistance - of Gottfried Barthel, Translated from the German by Michael - Bridgland}, - Pages = {xv+349}, - Publisher = {Walter de Gruyter \& Co.}, - Series = {de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics}, - Title = {Holomorphic functions of several variables}, - Volume = 3, - Year = 1983 -} - -@article{Kaw82, - Author = {Y. Kawamata}, - Journal = {Math. Annalen}, - Pages = {43--46}, - Title = {{A Generalization of Kodaira-Ramanujam's Vanishing Theorem}}, - Volume = 261, - Year = 1982 -} - -@article{Kaw92, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Doi = {10.1007/BF02100604}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05 14E35)}, - Mrnumber = {1161091 (93f:14012)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jarosław A. Wiśniewski}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {229--246}, - Title = {Abundance theorem for minimal threefolds}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02100604}{DOI:10.1007/BF02100604}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02100604}, - Volume = 108, - Year = 1992, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02100604} -} - -@article {Kawa80, - AUTHOR = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - TITLE = {On {B}loch's conjecture}, - JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - VOLUME = {57}, - YEAR = {1980}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01389820}{DOI:10.1007/BF01389820}}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {97--100}, - ISSN = {0020-9910}, - MRCLASS = {32H99}, - MRNUMBER = {564186}, -MRREVIEWER = {Toshiyuki Maebashi}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF01389820}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01389820}, -} - -@article{Kawa88, - Author = {Y. Kawamata}, - Journal = {Ann.~ of Math. (2)}, - Pages = {93--163}, - Title = {Crepant blowing-up of 3-dimensional canonical singularities and its application to degeneration of surfaces}, - Volume = 127, - Year = 1988 -} - -@article{Kawamata08, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Coden = {KRMPBV}, - Doi = {10.2977/prims/1210167332}, - Fjournal = {Kyoto University. Research Institute for Mathematical - Sciences. Publications}, - Issn = {0034-5318}, - Journal = {Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05)}, - Mrnumber = {2426353 (2009d:14011)}, - Mrreviewer = {Andreas Höring}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2977/prims/1210167332}{DOI:10.2977/prims/1210167332}}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {419--423}, - Title = {Flops connect minimal models}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.2977/prims/1210167332}, - Volume = 44, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.2977/prims/1210167332} -} - -@article{Kawamata85, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Coden = {JRMAA8}, - Doi = {10.1515/crll.1985.363.1}, - Fjournal = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik}, - Issn = {0075-4102}, - Journal = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14J10 14J15)}, - Mrnumber = {814013 (87a:14013)}, - Mrreviewer = {Eckart Viehweg}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1985.363.1}{DOI:10.1515/crll.1985.363.1}}, - Pages = {1--46}, - Title = {Minimal models and the {K}odaira dimension of algebraic fiber - spaces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1985.363.1}, - Volume = 363, - Year = 1985, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1515/crll.1985.363.1} -} - -@article{Kawamata88, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Doi = {10.2307/1971417}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14B05 14E35 14J10 14J30)}, - Mrnumber = {924674 (89d:14023)}, - Mrreviewer = {I. Dolgachev}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {93--163}, - Title = {Crepant blowing-up of {$3$}-dimensional canonical - singularities and its application to degenerations of - surfaces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.2307/1971417}, - Volume = 127, - Year = 1988, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.2307/1971417} -} - -@article{Kawamata99, - Author = {Kawamata, Yujiro}, - Fjournal = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0894-0347}, - Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14B07 (14F17)}, - Mrnumber = {99g:14003}, - Mrreviewer = {Gerhard Pfister}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {85--92}, - Title = {Deformations of canonical singularities}, - Volume = 12, - Year = 1999 -} - -@misc{Keb04, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Note = {Partially based on notes of Ravi Vakil. In preparation.}, - Title = {Jets in Algebraic Geometry}, - Year = 2004 -} - -@incollection{Keb13a, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Booktitle = {Handbook of Moduli, in honour of David Mumford, Vol. II}, - Editor = {Farkas, Gavril and Morrison, Ian}, - Month = {March}, - Note = {ISBN 9781571462589. Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.4239}{arXiv:1107.4239}.}, - Pages = {71--114}, - Publisher = {International Press}, - Series = {Advanced Lectures in Mathematics}, - Title = {Differential forms on singular spaces, the minimal model - program, and hyperbolicity of moduli stacks}, - Volume = 25, - Year = 2013 -} - -@article{Kebekus00a, - Author = {S. Kebekus}, - Journal = {Nagoya Math. J.}, - Month = {March}, - Pages = {149--176}, - Title = {Relatively Minimal Quasihomogeneous Projective 3-Folds}, - Volume = 157, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{Kebekus00b, - Author = {S. Kebekus}, - Journal = {Nagoya Math. J.}, - Month = {March}, - Pages = {129--147}, - Title = {On the Classification of 3-dimensional $SL_2(\mathbb - C)$-varieties}, - Volume = 157, - Year = 2000 -} - -@inproceedings{Kebekus00c, - Address = {Saitama University, Urawa}, - Author = {S.~Kebekus}, - Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Saitama Mini-Conference for Algebraic - Geometry}, - Editor = {F.~Sakai}, - Title = {Bounds for Families of Singular Rational Curves}, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{Kebekus01, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Coden = {JRMAA8}, - Fjournal = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik}, - Issn = {0075-4102}, - Journal = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J45 (14C15 14E30 14J60 32J18)}, - Mrnumber = {2002h:14069}, - Mrreviewer = {Yuri G. Prokhorov}, - Pages = {167--177}, - Title = {Lines on contact manifolds}, - Volume = 539, - Year = 2001 -} - -@article{Kebekus02a, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14H10 14J99)}, - Mrnumber = {2003e:14011}, - Mrreviewer = {Yasuyuki Kachi}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {245--256}, - Title = {Families of singular rational curves}, - Volume = 11, - Year = 2002 -} - -@incollection{Kebekus02b, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Booktitle = {Complex geometry (Göttingen, 2000)}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-56202-0_10}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-56202-0\_10}}, - Mrclass = {14M20 (14J45)}, - Mrnumber = {2003j:14065}, - Mrreviewer = {Sándor J Kovács}, - Pages = {147--155}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Title = {Characterizing the projective space after {C}ho, {M}iyaoka and - {S}hepherd-{B}arron}, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{Kebekus02c, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Nachrichten}, - Issn = {0025-584X}, - Journal = {Math. Nachr.}, - Mrclass = {14D06 (14D20)}, - Mrnumber = {1916853 (2003f:14009)}, - Mrreviewer = {Miguel A. Barja}, - Pages = {119--131}, - Title = {Projective bundles of singular plane cubics}, - Volume = 242, - Year = 2002 -} - -@incollection{Kebekus04, - Author = {Stefan Kebekus}, - Booktitle = {Mathematisches Institut Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Seminars 2003/2004}, - Editor = {Y. Tschinkel}, - Pages = {157--166}, - Publisher = {Universitätsverlag der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen}, - Title = {Holomorphe {A}bbildungen auf {M}annigfaltigkeiten mit - nicht-negativer {K}odaira-{D}imension}, - Year = 2004 -} - -@article{Kebekus05, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Fjournal = {Compositio Mathematica}, - Issn = {0010-437X}, - Journal = {Compos. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J45 (14C05 53D10)}, - Mrnumber = {2099777 (2005i:14052)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jarosław A. Wiśniewski}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {227--252}, - Title = {Lines on complex contact manifolds. {II}}, - Volume = 141, - Year = 2005 -} - -@incollection {Kebekus20, - AUTHOR = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - TITLE = {Boundedness results for singular {F}ano varieties and applications to {C}remona groups (following {B}irkar and {P}rokhorov-{S}hramov)}, - NOTE = {Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2018/2019}, - JOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - FJOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - NUMBER = {422}, - YEAR = {2020}, - PAGES = {Exp. No. 1157, 253--290 (2020)}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.24033/ast.1129}{DOI:10.24033/ast.1129}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.04506}{arXiv:1812.04506}}, -} - -@article{Knighten, - Author = {Knighten, Carol M.}, - Fjournal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9947}, - Journal = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14F10}, - Mrnumber = {0323788 (48 \#2144)}, - Mrreviewer = {J. J. Etayo}, - Pages = {65--89}, - Title = {Differentials on quotients of algebraic varieties}, - Volume = 177, - Year = 1973 -} - -@incollection{Ko91, - Address = {Bethlehem, PA}, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Booktitle = {Surveys in differential geometry ({C}ambridge, {MA}, 1990)}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14E30 14J40)}, - Mrnumber = {1144527 (93b:14059)}, - Mrreviewer = {Bruce Hunt}, - Pages = {113--199}, - Publisher = {Lehigh Univ.}, - Title = {Flips, flops, minimal models, etc}, - Year = 1991 -} - -@article{KoMo92, - Author = {J. Kollár and S. Mori}, - Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Title = {Classification of three-dimensional flips}, - Volume = 5, - Year = 1992 -} - -@book{Kob87, - Address = {Princeton, NJ}, - Author = {Kobayashi, Shoshichi}, - Isbn = {0-691-08467-X}, - Mrclass = {53C55 (32-02 32L05 32L10 32L20)}, - Mrnumber = {909698 (89e:53100)}, - Mrreviewer = {Daniel M. Burns, Jr.}, - Note = {Kanô Memorial Lectures, 5}, - Pages = {xii+305}, - Publisher = {Iwanami Shoten and Princeton University Press}, - Series = {Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan}, - Title = {Differential geometry of complex vector bundles}, - Volume = 15, - Year = 1987 -} - -@book{KobayashiGrundlehren, - Author = {Kobayashi, Shoshichi}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5}, - Isbn = {3-540-63534-3}, - Mrclass = {32H20 (32H15 32H25 32H30)}, - Mrnumber = {1635983 (99m:32026)}, - Mrreviewer = {William A. Cherry}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5}}, - Pages = {xiv+471}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - Series = {Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental - Principles of Mathematical Sciences]}, - Title = {Hyperbolic {C}omplex {S}paces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5}, - Volume = 318, - Year = 1998, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-03582-5} -} - -@article{Kod66, - Author = {K. Kodaira}, - Journal = {Amer. Journ. Math.}, - Number = 88, - Pages = {694--699}, - Title = {On the Structure of Compact Analytic Surfaces III}, - Year = 1966 -} - -@book{Kodaira86, - Address = {New York}, - Author = {Kodaira, Kunihiko}, - Isbn = {0-387-96188-7}, - Mrclass = {32G05 (32-02)}, - Mrnumber = {815922 (87d:32040)}, - Mrreviewer = {James A. Carlson}, - Note = {Translated from the Japanese by Kazuo Akao, With an appendix - by Daisuke Fujiwara}, - Pages = {x+465}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental - Principles of Mathematical Sciences]}, - Title = {Complex manifolds and deformation of complex structures}, - Volume = 283, - Year = 1986 -} - -@unpublished{Kol11, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Month = {July}, - Note = {Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.2864}{arXiv:1107.2864}}, - Title = {New examples of terminal and log canonical singularities}, - Year = 2011 -} - -@unpublished{Kol12, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Month = {June}, - Title = {Deformations of elliptic {C}alabi--{Y}au manifolds}, - Year = 2012 -} - -@article{Kol86, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Doi = {10.2307/1971351}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14F10 14J30 14J40)}, - Mrnumber = {825838 (87c:14038)}, - Mrreviewer = {Takao Fujita}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {11--42}, - Title = {Higher direct images of dualizing sheaves. {I}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.2307/1971351}, - Volume = 123, - Year = 1986, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.2307/1971351} -} - -@article{Kol91, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Coden = {ASENAH}, - Fjournal = {Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième - Série}, - Issn = {0012-9593}, - Journal = {Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4)}, - Mrclass = {14J30 (14E30 14J10)}, - Mrnumber = {1100994 (92f:14034)}, - Mrreviewer = {Eckart Viehweg}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {339--361}, - Title = {Extremal rays on smooth threefolds}, - Volume = 24, - Year = 1991 -} - -@book{Kollar07, - Address = {Princeton, NJ}, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Isbn = {978-0-691-12923-5; 0-691-12923-1}, - Mrclass = {14E15}, - Mrnumber = 2289519, - Pages = {vi+208}, - Publisher = {Princeton University Press}, - Series = {Annals of Mathematics Studies}, - Title = {Lectures on resolution of singularities}, - Volume = 166, - Year = 2007 -} - -@incollection{Kollar87, - Address = {Amsterdam}, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry, Sendai, 1985}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14C30 14D20)}, - Mrnumber = {946244 (89i:14029)}, - Mrreviewer = {Yujiro Kawamata}, - Pages = {361--398}, - Publisher = {North-Holland}, - Series = {Adv. Stud. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Subadditivity of the {K}odaira dimension: f{i}bers of general - type}, - Volume = 10, - Year = 1987 -} - -@article{Kollar90, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Coden = {JDGEAS}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Differential Geometry}, - Issn = {0022-040X}, - Journal = {J. Differential Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14D22 (14H10 14J10)}, - Mrnumber = {1064874 (92e:14008)}, - Mrreviewer = {Autorreferat}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {235--268}, - Title = {Projectivity of complete moduli}, - Volume = 32, - Year = 1990 -} - -@article{Kollar93, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Doi = {10.1007/BF01244307}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14E20 (14E30 14J10)}, - Mrnumber = {1223229 (94m:14018)}, - Mrreviewer = {Alessio Corti}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01244307}{DOI:10.1007/BF01244307}}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {177--215}, - Title = {Shafarevich maps and plurigenera of algebraic varieties}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01244307}, - Volume = 113, - Year = 1993, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01244307} -} - -@misc{KollarGroupsActingOnSchemes, - Author = {Kollár, J.}, - Note = {Undated, unfinished manuscript. Available on the author's website at \href{http://www.math.princeton.edu/~kollar/}{www.math.princeton.edu/$\sim$kollar}}, - Title = {Algebraic groups acting on schemes} -} - -@incollection{KollarSingsOfPairs, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry---{S}anta {C}ruz 1995}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E15 32S40)}, - Mrnumber = {1492525 (99m:14033)}, - Mrreviewer = {Alessio Corti}, - Pages = {221--287}, - Publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Series = {Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Singularities of pairs}, - Volume = 62, - Year = 1997 -} - -@misc{Kovacs-Schwede09, - Author = {Sándor J Kovács and Karl Schwede}, - Mrnumber = {\href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0909.0993v1}{arXiv:0909.0993v1}}, - Note = {preprint}, - Title = {Hodge theory meets the minimal model program: a survey of log canonical and {{D}u~{B}ois} singularities}, - Year = 2009 -} - -@article{Kovacs00a, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14D22 (14J10)}, - Mrnumber = {1713524 (2000i:14017)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jean-Marc Drezet}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {165--174}, - Title = {Algebraic hyperbolicity of f{i}ne moduli spaces}, - Volume = 9, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{Kovacs00b, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {DUMJAO}, - Fjournal = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - Issn = {0012-7094}, - Journal = {Duke Math. J.}, - Mrclass = {14B05 (14E15 14E30)}, - Mrnumber = {1749436 (2002b:14005)}, - Mrreviewer = {Tohsuke Urabe}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {187--191}, - Title = {A characterization of rational singularities}, - Volume = 102, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{Kovacs00c, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {CMPMAF}, - Fjournal = {Compositio Mathematica}, - Issn = {0010-437X}, - Journal = {Compositio Math.}, - Mrclass = {14F17 (14B05)}, - Mrnumber = {1761628 (2001m:14028)}, - Mrreviewer = {Gerhard Pfister}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {297--304}, - Title = {Rational, log canonical, {D}u {B}ois - singularities. {II}. {K}odaira vanishing and small - deformations}, - Volume = 121, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{Kovacs02, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {CMPMAF}, - Fjournal = {Compositio Mathematica}, - Issn = {0010-437X}, - Journal = {Compositio Math.}, - Mrclass = {14F17 (14J10)}, - Mrnumber = {2003a:14025}, - Mrreviewer = {Scott R. Nollet}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {291--317}, - Title = {Logarithmic vanishing theorems and {A}rakelov-{P}arshin boundedness for singular varieties}, - Volume = 131, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{Kovacs03a, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {PAMYAR}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9939}, - Journal = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14F17)}, - Mrnumber = {1990623 (2004f:14047)}, - Mrreviewer = {Hiroyuki Terakawa}, - Number = 11, - Pages = {3353--3364 (electronic)}, - Title = {Vanishing theorems, boundedness and hyperbolicity over - higher-dimensional bases}, - Volume = 131, - Year = 2003 -} - -@article{Kovacs03b, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {COALDM}, - Fjournal = {Communications in Algebra}, - Issn = {0092-7872}, - Journal = {Comm. Algebra}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14D20)}, - Mrnumber = {2007392 (2004h:14038)}, - Mrreviewer = {Arvid Siqveland}, - Note = {Special issue in honor of Steven L. Kleiman}, - Number = 8, - Pages = {3983--3991}, - Title = {Viehweg's conjecture for families over {$\Bbb P\sp n$}}, - Volume = 31, - Year = 2003 -} - -@incollection{Kovacs03c, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Booktitle = {Higher dimensional varieties and rational points (Budapest, - 2001)}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14H10)}, - Mrnumber = {2011746 (2004j:14041)}, - Mrreviewer = {Valmecir A. Bayer}, - Pages = {133--167}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Bolyai Soc. Math. Stud.}, - Title = {Families of varieties of general type: the {S}hafarevich - conjecture and related problems}, - Volume = 12, - Year = 2003 -} - -@incollection{Kovacs06a, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Booktitle = {Proceedings of the AMS Summer Research Institute held at the - University of Washington, Seattle, WA, July 25--August 12, - 2005}, - Mrclass = {14-06}, - Note = {to appear}, - Publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, - Series = {Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics}, - Title = {Subvarieties of moduli stacks of canonically polarized - varieties}, - Year = 2006 -} - -@article{Kovacs96, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14J15)}, - Mrnumber = {1374712 (97c:14035)}, - Mrreviewer = {Marco Andreatta}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {369--385}, - Title = {Smooth families over rational and elliptic curves}, - Volume = 5, - Year = 1996 -} - -@article{Kovacs96e, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14J15)}, - Mrnumber = {1374712 (97c:14035)}, - Mrreviewer = {Marco Andreatta}, - Note = {Erratum: {J}.\ {A}lgebraic {G}eom.\ {\bf 6} (1997), no.\ 2, - 391}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {369--385}, - Title = {Smooth families over rational and elliptic curves}, - Volume = 5, - Year = 1996 -} - -@article{Kovacs97a, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {JRMAA8}, - Fjournal = {Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik}, - Issn = {0075-4102}, - Journal = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14J29)}, - Mrnumber = {1454264 (98h:14038)}, - Mrreviewer = {Caryn Werner}, - Pages = {171--177}, - Title = {On the minimal number of singular f{i}bres in a family of - surfaces of general type}, - Volume = 487, - Year = 1997 -} - -@incollection{Kovacs97b, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Booktitle = {Birational algebraic geometry (Baltimore, MD, 1996)}, - Mrclass = {14F40 (14D07 14F05)}, - Mrnumber = {1462927 (98f:14014)}, - Mrreviewer = {I. Dolgachev}, - Pages = {89--100}, - Publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Series = {Contemp. Math.}, - Title = {Relative de {R}ham complex for non-smooth morphisms}, - Volume = 207, - Year = 1997 -} - -@article{Kovacs97c, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14D99)}, - Mrnumber = {1464907 (98h:14039)}, - Mrreviewer = {Yoshiaki Fukuma}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {347--359}, - Title = {Families over a base with a birationally nef tangent bundle}, - Volume = 308, - Year = 1997 -} - -@article{Kovacs99, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Coden = {CMPMAF}, - Doi = {10.1023/A:1001120909269}, - Fjournal = {Compositio Mathematica}, - Issn = {0010-437X}, - Journal = {Compositio Math.}, - Mrclass = {14F17 (14B05 14C30)}, - Mrnumber = {1713307 (2001g:14022)}, - Mrreviewer = {Alessio Corti}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {123--133}, - Title = {Rational, log canonical, {D}u {B}ois singularities: on the - conjectures of {K}ollár and {S}teenbrink}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1001120909269}, - Volume = 118, - Year = 1999, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1001120909269} -} - -@book{Kr84, - Address = {Braunschweig}, - Author = {Kraft, Hanspeter}, - Isbn = {3-528-08525-8}, - Mrclass = {14D25 (14L30)}, - Mrnumber = {768181 (86j:14006)}, - Mrreviewer = {J. 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Notes}, - Title = {A minicourse on moduli of curves}, - Volume = 1, - Year = 2000 -} - -@article{L02, - Author = {Looijenga, Eduard}, - Fjournal = {Astérisque}, - Issn = {0303-1179}, - Journal = {Astérisque}, - Mrclass = {14D10 (11S40 14A20 14G99)}, - Mrnumber = {1886763 (2003k:14010)}, - Mrreviewer = {Dan Abramovich}, - Note = {Séminaire Bourbaki, Vol.\ 1999/2000}, - Number = 276, - Pages = {267--297}, - Title = {Motivic measures}, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{LBS94, - Author = {LeBrun, Claude and Salomon, Simon}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {109-132}, - Title = {Strong rigidity of positive quaternion-Kaler manifolds}, - Volume = 118, - Year = 1994 -} - -@misc{LR96, - Author = {N. Lauritzen and A. Rao}, - Note = {LANL-Preprint math.AG/9604012}, - Title = {Elementary counterexamples to Kodaira vanishing in prime characteristic} -} - -@article {LT18, - AUTHOR = {Lu, Steven and Taji, Behrouz}, - TITLE = {A characterization of finite quotients of abelian varieties}, - JOURNAL = {Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN}, - FJOURNAL = {International Mathematics Research Notices. IMRN}, - YEAR = {2018}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnw251}{DOI:10.1093/imrn/rnw251}. Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.0063}{arXiv:1410.0063}}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {292--319}, - ISSN = {1073-7928}, - MRCLASS = {14K20 (14B05 14F05 14J17)}, - MRNUMBER = {3801432}, -MRREVIEWER = {Fumio Hazama}, - DOI = {10.1093/imrn/rnw251}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnw251}, -} - -@article{LV, - Author = {D. Luna and T. Vust}, - Journal = {Comment Math. Helv.}, - Pages = {186--245}, - Title = {Plongements d'espaces {homogènes}}, - Volume = 58, - Year = 1983 -} - -@Unpublished{LWY20, - author = {Liu, Jie and Ou, Wenhao and Yang, Xiaokui}, - title = {Projective manifolds whose tangent bundle contains a strictly nef subsheaf}, - note = {Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.08507}{arXiv:2004.08507}}, - OPTkey = {}, - month = {April}, - year = {2020}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@article{Lai11, - Author = {Lai, Ching-Jui}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Doi = {10.1007/s00208-010-0574-7}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {14E30}, - Mrnumber = {2805635 (2012e:14032)}, - Mrreviewer = {Daniel Greb}, - Number = 3, - note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-010-0574-7}{DOI:10.1007/s00208-010-0574-7}. 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Mehta}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.4007/annals.2004.159.251}{DOI:10.4007/annals.2004.159.251}}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {251--276}, - Title = {Semistable sheaves in positive characteristic}, - Volume = 159, - Year = 2004 -} - -@article{Langer04b, - Author = {Langer, Adrian}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14F05 (14D20 14J60)}, - Mrnumber = 2144978, - Number = 3, - Pages = {1211--1213}, - Title = {Addendum to: ``{S}emistable sheaves in positive - characteristic'' [{A}nn. of {M}ath. (2) {\bf 159} (2004), - no. 1, 251--276; MR 2051393]}, - Volume = 160, - Year = 2004 -} - -@article{Langer2003, - Author = {Langer, Adrian}, - Coden = {PLMTAL}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series}, - Issn = {0024-6115}, - Journal = {Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)}, - Mrclass = {14J17 (14C20 14J29 14J60)}, - Mrnumber = {1971155 (2004c:14069)}, - Mrreviewer = {Gábor Megyesi}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {358--396}, - Title = {Logarithmic orbifold {E}uler numbers of surfaces with applications}, - Volume = 86, - Year = 2003 -} - -@article{Laufer73, - Author = {Laufer, Henry B.}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32C40}, - Mrnumber = {0333238 (48 \#11563)}, - Mrreviewer = {J. Stutz}, - Pages = {131--164}, - Title = {Taut two-dimensional singularities}, - Volume = 205, - Year = 1973 -} - -@book {Laz04-I, - AUTHOR = {Lazarsfeld, Robert}, - TITLE = {Positivity in algebraic geometry. {I}. Classical setting: line - bundles and linear series}, - SERIES = {Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge.}, - VOLUME = 48, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18808-4}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-18808-4}}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - YEAR = 2004, - PAGES = {xviii+387}, - ISBN = {3-540-22533-1}, - MRCLASS = {14-02 (14C20)}, - MRNUMBER = 2095471, - MRREVIEWER = {Mihnea Popa}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-18808-4}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18808-4}, -} - -@book {Laz04-II, - AUTHOR = {Lazarsfeld, Robert}, - TITLE = {Positivity in algebraic geometry. {II}}, - SERIES = {Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge. A - Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics [Results in - Mathematics and Related Areas. 3rd Series. A Series of Modern - Surveys in Mathematics]}, - VOLUME = 49, - NOTE = {Positivity for vector bundles, and multiplier - ideals. \href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18808-4}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-18808-4}}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - YEAR = 2004, - PAGES = {xviii+385}, - ISBN = {3-540-22534-X}, - MRCLASS = {14-02 (14C20 14F05 14F17)}, - MRNUMBER = 2095472, - MRREVIEWER = {Mihnea Popa}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-18808-4}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18808-4}, -} - -@article{Laz80, - Author = {Lazarsfeld, Robert}, - Coden = {MAANA3}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {14E22 (14F25)}, - Mrnumber = {578722 (81g:14007)}, - Mrreviewer = {Norman Goldstein}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {153--162}, - Title = {A {B}arth-type theorem for branched coverings of projective - space}, - Volume = 249, - Year = 1980 -} - -@incollection{Laz84, - Author = {R. Lazarsfeld}, - Booktitle = {{Complete Intersections}}, - Editor = {S. Greco and R. Strano}, - Pages = {29--61}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Lecture Notes in Math.}, - Title = {{Some applications to the theory of positive vector bundles, - Proceedings Acireale}}, - Volume = 1092, - Year = 1984 -} - -@inproceedings{Laz93, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {R. Lazarsfeld}, - Booktitle = {Complex algebraic geometry. Lectures of a summer program}, - Editor = {J. Kollar}, - Number = 3, - Organization = {American Mathematical Society}, - Pages = {163--219}, - Series = {IAS/Park City Math. Ser.}, - Title = {{Lectures on linear series. With the assistance of Guillermo - Fernandez del Busto.}}, - Year = 1997 -} - -@article{Leb95, - Author = {LeBrun, Claude}, - Journal = {Int. Journ. of Maths.}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {419--437}, - Title = {Fano Manifolds, Contact Structures and Quaternionic Geometry}, - Volume = 6, - Year = 1995 -} - -@inproceedings{Leb97, - Address = {Santa Cruz}, - Author = {LeBrun, Claude}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic Geometry}, - Editor = {J.~Kollár et al}, - Pages = {361--385}, - Publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, - Series = {Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics}, - Title = {Twistors for tourists: A pocket guide for algebraic geometers}, - Volume = {62(2)}, - Year = 1995 -} - -@book{Lesc, - Address = {Boston}, - Author = {F. Lescure}, - Publisher = {Gaulthier-Villars}, - Series = {Bulletin del la societe mathematique de france}, - Title = {Compactifications Équivariantes par des Courbes}, - Volume = 26, - Year = 1987 -} - -@incollection{Lib78, - Author = {David Lieberman}, - Booktitle = {Fonctions de Plusieurs Variables Complexes III}, - Editor = {Francois Norguet}, - Number = 670, - Pages = {140--186}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Lecture Note in Mathematics}, - Title = {Compactness of the {C}how scheme: Applications to - Automorphisms and Deformations of Kähler Manifolds}, - Year = 1978 -} - -@article{LiedtkeFundamentalGroups, - Author = {Liedtke, Christian}, - Coden = {TAMTAM}, - Doi = {10.1090/S0002-9947-09-04941-1}, - Fjournal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9947}, - Journal = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14E20 (14J29)}, - Mrnumber = {2574891 (2011e:14029)}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {2167--2188}, - Title = {Fundamental groups of {G}alois closures of generic - projections}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-09-04941-1}, - Volume = 362, - Year = 2010, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-09-04941-1} -} - -@mastersthesis{Lohmann08, - Author = {Lohmann, Daniel}, - Note = {URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-27137, URL: - \href{http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/volltexte/2009/2713}{http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/volltexte/2009/2713}}, - School = {University of Cologne}, - Title = {Deformationen entlang integrabler {U}ntergarben des - {T}angentialbündels}, - Type = {Diploma thesis}, - Year = 2008 -} - -@article{Lojasiewicz64, - Author = {Lojasiewicz, S.}, - Journal = {Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa (3)}, - Mrclass = {32.25}, - Mrnumber = {0173265 (30 \#3478)}, - Mrreviewer = {S. S. Cairns}, - Pages = {449--474}, - Title = {Triangulation of semi-analytic sets}, - Volume = 18, - Year = 1964 -} - -@misc{Lu02, - Author = {Lu, Steven S.Y.}, - Month = {November}, - Note = {Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0211029v3}{arXiv:0211029v3}}, - Title = {A refined {K}odaira dimension and its canonical fibration}, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{Luetkebohmert, - Author = {Lütkebohmert, W.}, - Coden = {MSMHB2}, - Doi = {10.1007/BF03026540}, - Fjournal = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, - Issn = {0025-2611}, - Journal = {Manuscripta Math.}, - Mrclass = {14A15 (14N05)}, - Mrnumber = {1226600 (94h:14004)}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {95--111}, - Title = {On compactification of schemes}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03026540}, - Volume = 80, - Year = 1993, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03026540} -} - -@article{M01, - Author = {Mustaţă, Mircea}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14B05 (14M10 17B99)}, - Mrnumber = {1856396 (2002f:14005)}, - Mrreviewer = {Eugenii Shustin}, - Note = {With an appendix by David Eisenbud and Edward Frenkel}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {397--424}, - Title = {Jet schemes of locally complete intersection canonical - singularities}, - Volume = 145, - Year = 2001 -} - -@article{M02, - Author = {Mustaţă, Mircea}, - Fjournal = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0894-0347}, - Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14B05 (14B10 14E30)}, - Mrnumber = {1896234 (2003b:14005)}, - Mrreviewer = {Shihoko Ishii}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {599--615 (electronic)}, - Title = {Singularities of pairs via jet schemes}, - Volume = 15, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{M03, - Author = {Ein, Lawrence and Mustaţă, Mircea and Yasuda, Takehiko}, - Coden = {INVMBH}, - Fjournal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - Issn = {0020-9910}, - Journal = {Invent. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14E05 14E15 14N30)}, - Mrnumber = {2000468 (2004f:14028)}, - Mrreviewer = {Shihoko Ishii}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {519--535}, - Title = {Jet schemes, log discrepancies and inversion of adjunction}, - Volume = 153, - Year = 2003 -} - -@book{M86, - Author = {H. Matsumura}, - Publisher = {Cambridge Univ. Press}, - Title = {Commutative ring theory}, - Year = 1986 -} - -@phdthesis{MJ87, - Annote = {Kebekus: This paper contains a combinatiorial classification - of the (equivariant) compactifications of $SL_2/\Gamma$, where - $\Gamma$ is a discrete subgroup. It is said to be similar to - the combinatorics of torus embeddings --just more - complicated. I never read it.}, - Author = {L. Moser-Jauslin}, - Note = {Thèse No. 2259}, - School = {Université de Genève}, - Title = {Normal Embeddings of $SL_2/\Gamma$}, - Year = 1987 -} - -@article{MJ90, - Author = {L. Moser-Jauslin}, - Journal = {J. Algebra}, - Number = 132, - Pages = {384-405}, - Title = {{Smooth Embeddings of $SL(2)$ and $PGL(2)$}}, - Volume = 2, - Year = 1990 -} - -@article{MM86, - Author = {Miyaoka, Yoichi and Mori, Shigefumi}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14J40}, - Mrnumber = {847952 (87k:14046)}, - Mrreviewer = {C. A. M. Peters}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {65--69}, - Title = {A numerical criterion for uniruledness}, - Volume = 124, - Year = 1986 -} - -@article{MN63, - Author = {Y. Morimoto and T. Nagano}, - Journal = {J. Math. Soc. Japan}, - Pages = {289--300}, - Title = {On pseudo-conformal tZisformation of hypersurfaces}, - Volume = 15, - Year = 1963 -} - -@book{MP97, - Address = {Basel}, - Author = {Miyaoka, Yoichi and Peternell, Thomas}, - Isbn = {3-7643-5490-9}, - Mrclass = {14-02 (14Hxx 14Jxx)}, - Mrnumber = {1468476 (98g:14001)}, - Mrreviewer = {Mark Gross}, - Pages = {vi+217}, - Publisher = {Birkhäuser Verlag}, - Series = {DMV Seminar}, - Title = {Geometry of higher-dimensional algebraic varieties}, - Volume = 26, - Year = 1997 -} - -@article{MR0033093, - Author = {Chow, Wei-Liang}, - Fjournal = {American Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {0002-9327}, - Journal = {Amer. J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0033093 (11,389f)}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Cartan}, - Pages = {893--914}, - Title = {On compact complex analytic varieties}, - Volume = 71, - Year = 1949 -} - -@book{MR0039258, - Address = {Princeton, N. J.}, - Author = {Steenrod, Norman}, - Mrclass = {56.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0039258 (12,522b)}, - Mrreviewer = {S. Chern}, - Pages = {viii+224}, - Publisher = {Princeton University Press}, - Series = {Princeton Mathematical Series, vol. 14}, - Title = {The {T}opology of {F}ibre {B}undles}, - Year = 1951 -} - -@article {MR0057539, - AUTHOR = {Calabi, Eugenio and Eckmann, Beno}, - TITLE = {A class of compact, complex manifolds which are not algebraic}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - VOLUME = 58, - YEAR = 1953, - PAGES = {494--500}, - ISSN = {0003-486X}, - MRCLASS = {56.0X}, - MRNUMBER = 0057539, - MRREVIEWER = {S. Chern}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2307/1969750}{DOI:10.2307/1969750}}, -} - -@article{MR0063120, - Author = {Kodaira, K.}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United - States of America}, - Issn = {0027-8424}, - Journal = {Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.}, - Mrclass = {53.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0063120 (16,74b)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Dolbeault}, - Pages = {865--868}, - Title = {On cohomology groups of compact analytic varieties with - coefficients in some analytic faisceaux}, - Volume = 39, - Year = 1953 -} - -@article{MR0066010, - Author = {Cartan, Henri and Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - Journal = {C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris}, - Mrclass = {53.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0066010 (16,517e)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. E. Conner}, - Pages = {128--130}, - Title = {Un théorème de finitude concernant les variétés analytiques - compactes}, - Volume = 237, - Year = 1953 -} - -@article {MR0068872, - AUTHOR = {Baily, Walter L.}, - TITLE = {On the quotient of an analytic manifold by a group of analytic - homeomorphisms}, - JOURNAL = {Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.}, - FJOURNAL = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United - States of America}, - VOLUME = 40, - YEAR = 1954, - PAGES = {804--808}, - ISSN = {0027-8424}, - MRCLASS = {14.0X}, - MRNUMBER = {0068872 (16,953a)}, - MRREVIEWER = {P. Dolbeault}, -} - -@article{MR0068874, - Author = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0068874 (16,953c)}, - Mrreviewer = {C. Chevalley}, - Pages = {197--278}, - Title = {Faisceaux algébriques cohérents}, - Volume = 61, - Year = 1955 -} - -@article{MR0083045, - Author = {Stein, Karl}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {30.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0083045 (18,649c)}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Behnke}, - Pages = {63--93}, - Title = {Analytische {Z}erlegungen komplexer {R}äume}, - Volume = 132, - Year = 1956 -} - -@incollection{MR0084174, - Author = {Cartan, Henri}, - Title = {Quotient d'un espace analytique par un groupe d'automorphismes}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry and topology}, - Mrclass = {14.0X}, - Mrnumber = {0084174 (18,823b)}, - Mrreviewer = {W. L. Baily}, - Note = {A symposium in honor of S. Lefschetz, \href{https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400879915-007}{DOI:10.1515/9781400879915-007},}, - Pages = {90--102}, - Publisher = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J.}, - Year = {1957} -} - -@article{MR0095846, - Author = {Zariski, Oscar}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United - States of America}, - Issn = {0027-8424}, - Journal = {Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.}, - Mrclass = {14.00 (13.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0095846 (20 \#2344)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Abellanas}, - Pages = {791--796}, - Title = {On the purity of the branch locus of algebraic functions}, - Volume = 44, - Year = 1958 -} - -@article{MR0099450, - Author = {Cartan, Henri}, - Fjournal = {Journal d'Analyse Mathématique}, - Issn = {0021-7670}, - Journal = {J. Analyse Math.}, - Mrclass = {32.00}, - Mrnumber = {0099450 (20 \#5889)}, - Mrreviewer = {M. J. O. Strutt}, - Pages = {169--175}, - Title = {Fonctions automorphes et séries de {P}oincaré}, - Volume = 6, - Year = 1958 -} - -@article {MR0102537, - AUTHOR = {Grothendieck, Alexandre}, - TITLE = {Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique}, - JOURNAL = {Tôhoku Math. J. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {The Tohoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series}, - VOLUME = 9, - YEAR = 1957, - PAGES = {119--221}, - ISSN = {0040-8735}, - MRCLASS = {18.00}, - MRNUMBER = 0102537, -MRREVIEWER = {D. Buchsbaum}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2748/tmj/1178244839}{DOI:10.2748/tmj/1178244839}}, - DOI = {10.2748/tmj/1178244839}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2748/tmj/1178244839}, -} - -@article{MR0103285, - Author = {Grauert, Hans and Remmert, Reinhold}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32.00}, - Mrnumber = {0103285 (21 \#2063)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Lelong}, - Pages = {245--318}, - Title = {Komplexe {R}äume}, - Volume = 136, - Year = 1958 -} - -@article{MR0106930, - Author = {Nagata, Masayoshi}, - Fjournal = {Illinois Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {0019-2082}, - Journal = {Illinois J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {16.00 (14.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0106930 (21 \#5660)}, - Mrreviewer = {M. Auslander}, - Pages = {328--333}, - Title = {On the purity of branch loci in regular local rings}, - Volume = 3, - Year = 1959 -} - -@article {MR0111058, - AUTHOR = {Calabi, Eugenio and Vesentini, Edoardo}, - TITLE = {On compact, locally symmetric {K}ähler manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - VOLUME = 71, - YEAR = 1960, - PAGES = {472--507}, - ISSN = {0003-486X}, - MRCLASS = {57.00}, - MRNUMBER = 0111058, - MRREVIEWER = {L. Auslander}, -} - -@article{MR0148941, - Author = {Scheja, Günter}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32.27}, - Mrnumber = {0148941 (26 \#6437)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Lelong}, - Pages = {345--360}, - Title = {Riemannsche {H}ebbarkeitssätze für {C}ohomologieklassen}, - Volume = 144, - Year = 1961 -} - -@article{MR0150789, - Author = {Holmann, Harald}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {32.47 (22.70)}, - Mrnumber = {0150789 (27 \#776)}, - Mrreviewer = {S. Hitotumatu}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01470762}{DOI:10.1007/BF01470762}}, - Pages = {327--360}, - Title = {Komplexe {R}äume mit komplexen {T}ransformationsgruppen}, - Volume = 150, - Year = 1963 -} - -@article{MR0153682, - Author = {Mumford, David}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.18 (14.55)}, - Mrnumber = {0153682 (27 \#3643)}, - Mrreviewer = {T. Matsusaka}, - Number = 9, - Pages = {5--22}, - Title = {The topology of normal singularities of an algebraic surface - and a criterion for simplicity}, - Year = 1961 -} - -@article {MR0154929, - AUTHOR = {Solomon, Louis}, - TITLE = {Invariants of finite reflection groups}, - JOURNAL = {Nagoya Math. J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Nagoya Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = 22, - YEAR = 1963, - PAGES = {57--64}, - ISSN = {0027-7630}, - MRCLASS = {20.75 (14.08)}, - MRNUMBER = {0154929 (27 \#4872)}, - MRREVIEWER = {R. Steinberg}, -} - -@article {MR0157971, - AUTHOR = {Manin, Juri I.}, - TITLE = {Rational points on algebraic curves over function fields}, - JOURNAL = {Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.}, - FJOURNAL = {Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya}, - VOLUME = 27, - YEAR = 1963, - PAGES = {1395--1440}, - ISSN = {0373-2436}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1142/9789812830517_0002}{DOI:10.1142/9789812830517\_0002}}, - MRCLASS = {14.40 (10.10)}, - MRNUMBER = 0157971, - MRREVIEWER = {S. Lang}, -} - -@article {MR0158415, - AUTHOR = {Vinberg, Ernest B. and Gindikin, Simon G. and - Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya I.}, - TITLE = {Classification and canonical realization of complex - homogeneous bounded domains}, - JOURNAL = {Trudy Moskov. Mat. Ob\v s\v c.}, - FJOURNAL = {Trudy Moskovskogo Matemati\v ceskogo Ob\v s\v cestva}, - VOLUME = 12, - YEAR = 1963, - PAGES = {359--388}, - ISSN = {0134-8663}, - MRCLASS = {22.70 (32.32)}, - MRNUMBER = 0158415, - MRREVIEWER = {A. Korányi}, -} - -@article{MR0186672, - Author = {Lipman, Joseph}, - Fjournal = {American Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {0002-9327}, - Journal = {Amer. J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.52}, - Mrnumber = {0186672 (32 \#4130)}, - Mrreviewer = {M. Nagata}, - Pages = {874--898}, - Title = {Free derivation modules on algebraic varieties}, - Volume = 87, - Year = 1965 -} - -@article{MR0190143, - Author = {{\v{S}}afarevi{\v{c}}, I. R. and Averbuh, B. G. and - Va{\u\i}nberg, Ju. R. and {\v{Z}}i{\v{z}}{\v{c}}enko, - A. B. and Manin, Ju. I. and Mo{\u\i}{\v{s}}ezon, B. G. and - Tjurina, G. N. and Tjurin, A. N.}, - Fjournal = {Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta imeni - V. A. Steklova}, - Issn = {0371-9685}, - Journal = {Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov.}, - Mrclass = {14.20}, - Mrnumber = {0190143 (32 \#7557)}, - Mrreviewer = {E. C. Dade}, - Pages = {1--215}, - Title = {Algebraic surfaces}, - Volume = 75, - Year = 1965 -} - -@article{MR0199191, - Author = {Artin, Michael}, - Fjournal = {American Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {0002-9327}, - Journal = {Amer. J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.18 (14.20)}, - Mrnumber = {0199191 (33 \#7340)}, - Mrreviewer = {P. Du Val}, - Pages = {129--136}, - Title = {On isolated rational singularities of surfaces}, - Volume = 88, - Year = 1966 -} - -@book{MR0202713, - Author = {Hirzebruch, Friedrich}, - Mrclass = {14.00 (32.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0202713 (34 \#2573)}, - Mrreviewer = {M. F. Atiyah}, - Pages = {x+232}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York}, - Series = {Third enlarged edition. New appendix and translation from the - second German edition by R. L. E. Schwarzenberger, with an - additional section by A. Borel. Die Grundlehren der - Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 131}, - Title = {Topological methods in algebraic geometry}, - Year = 1966 -} - -@article {MR0204430, - AUTHOR = {Samuel, Pierre}, - TITLE = {Compléments à un article de {H}ans {G}rauert sur la conjecture - de {M}ordell}, - JOURNAL = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - NOTE = - {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1966__29__55_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1966-29-55-0}}, - NUMBER = 29, - YEAR = 1966, - PAGES = {55--62}, - ISSN = {0073-8301}, - MRCLASS = {14.49 (14.40)}, - MRNUMBER = 0204430, - MRREVIEWER = {J. V. Armitage}, - URL = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1966__29__55_0}, -} - -@article{MR0210944, - Author = {Prill, David}, - Fjournal = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - Issn = {0012-7094}, - Journal = {Duke Math. J.}, - Mrclass = {32.65 (10.23)}, - Mrnumber = {0210944 (35 \#1829)}, - Mrreviewer = {E. Brieskorn}, - Pages = {375--386}, - Title = {Local classification of quotients of complex manifolds by - discontinuous groups}, - Volume = 34, - Year = 1967 -} - -@article {MR0212214, - AUTHOR = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - TITLE = {Prolongement de faisceaux analytiques cohérents}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - FJOURNAL = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - VOLUME = 16, - YEAR = 1966, - NUMBER = {fasc. 1}, - PAGES = {363--374}, - ISSN = {0373-0956}, - MRCLASS = {32.50 (32.27)}, - MRNUMBER = 0212214, - MRREVIEWER = {B. Shiffman}, - URL = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=AIF_1966__16_1_363_0}, -} - -@article {MR0222087, - AUTHOR = {Grauert, Hans}, - TITLE = {Mordells {V}ermutung über rationale {P}unkte auf algebraischen - {K}urven und {F}unktionenkörper}, - JOURNAL = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. 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Miwa}, -} - -@article {MR0223368, - AUTHOR = {Shimura, Goro}, - TITLE = {Algebraic varieties without deformation and the {C}how - variety}, - JOURNAL = {J. Math. Soc. Japan}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan}, - VOLUME = 20, - YEAR = 1968, - PAGES = {336--341}, - ISSN = {0025-5645}, - MRCLASS = {14.20}, - MRNUMBER = 0223368, - MRREVIEWER = {S. Lubkin}, -} - -@book{MR0242802, - Author = {Atiyah, Michael F. and Macdonald, Ian G.}, - Mrclass = {13.00}, - Mrnumber = {0242802 (39 \#4129)}, - Mrreviewer = {J. A. Johnson}, - Pages = {ix+128}, - Publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass.-London-Don - Mills, Ont.}, - Title = {Introduction to commutative algebra}, - Year = 1969 -} - -@article{MR0245837, - Author = {Siu, Yum-tong}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {32.50}, - Mrnumber = {0245837 (39 \#7143)}, - Mrreviewer = {G. Trautmann}, - Pages = {108--143}, - Title = {Extending coherent analytic sheaves}, - Volume = 90, - Year = 1969 -} - -@book {MR0252690, - AUTHOR = {Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya I.}, - TITLE = {Automorphic functions and the geometry of classical domains}, - SERIES = {Translated from the Russian. Mathematics and Its Applications, - Vol. 8 }, - PUBLISHER = {Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York-London-Paris}, - YEAR = 1969, - PAGES = {viii+264}, - MRCLASS = {32.65}, - MRNUMBER = 0252690, -} - -@article{MR0257070, - Author = {Storch, Uwe}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {13.95 (32.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0257070 (41 \#1724)}, - Mrreviewer = {E. Brieskorn}, - Pages = {93--104}, - Title = {{ü}ber die {D}ivisorenklassengruppen normaler - komplexanalytischer {A}lgebren}, - Volume = 183, - Year = 1969 -} - -@book {MR0260758, - AUTHOR = {Raynaud, Michel}, - TITLE = {Faisceaux amples sur les schémas en groupes et les espaces homogènes}, - SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 119}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York}, - YEAR = {1970}, - PAGES = {ii+218}, - MRCLASS = {14.55}, - MRNUMBER = {0260758}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0059504}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0059504}}, -MRREVIEWER = {D. Gieseker}, -} - -@incollection {MR0261635, - AUTHOR = {Baum, Paul F. and Bott, Raoul}, - TITLE = {On the zeros of meromorphic vector-fields}, - BOOKTITLE = {Essays on {T}opology and {R}elated {T}opics ({M}émoires dédiés à {G}eorges de {R}ham)}, - PAGES = {29--47}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, New York}, - YEAR = {1970}, - MRCLASS = {57.60 (32.00)}, - MRNUMBER = {0261635}, -MRREVIEWER = {H. Suzuki}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-49197-9_4}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-49197-9\_4}}, -} - -@article{MR0262386, - Author = {Grothendieck, Alexander}, - Fjournal = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, - Issn = {0025-2611}, - Journal = {Manuscripta Math.}, - Mrclass = {20.80 (14.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0262386 (41 \#6994)}, - Mrreviewer = {F. Oort}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01719593}{DOI:10.1007/BF01719593}}, - Pages = {375--396}, - Title = {Représentations linéaires et compactification profinie des - groupes discrets}, - Volume = 2, - Year = 1970 -} - -@book{MR0278248, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Lascoux, Alain and Berger, Marcel}, - Mrclass = {53.80 (14.00)}, - Mrnumber = {0278248 (43 \#3979)}, - Mrreviewer = {T. Ochiai}, - Pages = {vii+83}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 154}, - Title = {Variétés {K}ähleriennes compactes}, - Year = 1970 -} - -@article {MR0279338, - AUTHOR = {Ramis, Jean-Pierre and Ruget, Gabriel}, - TITLE = {Complexe dualisant et théorèmes de dualité en géométrie - analytique complexe}, - JOURNAL = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - NUMBER = 38, - Note = - {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1970__38__77_0}{numdam.PMIHES-1970-38-77-0}}, - YEAR = 1970, - PAGES = {77--91}, - ISSN = {0073-8301}, - MRCLASS = {32.50}, - MRNUMBER = 0279338, - MRREVIEWER = {Y.-T. Siu}, - URL = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1970__38__77_0}, -} - -@book{MR0287033, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Siu, Yum-Tong and Trautmann, Günther}, - Mrclass = {32.50}, - Mrnumber = {0287033 (44 \#4240)}, - Mrreviewer = {W. Thimm}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0060577}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0060577}}, - Pages = {v+172}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 172}, - Title = {Gap-sheaves and extension of coherent analytic subsheaves}, - Year = 1971 -} - -@article{MR0306172, - Author = {Scheja, Günter and Storch, Uwe}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {13B10}, - Mrnumber = {0306172 (46 \#5299)}, - Mrreviewer = {Joseph Lipman}, - Pages = {137--170}, - Title = {Differentielle {E}igenschaften der {L}okalisierungen - analytischer {A}lgebren}, - Volume = 197, - Year = 1972 -} - -@article {MR0308439, - AUTHOR = {Ramis, Jean-Pierre and Ruget, Gabriel and Verdier, Jean-Louis}, - TITLE = {Dualité relative en géométrie analytique complexe}, - JOURNAL = {Invent. 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Homological theory}, - SERIES = {The Wadsworth \& Brooks/Cole Mathematics Series}, - PUBLISHER = {Wadsworth \& Brooks/Cole Advanced Books \& Software, Monterey, - CA}, - YEAR = 1990, - PAGES = {xx+194}, - ISBN = {0-534-13310-X}, - MRCLASS = {32-01}, - MRNUMBER = 1059457, - MRREVIEWER = {Eric Bedford}, -} - -@article {MR1096125, - AUTHOR = {Vojta, Paul}, - TITLE = {On algebraic points on curves}, - JOURNAL = {Compositio Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Compositio Mathematica}, - VOLUME = 78, - YEAR = 1991, - Note = - {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item/CM_1991__78_1_29_0}{numdam.CM-1991-78-1-29-0}}, - NUMBER = 1, - PAGES = {29--36}, - ISSN = {0010-437X}, - CODEN = {CMPMAF}, - MRCLASS = {11G30 (14H05)}, - MRNUMBER = 1096125, - MRREVIEWER = {I. V. Dolgachev}, - URL = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=CM_1991__78_1_29_0}, -} - -@article {MR1096426, - AUTHOR = {Coleman, Robert F.}, - TITLE = {Manin's proof of the {M}ordell conjecture over function - fields}, - JOURNAL = {Enseign. Math. 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Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {American Journal of Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {114}, - YEAR = {1992}, - NUMBER = {3}, - PAGES = {495--550}, - ISSN = {0002-9327}, - MRCLASS = {32F07 (35J60 58F05)}, - MRNUMBER = {1165352}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2307/2374768}{DOI:10.2307/2374768}}, - DOI = {10.2307/2374768}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2307/2374768}, -} - -@article {MR1166957, - AUTHOR = {Borisov, Alexander A. and Borisov, Lev A.}, - TITLE = {Singular toric {F}ano varieties}, - JOURNAL = {Mat. Sb.}, - FJOURNAL = {Matematicheski\u{i} Sbornik}, - VOLUME = 183, - YEAR = 1992, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1070/SM1993v075n01ABEH003385}{DOI:10.1070/SM1993v075n01ABEH003385}}, - NUMBER = 2, - PAGES = {134--141}, - ISSN = {0368-8666}, - MRCLASS = {14J45 (14M25)}, - MRNUMBER = 1166957, - MRREVIEWER = {Yuri G. 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Johnson}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {137--180}, - Title = {{$\pi_1$} of smooth points of a log del {P}ezzo surface is - finite. {I}}, - Volume = 1, - Year = 1994 -} - -@article {MR1298994, - AUTHOR = {Alexeev, Valery}, - TITLE = {Boundedness and {$K^2$} for log surfaces}, - JOURNAL = {Internat. J. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {International Journal of Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 5, - YEAR = 1994, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X94000395}{DOI:10.1142/S0129167X94000395}}, - NUMBER = 6, - PAGES = {779--810}, - ISSN = {0129-167X}, - MRCLASS = {14J10 (14J25)}, - MRNUMBER = 1298994, - MRREVIEWER = {Mark Gross}, - DOI = {10.1142/S0129167X94000395}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X94000395}, -} - -@book{MR1304906, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Mumford, David and Fogarty, John and Kirwan, Frances}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5}, - Edition = {Third}, - Isbn = {3-540-56963-4}, - Mrclass = {14D25 (58E05 58F05)}, - Mrnumber = {1304906 (95m:14012)}, - Mrreviewer = {Yi Hu}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5}}, - Pages = {xiv+292}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (2) [Results - in Mathematics and Related Areas (2)]}, - Title = {Geometric invariant theory}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5}, - Volume = 34, - Year = 1994, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-57916-5} -} - -@article{MR1307297, - Author = {Simpson, Carlos T.}, - Coden = {PMIHA6}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Note = - {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1994__79__47_0}{numdam.PMIHES_1994__79__47_0}}, - Mrclass = {14D20 (14D22 14D25 14F05)}, - Mrnumber = {1307297 (96e:14012)}, - Mrreviewer = {Nitin Nitsure}, - Pages = {47--129}, - Title = {Moduli of representations of the fundamental group of a smooth - projective variety. {I}}, - Url = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1994__79__47_0}, - Volume = 79, - Year = 1994, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1994__79__47_0} -} - -@article{MR1320603, - Author = {Simpson, Carlos T.}, - Coden = {PMIHA6}, - Fjournal = {Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications - Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0073-8301}, - Journal = {Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math.}, - Note = - {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item/PMIHES_1994__80__5_0}{numdam.PMIHES_1994__80__5_0}}, - Mrclass = {14D20 (14D22 14F05 14F10)}, - Mrnumber = {1320603 (96e:14013)}, - Mrreviewer = {Nitin Nitsure}, - Pages = {5--79 (1995)}, - Title = {Moduli of representations of the fundamental group of a smooth - projective variety. {II}}, - Url = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1994__80__5_0}, - Volume = 80, - Year = 1994, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1994__80__5_0} -} - -@book {MR1324108, - AUTHOR = {Narasimhan, Raghavan}, - TITLE = {Several complex variables}, - SERIES = {Chicago Lectures in Mathematics}, - NOTE = {Reprint of the 1971 original}, - PUBLISHER = {University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL}, - YEAR = 1995, - PAGES = {x+174}, - ISBN = {0-226-56817-2}, - MRCLASS = {32-01}, - MRNUMBER = 1324108, -} - -@incollection {MR1326618, - AUTHOR = {Remmert, Reinhold}, - TITLE = {Local theory of complex spaces}, - BOOKTITLE = {Several complex variables, {VII}}, - SERIES = {Encyclopaedia Math. Sci.}, - VOLUME = {74}, - PAGES = {7--96}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, - YEAR = {1994}, - MRCLASS = {32C15 (32B05 32C20)}, - MRNUMBER = {1326618}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_2}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_2}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_2}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_2}} -} - -@incollection {MR1326619, - AUTHOR = {Peternell, Thomas and Remmert, Reinhold}, - TITLE = {Differential calculus, holomorphic maps and linear structures on complex spaces}, - BOOKTITLE = {Several complex variables, {VII}}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_8}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_8}}, - SERIES = {Encyclopaedia Math. Sci.}, - VOLUME = {74}, - PAGES = {97--144}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, - YEAR = {1994}, - MRCLASS = {32C35 (32C37 32L05)}, - MRNUMBER = {1326619}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_3}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_3}, -} - -@incollection {MR1326624, - AUTHOR = {Peternell, Thomas}, - TITLE = {Modifications}, - BOOKTITLE = {Several complex variables, {VII}}, - SERIES = {Encyclopaedia Math. Sci.}, - VOLUME = 74, - PAGES = {285--317}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin}, - YEAR = 1994, - MRCLASS = {32S45 (32J20)}, - MRNUMBER = 1326624, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_8}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8\_8}}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_8}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09873-8_8}, -} - -@incollection{MR1326625, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Campana, F. and Peternell, Th.}, - Booktitle = {Several complex variables, {VII}}, - Mrclass = {32G10 (32F10)}, - Mrnumber = 1326625, - Pages = {319--349}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Encyclopaedia Math. 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Gilligan}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-80267-5}{DOI:10.1007/978-3-322-80267-5}}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-3-322-80267-5}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-80267-5}, -} - -@book {MR1335917, - AUTHOR = {Hirzebruch, Friedrich}, - TITLE = {Topological methods in algebraic geometry}, - SERIES = {Classics in Mathematics}, - NOTE = {Translated from the German and Appendix One by R. L. E. - Schwarzenberger, With a preface to the third English edition - by the author and Schwarzenberger, Appendix Two by A. Borel, - Reprint of the 1978 edition}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - YEAR = 1995, - PAGES = {xii+234}, - ISBN = {3-540-58663-6}, - MRCLASS = {57-02 (01A75 14-02)}, - MRNUMBER = 1335917, -} - -@article {MR1340353, - AUTHOR = {Andreatta, Marco}, - TITLE = {Some remarks on the study of good contractions}, - JOURNAL = {Manuscripta Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Manuscripta Mathematica}, - VOLUME = 87, - YEAR = 1995, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02570480}{DOI:10.1007/BF02570480}.}, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {359--367}, - ISSN = {0025-2611}, - CODEN = {MSMHB2}, - MRCLASS = {14E30}, - MRNUMBER = {1340353 (96i:14017)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Mark Gross}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF02570480}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02570480}, -} - -@book {MR1341589, - AUTHOR = {Kollár, János}, - TITLE = {Shafarevich maps and automorphic forms}, - SERIES = {M. B. Porter Lectures}, - PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ}, - YEAR = 1995, - PAGES = {x+201}, - ISBN = {0-691-04381-7}, - MRCLASS = {14E20 (14J10 14J15 32J18 32N10)}, - MRNUMBER = {1341589 (96i:14016)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Kang Zuo}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400864195}{DOI:10.1515/9781400864195}}, - DOI = {10.1515/9781400864195}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400864195}, -} - -@article {MR1358040, - AUTHOR = {Barth, Wolf}, - TITLE = {Two projective surfaces with many nodes, admitting the symmetries of the icosahedron}, - JOURNAL = {J. 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Barlow, with assistance from N. I. Shepherd-Barron and M. Reid}, - Pages = {x+132}, - Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, - Series = {London Mathematical Society Student Texts}, - Title = {Complex algebraic surfaces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511623936}, - Volume = 34, - Year = 1996, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511623936} -} - -@article {MR1420223, - AUTHOR = {Shokurov, Vyacheslav V.}, - TITLE = {{$3$}-fold log models}, - NOTE = {Algebraic geometry, 4. \href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02362335}{DOI:10.1007/BF02362335}}, - JOURNAL = {J. Math. 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Japan}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan}, - VOLUME = 51, - YEAR = 1999, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {643--654}, - ISSN = {0025-5645}, - CODEN = {NISUBC}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14E20 14J10)}, - MRNUMBER = 1691481, - MRREVIEWER = {Azniv Kasparian}, - DOI = {10.2969/jmsj/05130643}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2969/jmsj/05130643}, -} - -@incollection {MR1715587, - AUTHOR = {Nakayama, Noboru}, - TITLE = {Normalized tautological divisors of semi-stable vector bundles}, - NOTE = {Free resolutions of coordinate rings of projective varieties and related topics (Japanese) (Kyoto, 1998), available on the internet at \url{http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kyodo/kokyuroku/contents/1078.html}}, - JOURNAL = {S\={u}rikaisekikenky\={u}sho K\B{o}ky\={u}roku}, - FJOURNAL = {S\={u}rikaisekikenky\={u}sho K\B{o}ky\={u}roku}, - NUMBER = {1078}, - YEAR = {1999}, - PAGES = {167--173}, - MRCLASS = {14J60 (14C20)}, - MRNUMBER = {1715587}, -MRREVIEWER = {Atsushi Noma}, -} - -@book {MR1738433, - AUTHOR = {Zuo, Kang}, - TITLE = {Representations of fundamental groups of algebraic varieties}, - SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {1708}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, - YEAR = {1999}, - PAGES = {viii+135}, - ISBN = {3-540-66312-6}, - MRCLASS = {14F35 (14E20 32J27 58E20)}, - MRNUMBER = {1738433}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0092569}{DOI:10.1007/BFb0092569}}, - DOI = {10.1007/BFb0092569}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0092569}, -} - -@book {MR1747010, - AUTHOR = {Morosawa, Shunsuke and Nishimura, Yasuichiro and Taniguchi, - Masahiko and Ueda, Tetsuo}, - TITLE = {Holomorphic dynamics}, - SERIES = {Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 66, - NOTE = {Translated from the 1995 Japanese original and revised by the - authors}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = 2000, - PAGES = {xii+338}, - ISBN = {0-521-66258-3}, - MRCLASS = {37Fxx (30D05 32H50 32U35)}, - MRNUMBER = 1747010, - MRREVIEWER = {Estela A. 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Math.}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14J40)}, - Mrnumber = {2229475 (2007b:14034)}, - Mrreviewer = {James McKernan}, - Number = 5, - Pages = {619--631}, - Title = {Kodaira dimension of subvarieties. {II}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X0600362X}, - Volume = 17, - Year = 2006, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X0600362X} -} - -@article {MR2231055, - AUTHOR = {Bruzzo, Ugo and Hernández Ruipérez, Daniel}, - TITLE = {Semistability vs.\ nefness for ({H}iggs) vector bundles}, - JOURNAL = {Differential Geom. Appl.}, - FJOURNAL = {Differential Geometry and its Applications}, - VOLUME = 24, - YEAR = 2006, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.difgeo.2005.12.007}{DOI:10.1016/j.difgeo.2005.12.007}}, - NUMBER = 4, - PAGES = {403--416}, - ISSN = {0926-2245}, - CODEN = {DGAPEO}, - MRCLASS = {14H60 (14J60)}, - MRNUMBER = 2231055, - MRREVIEWER = {Adrian Langer}, - DOI = {10.1016/j.difgeo.2005.12.007}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.difgeo.2005.12.007}, -} - -@article{MR2239523, - Author = {Keum, Jong-Hae}, - Coden = {TPLGAF}, - Doi = {10.1016/j.top.2006.06.006}, - Fjournal = {Topology. An International Journal of Mathematics}, - Issn = {0040-9383}, - Journal = {Topology}, - Mrclass = {14J29 (14J27)}, - Mrnumber = {2239523 (2008b:14065)}, - Number = 5, - Pages = {919--927}, - Title = {A fake projective plane with an order 7 automorphism}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.top.2006.06.006}{DOI:10.1016/j.top.2006.06.006}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.top.2006.06.006}, - Volume = 45, - Year = 2006, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.top.2006.06.006} -} - -@book {MR2243012, - AUTHOR = {Ballmann, Werner}, - TITLE = {Lectures on {K}ähler manifolds}, - SERIES = {ESI Lectures in Mathematics and Physics}, - PUBLISHER = {European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zürich}, - YEAR = 2006, - PAGES = {x+172}, - ISBN = {978-3-03719-025-8; 3-03719-025-6}, - MRCLASS = {32Q15 (53C55)}, - MRNUMBER = {2243012 (2007e:32026)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Joel Fine}, - DOI = {10.4171/025}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.4171/025}, -} - -@book{MR2247485, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Jost, Jürgen}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-33067-7}, - Edition = {Third}, - Isbn = {978-3-540-33065-3; 3-540-33065-8}, - Mrclass = {32G15 (58E20)}, - Mrnumber = {2247485 (2007b:32024)}, - Note = {An introduction to contemporary mathematics}, - Pages = {xviii+277}, - Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - Series = {Universitext}, - Title = {Compact {R}iemann surfaces}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-33067-7}, - Year = 2006, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-33067-7} -} - -@article {MR2281877, - AUTHOR = {Mochizuki, Takuro}, - TITLE = {Asymptotic behaviour of tame harmonic bundles and an - application to pure twistor {$D$}-modules. {I}}, - JOURNAL = {Mem. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 185, - YEAR = 2007, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0869}{DOI:10.1090/memo/0869}}, - NUMBER = 869, - PAGES = {xii+324}, - ISSN = {0065-9266}, - MRCLASS = {32S40 (14C30 53C07 53C43)}, - MRNUMBER = 2281877, - MRREVIEWER = {Carlos T. Simpson}, - DOI = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0869}{DOI:10.1090/memo/0869}}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0869}, -} - -@article {MR2283665, - AUTHOR = {Mochizuki, Takuro}, - TITLE = {Asymptotic behaviour of tame harmonic bundles and an - application to pure twistor {$D$}-modules. {II}}, - JOURNAL = {Mem. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 185, - YEAR = 2007, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0870}{DOI:10.1090/memo/0870}}, - NUMBER = 870, - PAGES = {xii+565}, - ISSN = {0065-9266}, - CODEN = {MAMCAU}, - MRCLASS = {32S40 (14C30 53C07 53C43)}, - MRNUMBER = 2283665, - MRREVIEWER = {Carlos T. Simpson}, - DOI = {10.1090/memo/0870}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/0870}, -} - -@book{MR2290112, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Greuel, G.-M. and Lossen, C. and Shustin, E.}, - Isbn = {978-3-540-28380-5; 3-540-28380-3}, - Mrclass = {32Sxx (14B05)}, - Mrnumber = {2290112 (2008b:32013)}, - Mrreviewer = {Vasile Brînz{ă}nescu}, - Pages = {xii+471}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Springer Monographs in Mathematics}, - Title = {Introduction to singularities and deformations}, - Year = 2007 -} - -@article {MR2310103, - AUTHOR = {Mochizuki, Takuro}, - TITLE = {Kobayashi-{H}itchin correspondence for tame harmonic bundles - and an application}, - JOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - FJOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - NUMBER = 309, - YEAR = 2006, - PAGES = {viii+117}, - ISSN = {0303-1179}, - ISBN = {978-2-85629-226-6}, - MRCLASS = {32Q20 (14D07 14J60 32G20 53C07)}, - MRNUMBER = 2310103, - MRREVIEWER = {Julien Keller}, -} - -@article{MR2332355, - Author = {Hwang, Jun-Muk}, - Coden = {ASENAH}, - Doi = {10.1016/j.ansens.2006.12.001}, - Fjournal = {Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième - Série}, - Issn = {0012-9593}, - Journal = {Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4)}, - Mrclass = {32G99 (14D15 32J27)}, - Mrnumber = {2332355 (2008m:32028)}, - Mrreviewer = {Stefan Kebekus}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {179--189}, - Title = {Deformation of holomorphic maps onto the blow-up of the - projective plane}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ansens.2006.12.001}, - Volume = 40, - Year = 2007, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ansens.2006.12.001} -} - -@article{MR2336831, - Author = {Hwang, Jun-Muk}, - Coden = {AIFUA7}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {14J45 (32H02)}, - Mrnumber = {2336831 (2008g:14064)}, - Mrreviewer = {Andreas Höring}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {815--823}, - Title = {Deformation of holomorphic maps onto {F}ano manifolds of - second and fourth {B}etti numbers 1}, - Url = {http://aif.cedram.org/item?id=AIF_2007__57_3_815_0}, - Volume = 57, - Year = 2007, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://aif.cedram.org/item?id=AIF_2007__57_3_815_0} -} - -@article {MR2343296, - AUTHOR = {Bradlow, Steven B. and García-Prada, Oscar and Gothen, - Peter B.}, - TITLE = {What is{$\dots$} a {H}iggs bundle?}, - JOURNAL = {Notices Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Notices of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 54, - YEAR = 2007, - NUMBER = 8, - PAGES = {980--981}, - ISSN = {0002-9920}, - MRCLASS = {53C07 (14D21)}, - MRNUMBER = {2343296 (2008e:53035)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Graeme Wilkin}, -} - -@article{MR2344354, - Author = {Catanese, Fabrizio}, - Coden = {JDGEAS}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Differential Geometry}, - Issn = {0022-040X}, - Journal = {J. Differential Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14E99 (32G05 32J15)}, - Mrnumber = {2344354 (2008k:14038)}, - Mrreviewer = {Vasile Brînz{ă}nescu}, - Note = {With an appendix by Sönke - Rollenske. \href{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1185550815}{euclid.jdg/1185550815}}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {43--75}, - Title = {Q.{E}.{D}. for algebraic varieties}, - Url = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1185550815}, - Volume = 77, - Year = 2007, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1185550815} -} - -@book{MR2352762, - Address = {Oxford}, - Author = {{Corti et al.}, Alessio}, - Isbn = {978-0-19-857061-5}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14-06)}, - Mrnumber = {2352762 (2008j:14031)}, - Mrreviewer = {Michael A. van Opstall}, - Pages = {x+189}, - Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, - Series = {Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications}, - Title = {Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds}, - Volume = 35, - Year = 2007 -} - -@incollection {MR2359346, - AUTHOR = {Kollár, János}, - TITLE = {Kodaira's canonical bundle formula and adjunction}, - BOOKTITLE = {Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds}, - SERIES = {Oxford Lecture Ser. Math. Appl.}, - VOLUME = {35}, - PAGES = {134--162}, - PUBLISHER = {Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford}, - YEAR = {2007}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198570615.003.0008}{DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198570615.003.0008}}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14N30)}, - MRNUMBER = {2359346}, - DOI = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198570615.003.0008}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198570615.003.0008}, -} - -@book{MR2359489, - Author = {Wells, Jr., Raymond O.}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-0-387-73892-5}, - Edition = {Third}, - Isbn = {978-0-387-73891-8}, - Mrclass = {32-01 (58-01)}, - Mrnumber = {2359489 (2008g:32001)}, - Note = {With a new appendix by Oscar Garcia-Prada}, - Pages = {xiv+299}, - Publisher = {Springer, New York}, - Series = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics}, - Title = {Differential analysis on complex manifolds}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-73892-5}, - Volume = 65, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-73892-5} -} - -@article {MR2364074, - AUTHOR = {Bruzzo, Ugo and Gra{\~n}a Otero, Beatriz}, - TITLE = {Metrics on semistable and numerically effective {H}iggs - bundles}, - JOURNAL = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal f\"ur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle's - Journal]}, - VOLUME = 612, - YEAR = 2007, - PAGES = {59--79}, - ISSN = {0075-4102}, - CODEN = {JRMAA8}, - MRCLASS = {32L05 (32Q20)}, - MRNUMBER = 2364074, - MRREVIEWER = {Graeme Wilkin}, - DOI = {10.1515/CRELLE.2007.084}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1515/CRELLE.2007.084}, -} - -@article {MR2369185, - AUTHOR = {Biswas, Indranil and Gómez, Tomás L.}, - TITLE = {Connections and {H}iggs fields on a principal bundle}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Global Anal. Geom.}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry}, - VOLUME = {33}, - YEAR = {2008}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-007-9072-x}{DOI:10.1007/s10455-007-9072-x}}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {19--46}, - ISSN = {0232-704X}, - MRCLASS = {32L05 (14L10 53C07)}, - MRNUMBER = {2369185}, -MRREVIEWER = {Graeme Wilkin}, - DOI = {10.1007/s10455-007-9072-x}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-007-9072-x}, -} - -@article {MR2372739, - AUTHOR = {Wittenberg, Olivier}, - TITLE = {On {A}lbanese torsors and the elementary obstruction}, - JOURNAL = {Math. Ann.}, - FJOURNAL = {Mathematische Annalen}, - VOLUME = {340}, - YEAR = {2008}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-007-0170-7}{DOI:10.1007/s00208-007-0170-7}. Preprint \href{https://arXiv.org/abs/math/0611284}{arXiv:math/0611284}}, - NUMBER = {4}, - PAGES = {805--838}, - ISSN = {0025-5831}, - MRCLASS = {14C25 (14K05)}, - MRNUMBER = {2372739}, -MRREVIEWER = {Francisco J. Plaza Mart\'{\i}n}, - DOI = {10.1007/s00208-007-0170-7}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-007-0170-7}, -} - -@book {MR2377148, - AUTHOR = {Bryant, John and Sangwin, Chris}, - TITLE = {How round is your circle? Where engineering and mathematics meet.}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400837953.303}{DOI:10.1515/9781400837953.303}}, - PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ}, - YEAR = {2008}, - PAGES = {xxii+306}, - ISBN = {978-0-691-13118-4}, - MRCLASS = {00A06 (00A05 51M15 51M99 70-01 70Bxx)}, - MRNUMBER = {2377148}, -MRREVIEWER = {Andrew Edward Whelan}, -} - -@article{MR2383493, - Author = {Abe, Takuro and Yoshinaga, Masahiko}, - Coden = {PAMYAR}, - Doi = {10.1090/S0002-9939-08-09367-2}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9939}, - Journal = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14F05 (14J60)}, - Mrnumber = {2383493 (2009f:14029)}, - Mrreviewer = {Vasile Brînz{ă}nescu}, - Number = 6, - Pages = {1887--1891}, - Title = {Splitting criterion for reflexive sheaves}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-08-09367-2}, - Volume = 136, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-08-09367-2} -} - -@article{MR2399162, - Author = {Rollenske, Sönke}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Doi = {10.1007/s00208-007-0206-z}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Mrclass = {53C56 (55T99 58A14)}, - Mrnumber = {2399162 (2009c:53099)}, - Mrreviewer = {Sergio Console}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {623--628}, - Title = {The {F}rölicher spectral sequence can be arbitrarily non-degenerate}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-007-0206-z}, - Volume = 341, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-007-0206-z} -} - -@article{MR2400877, - Author = {Kollár, János}, - Fjournal = {Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly}, - Issn = {1558-8599}, - Journal = {Pure Appl. Math. Q.}, - Mrclass = {14J80 (14J17 57N13)}, - Mrnumber = {2400877 (2009b:14086)}, - Mrreviewer = {Arnaud Beauville}, - Number = {2, part 1}, - Pages = {203--236}, - Title = {Is there a topological {B}ogomolov-{M}iyaoka-{Y}au inequality?}, - Volume = 4, - Year = 2008 -} - -@article{MR2429621, - Author = {Aprodu, Marian and Kebekus, Stefan and Peternell, Thomas}, - Coden = {MAZEAX}, - Doi = {10.1007/s00209-007-0282-5}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Zeitschrift}, - Issn = {0025-5874}, - Journal = {Math. Z.}, - Mrclass = {14E20 (14J45)}, - Mrnumber = {2429621 (2009m:14017)}, - Mrreviewer = {Jarosław A. Wiśniewski}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {431--449}, - Title = {Galois coverings and endomorphisms of projective varieties}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00209-007-0282-5}, - Volume = 260, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00209-007-0282-5} -} - -@article {MR2439607, - AUTHOR = {Araujo, Carolina and Druel, Stéphane and Kovács, Sándor J.}, - TITLE = {Cohomological characterizations of projective spaces and - hyperquadrics}, - JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - VOLUME = 174, - YEAR = 2008, - NUMBER = 2, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-008-0130-1}{DOI:10.1007/s00222-008-0130-1}}, - PAGES = {233--253}, - ISSN = {0020-9910}, - CODEN = {INVMBH}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14F10 14M20)}, - MRNUMBER = 2439607, - MRREVIEWER = {Andreas Höring}, - DOI = {10.1007/s00222-008-0130-1}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-008-0130-1}, -} - -@article{MR2443971, - Author = {Keum, Jong-Hae}, - Doi = {10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497}, - Fjournal = {Geometry \& Topology}, - Issn = {1465-3060}, - Journal = {Geom. Topol.}, - Mrclass = {14J29 (14E15)}, - Mrnumber = {2443971 (2009g:14042)}, - Mrreviewer = {Marco Andreatta}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {2497--2515}, - Title = {Quotients of fake projective planes}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497}{DOI: - 10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497}, - Volume = 12, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.2140/gt.2008.12.2497} -} - -@article {MR2448282, - AUTHOR = {Prokhorov, Yuri G. and Shokurov, Vyacheslav V.}, - TITLE = {Towards the second main theorem on complements}, - JOURNAL = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - VOLUME = 18, - YEAR = 2009, - NUMBER = 1, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/S1056-3911-08-00498-0}{DOI:10.1090/S1056-3911-08-00498-0}}, - PAGES = {151--199}, - ISSN = {1056-3911}, - MRCLASS = {14C20 (14J45)}, - MRNUMBER = 2448282, - MRREVIEWER = {Alexandr V. Pukhlikov}, - DOI = {10.1090/S1056-3911-08-00498-0}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S1056-3911-08-00498-0}, -} - -@article{MR2449950, - Author = {Berndtsson, Bo and Păun, Mihai}, - Coden = {DUMJAO}, - Doi = {10.1215/00127094-2008-054}, - Fjournal = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - Issn = {0012-7094}, - Journal = {Duke Math. J.}, - Mrclass = {32L15 (14J40)}, - Mrnumber = {2449950 (2009k:32020)}, - Mrreviewer = {James McKernan}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {341--378}, - Title = {Bergman kernels and the pseudoeffectivity of relative - canonical bundles}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2008-054}{DOI: - 10.1215/00127094-2008-054}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2008-054}, - Volume = 145, - Year = 2008, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2008-054} -} - -@incollection{MR2483953, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Kovács, Sándor J.}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry---{S}eattle 2005. {P}art 2}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14-02 14D20 14E30)}, - Mrnumber = {2483953 (2009m:14051)}, - Mrreviewer = {James McKernan}, - Pages = {711--743}, - Publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Series = {Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Young person's guide to moduli of higher dimensional - varieties}, - Volume = 80, - Year = 2009 -} - -@article{MR2497488, - Author = {Zhang, Yuguang}, - Coden = {PAMYAR}, - Doi = {10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4}, - Fjournal = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9939}, - Journal = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {32Q20 (32L05 53C25 53C44)}, - Mrnumber = {2497488 (2010b:32036)}, - Mrreviewer = {Julien Keller}, - Number = 8, - Pages = {2749--2754}, - Title = {Miyaoka-{Y}au inequality for minimal projective manifolds of - general type}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4}{DOI: - 10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4}, - Volume = 137, - Year = 2009, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09838-4} -} - -@inproceedings{MR2500573, - Author = {Włodarczyk, Jarosław}, - Booktitle = {Proceedings of {G}ökova {G}eometry-{T}opology {C}onference - 2008}, - Mrclass = {32S45 (32C25)}, - Mrnumber = {2500573 (2011e:32039)}, - Pages = {31--63}, - Publisher = {Gökova Geometry/Topology Conference (GGT), Gökova}, - Title = {Resolution of singularities of analytic spaces}, - Year = 2009 -} - -@article {MR2505296, - AUTHOR = {Eyssidieux, Philippe and Guedj, Vincent and Zeriahi, Ahmed}, - TITLE = {Singular {K}ähler-{E}instein metrics}, - JOURNAL = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 22, - YEAR = 2009, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {607--639}, - ISSN = {0894-0347}, - MRCLASS = {32Q20 (31C10 32J27 32Q25 32W20)}, - MRNUMBER = {2505296 (2010k:32031)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Zhou Zhang}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/S0894-0347-09-00629-8}{DOI:10.1090/S0894-0347-09-00629-8}}, - DOI = {10.1090/S0894-0347-09-00629-8}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0894-0347-09-00629-8}, -} - -@book{MR2514037, - Author = {Mumford, David}, - Isbn = {978-81-85931-86-9; 81-85931-86-0}, - Mrclass = {14Kxx}, - Mrnumber = {2514037 (2010e:14040)}, - Note = {With appendices by C. P. Ramanujam and Yuri Manin, Corrected - reprint of the second (1974) edition}, - Pages = {xii+263}, - Publisher = {Published for the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, - Bombay}, - Series = {Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Studies in Mathematics}, - Title = {Abelian varieties}, - Volume = 5, - Year = 2008 -} - -@book {MR2522486, - AUTHOR = {Goodman, Roe and Wallach, Nolan R.}, - TITLE = {Symmetry, representations, and invariants}, - SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 255, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Dordrecht}, - YEAR = 2009, - PAGES = {xx+716}, - ISBN = {978-0-387-79851-6}, - MRCLASS = {20G05 (14L35 17B10 20C30 20G20 22E46)}, - MRNUMBER = 2522486, - MRREVIEWER = {Vladimir V. Shchigolev}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79852-3}{DOI:10.1007/978-0-387-79852-3}.}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-0-387-79852-3}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79852-3}, -} - -@article {MR2538503, - AUTHOR = {Tosatti, Valentino}, - TITLE = {Limits of {C}alabi-{Y}au metrics when the {K}ähler class - degenerates}, - JOURNAL = {J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS)}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)}, - VOLUME = 11, - YEAR = 2009, - NUMBER = 4, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.4171/JEMS/165}{DOI:b10.4171/JEMS/165}. Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0710.4579}{arXiv:0710.4579}}, - PAGES = {755--776}, - ISSN = {1435-9855}, - MRCLASS = {32Q25 (32Q20 32W20)}, - MRNUMBER = {2538503 (2010j:32039)}, - MRREVIEWER = {Julien Keller}, - DOI = {10.4171/JEMS/165}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.4171/JEMS/165}, -} - -@book {MR2542964, - AUTHOR = {Lehrer, Gustav I. and Taylor, Donald E.}, - TITLE = {Unitary reflection groups}, - SERIES = {Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series}, - VOLUME = {20}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = {2009}, - PAGES = {viii+294}, - ISBN = {978-0-521-74989-3}, - MRCLASS = {20F55}, - MRNUMBER = {2542964}, -MRREVIEWER = {O. V. Shvartsman}, -} - -@article {MR2545454, - AUTHOR = {Biswas, Indranil}, - TITLE = {Semistability and restrictions of tangent bundle to curves}, - JOURNAL = {Geom. Dedicata}, - FJOURNAL = {Geometriae Dedicata}, - VOLUME = {142}, - YEAR = {2009}, - PAGES = {37--46}, - ISSN = {0046-5755}, - MRCLASS = {14F05 (32L10)}, - MRNUMBER = {2545454}, -MRREVIEWER = {Graeme Wilkin}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s10711-009-9356-3}{DOI:10.1007/s10711-009-9356-3}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/0901.4161}{arXiv:0901.4161}}, - DOI = {10.1007/s10711-009-9356-3}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10711-009-9356-3}, -} - -@article {MR2567402, - AUTHOR = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - TITLE = {A {M}inkowski-style bound for the orders of the finite - subgroups of the {C}remona group of rank 2 over an arbitrary - field}, - JOURNAL = {Mosc. Math. J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Moscow Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = 9, - YEAR = 2009, - NUMBER = 1, - PAGES = {193--208, back matter}, - ISSN = {1609-3321}, - MRCLASS = {14E07 (14J26)}, - MRNUMBER = 2567402, - MRREVIEWER = {Alberto Calabri}, -} - -@book{MR2583634, - Address = {New York}, - Author = {Hartshorne, Robin}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-1-4419-1596-2}, - Isbn = {978-1-4419-1595-5}, - Mrclass = {14D15 (13D10 14B07 14B12)}, - Mrnumber = {2583634 (2011c:14023)}, - Mrreviewer = {Arvid Siqveland}, - Pages = {viii+234}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics}, - Title = {Deformation theory}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-1596-2}, - Volume = 257, - Year = 2010, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-1596-2} -} - -@article {MR2586735, - AUTHOR = {Cartwright, Donald I. and Steger, Tim}, - TITLE = {Enumeration of the 50 fake projective planes}, - JOURNAL = {C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris}, - FJOURNAL = {Comptes Rendus Mathématique. 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Ann.}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14H20 32H50)}, - Mrnumber = {2587100 (2011c:14103)}, - Mrreviewer = {Karl Schwede}, - Number = 4, - Pages = {991--1018}, - Title = {Polarized endomorphisms of complex normal varieties}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-009-0420-y}, - Volume = 346, - Year = 2010, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-009-0420-y} -} - -@article{MR2587409, - Author = {Birkar, Caucher}, - Doi = {10.2140/ant.2009.3.951}, - Fjournal = {Algebra \& Number Theory}, - Issn = {1937-0652}, - Journal = {Algebra Number Theory}, - Mrclass = {14E30}, - Mrnumber = {2587409 (2011b:14034)}, - Mrreviewer = {Tomasz Szemberg}, - Number = 8, - Pages = {951--958}, - Title = {Log minimal models according to {S}hokurov}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.2140/ant.2009.3.951}, - Volume = 3, - Year = 2009, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.2140/ant.2009.3.951} -} - -@article {MR2592955, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel}, - TITLE = {Projectivity of analytic {H}ilbert and {K}ähler quotients}, - JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, - VOLUME = 362, - YEAR = 2010, - NUMBER = 6, - PAGES = {3243--3271}, - ISSN = {0002-9947}, - CODEN = {TAMTAM}, - MRCLASS = {14L30 (14L24 32M05 53D20)}, - MRNUMBER = 2592955, - MRREVIEWER = {Dmitry A. Timash{\"e}v}, - DOI = {10.1090/S0002-9947-10-05000-2}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-10-05000-2}, -} - -@article {MR2605324, - AUTHOR = {Gasbarri, Carlo}, - TITLE = {The strong {$abc$} conjecture over function fields (after {M}c{Q}uillan and {Y}amanoi)}, - NOTE = {Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2007/2008. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/0811.3153}{arXiv:0811.3153}}, - JOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - FJOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - NUMBER = 326, - YEAR = 2009, - PAGES = {Exp. 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No. 1000, vii, 75--100}, - ISSN = {0303-1179}, - ISBN = {978-2-85629-291-4}, - MRCLASS = {14E07}, - MRNUMBER = {2648675}, -} - -@book{MR2665168, - Address = {Cambridge}, - Author = {Huybrechts, Daniel and Lehn, Manfred}, - Doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511711985}, - Edition = {Second}, - Isbn = {978-0-521-13420-0}, - Mrclass = {14D20 (14F05)}, - Mrnumber = {2665168 (2011e:14017)}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511711985}{DOI:10.1017/CBO9780511711985}}, - Pages = {xviii+325}, - Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, - Series = {Cambridge Mathematical Library}, - Title = {The geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511711985}, - Year = 2010, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511711985} -} - -@article {MR2667786, - AUTHOR = {Yamanoi, Katsutoshi}, - TITLE = {On fundamental groups of algebraic varieties and value distribution theory}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - FJOURNAL = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - VOLUME = {60}, - YEAR = {2010}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.5802/aif.2532}{DOI:10.5802/aif.2532}}, - NUMBER = {2}, - PAGES = {551--563}, - ISSN = {0373-0956}, - MRCLASS = {32H30 (14F35)}, - MRNUMBER = {2667786}, -MRREVIEWER = {William A. Cherry}, - URL = {http://aif.cedram.org/item?id=AIF_2010__60_2_551_0}, -} - -@article{MR2674856, - Author = {Höring, Andreas}, - Coden = {ENMAAR}, - Doi = {10.4171/LEM/56-1-4}, - Fjournal = {L'Enseignement Mathématique. Revue Internationale. 2e Série}, - Issn = {0013-8584}, - Journal = {Enseign. Math. 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Differential Geom.}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of Differential Geometry}, - VOLUME = {85}, - YEAR = {2010}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.4310/jdg/1292940689}{DOI:10.4310/jdg/1292940689}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/0804.1682}{arXiv:0804.1682}}, - NUMBER = {3}, - PAGES = {397--424}, - ISSN = {0022-040X}, - MRCLASS = {53C26 (14D06 32J27 32Q15)}, - MRNUMBER = {2739808}, -MRREVIEWER = {Justin Sawon}, - URL = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jdg/1292940689}, -} - -@article{MR2746347, - Author = {Boucksom, Sébastien and Eyssidieux, Philippe and Guedj, Vincent and Zeriahi, Ahmed}, - Date-Added = {2015-06-19 15:15:17 +0000}, - Date-Modified ={2015-06-19 15:17:58 +0000}, - Journal = {Acta Math.}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {199--262}, - Title = {Monge-Ampère equations in big cohomology classes}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s11511-010-0054-7}{DOI:10.1007/s11511-010-0054-7}}, - Volume = 205, - Year = 2010 -} - -@book{MR2766102, - Author = {Lee, John M.}, - Doi = {10.1007/978-1-4419-7940-7}, - Edition = {Second}, - Isbn = {978-1-4419-7939-1}, - Mrclass = {57-01 (54-01 55-01)}, - Mrnumber = {2766102 (2011i:57001)}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-7940-7}{DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-7940-7}}, - Pages = {xviii+433}, - Publisher = {Springer, New York}, - Series = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics}, - Title = {Introduction to topological manifolds}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-7940-7}, - Volume = 202, - Year = 2011, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-7940-7} -} - -@article{MR2773396, - Author = {Biswas, Indranil and Dey, Arijit}, - Coden = {BSMQA9}, - Doi = {10.1016/j.bulsci.2010.10.001}, - Fjournal = {Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0007-4497}, - Journal = {Bull. 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Preprint \href{https://arXiv.org/abs/1001.3763v1}{arXiv:1001.3763v1}}, - DOI = {10.4171/007-1/6}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.4171/007-1/6}, -} - -@article {MR2784026, - AUTHOR = {Choi, Sung Rak and Shokurov, Vyacheslav V.}, - TITLE = {Geography of log models: theory and applications}, - JOURNAL = {Cent. Eur. J. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Central European Journal of Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {9}, - YEAR = {2011}, - NUMBER = {3}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2478/s11533-011-0013-3}{DOI:10.2478/s11533-011-0013-3}}, - PAGES = {489--534}, - ISSN = {1895-1074}, - MRCLASS = {14E30}, - MRNUMBER = {2784026}, -MRREVIEWER = {Vladimir Lazi\'{c}}, - DOI = {10.2478/s11533-011-0013-3}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2478/s11533-011-0013-3}, -} - -@article{MR2793040, - Author = {Biswas, Indranil and Dey, Arijit}, - Coden = {BSMQA9}, - Doi = {10.1016/j.bulsci.2010.04.003}, - Fjournal = {Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques}, - Issn = {0007-4497}, - Journal = {Bull. Sci. 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J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Michigan Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = {61}, - YEAR = {2012}, - NUMBER = {2}, - PAGES = {255--264}, - ISSN = {0026-2285}, - MRCLASS = {14C20 (14B05)}, - MRNUMBER = {2944479}, -MRREVIEWER = {Cícero Carvalho}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1307/mmj/1339011526}{DOI:10.1307/mmj/1339011526}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1009.3996}{arXiv:1009.3996}}, - DOI = {10.1307/mmj/1339011526}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1307/mmj/1339011526}, -} - -@article{MR2976311, - Author = {Jabbusch, Kelly and Kebekus, Stefan}, - Coden = {AIFUA7}, - Doi = {10.5802/aif.2673}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)}, - Mrclass = {14D22 (14D07)}, - Mrnumber = 2976311, - Number = 6, - Pages = {2277--2290 (2012)}, - Title = {Positive sheaves of differentials coming from coarse moduli - spaces}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.5802/aif.2673}{DOI:10.5802/aif.2673}. 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Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1106.1300}{arXiv:1106.1300}.}, - Pages = {1250122, 15}, - Title = {Semistability of restricted tangent bundles and a question of {I}. {B}iswas}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X12501224}, - Volume = 24, - Year = 2013, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129167X12501224} -} - -@article {MR3033631, - AUTHOR = {Araujo, Carolina and Druel, Stéphane}, - TITLE = {On {F}ano foliations}, - JOURNAL = {Adv. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Advances in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = {238}, - YEAR = {2013}, - PAGES = {70--118}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2013.02.003}{DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2013.02.003}. Preprint \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1112.4512}{arXiv:1112.4512}}, - ISSN = {0001-8708}, - MRCLASS = {37F25 (14M22)}, - MRNUMBER = {3033631}, - DOI = {10.1016/j.aim.2013.02.003}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2013.02.003}, -} - -@article {MR3034294, - AUTHOR = {Hacon, Christopher D. and McKernan, James and Xu, Chenyang}, - TITLE = {On the birational automorphisms of varieties of general type}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - VOLUME = 177, - YEAR = 2013, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.4007/annals.2013.177.3.6}{DOI:10.4007/annals.2013.177.3.6}}, - NUMBER = 3, - PAGES = {1077--1111}, - ISSN = {0003-486X}, - MRCLASS = {14E05}, - MRNUMBER = 3034294, - MRREVIEWER = {Alexandr V. 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Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, - VOLUME = 192, - YEAR = 2013, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-012-0411-6}{DOI:10.1007/s00222-012-0411-6}.}, - NUMBER = 2, - PAGES = {257--286}, - ISSN = {0020-9910}, - MRCLASS = {22E10 (22E45 32M05 32P05 32Q55)}, - MRNUMBER = 3044124, - MRREVIEWER = {Takashi Umeno}, - DOI = {10.1007/s00222-012-0411-6}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-012-0411-6}, -} - -@book {MR3057950, - AUTHOR = {Kollár, János}, - TITLE = {Singularities of the minimal model program}, - SERIES = {Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics}, - VOLUME = 200, - NOTE = {With a collaboration of Sándor - Kovács. \href{https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139547895}{DOI:10.1017/CBO9781139547895}}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = 2013, - PAGES = {x+370}, - ISBN = {978-1-107-03534-8}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14B05)}, - MRNUMBER = 3057950, - MRREVIEWER = {Tommaso De Fernex}, - DOI = {10.1017/CBO9781139547895}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139547895}, -} - -@article {MR3077660, - AUTHOR = {Lohmann, Daniel}, - TITLE = {Families of canonically polarized manifolds over log {F}ano varieties}, - JOURNAL = {Compos. Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Compositio Mathematica}, - VOLUME = {149}, - YEAR = {2013}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X1200053X}{DOI:10.1112/S0010437X1200053X}}, - NUMBER = {6}, - PAGES = {1019--1040}, - ISSN = {0010-437X}, - MRCLASS = {14J10 (14E30)}, - MRNUMBER = {3077660}, -MRREVIEWER = {Atsushi Moriwaki}, - DOI = {10.1112/S0010437X1200053X}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X1200053X}, -} - -@article{MR3084424, - Author = {Kebekus, Stefan}, - Doi = {10.1016/j.aim.2013.06.013}, - Fjournal = {Advances in Mathematics}, - Issn = {0001-8708}, - Journal = {Adv. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14J17 (14B05 14F10)}, - Mrnumber = 3084424, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2013.06.013}{DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2013.06.013}. Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.3255}{arXiv:1210.3255}.}, - Pages = {78--112}, - Title = {Pull-back morphisms for reflexive differential forms}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2013.06.013}, - Volume = 245, - Year = 2013, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2013.06.013} -} - -@article {MR3087348, - AUTHOR = {Sabbah, Claude}, - TITLE = {Théorie de {H}odge et correspondance de {H}itchin-{K}obayashi - sauvages (d'après {T}. {M}ochizuki)}, - NOTE = {Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2011/2012. Exposés 1043--1058}, - JOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - FJOURNAL = {Astérisque}, - NUMBER = 352, - YEAR = 2013, - PAGES = {Exp. 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J.}, - FJOURNAL = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, - VOLUME = 162, - YEAR = 2013, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2381442}{DOI:10.1215/00127094-2381442}.}, - NUMBER = 14, - PAGES = {2797--2813}, - ISSN = {0012-7094}, - MRCLASS = {14F35 (14D07 14F10)}, - MRNUMBER = 3127814, - MRREVIEWER = {Alex Degtyarev}, - DOI = {10.1215/00127094-2381442}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2381442}, -} - -@article {MR3134683, - AUTHOR = {Campana, Frédéric and Guenancia, Henri and Păun, Mihai}, - TITLE = {Metrics with cone singularities along normal crossing divisors - and holomorphic tensor fields}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième - Série}, - VOLUME = 46, - YEAR = 2013, - NUMBER = 6, - PAGES = {879--916}, - ISSN = {0012-9593}, - MRCLASS = {32Q25 (14E05 53C55)}, - MRNUMBER = 3134683, - MRREVIEWER = {Hans-Joachim Hein}, -} - -@book {MR3156076, - AUTHOR = {Noguchi, Junjiro and Winkelmann, Jörg}, - TITLE = {Nevanlinna theory in several complex variables and {D}iophantine approximation}, - SERIES = {Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences]}, - VOLUME = {350}, - PUBLISHER = {Springer, Tokyo}, - YEAR = {2014}, - PAGES = {xiv+416}, - ISBN = {978-4-431-54570-5; 978-4-431-54571-2}, - MRCLASS = {32-02 (11J25 11J97 32H30 32Q45)}, - MRNUMBER = {3156076}, -MRREVIEWER = {William A. Cherry}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-54571-2}{DOI:10.1007/978-4-431-54571-2}}, - DOI = {10.1007/978-4-431-54571-2}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-54571-2}, -} - -@article{MR3170714, - Author = {Nemirovski, Stefan}, - Doi = {10.1080/17476933.2011.592579}, - Fjournal = {Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. An International - Journal}, - Issn = {1747-6933}, - Journal = {Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.}, - Mrclass = {32E40 (32C55 32M05)}, - Mrnumber = 3170714, - Mrreviewer = {Viorel Vâjâitu}, - Number = 11, - Pages = {1517--1525}, - Title = {Levi problem and semistable quotients}, - Note = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1080/17476933.2011.592579}{DOI:10.1080/17476933.2011.592579}}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/17476933.2011.592579}, - Volume = 58, - Year = 2013, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1080/17476933.2011.592579} -} - -@article {MR3224718, - AUTHOR = {Hacon, Christopher D. and McKernan, James and Xu, Chenyang}, - TITLE = {A{CC} for log canonical thresholds}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - VOLUME = 180, - YEAR = 2014, - NUMBER = 2, - PAGES = {523--571}, - ISSN = {0003-486X}, - MRCLASS = {14E05 (14C20 14E30)}, - MRNUMBER = 3224718, - MRREVIEWER = {Alexandr V. Pukhlikov}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.4007/annals.2014.180.2.3}{DOI:10.4007/annals.2014.180.2.3}. 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Math.}, - FJOURNAL = {Documenta Mathematica}, - VOLUME = 19, - YEAR = 2014, - PAGES = {815--830}, - ISSN = {1431-0635}, - MRCLASS = {14B05 (32S05)}, - MRNUMBER = 3247804, - MRREVIEWER = {Carles Bivià-Ausina}, - Note = {Preprint - \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7315}{arXiv:1301.7315}}, -} - -@article {MR3272910, - AUTHOR = {Huber, Annette and Jörder, Clemens}, - TITLE = {Differential forms in the h-topology}, - JOURNAL = {Algebr. Geom.}, - FJOURNAL = {Algebraic Geometry}, - VOLUME = 1, - YEAR = 2014, - NUMBER = 4, - PAGES = {449--478}, - ISSN = {2214-2584}, - MRCLASS = {14F10 (14F05 14F40 14J17)}, - MRNUMBER = 3272910, - MRREVIEWER = {Patrick Graf}, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.14231/AG-2014-020}{DOI:10.14231/AG-2014-020}. 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Preprint \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1704.01408}{arXiv:1704.01408}}, - PAGES = {2051--2124}, - ISSN = {1465-3060}, - MRCLASS = {14E30 (14J32 32J27)}, - MRNUMBER = {3988092}, - DOI = {10.2140/gt.2019.23.2051}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.2140/gt.2019.23.2051}, -} - -@incollection {MR3996488, - AUTHOR = {Li, Chi and Tian, Gang}, - TITLE = {Orbifold regularity of weak {K}ähler-{E}instein metrics}, - BOOKTITLE = {Advances in complex geometry}, - SERIES = {Contemp. Math.}, - VOLUME = {735}, - PAGES = {169--178}, - PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI}, - YEAR = {2019}, - MRCLASS = {53C55 (14E15 32W20 53C25)}, - MRNUMBER = {3996488}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1090/conm/735/14825}{DOI:10.1090/conm/735/14825}}, - DOI = {10.1090/conm/735/14825}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/conm/735/14825}, -} - -@article {MR4093975, - AUTHOR = {Greb, Daniel and Wong, Michael Lennox}, - TITLE = {Canonical complex extensions of {K}\"{a}hler manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {J. Lond. Math. Soc. 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Wahl}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {157--173}, - Title = {Dualität in der lokalen {K}ohomologie isolierter - {S}ingularitäten}, - Url = - {https://doi.org.offcampus.lib.washington.edu/10.1007/BF01364456}, - Volume = 250, - Year = 1980, - Bdsk-Url-1 = - {https://doi.org.offcampus.lib.washington.edu/10.1007/BF01364456}, - Bdsk-Url-2 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01364456} -} - - -@article {MR584075, - AUTHOR = {Siu, Yum-Tong}, - TITLE = {The complex-analyticity of harmonic maps and the strong rigidity of compact {K}ähler manifolds}, - JOURNAL = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - VOLUME = {112}, - YEAR = {1980}, - NUMBER = {1}, - PAGES = {73--111}, - ISSN = {0003-486X}, - MRCLASS = {53C55 (32H99 58E20)}, - MRNUMBER = {584075}, -MRREVIEWER = {M. 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Kerner}, -} - -@book {MR676809, - AUTHOR = {Friedlander, Eric M.}, - TITLE = {Étale homotopy of simplicial schemes}, - SERIES = {Annals of Mathematics Studies}, - VOLUME = 104, - PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.; University of - Tokyo Press, Tokyo}, - YEAR = 1982, - PAGES = {vii+190}, - ISBN = {0-691-08288-X; 0-691-08317-7}, - MRCLASS = {55P99 (14F35 55-02)}, - MRNUMBER = 676809, - MRREVIEWER = {V. P. Snaith}, -} - -@article{MR707162, - Author = {Friedman, Robert}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Doi = {10.2307/2006955}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {32G11 (14D20 14J28 32G13)}, - Mrnumber = {707162 (85g:32029)}, - Mrreviewer = {David R. 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Ann.}, - FJOURNAL = {Mathematische Annalen}, - VOLUME = 283, - YEAR = 1989, - NUMBER = 1, - NOTE = - {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01457500}{DOI:10.1007/BF01457500}}, - PAGES = {13--52}, - ISSN = {0025-5831}, - CODEN = {MAANA}, - MRCLASS = {32C15 (32F05 32G10 32H35)}, - MRNUMBER = 973802, - MRREVIEWER = {Siegmund Kosarew}, - DOI = {10.1007/BF01457500}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01457500}, -} - -@book {MR982494, - AUTHOR = {Reid, Miles}, - TITLE = {Undergraduate algebraic geometry}, - SERIES = {London Mathematical Society Student Texts}, - NOTE = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139163699}{DOI:10.1017/CBO9781139163699}}, - VOLUME = {12}, - PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge}, - YEAR = {1988}, - PAGES = {viii+129}, - ISBN = {0-521-35559-1; 0-521-35662-8}, - MRCLASS = {14-01 (00A05)}, - MRNUMBER = {982494}, -MRREVIEWER = {Marko Roczen}, - DOI = {10.1017/CBO9781139163699}, - URL = {https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139163699}, -} - -@inproceedings{MU83, - Author = {S. 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Akizuki}, - Pages = {95--146}, - Publisher = {Kinokuniya}, - Title = {On a family of algebraic vector bundles}, - Year = 1973 -} - -@article{Maschke, - Author = {{{Mas}}chke, Heinrich}, - Coden = {MAANA}, - Doi = {10.1007/BF01476165}, - Fjournal = {Mathematische Annalen}, - Issn = {0025-5831}, - Journal = {Math. Ann.}, - Longyear = 18, - Mrclass = {Contributed Item}, - Mrnumber = 1511061, - Number = {2-3}, - Pages = {363--368}, - Title = {Beweis des {S}atzes, dass diejenigen endlichen linearen - {S}ubstitutionsgruppen, in welchen einige durchgehends - verschwindende {C}oefficienten auftreten, intransitiv sind}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01476165}, - Volume = 52, - Year = 1899, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01476165} -} - -@article{Mat-Mum64, - Author = {Matsusaka, T. and Mumford, D.}, - Journal = {Amer. J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {14.20 (14.10)}, - Mrnumber = {30 \#2005}, - Mrreviewer = {R. C. Hartshorne}, - Note = {Correction: {\it Amer.\ J.\ Math.\/}, 91:851, 1969}, - Pages = {668--684}, - Title = {Two fundamental theorems on deformations of polarized - varieties}, - Volume = 86, - Year = 1964 -} - -@article{Mat-Mum64corr, - Author = {Matsusaka, T. and Mumford, D.}, - Journal = {Amer. J. 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Math.}, - Pages = {225-237}, - Title = {On the Chern numbers of surfaces of general type}, - Volume = 42, - Year = 1977 -} - -@incollection{Miy85, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Miyaoka, Yoichi}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry, Bowdoin, 1985 (Brunswick, Maine, 1985)}, - Mrclass = {14E05 (14D99 14F10 14J40)}, - Mrnumber = {927960 (89e:14011)}, - Mrreviewer = {L. B{ă}descu}, - Pages = {245--268}, - Publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Series = {Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Deformations of a morphism along a foliation and applications}, - Volume = 46, - Year = 1987 -} - -@misc{Miy92, - Author = {Y.~Miyaoka}, - Note = {misc}, - Title = {Lecture at the university of Utah}, - Year = 1992 -} - -@incollection{Miyanishi-Tsunoda82, - Address = {Boston, MA}, - Author = {Miyanishi, Masayoshi and Tsunoda, Shuichiro}, - Booktitle = {Classification of algebraic and analytic manifolds (Katata, - 1982)}, - Mrclass = {14J10}, - Mrnumber = {728617 (86c:14030)}, - Mrreviewer = {Daniel Comenetz}, - Pages = {499--544}, - Publisher = {Birkhäuser Boston}, - Series = {Progr. Math.}, - Title = {The structure of open algebraic surfaces. {II}}, - Volume = 39, - Year = 1983 -} - -@article{Miyanishi-Tsunoda84, - Author = {Miyanishi, Masayoshi and Tsunoda, Shuichiro}, - Coden = {JJMAAK}, - Fjournal = {Japanese Journal of Mathematics. New Series}, - Issn = {0289-2316}, - Journal = {Japan. J. Math. 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Newstead}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {523--533}, - Title = {On {H}artshorne's conjecture}, - Volume = 18, - Year = 1978 -} - -@article{Mok02, - Author = {Mok, Ngaiming}, - Coden = {TAMTAM}, - Fjournal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0002-9947}, - Journal = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {32J27 (14J60 53C07)}, - Mrnumber = {2003i:32036}, - Mrreviewer = {I-Hsun Tsai}, - Number = 7, - Pages = {2639--2658 (electronic)}, - Title = {On {F}ano manifolds with nef tangent bundles admitting - 1-dimensional varieties of minimal rational tangents}, - Volume = 354, - Year = 2002 -} - -@article{Mok88, - Author = {Mok, Ngaiming}, - Coden = {JDGEAS}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Differential Geometry}, - Issn = {0022-040X}, - Journal = {J. Differential Geom.}, - Mrclass = {53C55 (32C10 53C35 58G11)}, - Mrnumber = {89d:53115}, - Mrreviewer = {Hung-Hsi Wu}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {179--214}, - Title = {The uniformization theorem for compact {K}ähler manifolds of - nonnegative holomorphic bisectional curvature}, - Volume = 27, - Year = 1988 -} - -@incollection{Mok94, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Mok, Ngaiming}, - Booktitle = {Geometry from the {P}acific {R}im ({S}ingapore, 1994)}, - Mrclass = {32J27 (32C17)}, - Mrnumber = {1468254 (99a:32038)}, - Mrreviewer = {Philippe P. Eyssidieux}, - Pages = {261--284}, - Publisher = {de Gruyter}, - Title = {The generalized theorem of {C}astelnuovo-de {F}ranchis for - unitary representations}, - Year = 1997 -} - -@Book{Moon07, - author = {Moon, Francis C. }, - ALTeditor = {}, - title = {The Machines of Leonardo Da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux -- Kinematics of Machines from the Renaissance to the 20th Century}, - publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, - year = {2007}, - OPTkey = {}, - volume = {2}, - OPTnumber = {}, - series = {History of Mechanism and Machine Science}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-5599-7}{DOI:10.1007/978-1-4020-5599-7}}, - OPTaddress = {}, - OPTedition = {}, - OPTmonth = {}, - OPTnote = {}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@article{Mordell, - Author = {Mordell, Louis J.}, - Journal = {Proc Cam. Phil. Soc.}, - Pages = {179--192}, - Title = {On the rational solutions of the indeterminate equations of - the third and fourth degrees}, - Volume = 21, - Year = 1922 -} - -@article{Mori79, - Author = {Mori, Shigefumi}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14E05 (14M20)}, - Mrnumber = {81j:14010}, - Mrreviewer = {Luciana Picco Botta}, - Number = 3, - Pages = {593--606}, - Title = {Projective manifolds with ample tangent bundles}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.2307/1971241}{DOI:10.2307/1971241}}, - Volume = 110, - Year = 1979 -} - -@article{Mori82, - Author = {Mori, Shigefumi}, - Coden = {ANMAAH}, - Fjournal = {Annals of Mathematics. Second Series}, - Issn = {0003-486X}, - Journal = {Ann. of Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14J30 (14E35)}, - Mrnumber = {84e:14032}, - Mrreviewer = {Ulf Persson}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {133--176}, - Title = {Threefolds whose canonical bundles are not numerically - effective}, - Volume = 116, - Year = 1982 -} - -@article{Mori85, - Author = {S. Mori}, - Journal = {Nagoya Math. J.}, - Pages = {43--66}, - Title = {{On 3-Dimensional Terminal Singularities}}, - Volume = 98, - Year = 1985 -} - -@incollection{Mori87, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Mori, Shigefumi}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry, Bowdoin, 1985 (Brunswick, Maine, 1985)}, - Mrclass = {14J10 (14E05 14E30 14J40 14M20)}, - Mrnumber = {927961 (89a:14040)}, - Mrreviewer = {Eckart Viehweg}, - Pages = {269--331}, - Publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Series = {Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Classif{i}\-cation of higher-dimensional varieties}, - Volume = 46, - Year = 1987 -} - -@article{Mori88, - Author = {Mori, Shigefumi}, - Doi = {10.2307/1990969}, - Fjournal = {Journal of the American Mathematical Society}, - Issn = {0894-0347}, - Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Mrclass = {14J30 (14E35)}, - Mrnumber = {924704 (89a:14048)}, - Mrreviewer = {David R. Morrison}, - Number = 1, - Pages = {117--253}, - Title = {Flip theorem and the existence of minimal models for - {$3$}-folds}, - Url = {https://doi.org/10.2307/1990969}, - Volume = 1, - Year = 1988, - Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.2307/1990969} -} - -@book{Mum66, - Author = {D. Mumford}, - Publisher = {Princeton University Press}, - Title = {Lectures on curves on an algebraic surface}, - Year = 1966 -} - -@article {Mustata+Olano+Popa:LocalVanishing, - AUTHOR = {Mustaţă, Mircea and Olano, Sebastián and Popa, Mihnea}, - TITLE = {Local vanishing and {H}odge filtration for rational singularities}, - JOURNAL = {J. Inst. Math. Jussieu}, - FJOURNAL = {Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu. JIMJ. Journal de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu}, - NOTE = {Published online. \href{https://doi.org/10.1017/S1474748018000208}{DOI:S1474748018000208}. Preprint \href{httpss://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06704}{arXiv:1703.06704}.}, - Year = 2018 -} - -@article{NR75, - Author = {Narasimhan, Mudumbai S. and Ramanan, S.}, - Journal = {Ann. Math. (2)}, - Mrclass = {14D20 (14F05)}, - Mrnumber = {0384797 (52 \#5669)}, - Mrreviewer = {Henry C. Pinkham}, - Pages = {391--417}, - Title = {Deformations of the moduli space of vector bundles over an - algebraic curve}, - Volume = 101, - Year = 1975 -} - -@incollection{NR78, - Address = {Berlin}, - Author = {Narasimhan, Mudumbai S. and Ramanan, S.}, - Booktitle = {C. P. Ramanujam---a tribute}, - Mrclass = {14D22 (10D99 14F05)}, - Mrnumber = {541029 (81b:14003)}, - Mrreviewer = {Knud L{\o}nsted}, - Pages = {291--345}, - Publisher = {Springer}, - Series = {Tata Inst. Fund. Res. 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Shah}, - Pages = {273--310}, - Publisher = {Sijthoff \& Noordhoff}, - Title = {Canonical {$3$}-folds}, - Year = 1980 -} - -@inproceedings{Reid83, - Author = {M. Reid}, - Booktitle = {Advanced studies in pure math.}, - Editor = {S. Iitaka and H. Morikawa}, - Pages = {131--180}, - Publisher = {Kinokuniya and North Holland}, - Title = {Minimal models of canonical 3-folds}, - Volume = 1, - Year = 1983 -} - -@unpublished{Reid83a, - Author = {Reid, Miles}, - Note = {Preprint, University of Warwick. Available from the author's home page at \url{http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/~miles/3folds/Ka.pdf}}, - Title = {Projective morphisms according to {K}awamata}, - Year = 1983 -} - -@incollection{Reid87, - Address = {Providence, RI}, - Author = {Reid, Miles}, - Booktitle = {Algebraic geometry, Bowdoin, 1985 (Brunswick, Maine, 1985)}, - Mrclass = {14E30 (14B05 14E05 14J10)}, - Mrnumber = {927963 (89b:14016)}, - Mrreviewer = {Eckart Viehweg}, - Pages = {345--414}, - Publisher = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, - Series = {Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, - Title = {Young person's guide to canonical singularities}, - Volume = 46, - Year = 1987 -} - -@article{Reid94, - Author = {M. Reid}, - Journal = {LANL-Preprint math.AG/9404002}, - Note = {Available on the world wide web at {\tt - http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/alg-geom/9404002}}, - Title = {Nonnormal del Pezzo surfaces}, - Year = 1994 -} - -@incollection {Rong, - AUTHOR = {Rong, Xiaochun}, - TITLE = {Convergence and collapsing theorems in {R}iemannian geometry}, - BOOKTITLE = {Handbook of geometric analysis, {N}o. 2}, - SERIES = {Adv. Lect. Math. (ALM)}, - VOLUME = 13, - PAGES = {193--299}, - PUBLISHER = {Int. Press, Somerville, MA}, - YEAR = 2010, - MRCLASS = {53C23 (53C20 53C21)}, - MRNUMBER = 2743443, - MRREVIEWER = {Yu Ding}, -} - -@article{Ros56, - Author = {Rosenlicht, Maxwell}, - Journal = {Amer. J. Math.}, - Mrclass = {53.3X}, - Mrnumber = {18,514a}, - Mrreviewer = {E. R. Kolchin}, - Pages = {401--443}, - Title = {Some basic theorems on algebraic groups}, - Volume = 78, - Year = 1956 -} - -@article{Rossi68, - Author = {Rossi, Hugo}, - Fjournal = {Rice University Studies}, - Issn = {0035-4996}, - Journal = {Rice Univ. Studies}, - Mrclass = {32.50}, - Mrnumber = {0244517 (39 \#5831)}, - Mrreviewer = {H. Hironaka}, - Number = 4, - Note = {Available on the internet at \url{https://scholarship.rice.edu/handle/1911/62964}}, - Pages = {63--73}, - Title = {Picard variety of an isolated singular point}, - Volume = 54, - Year = 1968 -} - -@Book{Russo05, - author = {Russo, Lucio}, - ALTeditor = {}, - title = {Die vergessene Revolution oder die Wiedergeburt des antiken Wissens}, - publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg}, - year = {2005}, - Note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-27707-2}{DOI:10.1007/3-540-27707-2}}, - OPTkey = {}, - OPTvolume = {}, - OPTnumber = {}, - OPTseries = {}, - OPTaddress = {}, - OPTedition = {}, - OPTmonth = {}, - OPTnote = {}, - OPTannote = {} -} - -@article{SBW94, - Author = {Shepherd-Barron, Nicholas I. and Wilson, Pelham M.H.}, - Fjournal = {Journal of Algebraic Geometry}, - Issn = {1056-3911}, - Journal = {J. Algebraic Geom.}, - Mrclass = {14J30}, - Mrnumber = {1257323 (95h:14033)}, - Mrreviewer = {A. S. Tikhomirov}, - Number = 2, - Pages = {265--281}, - Title = {Singular threefolds with numerically trivial first and second - {C}hern classes}, - Volume = 3, - Year = 1994 -} - -@article{SCC_1958-1959__4__A10_0, - AUTHOR = {Serre, Jean-Pierre}, - TITLE = {Morphismes universels et variété d'{A}lbanese}, - JOURNAL = {Séminaire Claude Chevalley}, - PUBLISHER = {Secrétariat mathématique}, - NOTE = {\href{http://www.numdam.org/item/SCC_1958-1959__4__A10_0}{numdam.SCC-1958-1959-4-A10-0}}, - VOLUME = {4}, - YEAR = {1958-1959} -} - -@article{SCT09, - Author = {Solá Conde, Luis E. and Toma, Matei}, - Coden = {AIFUA7}, - Fjournal = {Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier}, - Issn = {0373-0956}, - Journal = {Ann. Inst. 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Copying of this file is -%%% authorized only if either: -%%% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, -%%% including name; OR -%%% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it -%%% to some other name.", -%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", -%%% keywords = "bibtex, bibliography, amslatex, ams-latex", -%%% supported = "yes", -%%% abstract = "BibTeX bibliography style `amsalpha' for BibTeX -%%% versions 0.99a or later and LaTeX version 2e. -%%% Produces alphabetic-label bibliography items in -%%% a form typical for American Mathematical Society -%%% publications.", -%%% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 -%%% checksum as the first value, followed by the -%%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word -%%% count) utility output of lines, words, and -%%% characters. This is produced by Robert -%%% Solovay's checksum utility.", -%%% } -%%% ==================================================================== - -% See the file btxbst.doc for extra documentation other than -% what is included here. And see btxhak.tex for a description -% of the BibTeX language and how to use it. - -% This defines the types of fields that can occur in a database entry -% for this particular bibliography style. Except for `language', -% this is the standard list from alpha.bst. - -%% Types of entries currently allowed in a BibTeX file: -%% -%% ARTICLE -- An article from a journal or magazine. -%% -%% BOOK -- A book with an explicit publisher. -%% -%% BOOKLET -- A work that is printed and bound, -%% but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution. -%% -%% CONFERENCE -- The same as INPROCEEDINGS, -%% included for Scribe compatibility. -%% -%% INBOOK -- A part of a book, -%% which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages. -%% -%% INCOLLECTION -- A part of a book having its own title. -%% -%% INPROCEEDINGS -- An article in a conference proceedings. -%% -%% MANUAL -- Technical documentation. -%% -%% MASTERSTHESIS -- A Master's thesis. -%% -%% MISC -- Use this type when nothing else fits. -%% -%% PHDTHESIS -- A PhD thesis. -%% -%% PROCEEDINGS -- The proceedings of a conference. -%% -%% TECHREPORT -- A report published by a school or other institution, -%% usually numbered within a series. -%% -%% UNPUBLISHED -- A document having an author and title, but not formally -%% published. - -ENTRY - { address - author - booktitle - chapter - edition - editor - eprint - howpublished - institution - journal - key - citekey - language - month - mrnumber - note - number - organization - pages - publisher - school - series - title - type - volume - year - longyear - } - {} - { label extra.label sort.label bysame } - -% Removed after.sentence, after.block---not needed. - -INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence } - -FUNCTION {init.state.consts} -{ #0 'before.all := - #1 'mid.sentence := -} - -% Scratch variables: - -STRINGS { s t } - -% Utility functions - -FUNCTION {shows} -{ duplicate$ ":::: `" swap$ * "'" * top$ -} - -FUNCTION {showstack} -{"STACK=====================================================================" -top$ -stack$ -"ENDSTACK==================================================================" -top$ -} - -FUNCTION {not} -{ { #0 } - { #1 } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {and} -{ 'skip$ - { pop$ #0 } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {or} -{ { pop$ #1 } - 'skip$ - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {field.or.null} -{ duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - 'skip$ - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {emphasize} -{ duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - { "\emph{" swap$ * "}" * } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {scize} -{ duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - { "{\sc " swap$ * "}" * } - if$ -} - -% n.dashify is used to make sure page ranges get the TeX code -% (two hyphens) for en-dashes. - -FUNCTION {n.dashify} -{ 't := - "" - { t empty$ not } - { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = - { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not - { "--" * - t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := - } - { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = } - { "-" * - t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := - } - while$ - } - if$ - } - { t #1 #1 substring$ * - t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := - } - if$ - } - while$ -} - -% tie.or.space.connect connects two items with a ~ if the -% second item is less than 3 letters long, otherwise it just puts an -% ordinary space. - -FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect} -{ duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < - { "~" } - { " " } - if$ - swap$ * * -} - -FUNCTION {add.space.if.necessary} -{ duplicate$ "" = - 'skip$ - { " " * } - if$ -} - -% either.or.check gives a warning if two mutually exclusive fields -% were used in the database. - -FUNCTION {either.or.check} -{ empty$ - 'pop$ - { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ } - if$ -} - -% output.nonnull is called by output. - -FUNCTION {output.nonnull} -% remove the top item from the stack because it's in the way. -{ 's := - output.state mid.sentence = -% If we're in mid-sentence, add a comma to the new top item and write it - { ", " * write$ } -% Otherwise, if we're at the beginning of a bibitem, - { output.state before.all = -% just write out the top item from the stack; - 'write$ -% and the last alternative is that we're at the end of the current -% bibitem, so we add a period to the top stack item and write it out. - { add.period$ " " * write$ } - if$ - mid.sentence 'output.state := - } - if$ -% Put the top item back on the stack that we removed earlier. - s -} - -FUNCTION {output.nonnull.c} -% remove the top item from the stack because it's in the way. -{ 's := - output.state mid.sentence = -% If we're in mid-sentence, add a comma to the new top item and write it - { ": " * write$ } -% Otherwise, if we're at the beginning of a bibitem, - { output.state before.all = -% just write out the top item from the stack; - 'write$ -% and the last alternative is that we're at the end of the current -% bibitem, so we add a period to the top stack item and write it out. - { add.period$ " " * write$ } - if$ - mid.sentence 'output.state := - } - if$ -% Put the top item back on the stack that we removed earlier. - s -} - -% Output checks to see if the stack top is empty; if not, it -% calls output.nonnull to write it out. - -FUNCTION {output} -{ duplicate$ empty$ - 'pop$ - 'output.nonnull - if$ -} - -% Standard warning message for a missing or empty field. For the user -% we call any such field `missing' without respect to the distinction -% made by BibTeX between missing and empty. - -FUNCTION {missing.warning} -{ "missing " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ } - -% Output.check is like output except that it gives a warning on-screen -% if the given field in the database entry is empty. t is the field -% name. - -FUNCTION {output.check} -{ 't := - duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ t missing.warning } - 'output.nonnull - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {output.c} -{ 't := - duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ t missing.warning } - 'output.nonnull.c - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {output.bibitem} -{ newline$ - "\bibitem[" write$ - label write$ - "]{" write$ - cite$ write$ - "}" write$ - newline$ -% This empty string is the first thing that will be written -% the next time write$ is called. Done this way because each -% item is saved on the stack until we find out what punctuation -% should be added after it. Therefore we need an empty first item. - "" - before.all 'output.state := -} - -FUNCTION {output.nonempty.mrnumber} -{ duplicate$ missing$ - { pop$ "" } - 'skip$ - if$ - duplicate$ empty$ - 'pop$ - { " {\sf\scriptsize " swap$ * "}" * write$ } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {fin.entry} -{ add.period$ - write$ - mrnumber output.nonempty.mrnumber - newline$ -} - -% Removed new.block, new.block.checka, new.block.checkb, new.sentence, -% new.sentence.checka, and new.sentence.checkb functions here, since they -% don't seem to be needed in the AMS style. Also moved some real -% basic functions like `and' and 'or' earlier in the file. - -INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames } - -% The extra section to write out a language field was added -% for AMSPLAIN.BST. Not present in plain.bst. - -FUNCTION {format.language} -{ language empty$ - { "" } - { " (" language * ")" * } - if$ -} - -% This version of format.names puts names in the format -% -% First von Last, Jr. -% -% (i.e., first name first, no abbreviating to initials). - -FUNCTION {format.names} -{ 's := - #1 'nameptr := - s num.names$ 'numnames := - numnames 'namesleft := - { namesleft #0 > } - { s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't := - nameptr #1 > - { namesleft #1 > - { ", " * t * } - { numnames #2 > - { "," * } - 'skip$ - if$ - t "others" = - { " et~al." * } - { " and " * t * } - if$ - } - if$ - } - 't - if$ - nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := - namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := - } - while$ -} - - -FUNCTION {format.authors} -{ author empty$ - { "" } - { author format.names scize } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.authors.bysame} -{ author empty$ - { "" } - { bysame "\bysame" = - { bysame } - { author format.names "a" change.case$ scize } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.editors} -{ editor empty$ - { "" } - { editor format.names "a" change.case$ scize - editor num.names$ #1 > - { " (eds.)" * } - { " (ed.)" * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.nonauthor.editors} -{ editor empty$ - { "" } - { editor format.names - editor num.names$ #1 > - { ", eds." * } - { ", ed." * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.title} -{ title empty$ - { "" } - { title "t" change.case$ emphasize } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.journal.vol.year} -{ journal empty$ - { "" "journal name" missing.warning } - { journal - volume empty$ - 'skip$ - { " \textbf{" * volume * "}" * } - if$ - year empty$ - { "year" missing.warning } - { " (" * year * ")" * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -% For formatting the issue number for a journal article. - -FUNCTION {format.number} -{ number empty$ - { "" } - { "no.~" number * } - if$ -} - -% For formatting miscellaneous dates - -FUNCTION {format.date} -{ year empty$ - { month empty$ - { "" } - { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ - month - } - if$ - } - { month empty$ - 'year - { month " " * year * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -%% The volume, series and number information is sort of tricky. -%% This code handles it as follows: -%% If the series is present, and the volume, but not the number, -%% then we do "\emph{Book title}, Series Name, vol. 000" -%% If the series is present, and the number, but not the volume, -%% then we do "\emph{Book title}, Series Name, no. 000" -%% If the series is present, and both number and volume, -%% then we do "\emph{Book title}, vol. XX, Series Name, no. 000" -%% Finally, if the series is absent, -%% then we do "\emph{Book title}, vol. XX" -%% or "\emph{Book title}, no. 000" -%% and if both volume and number are present, give a warning message. - -FUNCTION {format.bookvolume.series.number} -{ volume empty$ - { "" % Push the empty string as a placeholder in case everything else - % is empty too. - series empty$ - 'skip$ - { pop$ series } % if series is not empty put in stack - if$ - number empty$ - 'skip$ - { duplicate$ empty$ % if no preceding material, - 'skip$ % do nothing, otherwise - { ", " * } % add a comma and space to separate. - if$ - "no." number tie.or.space.connect * % add the number information - } - if$ - } -%% If the volume is NOT EMPTY: - { "vol." volume tie.or.space.connect % vol. XX - number empty$ - { series empty$ - 'skip$ - { series ", " * swap$ *} % Series Name, vol. XX - if$ - } - { series empty$ - { "can't use both volume and number if series info is missing" - warning$ - "in BibTeX entry type `" type$ * "'" * top$ - } - { ", " * series * ", no." * number tie.or.space.connect } - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ - -} % end of format.bookvolume.series.number - -%% format.inproc.title.where.editors is used by inproceedings entry types - -%% No case changing or emphasizing for the title. We want initial -%% caps, roman. -%% We add parentheses around the address (place where conference -%% was held). -%% Likewise we add parentheses around the editors' names. - -FUNCTION {format.inproc.title.address.editors} -{ booktitle empty$ - { "" } - { booktitle - address empty$ - 'skip$ - { add.space.if.necessary "(" * address * ")" * } - if$ - editor empty$ - 'skip$ - { add.space.if.necessary "(" * format.nonauthor.editors * ")" * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -%% format.incoll.title.editors is similar to format.inproc... but -%% omits the address. For collections that are not proceedings volumes. - -FUNCTION {format.incoll.title.editors} -{ booktitle empty$ - { "" } - { editor empty$ - { booktitle } - { booktitle - add.space.if.necessary "(" * format.nonauthor.editors * ")" * - } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.edition} -{ edition empty$ - { "" } - { output.state mid.sentence = - { edition "l" change.case$ " ed." * } - { edition "t" change.case$ " ed." * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -INTEGERS { multiresult } - -FUNCTION {multi.page.check} -{ 't := - #0 'multiresult := - { multiresult not - t empty$ not - and - } - { t #1 #1 substring$ - duplicate$ "-" = - swap$ duplicate$ "," = - swap$ "+" = - or or - { #1 'multiresult := } - { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } - if$ - } - while$ - multiresult -} - -FUNCTION {format.pages} -{ pages empty$ - { "" } - { pages n.dashify } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.book.pages} -{ pages empty$ - { "" } - { pages multi.page.check - { "pp.~" pages n.dashify * } - { "p.~" pages * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages} -{ chapter empty$ - 'format.book.pages - { type empty$ - { "ch.~" } - { type "l" change.case$ " " * } - if$ - chapter * - pages empty$ - 'skip$ - { ", " * format.book.pages * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {empty.misc.check} -{ author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$ - month empty$ year empty$ note empty$ - and and and and and - key empty$ not and - { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ } - 'skip$ - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.thesis.type} -{ type empty$ - 'skip$ - { pop$ - type "t" change.case$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.tr.number} -{ type empty$ - { "Tech. Report" } - 'type - if$ - number empty$ - { "t" change.case$ } - { number tie.or.space.connect } - if$ -} - -% The format.crossref functions haven't been paid much attention -% at the present time (June 1990) and could probably use some -% work. MJD - -FUNCTION {format.article.crossref} -{ key empty$ - { journal empty$ - { "need key or journal for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * - warning$ - "" - } - { "in " journal * } - if$ - } - { "in " key * } - if$ - " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * -} - -FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor} -{ editor #1 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ - editor num.names$ duplicate$ - #2 > - { pop$ " et~al." * } - { #2 < - 'skip$ - { editor #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = - { " et~al." * } - { " and " * editor #2 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ * } - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.book.crossref} -{ volume empty$ - { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$ - "in " - } - { "vol." volume tie.or.space.connect - " of " * - } - if$ - editor empty$ - editor field.or.null author field.or.null = - or - { key empty$ - { series empty$ - { "need editor, key, or series for " cite$ * " to crossref " * - crossref * warning$ - "" * - } - { series * } - if$ - } - { key * } - if$ - } - { format.crossref.editor * } - if$ - " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * -} - -FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref} -{ editor empty$ - editor field.or.null author field.or.null = - or - { key empty$ - { booktitle empty$ - { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " cite$ * " to crossref " * - crossref * warning$ - "" - } - { "in \emph{" booktitle * "}" * } - if$ - } - { "in " key * } - if$ - } - { "in " format.crossref.editor * } - if$ - " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * -} - -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - -% The main functions for each entry type. - -% journal, vol and year are formatted together because they are -% not separated by commas. - -FUNCTION {article} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - crossref missing$ - { format.journal.vol.year "journal, volume, and year" output.check - format.number output - format.pages "pages" output.check - } - { format.article.crossref output.nonnull - format.pages "pages" output.check - } - if$ - format.language * - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {book} -{ output.bibitem - author empty$ - { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } - { format.authors output.nonnull - crossref missing$ - { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - if$ - format.title "title" output.c - format.edition output - crossref missing$ - { format.bookvolume.series.number output - publisher "publisher" output.check - address output - } - { format.book.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - format.date "year" output.check - format.language * - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {booklet} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors output - format.title "title" output.c - howpublished output - address output - format.date output - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {inbook} -{ output.bibitem - author empty$ - { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } - { format.authors output.nonnull - crossref missing$ - { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - if$ - format.title "title" output.c - format.edition output - crossref missing$ - { format.bookvolume.series.number output - format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check - publisher "publisher" output.check - address output - } - { format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check - format.book.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - format.date "year" output.check - format.language * - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {incollection} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - crossref missing$ - { format.incoll.title.editors "booktitle" output.check - format.bookvolume.series.number output - publisher "publisher" output.check - address output - format.edition output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - note output - format.book.pages output - format.language * - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {inproceedings} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - crossref missing$ - { format.inproc.title.address.editors "booktitle" output.check - format.bookvolume.series.number output - organization output - publisher output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - note output - format.book.pages output - format.language * - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings } - -FUNCTION {manual} -{ output.bibitem - author empty$ - { organization empty$ - 'skip$ - { organization output.nonnull - address output - } - if$ - } - { format.authors output.nonnull } - if$ - format.title "title" output.c - author empty$ - { organization empty$ - { address output } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - { organization output - address output - } - if$ - format.edition output - format.date output - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {mastersthesis} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - "Master's thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull - school "school" output.check - address output - format.date "year" output.check - note output - format.book.pages output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {misc} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - note "note" output.check - format.date output - fin.entry -} - - -FUNCTION {phdthesis} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - "Ph.D. thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull - school "school" output.check - address output - format.date "year" output.check - note output - format.book.pages output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {proceedings} -{ output.bibitem - editor empty$ - { organization output } - { format.editors output.nonnull } - if$ - format.title "title" output.c - format.bookvolume.series.number output - address empty$ - { editor empty$ - 'skip$ - { organization output } - if$ - publisher output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { address output.nonnull - editor empty$ - 'skip$ - { organization output } - if$ - publisher output - format.date "year" output.check - } - if$ - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {techreport} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - format.tr.number output.nonnull - institution "institution" output.check - address output - format.date "year" output.check - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {unpublished} -{ output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - format.title "title" output.c - note "note" output.check - format.date output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {default.type} { misc } - -MACRO {jan} {"January"} - -MACRO {feb} {"February"} - -MACRO {mar} {"March"} - -MACRO {apr} {"April"} - -MACRO {may} {"May"} - -MACRO {jun} {"June"} - -MACRO {jul} {"July"} - -MACRO {aug} {"August"} - -MACRO {sep} {"September"} - -MACRO {oct} {"October"} - -MACRO {nov} {"November"} - -MACRO {dec} {"December"} - -READ - -FUNCTION {sortify} -{ purify$ - "l" change.case$ -} - -INTEGERS { len } - -FUNCTION {chop.word} -{ 's := - 'len := - s #1 len substring$ = - { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ } - 's - if$ -} - -INTEGERS { et.al.char.used } - -FUNCTION {initialize.et.al.char.used} -{ #0 'et.al.char.used := -} - -EXECUTE {initialize.et.al.char.used} - -FUNCTION {format.lab.names} -{ 's := - s num.names$ 'numnames := - numnames #1 > - { numnames #4 > - { #3 'namesleft := } - { numnames 'namesleft := } - if$ - #1 'nameptr := - "" - { namesleft #0 > } - { nameptr numnames = - { s nameptr "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = - { "{\etalchar{+}}" * - #1 'et.al.char.used := - } - { s nameptr "{v{}}{l{}}" format.name$ * } - if$ - } - { s nameptr "{v{}}{l{}}" format.name$ * } - if$ - nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := - namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := - } - while$ - numnames #4 > - { "{\etalchar{+}}" * - #1 'et.al.char.used := - } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - { s #1 "{v{}}{l{}}" format.name$ - duplicate$ text.length$ #2 < - { pop$ s #1 "{ll}" format.name$ #3 text.prefix$ } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.key.label} -{ author empty$ - { key empty$ - { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } - { key #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { author format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label} -{ author empty$ - { editor empty$ - { key empty$ - { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } - { key #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { editor format.lab.names } - if$ - } - { author format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.key.organization.label} -{ author empty$ - { key empty$ - { organization empty$ - { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { key #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { author format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {editor.key.organization.label} -{ editor empty$ - { key empty$ - { organization empty$ - { cite$ #1 #3 substring$ } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { key #3 text.prefix$ } - if$ - } - { editor format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {calc.label} -{ type$ "book" = - type$ "inbook" = - or - 'author.editor.key.label - { type$ "proceedings" = - 'editor.key.organization.label - { type$ "manual" = - 'author.key.organization.label - 'author.key.label - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ - duplicate$ - longyear field.or.null purify$ #-1 #2 substring$ - * - year field.or.null purify$ #-1 #2 substring$ - * - 'label := - year field.or.null purify$ #-1 #4 substring$ - * - sortify 'sort.label := -} - -FUNCTION {sort.format.names} -{ 's := - #1 'nameptr := - "" - s num.names$ 'numnames := - numnames 'namesleft := - { namesleft #0 > } - { nameptr #1 > - { " " * } - 'skip$ - if$ - s nameptr "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{ ff{ }}{ jj{ }}" format.name$ 't := - nameptr numnames = t "others" = and - { "et al" * } - { t sortify * } - if$ - nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := - namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := - } - while$ -} - -FUNCTION {sort.format.title} -{ 't := - "A " #2 - "An " #3 - "The " #4 t chop.word - chop.word - chop.word - sortify - #1 global.max$ substring$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.sort} -{ author empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need author or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { author sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.editor.sort} -{ author empty$ - { editor empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need author, editor, or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { editor sort.format.names } - if$ - } - { author sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.organization.sort} -{ author empty$ - { organization empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need author, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify } - if$ - } - { author sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {editor.organization.sort} -{ editor empty$ - { organization empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need editor, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify } - if$ - } - { editor sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {presort} -{ - sort.label - calc.label - " " - * - 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'this.author := - this.author prev.author = - { "\bysame" 'bysame := } - { "" 'bysame := - this.author "" = - { "abcxyz" } - 'this.author - if$ - 'prev.author := - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {reverse.pass} -{ next.extra "b" = - { "a" 'extra.label := } - 'skip$ - if$ - label extra.label * 'label := - label width$ longest.label.width > - { label 'longest.label := - label width$ 'longest.label.width := - } - 'skip$ - if$ - extra.label 'next.extra := -} - -EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label} - -ITERATE {forward.pass} - -REVERSE {reverse.pass} - -FUNCTION {begin.bib} -{ et.al.char.used - { "\newcommand{\etalchar}[1]{$^{#1}$}" write$ newline$ } - 'skip$ - if$ - preamble$ empty$ - 'skip$ - { preamble$ write$ newline$ } - if$ - "\providecommand{\bysame}{\leavevmode\hbox to3em{\hrulefill}\thinspace}" - write$ newline$ - "\providecommand{\MR}{\relax\ifhmode\unskip\space\fi MR}" - write$ newline$ - "% \MRhref is called by the amsart/book/proc definition of \MR." - write$ newline$ - "\providecommand{\MRhref}[2]{%" - 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